Evangelical Catholicism (PAPER): Deep Reform in the 21st-Century Church

Evangelical Catholicism (PAPER): Deep Reform in the 21st-Century Church
Weigel, George
The Catholic Church is on the threshold of a bold new era in its two-thousand year history. As the curtain comes down on the Church defined by the 16th-century Counter-Reformation, the curtain is rising on the Evangelical Catholicism of the third millennium: a way of being Catholic that comes from over a century of Catholic reform; a mission-centered renewal honed by the Second Vatican Council and given compelling expression by Blessed John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI.

The Gospel-centered Evangelical Catholicism of the future will send all the people of the Church into mission territory every day -- a territory increasingly defined in the West by spiritual boredom and aggressive secularism. Confronting both these cultural challenges and the shadows cast by recent Catholic history, Evangelical Catholicism unapologetically proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ as the truth of the world. It also molds disciples who witness to faith, hope, and love by the quality of their lives and the nobility of their aspirations. Thus the Catholicism of the 21st century and beyond will be a culture-forming counterculture, offering all men and women of good will a deeply humane alternative to the soul-stifling self-absorption of postmodernity.

Drawing on thirty years of experience throughout the Catholic world, from its humblest parishes to its highest levels of authority, George Weigel proposes a deepening of faith-based and mission-driven Catholic reform that touches every facet of Catholic life -- from the episcopate and the papacy to the priesthood and the consecrated life; from the renewal of the lay vocation in the world to the redefinition of the Church's engagement with public life; from the liturgy to the Church's intellectual life. Lay Catholics and clergy alike should welcome the challenge of this unique moment in the Church's history, Weigel urges. Mediocrity is not an option, and all Catholics, no matter what their station in life, are called to live the evangelical vocation into which they were baptized: without compromise, but with the joy, courage, and confidence that comes from living this side of the Resurrection.

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Ordinary Lives Extraordinary Mission: Five Steps to Winning the War Within

Ordinary Lives Extraordinary Mission: Five Steps to Winning the War Within
Wood, John R
These are difficult times for the Catholic Church and the United States of America. There is only one solution to the problems we face... saints! Becoming a saint is a choice, and we must begin choosing the saint within each of us. The biggest crisis of our time is not economic, health care, or vocations, but is an identity crisis. We have forgotten our mission to become saints and forgotten our story as Catholics. We must rediscover that mission and hold each other accountable to accepting responsibility for that mission. Business, as usual, is not going to cut it.
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What Matters Most: Empowering Young Catholics for Life's Big Decisions

What Matters Most: Empowering Young Catholics for Life's Big Decisions
Delorenzo, Leonard J
What if we taught young people that they can measure success by how they follow Christ rather than by how much money they make or where they go to college?

In What Matters Most, University of Notre Dame theology professor Leonard J. DeLorenzo urges youth ministers, teachers, and parents to help young people redefine success in light of their call to discipleship--completely saying yes to God.

In Luke's account of the Annunciation, Mary offers a true model of discipleship for young people to follow. Her example will empower them to make choices about how to live their lives as a courageous yes to God in everything they choose--just as she did.

DeLorenzo, who served as the long-time director of Notre Dame Vision--a program designed to help young Catholics find their true calling as disciples of Jesus--shows how Mary exhibited four habits that will guide young people to make important life decisions:

  • Listen carefully and practice patience.
  • Remember who we are and what we value most.
  • Respond with compassion to choices we face.
  • Embrace sacrifice for the sake of love.

  • DeLorenzo includes personal stories from his experience as a father and working with youth and young adults with spiritual wisdom to equip teachers, mentors, pastoral ministers, and parents to reexamine the way they encourage and help form young Catholics approaching significant life choices such as college and jobs. He presents ways to remedy spiritual deficits in these young people created by cultural realities such as the fast pace of tech-driven lives and the looming pressure to succeed with worldly accomplishments.

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    60 Days to Becoming a Missionary Disciple

    60 Days to Becoming a Missionary Disciple

    Love of God and neighbor: Jesus says this is the greatest commandment . . . which means that it's also your personal mission -- a mission these pages will help you to fulfill.

    Praying through just one of its 60 short, singularly potent chapters each day will usher you through a two-month-long spiritual retreat. It's guaranteed to increase your knowledge of God, to intensify your love for Him, and to cultivate within you the steadfast virtues of a missionary disciple, able and eager to lead others to that same knowledge and love.

    Are there greater gifts you can receive? And then pass on to your neighbors?

    Masterfully combining Bible passages and Church teachings with practical directions, Fr. John Bartunek, author of the best-selling book The Better Part, here serves as your personal 60-day retreat master. He shows you how to overcome the inevitable spiritual obstacles you'll face, how to nurture your holy desires so that they become stronger and more vibrant, and how to concentrate every element of your soul and personality in service of loving God and neighbor.

    Among other things, he also shows you:

  • What it truly means to be in Christ, and how that sublime state of soul can be yours

  • How to become conscious of the presence and action of the Holy Spirit in every moment

  • What you must do now to let God bring full spiritual maturity to your mind, your emotions, and your will

  • How to properly manage the roller coaster of everyday life

  • How to regulate your spiritual growth prudently, so as to avoid missteps and burnout even as you work tirelessly to bring others to Christ

  • And much more to equip you to love God and your neighbor as an inspired and enthusiastic missionary disciple!

  • ISBN/SKU: 
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    Abba's Heart: Finding Our Way Back to the Father's Delight

    Abba's Heart: Finding Our Way Back to the Father's Delight
    Lozano, Matthew
    Discover and Embrace the Extravagant, Unconditional Love of the Father

    How is it that so many believers get stuck when it comes to entering into a relationship with God the Father? Rather than basking in the Father's endless love, compassion, and delight, we seem to hesitate, like orphaned children unsure of a place to call home.

    Neal Lozano breaks through the obstacles that keep us from growing in this pivotal relationship. He shatters fear and estrangement in his joyful exploration of Jesus's promise to show us his Father--and ours. It is a heartwarming journey, starting with the universal experience of loss and ending in the Father's welcoming arms as dearly loved children.

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    Above All, Love: Discerning Ways to Defend Life with Charity and Justice

    Above All, Love: Discerning Ways to Defend Life with Charity and Justice
    Gillette, Elizabeth

    As followers of Christ, each of us is called to participate in pro-life activities, whether in an active ministry group or individually. We are called to respect, protect, love, and serve every human life.

    Above All, Love will set you on an in-depth personal journey, helping you to cultivate your own pro-life attitude and activities through relatable stories, Scripture verses, and thought-provoking questions. The book culminates with an examination of conscience and prayers focused on pro-life ministry.

    Written by a post-abortive mother who has been active for more than a decade in pro-life ministry, Above All, Love offers a first step in healing the fractures that have plagued this ministry, helping all of us to look inward and strive for sanctification. Author and speaker Elizabeth Gillette describes how she felt as a mother facing a crisis pregnancy and how no one "stood in the gap" for her. Her personal testimony and the lessons she has learned will equip all of us to take responsibility for our own pro-life activities and defend life with intention.

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    Activated Disciple: Taking Your Faith to the Next Level

    Activated Disciple: Taking Your Faith to the Next Level
    Cavins, Jeff
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    After Christendom

    After Christendom
    Davis, Michael Warren

    We are living through the greatest catastrophe since the fall of the Roman Empire. Western civilization isn't dying: it's already dead. Christendom is no more. What we see around us now isn't Christian. It's not even a civilization. It's a walking corpse.

    That's the bad news. The good news is that the West can be reborn someday. We know this because it died once before. Who brought it back? The mystics, the martyrs, and the missionaries. Now they must save the West once again.

    In this prescient work, Michael Warren Davis examines just how bad the situation is and how much worse it's going to get. He weaves together examples from history and literature to illustrate how societies fell and how various saints helped them rise again. Throughout, he reflects on the transformative power and benefits of persecution and suffering to show how Christians can survive ― and indeed flourish ― in the new Dark Age that's descending.

    These penetrating pages will help you move from a "Culture War" mindset to one of answering the Great Commission. You will learn how to form intentional Christian communities to ward off spiritual isolation and come to understand what St. Augustine, the chief architect of Christendom's first renaissance, taught about why God allows the City of Man to fall in the first place. Additionally, you will discover:

    - The only weapon in your arsenal (can you guess?)

    - What role laughter played in the early Church's victory

    - How to attain xenitia, the first stage of spiritual development

    - Methods to grow in union with Christ through meditative prayer

    - The fruits of street evangelization and your call to go into the vineyard

    - How drawing from Eastern Christianity can help renew our culture again

    Above all, you will find out how you can respond to the crisis of the early twenty-first century with the wisdom of the ages -- to testify to your Faith, help restore beauty, and cultivate authentic love in the modern world. For, according to Davis, every Christian has a role to play. All are called to share their faith person-to-person to help rebuild the Church, and once again the tears of mystics, the sweat of missionaries, and the blood of martyrs will become the seed of the Church. Despite the darkness, by imitating their witness, you will find unshakable peace and joy in the face of what is to come.

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    All in: Why Belonging to the Catholic Church Matters

    All in: Why Belonging to the Catholic Church Matters
    Gohn, Pat
    What's the one thing that defines your life and brings you the most good, the most love?

    Pat Gohn knows what her one thing is: "More than any single factor in my life, belonging to Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church has had the greatest impact on me. Faith gives meaning to everything in my life."

    In this passionate and unapologetic account of why her faith in Christ and the Catholic Church are the source of meaning and joy in her life, Gohn--popular speaker, retreat leader, catechist, and author of Blessed, Beautiful, and Bodacious--invites you to become more confident in the power of the Catholic faith to transform your life as well.

    Being a cradle Catholic, cancer survivor, wife, and mother are all a part of Gohn's story. But in this appealing, personal book, she shares why her relationship with Jesus and her confidence in his Church are so much bigger than her medical diagnosis, more powerful than her family history, and more significant than her career path.

    Gohn ardently shares why belonging to the Church will strengthen and nurture your relationship with God. It will keep you connected with Jesus and the sacraments--conduits of grace, forgiveness, healing, wisdom, and renewal. Belonging to the Church connects you to millions of others around the world, to the saints, and to your loved ones in heaven. These relationships are at the heart of Catholicism. In this time when life and society are so fragmented, the joy of belonging to a community--as imperfect as it can be--easily outweighs the agony of separation or isolation.

    Gohn's confidence in her faith emerged despite and even out of a struggle with disillusionment. Working in a parish when news of the sex abuse scandals broke in Boston, she confronted heartbreak and anger within herself and her fellow parishioners. Yet she never left the Church and relates how she found a way to dig deeper and discover reasons to stay faithful.

    Each of the nine chapters identifies a dimension of the Catholic faith that is a source of Gohn's confidence, including the Incarnation, God's plan, the Fatherhood of God, the friendship of the Holy Spirit, and the love of neighbor. Each chapter also features reflection questions to challenge you.

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    An Invitation to Consider the Catholic Faith CD

    An Invitation to Consider the Catholic Faith CD

    Why should a person who is not Catholic consider entering into the Church? Father Francis Peffley gives five compelling reasons, followed by a simple outline of the steps one would take to begin the process of becoming Catholic. Fr. Peffley is active with parish young adult ministry, retreat work, Catholic apologetics, and evangelization. His hobbies include golf, scuba diving, bowling, and juggling fire torches and machetes.

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    Art of Forming Young Disciples: Why Youth Ministries Aren't Working and What to Do about It

    Art of Forming Young Disciples: Why Youth Ministries Aren't Working and What to Do about It
    Fritz, Everett

    Not long ago, veteran Youth Minister Everett Fritz counted the number of his former Youth Group members who were still practicing the Faith.

    The result? Almost all of them had left the Faith!

    Fritz learned that other parishes reported similar staggering losses, pointing to a grim truth: today's Youth Ministries simply do not form young people into lifelong disciples of Jesus Christ.

    Not satisfied with these dismal results, Fritz devised a different way of forming young people in the Faith. It's an approach that can truly transform the spiritual lives of young people by applying the same one-to-one personal method that Jesus Himself used to form his twelve original disciples . . . only one of whom was lost!

    Fritz has worked with countless parishes, helping them make the shift to a small-group discipleship structure. You'll learn to avoid the many pitfalls and common mistakes parishes make, as well as ways you can easily build the volunteer base needed

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    Becoming a Parish of Intentional Disciples

    Becoming a Parish of Intentional Disciples
    In the new, groundbreaking book Becoming a Parish of Intentional Disciples, author and Catherine of Siena Institute co-founder Sherry Weddell has gathered fellow Church workers whose years of service in parish ministry have yielded hard-earned wisdom and enthusiasm for the work of transforming Catholic parishes into lively, faithful centers of apostolic outreach.
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    Becoming Eucharistic People: The Hope and Promise of Parish Life

    Becoming Eucharistic People: The Hope and Promise of Parish Life
    McGrath Institute for Church Life

    Winner of a first-place award in the future church category from the Catholic Media Association.

    We can't just talk about Christ's presence in the Eucharist; we have to believe it, celebrate it, and live it both individually and as a community of the faithful. And we must cultivate a culture in our parishes that treats Real Presence not only as an important Catholic doctrine, but also as the most important part of parish identity.

    In Becoming Eucharistic People, theologian Timothy P. O'Malley, author of Real Presence, outlines four essential dimensions of a Eucharistic culture in a parish--one that fosters reverence and unity among the faithful, includes every dimension of human life in the mystery of Christ's Body and Blood, and invites people back to parish life or to become Catholic for the first time.

    O'Malley--director of education at the McGrath Institute of Church Life at the University of Notre Dame, academic director of the Notre Dame Center for Liturgy, and a member of the executive planning team for the US Conference of Catholic Bishops' Eucharistic Revival--shows what it means to foster a parish culture where the Eucharist infuses the worldview, priorities, and practices of its members. O'Malley leads you through discovery and discernment about how to create a parish culture where each person is called to holiness and receives the spiritual, theological, and pastoral help they need to meet Christ fully present in the Eucharist and to become a witness to him in the world.

    O'Malley will help you reflect on four essential facets of a Eucharistic parish culture:

  • liturgies of joyful reverence that celebrate the gifts of diversity;
  • formation that engages the mind, imagination, understanding, and will;
  • a rich life of popular piety and the vibrancy of the domestic Church; and
  • a commitment to solidarity with your neighbor.
  • O'Malley says that when we reflect Christ's Real Presence to others, our parishes will become sacred spaces in which every person is led to deeper communion with God and with their neighbors.

    Online resources, including ideas for parish retreats, teaching resources, and videos based on this book and the US bishops Eucharistic Revival are available from the McGrath Institute for Church Life.

    Books in the Engaging Catholicism series from the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame help readers discover the beauty and truth of the Catholic faith through a concise exploration of the Church's most important but often difficult-to-grasp doctrines as well as crucial pastoral and spiritual practices. Perfect for seekers and new Catholics, clergy and catechetical leaders, and everyone in between, the series expands the McGrath Institute's mission to connect the Catholic intellectual life at Notre Dame to the pastoral life of the Church and the spiritual needs of her people.

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    Beyond Sunday

    Beyond Sunday
    Tomeo, Teresa
    Through personal stories, research, and practical steps, readers will discover the fruits of living out the Catholic faith beyond Sunday. This resource explains how to integrate faith into daily life, no matter where one is in his or her faith life.
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    Bored Again Catholic: How the Mass Could Save Your Life (and the World's Too)

    Bored Again Catholic: How the Mass Could Save Your Life (and the World's Too)
    O'Malley, Timothy P

    Are you BORED? Not likely, given the endless opportunities today to see, share, post, watch, and like. So are you bored? No way!

    (Except maybe at Mass.)

    We want the Mass to entertain, make us laugh, give us foot tapping music and sound-bite theology, and get it done in under an hour. Yet every Sunday many of us tune out.

    Author Tim O'Malley, in a series of reflections on every part of the Mass, challenges us to turn the idea of boredom on its head, calling boredom--the "good" boredom that opens us to the quiet interior space where we can encounter God--a "sweet gift."

    It is there that full participation in the Mass becomes possible--the potential to be transfixed by a ritual, to contemplate the readings, to savor the Eucharist. To be fruitfully "bored again."

    Become a Bored Again Catholic and rediscover the power of the Mass to change your life - and the entire world.

    Audiobook Availableon


    Timothy P. O'Malley, Ph.D. is director of the Notre Dame Center for Liturgy in the McGrath Institute for Church Life. He teaches in the Department of Theology at the University of Notre Dame. He researches in the areas of liturgy, catechesis, and Christian spirituality. He is the author of Liturgy and the New Evangelization: Practicing the Art of Self-Giving Love (Liturgical Press, 2014). He and his wife Kara live in South Bend and have one son.

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    Brick by Brick

    Brick by Brick
    Regnier Family
    Concerned parents will learn from these remarkable pages how they can raise their children to live the Faith dynamically.
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    Bridging the Great Divide: Musings of a Post-Liberal, Post Conservative Evangelical Catholic

    Bridging the Great Divide: Musings of a Post-Liberal, Post Conservative Evangelical Catholic
    Barron, Robert
    Bridging the Great Divide: Musings of a Post-Liberal, Post-Conservative Evangelical Catholic represents a pivotal moment in the life of the Catholic community. Today's faithful are searching for an expression of Catholic Christianity that is vibrant, colorful, provocative, counter-cultural, deeply rooted in the tradition, and full of the promise of the Good News. In this timely and prophetic book, Father Robert Barron-himself a member of the younger generation-has minted a new vernacular and blazed a new way that bridges the great divide and gives voice to the concerns of post-liberal, post-conservative, evangelical believers.
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    By Strange Ways: Theologians and Their Paths to the Catholic Church

    By Strange Ways: Theologians and Their Paths to the Catholic Church

    The only work that exclusively features the conversion stories of theologians, this book provides a unique vantage point on the intellectual challenges faced by those being drawn to the Catholic Church.

    The men and women featured here come from a variety of backgrounds: Agnosticism, Secularism, New Age thought, punk rock, and various stripes of Christianity. Their theological vocation had specially prompted them to question their own intellectual presuppositions once they encountered Catholicism, which only gained in credibility the more they studied it.

    Although it was the theological truth of the Catholic faith that initially captured the attention of these theologians, each of these essays tells a fully human story. They are not collections of arguments, but stories of grace. Among the ten converts are Scott Hahn, Lawrence Feingold, Melanie Barrett, Petroc Willey, and Jeff Morrow. Each story offers a fresh glimpse at God's work in the world.

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    Case for Catholicism: Answers to Classic and Contemporary Protestant Objections

    Case for Catholicism: Answers to Classic and Contemporary Protestant Objections
    Horn, Trent

    This is the most up-to-date, comprehensive, and thorough defense of the Catholic Church against Protestant objections in print. This book is especially relevant as the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation draws near and discussion of the arguments made against the Church during that time in history receive renewed interest.

    The Case for Catholicism answers arguments put forward by early Reformers like Luther and Calvin as well as contemporary defenders of Protestantism like Norm Geisler and R.C. Sproul. It provides a meticulous defense of the biblical and historical nature of Catholic doctrines from Scripture and church history. Finally, in both answering Protestant objections to Catholicism and in providing evidence for the Faith, The Case for Catholicism cites modern Protestant scholars who question Reformation assumptions and show how evidence from Scripture and church history support aspects of Catholic theology.

    This book is divided into four sections, with each answering a key question Christians have asked about the nature of their faith. Those key questions are:

  • What is my authority?
  • What is the Church?
  • How am I saved?
  • Who belongs to the body of Christ?
  • The Case for Catholicism will become a reliable, resource for any Catholic who desires a well-researched, readable, and persuasive answer to Protestant arguments made against the Catholic faith.

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    Catholic Street Evangelization: Stories of Conversion & Witness

    Catholic Street Evangelization: Stories of Conversion & Witness

    This book begins with the inspiring story of Steve Dawson--his dramatic conversion to Catholicism as a young man and his founding of St. Paul Street Evangelization, an international apostolate that has grown to hundreds of teams in seven countries in just a few years.

    Also included are other moving stories of conversion and witness. The authors are ordinary Catholics who have come to love Christ so much that they now talk about Him with total strangers in public places--street corners, parks, and shopping areas. They aren't theologians, nor are they highly trained apologists with Ambrosian rhetorical skills or Dale Carnegie slickness, yet their simple missionary efforts have yielded amazing results.

    The book's style is readable, accessible, and conversational. It illustrates the missionary calling of all baptized Christians, including Catholics. It reveals the joy and fulfillment that come to those who humbly yet boldly share the good news of God's mercy with others.

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    Catholicism A Journey to the Heart of the Faith

    Catholicism A Journey to the Heart of the Faith
    Barron, Robert
    What I propose to do in this book is to take you on a guided exploration of the Catholic world, but not in the manner of a docent, for I am not interested in showing you the artifacts of Catholicism as though they were dusty objets d art in a museum of culture. I want to function rather as a mystagogue, conducting you ever deeper into the mystery of the incarnation in the hopes that you might be transformed by its power. Father Robert Barron

    What is Catholicism? A 2,000-year-oldliving tradition? A worldview? A way of life? A relationship? A mystery? In Catholicism Father Robert Barron examines all these questions and more, seeking to capture the body, heart and mind of the Catholic faith.
    Starting from the essential foundation of Jesus Christ s incarnation, life, and teaching, Father Barron moves through the defining elements of Catholicism from sacraments, worship, and prayer, to Mary, the Apostles, and Saints, to grace, salvation, heaven, and hell using his distinct and dynamic grasp of art, literature, architecture, personal stories, Scripture, theology, philosophy, and history to present the Church to the world.
    Paired with his documentary film series of the same title, Catholicism is an intimate journey, capturing The Catholic Thing in all its depth and beauty. Eclectic, unique, and inspiring, Father Barron brings the faith to life for a new generation, in a style that is both faithful to timeless truths, while simultaneously speaking in the language of contemporary life.
    Includes over 100 black and white and color photos."
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    CD-Freedom Through Forgiveness

    CD-Freedom Through Forgiveness

    With over 15 years of experience, Ken Yasinski has quickly become one of Canada’s most sought after Catholic speakers. Through clever examples and insightful stories, Ken reveals how each of us can obtain freedom from the burden of our sins through the forgiveness that is readily available in the Sacrament of Confession.

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    Christian Cosmic Narrative: The Deep History of the World

    Christian Cosmic Narrative: The Deep History of the World

    If you’re looking for a great love story, for an adventure that pits a noble fighter against the darkest of villains and wins through to a mighty victory, then look no further than The Christian Cosmic Narrative: The Deep History of the World. Written in a way that captivates the imagination, come inside this book and discover the greatest story ever told from the pages of the Bible. Foreword by Fr. John Riccardo.

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    Christianity for Modern Pagans

    Christianity for Modern Pagans
    Kreeft, Peter
    Peter Kreeft believes that Baise Pascal is the first post-medieval apologist. No writer in history, claims Kreeft, is a more effective Christian apologist and evangelist to today's uprooted, confused, secularized pagans (inside and outside the Church) than Pascal. He was a brilliant man--a great scientist who did major work in physics and mathematics, as well as an inventor--whom Kreeft thinks was three centuries ahead of his time. His apologetics found in his Pensees are ideal for the modern, sophisticated skeptic.
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    Contagious Catholic: The Art of Practical Evangelization

    Contagious Catholic: The Art of Practical Evangelization

    Following Christ's own strategy and drawing from years of evangelization experience, Marcel LeJeune diagnoses the common problems that Catholics face when it comes to sharing the Faith. He offers simple but profound strategies to overcome these problems. Fruitful evangelization hinges on personal renewal, commitment to Christ, and readiness to become the missionary disciples we're all called to be.

    In this book, you will learn . . .

    • how to develop a deeply personal relationship with Jesus Christ
    • how to invite people to know and love Jesus Christ
    • how to evangelize your family members
    • when to evangelize with words versus actions
    • how much of it is our work
    • how much of it is the Holy Spirit s and more . . . !
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    Creed: Professing the faith through the ages

    Creed: Professing the faith through the ages
    Hahn, Scott
    Why were the early Christians willing to die to protect a single iota of the creed? Why have the Judeans, Romans, and Persiansamong othersseen the Christian creed as a threat to the established social order? In The Creed: Professing the Faith Through the Ages, bestselling author Dr. Scott Hahn recovers and conveys the creed's revolutionary character. Tracing the development of the first formulations of faith in the early Church through later ecumenical councils, The Creed tells the story of how the very profession of our belief in Christ fashions us for heavenly life as we live out our earthly days.
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    Crossing the Tiber: Evangelical Protestant Discover the Historical Church

    Crossing the Tiber: Evangelical Protestant Discover the Historical Church
    Ray, Stephen K
    Stephen K. Ray was raised in a devout, loving Baptist family. His father was a deacon and led Bible studies. Steve himself was very involved in the Baptist Church as a teacher of Biblical studies, and he lectured on a wide range of topics. When a best friend, an Evangelical pastor, converted to the Catholic Church, Steve and his wife Janet decided to investigate the claims of the Catholic Church, taking a thrilling journey back in time that would eventually change their lives forever. After hundreds of hours studying the Bible and the writings of the early Church, they were convinced that the Roman Catholic Church was the Church founded by Christ, and they were received into the Church on Pentecost Sunday in 1994. In this book, with no rancor toward his Evangelical roots, Ray shares with the reader their exhilarating discoveries. He traces their initial hostility toward the Catholic Church, their passionate research and the discovery of the historical Church, quietly waiting to be rediscovered. He convincingly lays out the issues that carried them over the "uncrossable chasm" into the Catholic Church. Thoroughly documented with over 400 footnotes, Crossing the Tiber contains an extensive compilation of biblical and patristic quotations and commentary on the issues of Baptism and the Eucharist, as well as a thorough analysis of Sola Scriptura and Tradition. Ray takes you back to the first four centuries of the Church to discover the early Church - was it like today's Protestantism in theology and practice, or was it Catholic? Discover the unbiblical and unhistorical nature of the "Bible-only" argument. Discover the uniform consistency of the Catholic teaching on Baptism and the Eucharistfrom Scriptures and the Church Fathers.
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    Cultural Sanctification: Engaging the World Like the Early Church

    Cultural Sanctification: Engaging the World Like the Early Church
    Presley, Stephen O
    How to keep faith in a culture hostile to Christianity

    In an increasingly secular world, Christians are often pulled in two directions. Some urge us to retreat and build insular communities. Others call upon us to wage a culture war, harnessing the government to shore up Christian cultural power.

    But there is another way--and it's as old as the church itself. Stephen O. Presley takes us back to the first few centuries AD to show us how the first Christians approached cultural engagement. Amid a pagan culture that regarded their faith with suspicion, early Christians founded a religious movement that transformed the ancient world. Looking to great theologians like Augustine, Origen, and Tertullian, Presley shows how the early church approached politics, family, public life, and more. From these examples, he draws lessons for practicing authentic, pious discernment in how we engage with the wider culture.

    The Christians who came before us endured persecution to share a vision of human flourishing that changed the world. Following in their footsteps, we can sanctify our society through social witness. Readers anxious about shifting cultural tides will be left with hope in the already-present kingdom of God and the promised resurrection.

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    Daily Defense: Apologetics Lessons for Every Day

    Daily Defense: Apologetics Lessons for Every Day
    Akin, Jimmy
    Do you want to learn how to defend and explain the existence of God, the reliability of the Bible, the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, and scores of other truths that we Catholics believe - but you don't have a lot of time? Don't worry. Jimmy Akin has done the hard work for you. All you need is five minutes a day. In A Daily Defense, Jimmy compiles 365 challenges that Catholics often hear from skeptics and non-Catholics - about God, Jesus, Scripture, morality, Mary, and a host of doctrinesand teaches you how to answer them. Combining deep learning with decades of experience explaining Catholic belief and practice on a popular level, he cuts to the heart of each subject, offering pithy but powerful replies that are both effective and easy to master. Pperfect reading before bed or during breakfast, for down time or prayer time, part of a regular routine or picked up on the go-whatever your day is like, spend just a few minutes in these pages to equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to defend the Catholic Faith.
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    Divine Renovation: Bringing Your Parish from Maintenance to Mission

    Divine Renovation: Bringing Your Parish from Maintenance to Mission
    Mallon, James

    Highly acclaimed for his work with parish renewal and the New Evangelization, Fr. James Mallon shares with us the many ways for bringing our parishes to life. Through humorous and colorful stories, Mallon challenges us to rethink our models of parish life, from membership-based communities to assemblies of disciples of Jesus who proclaim and share the good news with all peoples. Accessible and engaging, Divine Renovation turns to the Churchs many writings on evangelization and mission so as to articulate practical ways for injecting new life into our parishes. Pastors and parish ministers will be inspired by this book and turn to it for many years to come."

    Highly acclaimed for his work with parish renewal and the New Evangelization, Fr. James Mallon shares with us the many ways for bringing our parishes to life. Through humorous and colorful stories, Mallon challenges us to rethink our models of parish life, from membership-based communities to assemblies of disciples of Jesus who proclaim and share the good news with all peoples. Accessible and engaging, Divine Renovation turns to the Churchs many writings on evangelization and mission so as to articulate practical ways for injecting new life into our parishes. Pastors and parish ministers will be inspired by this book and turn to it for many years to come."
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    Encounters with Jesus: Unexpected Answers to Life's Biggest Questions

    Encounters with Jesus: Unexpected Answers to Life's Biggest Questions
    Keller, Timothy
    Renowned pastor and New York Times bestselling author of The Prodigal Prophet Timothy Keller shows how people were changed when they met Jesus personally--and how we can be changed today through our own encounter with him.

    What is my purpose in life? What is a good life? Why is there so much wrong with our world? What can I do to help make it right? These are some of the big questions that everyone must answer. And any lasting change in our lives will start with a change to one or more of our answers to these questions.

    Jesus changed the life of every person he met in the Gospels, through powerful experiences and words that led them to unexpected and transforming answers to their big questions. These conversations can still address our questions and doubts today. Originally published as an eSeries, Encounters with Jesus focuses on several of these meetings -- including with a skeptical student, a religious insider, an outcast, even Jesus' mother -- and shows how the central events in Jesus' life provide ways for us to encounter him again or for the first time.

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    Evangelizing Catechesis: Teaching from Your Encounter with Christ

    Evangelizing Catechesis: Teaching from Your Encounter with Christ
    Pauley, James C

    Filled with powerful testimonies from catechists; the fundamentals of evangelization, catechesis, and discipleship; and even helpful connections for parents, An Evangelizing Catechesis will change your approach to teaching the Catholic Faith. It is perfect for parish catechists, Catholic school religion teachers, parish and diocesan catechetical leaders, youth ministers, RCIA coordinators, pastors, and parents.

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