Sr. Ann Shields/Renewal Ministries

Is There Any Hope for Me?

Is There Any Hope for Me?

Millions are struggling to find hope in a world filled with disappointment, tragedy and sorrow.  In this booklet, Ralph Martin uses the promises of God found in the Scriptures to impart hope to you and those you love.

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Mercy of God and the Joy Repentance Brings

Mercy of God and the Joy Repentance Brings

Sr. Ann Shields

The Mercy of God and the Joy Repentance Brings

Booklet by Sr. Ann Shields, SGL

How do we live so that God’s “joy may be in [us] and [our] joy may be full?”(Jn 15: 11) In this booklet, Sister Ann Shields, SGL, uses Scripture to describe the intimate relationship between repentance and joy. Repentance allows us to receive God’s mercy; it opens the floodgates of His grace—and sets us on a sure path to discovering the joy God intends for each one of us.

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More of the Holy Spirit: How to Keep the Fire Burning in Our Hearts

More of the Holy Spirit: How to Keep the Fire Burning in Our Hearts
Shields Sgl, Ann
In the last forty years, many Catholics have experienced an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in their lives that resulted in a new passion for God and a zeal for spreading the gospel. In addition to a newfound love of prayer, Scripture, and the Eucharist, many have been blessed with the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit, such as tongues and healing. Yet as the years go by, many often experience a waning of the gifts of the Spirit as well as a lukewarmness creeping into their lives. What can we do to keep that fire for God, which may have been ignited many years ago, to continue to burn brightly in our hearts? In this book, Sr. Ann Shields offers us an inspirational message that will help us to persist in prayer and keep asking for more of the Holy Spirit in our lives each day. By taking a serious look at our hearts and repenting where we have strayed, and by staying close to God in Scripture and the Eucharist, we can reignite the fire that once burned within us.
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Pray and Never Lose Heart: The Power of Intercession

Pray and Never Lose Heart: The Power of Intercession
Shields, Ann
You are invited to discover a new love for God, come into a deeper prayer life, and see the results of your prayers. Sister Ann Shields brings her warm speaking style to this book about our joyful obligation to pray for the needs around us.
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St Francis Used Words

St Francis Used Words
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To Be Like Jesus (Inspriation from Gospel of Luke)

To Be Like Jesus (Inspriation from Gospel of Luke)
Shields, Ann
God's plan for your life is not as mysterious or unknowable as you might think. As Sister Ann Shields demonstrates in her probing reflections on the Gospel of Luke, the key to knowing what God is asking of you is to discover, first, who God is. If you are willing to spend time daily in his presence, ruminating on his word as it comes to you in Scripture, he will reveal himself and help you make the choices that conform to his will for your life. To Be Like Jesus will enable you to distinguish God's voice from the voices, noise and distractions of the world. As you let his word soak into your soul, you'll find there the power to surrender to him and play your part in building his kingdom.
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Welcome the Spiritual Gifts

Welcome the Spiritual Gifts

This booklet answers the basic questions-what are the spiritual gifts, why are they important, and how do we open ourselves to these gifts? This clear, concise teaching provides an excellent introduction to anyone seeking to know more about spiritual gifts and desiring to respond to what the Spirit is saying to the Church in our time.

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