Not Ready for Marriage, Not Ready for Sex-One Couple's Return to Chastity

Not Ready for Marriage, Not Ready for Sex-One Couple's Return to Chastity
Padgett, Linda
When Chris Padgett met Linda Dodge for the first time at the end of high school, sparks flew. Or maybe that was just the glare from Chris's mustard-yellow polyester vintage suit, a typical item in his shock-and-awe wardrobe. Linda was impressed if puzzled, but the beautiful cheerleader and Chris, winner of the senior class's Most Unique Personality award, were soon a couple. Even sooner, the two young Christians found themselves involved in a passionate sexual relationship. Certain they should stop but just as certain they couldn't, the relationship began to unravel. When they found the courage, in college, to choose chastity, they discovered a renewed friendship, affection and the self-discipline that would serve as a firm foundation for marriage.

Wondering if you have the resolve to choose sexual purity? Wondering why you should choose it? Read the Padgetts' story for some straight talk about sex and the truth that will set you free.

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Redefining Beautiful: What God Sees When God Sees You

Redefining Beautiful: What God Sees When God Sees You
Lucado, Max

Not feeling very beautiful? Learn what beauty is from God's perspective.

Revolve speaker Jenna Lucado has teamed up with her dad, Max Lucado, to bring girls a fresh perspective on what they need to live a life of peace, joy, and confidence. What does God see when He looks at them? And how does a girl catch that vision?

Jennareveals life accessories that are essential, and which single accessoryis a real must-have to give teens a look they love--a look that saysthey are comfortable with who they are and secure and confident. What'sthe all-important accessory? Love from a father. But what happens whenthere is no loving father in sight, no daddy to tell them they arebeautiful?

Through conversational "girl time" Jenna reveals that when we look to God as our Father, He can change our focus, our look, and our lives. With affirmation from Max, Redefining Beautiful will change the way girls look at God, themselves, and the people around them.

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Ten Commandment for Kissing Gloria Jean

Ten Commandment for Kissing Gloria Jean
Leigh, Britt
Between friends, lip gloss, boys, homework, pimples, fashion, and gossip, 14-year-old Gloria Jean has a lot to keep up with as an eighth grader--especially when Sex Ed and Confirmation classes are thrown into the mix. But one thing is particularly weighing on her mind: her first kiss. As if all of this isn't enough to deal with, Gloria Jean gets diagnosed with Celiac disease, prompting important considerations about her body and her Catholic faith. Themes include: faith, choices, sex & relationships.
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Theology of His/Her Body

Theology of His/Her Body
Evert, Jason
From Genesis we know that God created men and women in His image and likeness, and from the first letter of John that God is love. Therefore men and women are made in the image and likeness of Love. This isn't hard to see. Look at the design of the male and female bodies. They are made for each other. In fact, neither makes complete sense apart from the other. The man's body is made for a woman's body - made to be a life-giving gift to her; her body reveals his calling - and vice versa. In this book - which utilizes a dynamic, flip book design to be two books in one well-known chastity speaker and author Jason Evert unpacks the mystery of what is means to be male and female in light of the Theology of the Body in a language teenagers understand. Teens will learn about the profound realities to which their bodies point - and how to live chastely and lovingly towards those of the opposite sex.
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