Carmelite Spirituality

Aquinas Press® Classics - The Story of a Soul

Aquinas Press® Classics - The Story of a Soul

Saint Teresa of Lisieux shares her joys, blessings, fears, sorrows and interior trials in seeking to follow Jesus in the deepening love of God. She helps us see that God is calling each of us to an ineffable intimacy with Himself.

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Collected Works of St Teresa of Avila- Vol 2- Way of Perfection, Interior Castle

Collected Works of St Teresa of Avila- Vol 2- Way of Perfection, Interior Castle
This volume contains two of Teresa's most popular works: The Way of Perfection and The Interior Castle.
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Contemplative Rosary with St. John Paul II and St. Teresa of Avila

Contemplative Rosary with St. John Paul II and St. Teresa of Avila
Rossini, Connie

You know that in an Apostolic Letter in 2002, Pope John Paul II added five Luminous Mysteries. Did you know that in that same Letter he also called for a new way of praying the Rosary?

St. John Paul II's new way of praying the Rosary was based on the teachings of St. Theresa of Avila and has become known as the Contemplative Rosary because it more perfectly unites vocal prayer and meditation, transforming the prayers of the Rosary into a contemplative meeting with God.

Did you know about these changes? Have you tried them?

In our new book, The Contemplative Rosary, we have not only incorporated the five new Luminous Mysteries, we have included as well the many other changes Pope John Paul made to the Rosary.

Here are his additions to the texts and prayers -- additions small and large -- that, as John Paul intended, unite the Rosary more closely to the official liturgical prayers of the Church as well as to Scripture.

Here are also scores of full-color images for your contemplation that anchor your attention in each Mystery and transform your Rosary from a hasty, habitual recitation into a profound speaking to God and a keen listening to Him.

Following the wise advice of St. Theresa of Avila and the new method proposed by St. John Paul, you'll find here for each mystery:

  • A lovely, full-color classical painting depicting the events in the Mystery, for help in your contemplation.
  • A unique announcement of the Mystery.
  • A statement of the expected fruits of the Mystery.
  • The Scriptural passage you should consider before embarking on your prayers of the Mystery.
  • A call for a moment of silence in order to recollect yourself before entering the presence of God.
  • Each Mystery's own unique Hail Mary, including within each a John Paul II recommended statement of faith "to pull wandering minds back to Christ and center them in the mystery."
  • Seven meditations tailored to each Mystery, to accompany your recitation of the Hail Marys (but only employ one at a time).
  • A concluding short prayer asking God for the fruits specific to that Mystery.
  • Plus much more, so that finally you can begin to pray the Rosary as Saint John Paul wants you to pray it!
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    Dark Night of the Soul

    Dark Night of the Soul
    John of the Cross
    While imprisoned in a tiny prison cell for his attempts to reform the Church, sixteenth-century Spanish mystic John of the Cross composed many of his now classic poems of the soul's longing for God. Written on a scroll smuggled to him by one of his guards, his songs are the ultimate expression of the spiritual seeker's journey from estranged despair to blissful union with the divine

    After escaping his captors, John fell into a state of profound ecstasy and wrote Dark Night of the Soul. Later, he added an important commentary to his poem to guide other searching souls along the arduous path to communion with God. Here, for the first time, a scholar unaffiliated with the Catholic Church has translated this timeless work. Mirabai Starr, who has studied Buddhism, Hinduism, and Judaism, lends the seeker's sensibility to John's powerful text and brings this classic work to the twenty-first century in a brilliant and beautiful rendering

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    Dark Night of the Soul (Tan Classics)

    Dark Night of the Soul (Tan Classics)
    Cross, John Of
    In Dark Night of the Soul, Saint John of the Cross presents for us a portrait painted from his own experience of one who advances successfully through the struggles of the spiritual life. The dark night that St John describes is not abandonment by God but special consideration from Him for those who desire to purify and perfect their souls.

    With a soul purified from earthly attachments, we can advance through the much quoted but oft misunderstood dark night of the souls into unity with God. By accepting the desolation and difficulty of this process, the soul cooperates with God and opens itself to receiving and revealing more perfectly God's glory.

    Be not afraid--Dark Night of the Soul, though austere and exacting in its instructions for holy living, is laced with St. John's charity and kindness, his love of all things beautiful and sacred--including you.

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    Devil in the Castle: St. Teresa of Avila, Spiritual Warfare, and the Progress of the Soul

    Devil in the Castle: St. Teresa of Avila, Spiritual Warfare, and the Progress of the Soul
    Burke, Dan

    We often think of demons appearing only in extravagant and extraordinary manifestations or working only through "bad" people. But the truth is more frightening than that. Most demonic activity takes place undetected, under the radar, and can even be hidden in our own prayer lives and in the churches where we attend Mass. Subtlety, illusion, and deceit are the preferred tactics of Satan's army of fallen angels, and they are waging an invisible battle for souls -- right now -- within and around us all.

    With St. Teresa of Avila's masterpiece The Interior Castle as his guide, bestselling author Dan Burke takes you on an illuminating journey through the seven levels of spiritual progress, explaining what God is accomplishing within your soul at each stage, as well as the finely tailored demonic strategies applied to throw you off your path.

    You'll learn how the devil is as active in your prayer life as you are, and how the saints were able to counter Satan as he adapted his schemes to correspond with where they were on their spiritual journeys.

    By discovering the myriad challenges St. Teresa faced and the remedies she employed to advance the spiritual progress of her soul, you'll know precisely what to expect as you progress in your current state to your final spiritual destination. You'll also learn:

  • The marks of authentic contemplative encounter with God
  • Why God uses dryness in prayer to advance the progress of our souls
  • How to know if you're still in the "Purgative Way"
  • How desolation can work for the good of the soul
  • Why it's dangerous to assume that your decisions are correct if you feel at peace
  • How to fight distraction in prayer
  • The 11 ways to test the authenticity of charismatic gifts
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    Easy Way to Become a Saint:

    Easy Way to Become a Saint:
    O'Sullivan, Paul
    A very optimistic book showing how an "ordinary" Catholic can become a great saint without ever doing anything "extraordinary"--just by using the many opportunities for holiness that to most people lie hidden in each day. Written with an assurance of success that is totally convincing and infectious. Many easy but infallible means of reaching great sanctity.
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    Edith Stein and Companions on the Way to Auschwitz

    Edith Stein and Companions on the Way to Auschwitz
    On the same summer day in 1942, Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein) and hundreds of other Catholic Jews were arrested in Holland by the occupying Nazis. One hundred thirteen of those taken into custody, several of them priests and nuns, perished at Auschwitz and other concentration camps. They were murdered in retaliation for the anti-Nazi pastoral letter written by the Dutch Catholic bishops.

    While Saint Teresa Benedicta is the most famous member of this group, having been canonized by Pope John Paul II in 1998, all of them deserve the title of martyr, for they were killed not only because they were Jews but also because of the faith of the Church, which had compelled the Dutch bishops to protest the Nazi regime.

    Through extensive research in both original and secondary sources, P.W.F.M. Hamans has compiled these martyrs' biographies, several of them detailed and accompanied by photographs. Included in this volume are some remarkable conversion stories, including that of Edith Stein, the German philosopher who had entered the Church in 1922 and later became a Carmelite nun, taking the name Sister Teresa Benedicta of the Cross.

    Several of the witnesses chronicled here had already suffered for their faith in Christ before falling victim to Hitler's "Final Solution", enduring both rejection by their own people, including family members, and persecution by the so-called Christian society in which they lived. Among these were those who, also like Sister Teresa Benedicta, perceived the cross they were being asked to bear and accepted it willingly for the salvation of the world. Illustrated

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    Edith Stein, a Biography

    Edith Stein, a Biography
    Herbstrith, Waltraud
    A powerful and moving story of the remarkable Jewish woman who converted to Catholicism, became a nun, achieved remarkable success in the male-dominated world of German philosophy, and was sent to a Nazi death camp when she refused to deny her Jewish heritage.

    Edmund Husserl, the founder of phenomenology, declared Edith Stein the best doctoral student he ever had (even abler than Heidegger, who was also his pupil at the time). A prayerful woman of deep spirituality and authentic mystical experience, she remained an influential, active philosopher all her life. Though born and raised in a very religious Jewish family in Germany, she not only converted to Catholicism, but became a Carmelite nun and followed in the footsteps of Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross.

    Edith Stein vigorously opposed Nazism from the outset and urged Pope Pius XI to put the church on record against Hitler. A model Catholic, a brilliant intellectual, yet a profoundly humble soul, she affirmed her solidarity with her suffering Jewish people no matter the cost. Edith Stein was arrested by the Nazis at a Carmelite convent at Echt in Holland and sent to her death at Auschwitz.

    Waltraud Herbstrith has fashioned a warm, memorable portrait of this woman who, as Jesuit philosopher Jan Nota points out in the introduction, discovered in Christ the meaning of human existence and suffering ... Edith Stein was one of those Christians who lived out of a hope transcending optimism and pessimism. Hers is a voice that speaks powerfully to all of us today, and a life that stands as testimony to the profoundest values of human existence, the significance of the individual, and the truths of faith that can reconcile Christian and Jew, philosophy and religion, oppressor and oppressed to heal a troubled world.

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    Edith Stein: Essays on Woman

    Edith Stein: Essays on Woman
    Edith Stein's writings on woman are the fruit of both reflection and debate with other leaders of the Catholic feminist movement in German-speaking countries between the World Wars. Edith Stein has been called one of the most significant German-Jewish women of the 20th century. Includes topical and place index.
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    Edith Stein: The Life and Legacy of St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross

    Edith Stein: The Life and Legacy of St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross

    In the wake of World War I when neither Jews nor women were widely accepted in academia, Edith Stein rose to prominence as a leading philosopher who thrived in the intellectual community in Germany. She shocked both her Jewish family and her academic friends when she fell in love with Jesus Christ and became a Roman Catholic

    More shocking still, eleven years later, Edith entered the cloistered Carmelite order to follow a life of mystic and contemplative prayer, changing her name to Teresa Benedicta of the Cross. Edith Stein's surrender to grace is all the more visible because of the dark night that enveloped the period of history in which she lived and died -- when millions of men and women, including Edith Stein herself, were systematically murdered by the Nazi regime in the name of diligent ethnic cleansing.

    Today, as the meaning of feminism is lost in a world of relativism, Edith Stein provides a model for a true feminist woman who authentically integrates faith, family, and work. Award-winning journalist Maria Ruiz Scaperlanda brings new light to this complex woman, her culture, and the pivotal period of history in which she lived and died.

    More than a biography, these pages paint a multifaceted portrait of Edith Stein as seen by scholars, friends, and relatives - and by Catholics and Jews alike. You'll gain new insights into the complex aspects of her life and death, as well as the impact of her character and personality on those who knew her. But most of all, you will enter into the interior life of this woman of Jewish descent who transformed her entire life because of her encounter with Jesus Christ, an encounter that led her from the depths of atheism to the heights of sainthood.

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    Elizabeth of the Trinity

    Elizabeth of the Trinity
    Della Croce, Giovanna

    Available in English for the first time, this short book is a powerful introduction to the spiritual wisdom of one of the Church's newest saints: Elizabeth of the Trinity.

    There was nothing extraordinary in Elizabeth of the Trinity's life. There were no ecstasies. She didn't work miracles. She didn't communicate heavenly messages through visions or words she heard.

    Instead, she presented a message to modern man through her own life of fidelity, showing us that the true road to contemplative prayer is not an ascent to grasp God, but a descent into the depths of one's heart.

    She teaches us that only by drawing our souls inward can we move toward bold abandonment and achieve immersion in God, thereby connecting our spiritual lives to the eternal praise of the saints in heaven.

    In our noisy culture, Elizabeth of the Trinity reminds us of God's power to establish in us a profound and peaceful stillness. She reminds us that that the Trinity is our home, and that God has created us in order to be united to Christ.

    In these pages, Sister Giovanna della Croce presents a brief and readable introduction to the teachings of Elizabeth of the Trinity, showing us the truth path to contemplative prayer.

    St. John Paul II considered Elizabeth of the Trinity to be one of the most influential mystics in his spiritual life. Now you, too, can begin incorporating in your own spiritual life the mystical wisdom of Elizabeth of the Trinity.

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    Elizabeth of the Trinity Complete Works Volume 2:

    Elizabeth of the Trinity Complete Works Volume 2:
    This second of three volumes of her Complete Works contains all of Elizabeth's surviving letters from Carmel. It includes 8 photos, background information and the horarium for the Dijon Carmel, as well as the floor plan for the monastery. In simple and tender language, writing to friends and family, Elizabeth returns again and again to the great themes of her spirituality: the indwelling Trinity, silence and solitude, living by love, becoming a "praise of glory" (laudem gloriae) by sharing in the dying and rising of Jesus Christ. Here too we find many of her best-known sayings, e.g., "I have found my heaven on earth, for heaven is God, and God is in my soul."
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    Finding the Mystic Within You

    Finding the Mystic Within You
    Wilkinson, Peggy
    Reprint of popular introduction to the mystical way, based on the teachings of Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross, and written by a Secular Carmelite especially for lay readers. The wisdom of St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross has been distilled to help us understand the stages and experiences of the inner journey. The reader is guided through the classic works of these time-tested directors, in a logical, easily understood fashion.
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    Fire Within: St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, and the Gospel, on Pray

    Fire Within: St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, and the Gospel, on Pray
    DuBay, Thomas
    This book is the fruit of Fr. Dubay's many years of study and experience in spiritual direction and in it he synthesizes the teachings on prayer of the two great doctors of the Church on prayer--St. John of the Cross and St. Teresa of Avila--and the teaching of Sacred Scripture.

    But the teaching that Fr. Dubay synthesized is not collected from Teresa and John for contemplatives alone. It is meant for every Christian and is based on the Gospel imperative of personal prayer and the call to holiness. All the major elements of these great teachers are ordered, commented on and put in the context of their scriptural foundations. Here is an outstanding book on prayer and the spiritual life written by one of the best spiritual directors and retreat masters of our time, and based on the writings of the Church's two greatest mystical doctors.

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    Guidelines for Mystical Prayer

    Guidelines for Mystical Prayer
    Burrows, Ruth
    Offers a personal narrative, a reflection on the spiritual history of two gifted people, St. Teresa and St. John of the Cross; and yet it speaks clearly out of the Carmelite tradition, and in the language of today. +
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    He Is My Heaven Life of Elizabeth of Trinitiy

    He Is My Heaven Life of Elizabeth of Trinitiy
    Moorcroft, Jennifer
    Elizabeth of the Trinity (Elizabeth Catez) was a young French woman who became a Discalced Carmelite in the Carmel of Dijon. She was just twenty-one when she died in 1906. But those few years were enough for her to develop and deepen a distinctive approach to God, one that has since inspired countless people in their quest for a deeper relationship with the indwelling God. Although influenced by St. Thrse of Lisieux, Elizabeths spirituality is distinctive, highly biblical, simple to understand and to practice. Her perennial theme is the Blessed Trinitys indwelling within the human persona reality promised in the Gospel, discovered in the silence of prayer and adoration, and then lived out in love for God and neighbor.
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    Hidden Face: A Study of Therese of Lisieux

    Hidden Face: A Study of Therese of Lisieux
    Görres, Ida Friederike
    This study of the life and character of Therese of Lisieux is a remarkable, penetrating, and fascinating search for the truth behind one of the most astounding religious figures of modern times. A young nun who entered a convent at fifteen and died at twenty-four, Th�r�se roused an incredible storm of spontaneous veneration only a few months after her death, and has been called by one Pope as the greatest saint of the modern times. Countless images of the sweetly smiling saint flooded the world. But who was she, really? The Hidden Face has sprung from this question. It presents the true Therese, as objectively as possible, and gives a convincing interpretation of her sainthood. It is a book not for Catholics alone, but for anyone fascinated by the force of spirituality, by the incalculable effects of what Pascal called the "greatness of the human soul." It opens the cloistered world of the Carmel, takes off the sugar coating, and reveals the stark drama behind convent walls, the tension between personalities, the daily details of conventual life. And it throws light on the tremendous purifying process that turned the pampered darling into a saint of heroic virtue.

    The work of a mind of rare intelligence and integrity, this book is unique among the lives of saints. First published in Germany in 1944, the original is now in its eighth edition. This first English translation is based on a new, revised version using the latest edition of the saint's writings.

    Ida Friederike Goerres is the author of several outstanding works on sanctity including The Nature of Sanctity and The Cloister and the World. The Hidden Face is considered her most important work.

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    I Am a Daughter of the Church

    I Am a Daughter of the Church
    Marie-Eugene, P
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    Following the footsteps of the Masters of Carmel, Fr. Marie-Eugene opens up the paths of contemplation and holiness to all, in the midst of ordinary life. This is a classic for all interested in Carmelite spirituality.
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    I Believe in Love

    I Believe in Love
    D'Elbee, Jean

    The key to happiness from one who found it in joyful abundance: St. Thérèse of Lisieux.

    This spiritual classic has long been beloved by Catholics for its wondrous distillation of the teaching of St. Thérèse of Lisieux into a reader-friendly set of meditations. It's perfect as a personal retreat when you have only a few moments to spare each day - and for spiritual reading anytime and anywhere.

    Fr. Jean C. J. d'Elbée, a French priest deeply imbued with St. Thérèse's spirit, brings you St. Thérèse's teachings on God's love and the confidence in Him that it should inspire in your soul; humility, peace, and fraternal charity; the apostolate; the Cross; and what it means truly to abandon yourself to Divine Providence. I Believe in Love has helped countless souls embark on the way to the Father. It will help you focus on Him throughout each day, rest in Him amid your troubles, and live joyfully with Him at every moment!

    You'll learn:

  • How you can (and must) have confidence in God, not in spite of your sufferings, but because of them!
  • The secret that makes sense of the pain and trouble in your life - no matter how great
  • One thing you must cherish in your soul, or you'll never learn to love as Jesus loves
  • God's love for you personally: are you really aware of its reality in every moment of your life? How you can see it at work
  • The spiritual goldmine that is at your fingertips now - if you know where to find it
  • What you must do before you speak about the Faith, or your words will be useless
  • Crosses: why you can't avoid them - and why you should love the ones God sends you
  • How to deal with failures, reversals, and difficult moments of all kinds - without losing your spiritual or emotional equilibrium
  • The Fall of Adam and Eve: how even it shows God's abiding love for every soul
  • The sin that destroys countless souls - since few know how to recognize and fight it
  • Do you wish you had the love of God that the saints have - but are discouraged by your weaknesses? Why you should take heart
  • Are you drawing on all the treasures of the Eucharist and the saints? How you can be sure
  • The comforting reason why our Lord at times chooses not to deliver you from trials
  • Much more that will show you how to live in the glorious love of God at each moment!
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    I Want to See God VOL 1

    I Want to See God VOL 1
    Marie-Eugene, P
    Following the footsteps of the Masters of Carmel, Fr. Marie-Eugene opens up the paths of contemplation and holiness to all, in the midst of ordinary life. This is a classic for all interested in Carmelite spirituality.
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    I Would Like to Travel the World: Thérèse of Lisieux: Miracle-Worker, Doctor, and Missionary

    I Would Like to Travel the World: Thérèse of Lisieux: Miracle-Worker, Doctor, and Missionary
    Gaucher, Guy

    Until the end of the 1930s, the Carmel of Lisieux regularly published "rains of roses", collections of testimonies of people healed, converted, and reconciled through the intercession of little Thérèse. Thérèse had promised to "spend her heaven doing good on earth", a promise which is being fulfilled in the four corners of the world.

    It is this miracle worker Thérèse that Guy Gaucher presents to us through numerous testimonies. At the end of the 1997 World Youth Day in Paris, John Paul II announced to an enthusiastic crowd that Thérèse would be proclaimed a Doctor of the Church. It is as a privileged witness that Guy Gaucher recounts this process which led the little Norman Carmelite to become the third woman in the history of the Church to receive this title. Therefore, the missionary momentum that inflamed the young nun will resume throughout the world. From the Philippines to the United States via Iraq and Siberia, the relics of the "patroness of the missions" will thus touch the hearts of men at the dawn of the 21st century.

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    Inside the Cloistered Life: Personal Letters of a Carmelite Nun

    Inside the Cloistered Life: Personal Letters of a Carmelite Nun
    Of the Trinity, Marie

    "Sister Marie describes in detail the life of a Carmelite Nun and shows us by what means and in what manner rich spiritual treasure is being gathered for the benefit of all of us."
    -- Thomas L. Noa, Bishop of Marquette, in the original foreword

    This gem of a book is essential reading for anyone interested in knowing the hidden details of life in Carmel -- "the powerhouse of prayer." Sr. Marie, a young novice, addressed this revealing series of letters to her parents and family about her life in the Carmelite convent. Her letters provide a treasure trove of timeless information about the lives of these spiritual warriors from the moment they rise early in the morning to their praise of God at the end of each rich, joy-filled day working for His glory and souls.

    In her letters, Sr. Marie answers all of her family's questions in an endearing, conversational way and explains all aspects of her new life as a Carmelite nun. Her profound reflections and the down-to-earth, often humorous stories she tells will enable you to taste the Carmelites' life-giving vocation and discover how you can imitate their devotion in your own daily life. As you journey on this "retreat," you will also learn about:

  • Adventures in the lives of the Sisters
  • Fascinating customs that will enrich your Faith
  • Awe-inspiring celebrations for Christmas, Easter, and every season
  • The history behind devotion to the Child Jesus, the Scapular, and the Carmelite Order
  • Sacred traditions, prayers, and maxims to live by
  • Types of sacrifices Carmelites offer for souls in the world
  • A diocesan priest described the Sisters as "priests' silent partners in saving souls -- silent partners in the eyes of the world but atomic blasts at the foot of God's throne." Through their secret sacrifices and love, you will see how the Sisters of Carmel aid in the redemption of the world. Above all, you will be motivated to more intentionally pray and work for souls in the hidden, ordinary tasks of your own life.

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    Interior Castle

    Interior Castle
    Avila, Teresa Of
    A cornerstone book on mystical theology, Interior Castle describes the seven stages of union with God. Using everyday language to explain difficult theological concepts, Teresa of Avila compares the contemplative life to a castle with seven chambers. Tracing the passage of the soul through each successive chamber, she draws a powerful picture of the path toward spiritual perfection. It is the most sublime and mature of Teresa's works, offering profound and inspiring reflections on such subjects as self-knowledge, humility, detachment, and suffering.

    One of the most celebrated works on mystical theology in existence, as timely today as when St. Teresa of Avila wrote it centuries ago, this is a treasury of unforgettable maxims on self-knowledge and fulfillment.

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    Interior Castle

    Interior Castle
    Teresa of Avila
    Interior Castle guides the spiritual seeker through each stage of development until the soul's final union with the divine. Includes an introduction written by Teresa Tomeo.
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    Interior Castle: Study Edition (Revised)

    Interior Castle: Study Edition (Revised)
    Teresa of Avila
    The Interior Castle is considered St. Teresa of Avila's masterpiece. She wrote this last work in just a few months in 1577, five years before her death. At this point in her life she had been granted the highest mystical graces; this book is the fruit of her lived experience and a deep-felt praise of God for it. More than a book, The Interior Castle is a powerful image of the mystery of the human person. It is, in a very real sense, Teresa's soul. Using the image of a castle, Teresa describes the soul's progressive inner journey through seven dwelling places, until finally reaching the center where, now transformed, it is united with God. Reading the works of Teresa herself is indispensable. This second, revised study edition has been completely redesigned as a springboard to reading and understanding Teresa's text.
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    Interior Castle: The Mansions (Deluxe Edition)

    Interior Castle: The Mansions (Deluxe Edition)
    Avila, Teresa Of

    What does the life of our soul look like?

    In The Interior Castle, Saint Teresa imagines the soul as a magnificent castle full of spacious and elaborate rooms. And, as Saint Teresa describes, at the heart of this castle stands the seat of the King Himself.

    To help show the beauty of the soul belonging to God and the beauty contained in these pages, we have created a stunning new edition of this classic. With a deluxe leatherette hardcover, a satin ribbon, golden gilded edges, reinforced sides for longevity, smyth-sewn binding, and gold foil, this edition of The Interior Castle will both guide your soul to Christ and beautify your home.

    "I thought of the soul as resembling a castle, formed of a single diamond or a very transparent crystal, and containing many rooms, just as in Heaven there are many mansions. If we reflect, sisters, we shall see that the souls of the just man is but a paradise, in which, God tells us, He takes His delight" (p. 7).

    This book provides a remarkable description of the spiritual life of the soul. From the first release of the soul from mortal sin into sanctifying grace, to the mystical marriage of the soul to Christ, The Interior Castle describes the spiritual life as a journey through the imagery of a mysterious and beautiful castle.

    Using her image of a castle, Saint Teresa writes about numerous essential aspects of our spiritual journey in this book, including:

    - Practical advice to those beginning their spiritual journey, especially regarding the early struggles and temptations to turn back
    - Descriptions of the seven mansions and what they mean for the soul
    - How and why we should love and serve the Divine Majesty
    - The value of our progress towards God

    The instructive, witty, kind, and prayerful style of Saint Teresa of Avila will inspire you to see the soul in a new way. After reading The Interior Castle from the TAN Classics Deluxe Set, you will want the beautification of your soul above all earthly treasures.

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    Interior Castle: The Mansions (Deluxe Edition)

    Interior Castle: The Mansions (Deluxe Edition)
    Avila, Teresa Of

    What does the life of our soul look like?

    In The Interior Castle, Saint Teresa imagines the soul as a magnificent castle full of spacious and elaborate rooms. And, as Saint Teresa describes, at the heart of this castle stands the seat of the King Himself.

    To help show the beauty of the soul belonging to God and the beauty contained in these pages, we have created a stunning new edition of this classic. With a deluxe leatherette hardcover, a satin ribbon, golden gilded edges, reinforced sides for longevity, smyth-sewn binding, and gold foil, this edition of The Interior Castle will both guide your soul to Christ and beautify your home.

    "I thought of the soul as resembling a castle, formed of a single diamond or a very transparent crystal, and containing many rooms, just as in Heaven there are many mansions. If we reflect, sisters, we shall see that the souls of the just man is but a paradise, in which, God tells us, He takes His delight" (p. 7).

    This book provides a remarkable description of the spiritual life of the soul. From the first release of the soul from mortal sin into sanctifying grace, to the mystical marriage of the soul to Christ, The Interior Castle describes the spiritual life as a journey through the imagery of a mysterious and beautiful castle.

    Using her image of a castle, Saint Teresa writes about numerous essential aspects of our spiritual journey in this book, including:

    - Practical advice to those beginning their spiritual journey, especially regarding the early struggles and temptations to turn back
    - Descriptions of the seven mansions and what they mean for the soul
    - How and why we should love and serve the Divine Majesty
    - The value of our progress towards God

    The instructive, witty, kind, and prayerful style of Saint Teresa of Avila will inspire you to see the soul in a new way. After reading The Interior Castle from the TAN Classics Deluxe Set, you will want the beautification of your soul above all earthly treasures.

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    Love That Keeps Us Sane: Living the Little Way of St. Therese of Lisieux

    Love That Keeps Us Sane: Living the Little Way of St. Therese of Lisieux
    Foley, Marc
    Seeing life in light of Eternity This is not a book about using Thérèse's "little way" as a path to holiness. Thérèse's spirituality is often dismissed as cloyingly sweet and sentimental, useless for modern seekers. This new IlluminationBook uncovers how Thérèse's sweetness was just a stylistic convention expected in the religious writing of her day. Beneath the form, says the author, is a straightforward spirituality that offers a practical, concrete, and very realistic method for preserving one's sanity in an often-insane world. At the heart of Thérèse's method is learning how to keep one's perspective by seeing all things in light of eternity, seeing all things the way God sees. This enables one to live more authentically and more attentively. The method helps readers to become involved in life without being absorbed by it, to love without becoming enmeshed, and to deal with life's absurdities without losing faith or peace of mind. Five simple everyday choices help foster this perspective and transform ordinary life into moments of true grace. Those already devoted to the Little Flower will love this fresh new look at her spirituality. In addition, the book makes for enlightening and perhaps surprising reading for pastors, clergy and religious, directors of religious ed, retreat directors, chaplains, and family counselors. The principle of viewing life in light of eternity can also provide comfort and relief for parents dealing with children, for those experiencing change or loss, and for people in therapy. +
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    Mornings with Saint Therese

    Mornings with Saint Therese
    Treece, Patricia

    Mornings with Saint Therese is a compilation of short excerpts (no more than 1-3 pages) taken from the Little Flower's writings and also from those of her close family members and friends.

    This hardcover book is beautifully designed inside and out, making it a perfect gift for those you love, or as a daily tool for deepening your own spiritual life -- all for just $14.95!

    The following passages have been carefully selected as examples of the countless pearls of wisdom to be found in this special book.

    On Mortification

    "I resolved to lead a life of greater devoutness and mortification than ever before. When I speak of mortification, I don't mean the kind of penance practiced by the saints. There are great souls who practice every sort of mortification from childhood, but I am not like them."

    "All I did was to break my self-will, check a hasty reply, and do little kindnesses without making a fuss about them -- and lots of similar things. So, I prepared myself to become a bride of Jesus."

    Give, with No Thought of Results!

    On working with the Carmelite novices: "I throw to the right and the left to my little birds the good seed that the good God puts in my little hand. And then, the seed does what it will!"

    "I don't concern myself about it. Sometimes the results are as if I had thrown nothing; other times, something good results. But the good God says to me, 'Give, give always without concerning yourself with results.'"

    Keeping the Fire of Love Burning

    "When I am feeling nothing, when I am incapable of praying, of practicing virtue, then is the moment for seeking opportunities, 'nothings' which please Jesus more than mastery of the world when suffered with generosity."

    "For example, a smile, a friendly word, when I would want to say nothing, or put on a look of annoyance, etc."

    Infinite Love

    "Oh! How beautiful is our religion; instead of contracting hearts (as the world believes), it raises them up and renders them capable of loving, or loving with a love almost infinite, since this love must continue after this mortal life which is given to us only for meriting the homeland of heaven, where we shall find again the dear ones whom we have loved on earth!

    Wanting Only to Die of Love

    "How gentle and merciful God is...I no longer want anything except to love until I die of love. I am free and fear nothing. I am not even afraid -- and it used to be my greatest fear -- that my illness will drag out and make me a burden to the community."

    "I do not refuse the struggle: 'The Lord is a rock upon which I stand; He teaches my hands to fight and my fingers to war. He is my protector and I have hoped in Him.'"

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    Practice of the Presence of God

    Practice of the Presence of God
    Brother, Lawrence

    The original guide to "practicing the presence of God"

    "We must not grow weary of doing little things for the love of God, who looks not on the great size of the work, but on the love of it."
    In this classic work, which has instructed and inspired millions, a humble 17th-century monk reveals the secrets of daily, moment-by-moment fellowship with God. "In the way of God, thoughts count very little," writes Brother Lawrence, who spent much of his monastic life in the kitchen. "Love does it all." Full of realistic honesty, friendliness, and simplicity, Brother Lawrence shows that it is possible to meet God amongst the pots and pans--in the ordinary, daily events of life. This edition, rendered from the original French into graceful, contemporary English, will nourish and delight all those who seek to practice the presence of God.

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    Practice of the Presence of God (translated by John J Delaney)

    Practice of the Presence of God (translated by John J Delaney)

    Here is a guide for all Christians aspiring to union with God, which, according to Brother Lawrence, is the ultimate goal of every soul. The new Image edition of The Practice of the Presence of God is a reissue of the 1977 translation that was the first to appear in decades. It features an in-depth Introduction by John J. Delaney that examines what is known about Lawrence's life, how the book came to be, and its ongoing relevance throughout the ages.

    In the words of this humble seventeenth-century lay Carmelite, "we must trust God once and for all and abandon ourselves to Him alone." This difficult task necessarily requires perseverance and continual conversation with God in all activities great and small: "speaking humbly and talking lovingly with Him at all times, at every moment, without rule or system..." In reading these conversations, letters, and spiritual maxims, we learn the key to endless joy.

    In short, this little spiritual classic -- in its fresh, contemporary English translation -- renders the simple wisdom of Brother Lawrence accessible to every Christian who yearns for the fullness of life.

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