Children's Faith Education

Baltimore Catechism No 1

Baltimore Catechism No 1
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Baltimore Catechism No 2

Baltimore Catechism No 2
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Baltimore Catechism No 3

Baltimore Catechism No 3
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Baltimore Catechism No 4

Baltimore Catechism No 4

An Explanation of the Baltimore Catechism of Christian Doctrine, also known as Baltimore Catechism No. 4, provides teachers, parents and adults wanting to know more about the Faith with a complete overview of essential Catholic belief.

Since the Baltimore Catechism was first launched in 1885, it has proved an incomparable tool for passing on the faith to the next generation. The revival of this Catechism reflects the growing realisation among Catholics, that to accept, practice and defend the holy faith, we must first understand and learn its truths. Clearly and concisely explaining what Catholics believe, the Baltimore Catechism remains a classic and authoritative reference work for Catholics and non-Catholics alike.

The question and answer format stimulates successful growth in knowledge of Christ and His Church, dealing with important questions of faith and morals in a clear yet concise manner. There are 421 questions with detailed responses that are often over a page in length.

Teachers and parents will also find this traditional catechism invaluable when instructing children in the fundamental truths of Catholicism whether it is used on its own conjunction with the other books in the Baltimore Catechism series.

This manual will serve both educators and families for a life time.

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Baltimore Catechism One

Baltimore Catechism One
Since its 1885 debut, the Catechism commissioned by the Third Council of Bishops in Baltimore has instructed generations of Catholic faithful.

With an easy to read question and answer format, the Catechism combines solid Catholic doctrinal teaching with meaningful exposure to Scripture and practical application.

The revival of interest in the Baltimore Catechism reflects Catholics growing realization that a clear, concise presentation of the truths of the Faith is just what people young and old need to appreciate, practice and defend Church teaching. Catechists and parents will find this Catechism an invaluable teaching tool as they prepare children and catechumens to receive the Sacraments and lead authentic Catholic lives. Students will find this an uncomplicated and friendly guide to authentic Catholicism.

The 33 lessons contained in Baltimore Catechism No. 1 present the basics of the Catholic Faith in a manner suitable for First Communicants through fifth graders.

This is the original TAN edition of the Baltimore Catechism, with updated typesetting, fresh new cover, larger format, quality binding and the same trusted content.

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Baltimore Catechism Three

Baltimore Catechism Three
The lessons contained in Baltimore Catechism No. 3 are intended for students who have received their Confirmation and/or high schoolers. It includes additional questions, definitions, examples, and applications that build upon the content of the original Baltimore Catechism (No. 2).

With an easy to read question and answer format, the Catechism combines solid Catholic doctrinal teaching with meaningful exposure to Scripture and practical application.

The revival of interest in the Baltimore Catechism reflects Catholics growing realization that a clear, concise presentation of the truths of the Faith is just what people young and old need to appreciate, practice and defend Church teaching. Catechists and parents will find this Catechism an invaluable teaching tool as they prepare children and catechumens to receive the Sacraments and lead authentic Catholic lives. Students will find this an uncomplicated and friendly guide to authentic Catholicism.

This is the original TAN edition of the Baltimore Catechism, with updated typesetting, fresh new cover, larger format, quality binding and the same trusted content.

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Disciple of Christ Educator's Guide Book

Disciple of Christ Educator's Guide Book

The Disciple of Christ – Education in Virtue Educator’s Guide is a resource to assist parents and educators in understanding the importance of living a Christian life of virtue. It provides an overview of the doctrine of virtue and the rationale of the curriculum. In order to educate youth in discipleship, those responsible for this instruction must first possess a personal and in-depth knowledge of the theological and moral virtues as well as the corresponding gifts of the Holy Spirit. It is imperative that the instructor be convinced that everyone is called to be a disciple of Christ, and that through a personal encounter with Him, one is gifted with interior happiness and freedom.

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Reading Book List for K-12 Books for the Mind Heart & Soul

Reading Book List for K-12 Books for the Mind Heart & Soul
Skrobola, Maria Isabel
Do you find yourself wondering what book your child should read next? Ever wish you could just go to one place for a trusted reading list?Finally, have at your fingertips an important resource to further your child's education.This is a reading book list using eight different Catholic sources spanning K-12th grade. Specifically they are: -The Angelicum Academy (Nursery-12th grade) -Bethlehem Books (K-12th grade, from A Landscape with Dragons) -Catholic Authors (9th-12th grade) -Classical Scholars Online (K-6th grade) -Kolbe Academy (K-12th grade) -Seton Home School (K-12th grade) -Spiritus Sanctus Academy in Michigan (K-8th grade) -Book list from Laura Berquist's Designing Your Own Classical Curriculum (4th-12th grade) The list is organized alphabetically by the author's last name and is divided into the following categories: Kindergarten and below, 1st-3rd grades, 4th-6th grades, 7th-9th grades, and 10th-12th grades. Each book has an indication if it won an award, the genre of the book, and which source recommended it.With "The Reading Book List for K-12: Books for the Mind, Heart, and Soul", you'll get a wide variety of recommended reading that covers all the grades, is easy to read, and a big time-saver.Please note that this book is the same as "Books for the Mind, Heart, and Soul". The only difference is the title.
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Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism No. 1

Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism No. 1

The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism (No. 1) from Catholic Book Publishing contains the revised text of the official Baltimore Catechism (No. 1) in a user-friendly format and design. Written for children in Grades 3, 4, and 5, this book explains Catholic doctrine with the aid of many exclusive features, including many pictures to help children understand each lesson. Extensive use of Sacred Scripture demonstrates the basis of Catholic doctrine and brings it to life. This book combines a contemporary viewpoint and language with a solid time-tested exposition of Catholic Church teachings.

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Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism No.2

Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism No.2

The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism (No. 2) from Catholic Book Publishing contains the revised text of the official Baltimore Catechism (No. 2) in a user-friendly format and design. Written for students in Grades 6, 7, and 8, this book explains Catholic doctrine with the aid of many exclusive features, including many pictures to help children understand each lesson. Extensive use of Sacred Scripture demonstrates the basis of Catholic doctrine and brings it to life. This book combines a contemporary viewpoint and language with a solid time-tested exposition of Catholic Church teachings.

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St Joseph First Communion Baltimore Catechism

St Joseph First Communion Baltimore Catechism
Confraternity of Christian Doctrine

The New Saint Joseph First Communion Catechism from Catholic Book Publishing contains the revised text of the official Baltimore Catechism (No. 0) in a user-friendly format and design. Written for children in Grades 1 and 2, this book explains Catholic doctrine with the aid of many exclusive features, including many pictures to help children understand each lesson. Extensive use of Sacred Scripture demonstrates the basis of Catholic doctrine and brings it to life. This book combines a contemporary viewpoint and language with a solid time-tested exposition of Catholic Church teachings.

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St Joseph: My First Catechism

St Joseph: My First Catechism
Lovasik, Lawrence G

One of 101 titles in the St. Joseph Picture Book Series, this book by beloved author Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D. provides Catholic children with simple answers to eighty-nine questions concerning their faith. Among the features of this book are:

  • answers to questions on the following eleven topics:
  • Why I am in the World
    The Blessed Trinity
    God the Son
    God the Holy Spirit
    The Catholic Church
    The Seven Sacraments
    The Ten Commandments

  • illustrations
  • durably sewn paperback binding
  • This title also includes the following collection of prayers:

    Our Father
    Hail Mary
    Praise to God
    The Apostles' Creed
    Faith, Hope, and Love
    Act of Contrition
    To the Holy Family
    To My Guardian Angel

    We invite you to view other titles in this series here: https: //

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