Charismatic Spirituality

Baptism in the Holy Spirit

Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Healy, Clark

Baptism in the Holy Spirit is a grace that has touched the lives of over 140 million Catholics. This booklet explains the foundations of baptism in the Holy Spirit in Scripture and Catholic tradition, and shows why this gift is intended for every member of the Church. The booklet also offers pastoral guidelines for receiving and living out baptism in the Holy Spirit, both as individuals and in parishes and groups.

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Call to Holiness: Reflections on the Catholic Charismatic Renewal

Call to Holiness: Reflections on the Catholic Charismatic Renewal
Cordes, Paul Josef

The charismatic renewal is a sign of the continuing relevance of the Holy Spirit for the baptized and gives life and direction to the Church in its mission in the world. Appearing soon after the close of Vatican II, the charismatic renewal has been one of a number of movements of the Spirit in the Church marked by a call to holiness and evangelization.

Call to Holiness gathers the wisdom within the renewal, thirty years after its beginnings, to help guide its continued life. This document evolved out of several years of consultation with leaders, theologians, and bishops associated with the charismatic renewal from various national backgrounds. Theologians not associated with the charismatic renewal have also been consulted.

The document covers the vocation to holiness, the experience of the Spirit, Baptism in the Holy Spirit, the charisms, forms of community life, and the call to evangelize. Chapters are The Spiritual Renewal Coming from the Council," "The Experience of the Holy Spirit and its Fruits," and "Gifted for Mission."

Archbishop Paul Josef Cordes is President of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum. He was Vice-President of the Pontifical Council for the Laity from 1981-1996. For ten years he was, at the appointment of Pope John Paul II, the "Episcopal Advisor" to the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services (ICCRS) in Rome. In this capacity he followed His Eminence Cardinal Leon-Joseph Suenens, the late Archbishop of Malines, Belgium.

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Cross and the Switchblade

Cross and the Switchblade
Sherrill, Elizabeth
The dramatic and inspiring true story of a small town minister called to help inner city kids everyone else believed were beyond hope...

David Wilkerson was just a young preacher in the Pennsylvania hills when he was stunned by a new calling from God: go to New York City to speak to seven young gang members on trial for murder.

But something much greater was to come. Once in New York, David was inspired to stay for a lifetime of helping troubled teenagers get free of drugs and crime. With the word of God in his ears, he founded an inner-city ministry still known as the Teen Challenge to change their paths and alter thousands of lives forever.

The Cross and the Switchblade is a testament to the enduring power of faith and the potential for change--an unforgettable tale that will leave you inspired, uplifted, and forever changed.

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Fanning the Flame: What Does Baptism in the Holy Spirit Have to Do with Christian Initiation?

Fanning the Flame: What Does Baptism in the Holy Spirit Have to Do with Christian Initiation?
Heart of the Church Consultation

The authors of this document supply much-needed clarification of baptism in the Holy Spirit. They also provide evidence that baptism in the Spirit belongs not to the personal experience of the few, not at all to private piety, but to the public official liturgy of the Church. Baptism in the Spirit is therefore normative. The authors, supported by letters of encouragement from two bishops, suggest ways in which the baptism in the Holy Spirit can be reappropriated by the local parish.

Here are the sources of renewal, of on-going conversion, of the power of evangelization. For this reason, this document is of interest to pastors, liturgists, RCIA teams, people involved in the catechumenate, spiritual directors and those in spiritual formation.

The authors of this document supply much-needed clarification of baptism in the Holy Spirit. They also provide evidence that baptism in the Spirit belongs not to the personal experience of the few, not at all to private piety, but to the public official liturgy of the Church. Baptism in the Spirit is therefore normative. The authors, supported by letters of encouragement from two bishops, suggest ways in which the baptism in the Holy Spirit can be reappropriated by the local parish.

Here are the sources of renewal, of on-going conversion, of the power of evangelization. For this reason, this document is of interest to pastors, liturgists, RCIA teams, people involved in the catechumenate, spiritual directors and those in spiritual formation.

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Favorite Novenas to the Holy Spirit

Favorite Novenas to the Holy Spirit
Lovasik, Lawrence G

Favorite Novenas to The Holy Spirit is a helpful, illustrated booklet filled with the most popular Novenas honoring the Holy Spirit. Purse- or pocket-sized and printed in two colors for anywhere, anytime prayer, Favorite Novenas to The Holy Spirit, by popular Catholic Book Publishing author Rev. Lawrence Lovasik, S.V.D., is a 64-page, easy-to-use source of inspiring Novenas to the Holy Spirit.

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Fire & Light: Learning to Receive the Gift of God

Fire & Light: Learning to Receive the Gift of God

In a series of essays linked by his examination into key areas of spiritual growth, Fr. Jacques Philippe develops themes relating to prayer, freedom, the Holy Eucharist, and man’s constant struggle for contentment amid the stresses of everyday life. Through spiritual insights of amazing women of the Church—Etty Hillesum, Thérèse of Lisieux, and Teresa of Avila—Fr. Jacque’s essays examine topics such as:

  • Why look for interior peace?
  • Knowing God through Mary
  • Touching God through prayer
  • The theological virtues and the Eucharist
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Gift Discovering the Holy Spirit in Cath Tradition

Gift Discovering the Holy Spirit in Cath Tradition
Schreck, Alan

Who is the Holy Spirit? What role does the Spirit play in the life of the Church and of the individual Christian? Beginning with the belief in the Holy Spirit as a Person of God, and not just a "force," this book reveals the Catholic understanding of the presence and influence of the Spirit God in every aspect of the Christian life. The book focuses on the unique aspects and development of Catholic devotion to the Holy Spirit from antiquity to the present, culminating in a look at Catholic theology of the Holy Spirit today and the new and exciting ways the Spirit is working among Catholics and all Christians in the 20th and 21st centuries.

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God Loves You & There's Nothing You Can Do About It

God Loves You & There's Nothing You Can Do About It
Mangan, David
God walks with us in this life as a loving friend. Knowing his love and tapping into it is nothing less than spiritual dynamite.
--From Chapter One

God's love comes to us through the Holy Spirit, but many people are confused about the role and work of this third person of the Trinity. Author David Mangan's experience of the sacrament of confirmation, when the Holy Spirit floods the soul, is typical: I figured that God knew what He was doing, and the bishop knew what he was doing, but I wasn't sure that I knew what I was doing.

If you're wondering how to receive more of God's life and love through the action of the Holy Spirit, this book is for you. The power Jesus promised his followers when he ascended to the Father is yours for the asking. Blending lively anecdotes, personal testimony and humor, the author shows you how to turn to God in expectant faith and open yourself to the dynamite of the Holy Spirit.

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Great Unknown: The Holy Spirit and His Gifts

Great Unknown: The Holy Spirit and His Gifts
Royo Marin, Antonio

St. Paul asked some disciples, "Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed?" They replied, "We have not so much as heard whether there be a Holy Spirit" (see Acts 19:1-2).

Incredible as it might seem after twenty centuries of Christianity, were St. Paul to ask the same question of a great many Christians today, he would receive an answer similar to that of those first disciples in Ephesus. Though the name "Holy Spirit" may be familiar to them, the vast majority of Christians today know very little of Him. But thanks to Fr. Marín, that is about to change.

In these illuminating pages, you will discover the reason for this tragic forgetfulness, the sad result of the mass neglecting of the third Person of the Holy Trinity, and the way to cultivate a fruitful devotion to the Holy Spirit in your life.

You will learn the rich theology of the Holy Spirit as set in Scripture and passed down through Church Fathers, Doctors, and mystics such as Bl. Columba Marmion. Additionally, you will come to fully understand and appreciate the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of Christ and the mission of the Church.

As you discover His gifts and charisms, you will also learn:

  • Four ways the Spirit of God appears in the Old Testament
  • Practical methods to help you grow in docility to the Holy Spirit
  • Three reasons the Holy Spirit is so unknown
  • Ways the Spirit is revealed in the New Testament and through the sacraments
  • Three harmful effects of not knowing and worshipping the Holy Spirit
  • The one way for your soul to be practically and profoundly Christian
  • Most significantly, you will experience the sweetness of the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit in your soul and how He showers you with sanctifying grace. You will take a deep dive into the mystery of the Holy Spirit's gifts and the means of fostering them in your life for your salvation. As you allow yourself to bask in the presence of the Spirit, you will grow in fidelity and adoring love and behold His fruits in your life. Above all, you will see how the Holy Spirit is the reciprocal love of the Father and the Son.

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    Healing: Bringing the Gift of God's Mercy to the World

    Healing: Bringing the Gift of God's Mercy to the World
    Healy, Mary
    "Lord, I am not worthy to have you enter under my roof; only say the word and my servant will be healed." - Matthew 8:8

    When we, or a family member or friend, are faced with an injury or illness, physical or emotional, our thoughts turn to God in prayer for healing. We want to believe, as the Centurion did, that God will grant healing, but we wonder. And if we as Catholics have doubts, what does this mean to a hurting world, also in need of healing?

    In her new book Healing: Bringing God's Gift of Mercy to the World, Mary Healy answers to these questions and more --

  • Is Jesus still healing people today?
  • Are these healings real and do they last?
  • How do we know if God wants us to pray for healing?
  • Isn't God asking us to endure suffering and hardships instead of asking for healing?
  • How can we pray for healing?
  • Can my broken heart be healed as well as my body?
  • Through the study of Catholic tradition, the lives of the saints, and ordinary people, you'll begin to understand how the message of inward healing is also a message that we as Catholics are empowered to take outward to the world.

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    Holy Spirit Fire of Divine Love

    Holy Spirit Fire of Divine Love
    Stinissen, Wilfrid

    Acclaimed spiritual writer Fr. Wilfrid Stinissen presents insightful reflections on the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Holy Trinity, emphasizing the importance of the Spirit in the life of a Christian. He illustrates that the Holy Spirit desires to live in us so that we can love God and others with God's own love. As the Holy Spirit descended upon the early Church at Pentecost to set the world ablaze with the fire of divine love, so He wants to do with us.

    God, who is One, also desires the Church to be one, Fr. Stinissen writes. The Lord wants to unify all Christians in one holy Church, and all people in one body. The Holy Spirit is the great unifier, he says, for it is he who makes the Father and the Son one God. If Christians let him live within them, they will grow in unity.

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    Holy Spirit, I Pray: Prayers for the Morning and Nightime, for Discernment, and Moments of Crisis

    product image
    Levison, Jack

    Whether your spiritual life is in shambles or your faith is robust, whether you attend church or not, are angry at God or resting in God's embrace, you will discover in this book a path to authentic faith sifted through intense joy and disheartening loss, through breathtaking experiences and the nearly hidden reality of the Spirit tucked away in everyday life. In Holy Spirit, I Pray, you'll meet the Holy Spirit as you never have before--in prayers of uncanny candor and surprising beauty. Each raw, honest prayer is accompanied by the Scripture texts that inspired it.

    "Jack Levison studies, meditates, prays, and writes of the place of the Holy Spirit in our lives with more skill and understanding than anyone I know."--Eugene Peterson, author/translator of The Message

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    Inspired: The Powerful Presence of the Holy Spirit

    Inspired: The Powerful Presence of the Holy Spirit
    Caster, Gary
    While the Holy Spirit has been the focal point of the Charismatic Renewal movement since the 1960s, for many Christians the Third Person of the Trinity is an impenetrable mystery. Inspired explains the role of the Spirit in each Christian's life. Fr. Caster shows readers how the Spirit's action brings God's power and perspective to every area of life.
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    Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit: A Catholic Bible Study

    Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit: A Catholic Bible Study
    Cleveland, Rich
    Who is the Holy Spirit? What is his role in our salvation? How do we cooperate with him to experience the fullness of his presence? How do we receive his fruits and exercise his gifts? These are a few of the questions explored in this nine-week Bible study, which is designed to help Catholics grow in their appreciation of the Holy Spirit and his power to transform their lives in Christ. The many relevant Scripture passages, combined with wisdom from the saints, the Catechism, and church tradition, make this a truly inspired Bible study.
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    Lord, Renew Your Wonders: Spiritual Gifts for Today

    Lord, Renew Your Wonders: Spiritual Gifts for Today
    Stayne, Damian

    At the beginning of the Second Vatican Council, Blessed Pope John XXIII offered a prayer asking the Holy Spirit to "Renew your wonders in our time, as though for a new Pentecost." The rediscovery of the charismatic gifts by ordinary Catholics throughout the world was an answer to that prayer.

    Damian Stayne is known internationally for his preaching with healings, signs and wonders as well as training conferences in spiritual gifts. Here he shows readers how the spiritual gifts such as prophecy and healing were used by Jesus, the early Church, the saints—and why we need them operating in the Church today. He provides not only amazing stories of God s presence and work in our time but also a host of practical instructions on how to grow in these gifts.

    Damian writes as a committed Catholic, but this book is of value to all Christians seeking to "earnestly desire the spiritual gifts" (1 Corinthians 12:1) to build up the Church and lead others to Christ.

    Lord, Renew Your Wonders by Damian Stayne is an addition to the multitude of witnesses of the abiding presence of the Lord s Spirit in his Church and a useful contribution to the discussion of the charisms of the Spirit in the Church in our day. From the foreword by Cardinal Peter Turkson

    At the beginning of the Second Vatican Council, Blessed Pope John XXIII offered a prayer asking the Holy Spirit to "Renew your wonders in our time, as though for a new Pentecost." The rediscovery of the charismatic gifts by ordinary Catholics throughout the world was an answer to that prayer. Damian Stayne, who is known internationally for his healing ministry, shows readers how the spiritual gifts of prophecy, healing, and deliverance were used by Jesus, the early Church, and the saints-and why we need them operating in the Church today. He provides not only amazing stories of God's presence and work in our time but also a host of practical instructions on how to grow in these gifts. This book is both inspiring and a challenge to Catholics to be open to the gifts of the Spirit in order to bring others to Christ.

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    More of the Holy Spirit: How to Keep the Fire Burning in Our Hearts

    More of the Holy Spirit: How to Keep the Fire Burning in Our Hearts
    Shields Sgl, Ann
    In the last forty years, many Catholics have experienced an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in their lives that resulted in a new passion for God and a zeal for spreading the gospel. In addition to a newfound love of prayer, Scripture, and the Eucharist, many have been blessed with the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit, such as tongues and healing. Yet as the years go by, many often experience a waning of the gifts of the Spirit as well as a lukewarmness creeping into their lives. What can we do to keep that fire for God, which may have been ignited many years ago, to continue to burn brightly in our hearts? In this book, Sr. Ann Shields offers us an inspirational message that will help us to persist in prayer and keep asking for more of the Holy Spirit in our lives each day. By taking a serious look at our hearts and repenting where we have strayed, and by staying close to God in Scripture and the Eucharist, we can reignite the fire that once burned within us.
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    Power to Heal: 8 Keys to Activating God's Healing Power in Your Life

    Power to Heal: 8 Keys to Activating God's Healing Power in Your Life
    Clark, Randy

    Release God's Healing Power In Your Life!

    Every Christian has been sent and empowered by Jesus to heal the sick. The problem is that many of us don't know how to practically complete this task. We either think that miraculous healing has passed away, that the healing ministry is only available to special leaders, or that God simply picks and chooses who He decides to heal.

    In Power to Heal, international evangelist, teacher and apostolic voice, Randy Clark, gives you eight practical, Bible-based tools that will help you start praying for the sick... and see them supernaturally healed!

    You'll learn how to:

  • Receive and share words of knowledge for healing
  • Pray with authority to release God's power
  • Keep ministering to people when they don't instantly get healed
  • Use the five-step prayer model
  • Step out, take risks and watch God do the miraculous
  • Discover the amazing truth about supernatural healing--that God wants to use you to release His miraculous power today!

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    Sanctifier (Revised)

    Sanctifier (Revised)
    Martinez, Luis
    In one of the most fascinating books on the Holy Spirit ever written, Archbishop Martinez reveals to readers the secret of holiness, guiding us step-by-step to understand the gentle ways the Spirit acts in our lives, guiding us to the Father and Son--especially through the virtues of faith, hope, and charity. He then explores the seven gifts, which make us attentive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit; the consoling fruits of the Spirit; and the Beatitudes, the summit of the Christian life.
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    Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit

    Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit
    Vost, Kevin

    Many of us fail to recognize that obtaining the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential to getting to heaven. We often block their reception through our own faults. We fail to see how they are passed on or strengthened in the sacraments. And, sadly, we forget to petition God in prayer to bestow these gifts upon us.

    In these pages, Dr. Kevin Vost ï1/2ï1/2ï1/2 best-selling author of The One-Minute Aquinas ï1/2ï1/2ï1/2 provides us with a substantive yet readable introduction to the seven gifts and how we can humbly submit our wills to the stirrings of the Holy Spirit.

    As Dr. Vost explains, these God-given gifts help us to conform our lives to His image, intellect and will. They prevent us from being drawn into frustration ï1/2ï1/2ï1/2 and possibly self-destruction ï1/2ï1/2ï1/2 by following our own sensual appetites. Indeed, the gifts of the Holy Spirit are the only path to being fully happy on earth and in the life to come.

    With St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Bonaventure as his guides, Dr. Vost introduces you to the special charism of the Holy Spirit before explaining each gift one by one. You'll discover the special meaning behind each of the natural and theological virtues, and you'll learn the indispensible link between the seven gifts and the Beatitudes. You'll also learn:

  • How the seven gifts differ from the fruits of the Holy Spirit.
  • The three ways to perfect fear of the Lord.
  • The one sacrament that helps you fortify fortitude ï1/2ï1/2ï1/2 it's not the one you think.
  • How the gift of knowledge differs from the gift of understanding.
  • The seven steps to unwrapping ï1/2ï1/2ï1/2 and sharing ï1/2ï1/2ï1/2 each of the Holy Spirit's gifts.
  • The greatest of the seven gifts ï1/2ï1/2ï1/2 and why you must possess it to attain heaven.
  • Are the seven gifts habits we must develop, or does the Holy Spirit instill the habits in us?
  • Don't let another year go by without unwrapping and enjoying the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Read this book, and then accept the seven gifts the Holy Spirit so desperately wants to give you.

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    Seven Steps to Sanctification: How to Awaken the Gifts of the Holy Spirit Within You

    Seven Steps to Sanctification: How to Awaken the Gifts of the Holy Spirit Within You
    Hughes, Dominic

    Got a hunch?

    It may be a nudge from the Holy Spirit! In a time when man clings to the world instead of Heaven, we are in more need than ever of the Sanctifier's gifts to guide us and to preserve our interior peace.

    The renowned Dominican priests Frs. Walter Farrell and Dominic Hughes will help you deepen your relationship with God as they take you on a journey through the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. You'll learn how to be empowered by the Third Person of the Holy Trinity and live in imitation of the Holy Family. By developing an awareness of God's presence, you will grow in Understanding and perceive the truth in an age of confusion. You'll grow in Knowledge and become certain of the "things that are not seen." You'll inculcate Wisdom as you grow in charity, and you will foster Counsel that will aid you in docility.

    Your growth in Piety will enkindle within you filial devotion, and Fear of the Lord will give you the reverence of a child for his father. You'll also learn how to grow in courage as the gift of Fortitude conquers your fears and enlivens your confidence. Best of all, as you learn to cooperate in cultivating the gifts of the Holy Spirit in your life, you will find lasting tranquility and joy in living for God's glory. You will also learn how the gifts of the Holy Spirit:

  • Form you in the virtues needed to exercise Charity toward God and others

  • Help you to practice temperance and overcome inordinate appetites

  • Pour out grace to build upon your nature, fortify you, and bolster your faith

  • Enable you to enter into loving communion with God and reflect His simplicity

  • Work with others and relate to the theological and cardinal virtues

  • Provide you with the armor you need for spiritual combat and final victory

  • "Ours is an age for courage, it is an age for martyrs, it is an age for splendid Catholic living. Now the world looks to the mystical Christ for salvation."

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    Spiritual Gifts Handbook: Using Your Gifts to Build the Kingdom

    Spiritual Gifts Handbook: Using Your Gifts to Build the Kingdom
    Healy, Mary
    Foundational Teaching from a Charismatic Healing Minister and a Catholic Scholar

    International healing minister Randy Clark teams up with Mary Healy, a respected Catholic scholar, to show not only that the gifts of the Spirit still exist today, but that they are not optional; they are the necessary tools God has given for both building his Church and spreading the Gospel.

    With wisdom and practical insight, Clark and Healy walk you through biblical texts, dispel misconceptions, and show that there is an endless variety of gifts. They also show how the gifts are not just for a select few, but distributed freely by the Holy Spirit among believers. After laying this foundation, the authors reveal how you can activate the gifts in your own life and use them to benefit others. In this hurting world, you can give people more than just a message--you can help usher them into an encounter with God.

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    Welcome the Spiritual Gifts

    Welcome the Spiritual Gifts

    This booklet answers the basic questions-what are the spiritual gifts, why are they important, and how do we open ourselves to these gifts? This clear, concise teaching provides an excellent introduction to anyone seeking to know more about spiritual gifts and desiring to respond to what the Spirit is saying to the Church in our time.

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    Your Life in the Holy Spirit

    Your Life in the Holy Spirit

    Your Life in the Holy Spirit offers a popular and comprehensive explanation of the role of the Holy Spirit in the Christian life. In this book, a new edition of Hearts Aflame, best-selling author Alan Schreck presents the Spirit as the "friend closest to our heart," who leads us in prayer, directs our mind with truth, and makes us holy. Schreck shows how the Spirit equips us to draw others to Christ, build up the church, and generate unity among its members. Readers will learn how to renew their life in the Holy Spirit, understand and receive spiritual gifts, and grow in love, joy, peace, and other fruits that are the sign that the Spirit dwells in us.

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