Ignatian Spirituality
Awakening Love: An Ignatian Retreat with the Song of Songs
Discover God's personal love for you through this Ignatian retreat with the Song of Songs! Ignatian spiritual director and priest Greg Cleveland, OMV draws the reader into a personal experience of Ignatian spirituality through embracing this often-ignored book of the Bible. The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius have had a tremendous impact in the history of the Church, while the Song of Songs is the most sublime book of Scripture describing mystical union with God in prayer.
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Christian Warfare
This prayer book is guided by the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. It includes the full text of the Ignatian Retreat, prayers, litanies, and the rule for the SSPX Third Order.
Also: Morning Prayers, Evening Prayers, Examination of Conscience, Preparation for Confession, Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Sacraments, Catechism, Consecration to Our Lady, Devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, and much more.
506 pp. Pocket Size. Sewn hardcover.
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Discerning the Will of God
Every Christian has a Mission. What's Yours?
"Is it time to change jobs?" "Should I marry?"
"Am I called to religious life?"
Sooner or later, every thoughtful Christian asks such questions. For everyone ready to make the shift from "What do I want for my life?" to "what does God want for my life?" Fr. Gallagher offers this new book to help you make sense of your major life decisions.
Drawing from the timeless methods of Ignatius Loyola and richly illustrated with examples and stories, this book offers practical wisdom for aligning your will to God's will. Fr. Gallagher takes you through each step of the process, including opening your heart to whatever God wants; making use of silence, the Eucharist, Scripture, and spiritual direction; and finding clarity (and what to do when you lack clarity).
While this book focuses on the major decisions such as marriage and career and vocation choices, the insights gained here can be adapted to other significant life decisions as well. Fr. Gallagher's clear style makes this book an important resource for all who want to discover where God is leading them, as well as for spiritual directors, retreat directors, and counselors
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Discernment of Spirits in Marriage: Ignatian Wisdom for Husbands and Wives
To navigate the inevitable ups and downs of our spiritual lives, countless souls have found comfort and guidance in St. Ignatius of Loyola's Rules for Discernment. For the past forty years, popular retreat master and author Fr. Timothy Gallagher has been at the forefront of making St. Ignatius's Rules understandable and applicable to hundreds of thousands of Catholics seeking greater sensitivity to the "movements of their souls.
Now Fr. Gallagher returns with a more focused mission: to help you apply these rules to your role as a husband or a wife.
In Discernment of Spirits in Marriage, Fr. Gallagher aims to free you from discouragement and assist you in finding peace in your spiritual life and in your marriage. He will help you determine what is of God and what is not and will show you how the enemy works to discourage you in your daily spousal interactions in order to undermine both your spiritual growth and your marital bond.
Best of all, you'll learn what to do about it!
With St. Ignatius and Fr. Gallagher as your guides, you'll learn:
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Discernment: The Art of Choosing Well
Making good decisions are among the most difficult challenges in life. In Discernment: The Art of Choosing Well, readers will find a comprehensive guide to making choices, either individually or in groups. It is based on the time-tested spiritual exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, the sixteenth-century founder of the Jesuits who developed a systemic way of considering and making choices.
The author, a renowned teacher of Ignatian spirituality, leads readers on a journey of self-reflection, focusing on the process of discernment rather than on the particular problem at hand.
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God Finds Us: An Experience of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola
In God Finds Us, author Jim Manney makes the Spiritual Exercises more accessible than ever by revealing his inner monologue of thoughts while he did the Exercises and giving everyday, relevant examples of sin, discernment, and meditating on the love of God. In his previous book, A Simple, Life-Changing Prayer, Manney presented the daily Examen to readers in a way that made them feel empowered to make it a part of their regular prayer life. Now he offers God Finds Us toshare his experiences of making the Spiritual Exercises in a down-to-earth, accessible narrative. Manney includes pertinent biblical examples that help us make the connections between how we pray, view sin, and make appropriate life decisions today.
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Handbook for Spiritual Directors: An Ignatian Guide for Accompanying Discernment of God's Will
Timothy Gallagher has focused his entire adult life to studying and teaching Ignatian spirituality. For decades he has made it the focus of his work to guide spiritual directors in the rich Ignatian discipline which currently is experiencing a remarkable renaissance far beyond the Catholic realm. Out of this work grew the Handbook for Spiritual Directors which will make Fr. Gallagher's extraordinary teaching available to Fr. Gallagher's growing audience around the world. This book helps spiritual directors guide the process of Ignatian discernment in a very practical and yet profoundly spiritual way. Spiritual directors receive few requests more often, and more demanding than that of helping a person discern God's will in life's taxing decisions. With this handbook, Fr. Gallagher has provided the means necessary for responding to and helping with this request. For those spiritual directors trained in Ignatian spirituality this book offers to become an essential companion, and for those who want to learn this form of discernment this book will provide the foundation for understanding and learning this age-old, proven process for discerning the will of God.
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Ignatian Spirituality A to Z
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Keeping Company with Saint Ignatius: Walking the Camino de Santiago de Compostela
When Luke Larson and his wife Evie embarked on a 500-mile pilgrimage across northern Spain, their purpose was to experience walking as a way of keeping company with Jesus and his companions, of both earth and heaven, such as Saint Ignatius of Loyola. Keeping Company is filled with personal, luminously candid, and often amusing stories of the couple's experiences along the Way of Saint James. More than anything, this book invites you to step off the treadmill of self-effort in your quest to experience God more intimately through the spiritual practice of walking, literally, with God.
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Meditation and Contemplation
The cornerstones of Ignatius of Loyola's spiritual practice--meditation and contemplation--are clearly explained in this simple guide to the Ignatian method with examples from the experience of practitioners and quotations from Catholic spiritual teachers. In the process, the deeper structure of the spiritual practice is illuminated, and advice about adapting it to individual needs is offered. Topics include methods of praying, struggles and growth, and the importance and role of grace. Individuals who desire to pray with scripture, spiritual directors, and all who teach prayer with scripture will benefit from the counsel in this resource.
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Rooting Out Hidden Faults: How the Particular Examen Conquers Sin
This step-by-step guide on how to make a Particular Examen is rooted in the five wounds of Jesus and includes prayers, sample format, and predominant faults to avoid in prayer, work, study, and recreation. As most of us struggle with the same assortment of sins, these targeted reflections will assist you in conquering your faults.
This reprint of the 1952 classic contains prayers for each topic from the traditional Roman Missal that help you foster the proper spirit of mind and unction of heart for fruitful meditation.
Here is a valuable resource for any Catholic - priest, consecrated, or lay - wishing to develop a plan for spiritual holiness. It provides self-inventory questions for each vice to help determine angles of attack and addresses misconceptions about each vice. You will learn ways to defeat your vices, and thus serve God more wholeheartedly, and will find rules for practicing fraternal charity by contemplating the cardinal and theological virtues.
If your root sin is a type of pride, this book will show you how to cultivate the corresponding virtue of humility by meditating on the lives of Jesus and Mary. By the same token, if your predominant fault is avarice, the biblical references provided will bolster your resolve and engender thoughts of poverty in spirit instead. Penetrating reflections are offered to overcome lust with purity, anger with meekness, gluttony with temperance, envy with common sense, and sloth with zeal.
You will also acquire tips on how to:
Read the Bible more efficaciously to reflect on Christ and grow in union with God
Thank God for His goodness and the many graces He showers upon you and others daily
Ask the Holy Ghost for self-knowledge, growth in virtue, and the seven gifts
Determine your dominant sin and assess your progress daily through the Particular Examen
Practice the presence of God in imitation of Our Lady in every circumstance
Develop personal and practical resolutions and a firm purpose of amendment
Hidden saints embolden the Church in times of persecution. Take up your cross. Defend your faith for God's glory and the salvation of souls.
This step-by-step guide on how to make a Particular Examen is rooted in the five wounds of Jesus and includes prayers, sample format, and predominant faults to avoid in prayer, work, study, and recreation. As most of us struggle with the same assortment of sins, these targeted reflections will assist you in conquering your faults.
This reprint of the 1952 classic contains prayers for each topic from the traditional Roman Missal that help you foster the proper spirit of mind and unction of heart for fruitful meditation.
Here is a valuable resource for any Catholic -- priest, consecrated, or lay -- wishing to develop a plan for spiritual holiness. It provides self-inventory questions for each vice to help determine angles of attack and addresses misconceptions about each vice. You will learn ways to defeat your vices, and thus serve God more wholeheartedly, and will find rules for practicing fraternal charity by contemplating the cardinal and theological virtues.
If your root sin is a type of pride, this book will show you how to cultivate the corresponding virtue of humility by meditating on the lives of Jesus and Mary. By the same token, if your predominant fault is avarice, the biblical references provided will bolster your resolve and engender thoughts of poverty in spirit instead. Penetrating reflections are offered to overcome lust with purity, anger with
meekness, gluttony with temperance, envy with common sense, and sloth with zeal.
You will also acquire tips on how to:
Hidden saints embolden the Church in times of persecution. Take up your cross. Defend your faith for God's glory and the salvation of souls.
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Sacred Space: The Prayer Book 2019
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Simple Life Changing Prayer
For most people most of the time, prayer is hard. It is especially difficult--not to mention unsatisfying--when people experience it as formal, dry, and repetitious. But what might happen if you discovered a simple prayer that changed all that? What if you discovered a prayer that changed you?
In A Simple, Life-Changing Prayer, Jim Manney introduces Christians to a 500-year-old form of prayer that dramatically altered his perception of prayer and the way he prayed. The prayer is the examen, which St. Ignatius Loyola developed for the purpose of nurturing a reflective habit of mind that is constantly attuned to God's presence. What makes the prayer so powerful is its capacity to dispel any notion that God is somewhere "up there," detached from our day-to-day tasks and concerns. Instead, the examen leads us into a relationship with a God who desires to be personally caught up in the lives of those whom he created. By following five simple yet powerful steps for praying the examen, we can encounter the God who, as Scripture tells us, "is not far from each one of us"--the God whose presence in our lives can make all the difference in the world.Also available in Spanish! Una oración sencilla que cambia la vida
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Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola
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Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius: A New Translation from the Authorized
Wolff's translation is a definitive edition of this timeless classic, and the only complete, modern American translation of the Latin text recognized by the Vatican as the official version.
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Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola: With Points for Personal Prayer from Jesuit Spiritual Masters
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Spiritual Warfare and the Discernment of Spirits
Satan is always at work breeding sadness and anxiety while providing obstacles that prevent souls from making spiritual progress. In this concise yet powerful book, author Dan Burke presents the venerable, time-tested wisdom of Catholic mystics to help you understand the influence of the Enemy on your mind and heart, and the tactics you need to combat him.
With St. Ignatius as his guide, Burke presents here an indispensable, authoritative manual for engaging in daily battle with the Adversary--combat that is both inevitable and winnable. Burke will help you recognize the ebbs and flows of consolation and desolation, and distinguish between the voices of God and of Satan. Best of all, you'll come to see the spiritual life not as a science to be learned, but as an intuitive art to be practiced as you move with increasing success from habitual sin to sanctity.
The battle for our souls is unavoidable. The saints won theirs by learning how to be spiritual warriors and by recognizing that we become stronger through battle and grow weaker from avoidance. With this book as your guide, you'll grow in strength and contentment as you learn:
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What Do You Really Want?: St. Ignatius Loyola and the Art of Discernment
We ask the question when we pray. We ask it when we run out of answers to our problems. We ask it when we face big decisions. We ask it when we get out of bed in the morning: How should I live this day as well as I can?
We can find answers through learning the art of discernment-the wisdom that enables us to see and interpret the leading of the Holy Spirit as it is manifested in the inner lives of our hearts. The great master of this art was St. Ignatius Loyola, author of The Spiritual Exercises, who believed that the ability to discern the spirits is one of the most important skills a Christian could have. Ignatius believed that the answer to the question "What Should I Do?" is found in the shifting sea of feelings, insights, leadings, and intuitions of our affective lives.
What Do You Really Want? shows us how to understand these emotions and use what we learn to make the choices that best serve God and bring his love to the people in our lives. It shows the truth of one of Ignatius's greatest insights-that when we find what we really want, we find what God wants too, because the deepest desires of our hearts were placed there by God.
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What Is Ignatian Spirituality?
In What Is Ignatian Spirituality?, David L. Fleming, SJ, provides an authoritative yet highly accessible summary of the key elements of Ignatian spirituality, among which are contemplative prayer, discernment, and dynamic involvement in service and mission. In twenty concise chapters, Fr. Fleming explains how this centuries-old method of disciplined reflection on God's work in the world can deepen our spiritual lives today and guide all the decisions we make.
Also available in Spanish! Qué es la espiritualidad ignaciana?
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What Matters Most and Why: Living the Spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola -- 365 Daily Reflections
-- James Martin, SJ, author of My Life with the Saints
How can I find meaning and joy? How can I think clearly? What's valuable in life, and what's irrelevant? How do we manage anger? What can we do about envy, laziness, resentment? How do I know what matters most? What do I really want? These are the questions that lie at the heart of Ignatian spirituality, the five-hundred-year-old wisdom tradition that has shown leaders, seekers, and doers the way to live a better life. The daily readings in this book emphasize answers to pressing questions about satisfaction in work and relationships. St. Ignatius and his friends believed that "God is found in all things" and "love is best expressed in deeds rather than words." The Ignatian way is profoundly practical. It guides us through the great challenge of life -- finding God and finding our place in God's work to save and heal the world.
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When You Struggle in the Spiritual Life: An Ignatian Path to Freedom
Once a person embarks on a spiritual journey questions and roadblocks will come up. Ignatian spirituality and practices hold a treasure of answers, and no one can explain Ignatian lifestyles as can Fr. Timothy Gallagher. - This little volume of clear and practical guidelines is invaluable for anyone wanting to grow spiritually.
In this new volume, Fr. Gallagher explores additional understandings and applications of the Ignatian rules. These personal reflections have arisen from the delight-and the labor-of learning and sharing the rules, witnessing the joy and hope they have given to so many. These Ignatian guidelines set captives free from the discouragement and sadness of spiritual desolation. They offer hope precisely where persons may have felt hope was not possible-and so release new energy for the spiritual journey.
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