Benedictine Spirituality

Benedictine Daily Prayer: A Short Breviary

Benedictine Daily Prayer: A Short Breviary
The Monks of Saint John's Abbey
2021 Catholic Media Association Award first place award in backlist beauty

Benedictine Daily Prayer provides an everyday edition of the Divine Office for people who desire to pray with the church in a simple manner. Based on fifteen hundred years of liturgical prayer within the Benedictine monastic tradition, Benedictine Daily Prayer offers a rich diet of classic office hymnody, psalmody, and Scripture.
This fully revised edition includes:

  • A new organization for the Office of Vigils, structured on a two-week cycle
  • Daily Offices also arranged on a two-week cycle
  • Patristic readings for each Sunday
  • Concluding prayers for the daily and seasonal offices
  • A more user-friendly layout
  • Benedictine Daily Prayer is designed for Benedictine oblates, Benedictine monastics, and men and women everywhere. Small enough to fit in a briefcase for travel, it is arranged by date. Scripture readings are from the NRSV.

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    Cross and Medal of Saint Benedict: A Mystical Sign of Divine Power

    Cross and Medal of Saint Benedict: A Mystical Sign of Divine Power
    Various Authors
    The spiritual wisdom of Saint Benedict has endured for centuries and quite literally shaped Western culture from its inception. Tenets of the order, like its motto and Saint Benedict's Rule, are just as influential for lay people as they are for the Benedictine monks and nuns. The cross and medal of St. Benedict is also among the gifts bestowed by the Benedictine Order. For centuries, it has been a conduit for God's power against malicious spirits.

    The history of this cross and medal--how it first came about, how it was used, and miracles attributed to its use--was not easily apparent, nor readily accessible. However, this book successfully delineates the history, theology, and potency of the cross and medal of St. Benedict. Drawing from a number of ancient and reliable sources, Fr. Robert Nixon has compiled, translated, and edited a most powerful book on the cross and medal of St. Benedict. With this book, you'll learn from various saints and holy men as the history of St. Benedict's cross and medal unfolds. In doing so, you will learn about the life and legend of St. Benedict, the Father of W

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    Enter the Narrow Gate: Saint Benedict's Steps to Christian Maturity

    Enter the Narrow Gate: Saint Benedict's Steps to Christian Maturity
    Muto, Susan
    " ... draws from Saint Benedict's twelve steps to humility, showing how these steps give us a road map to the narrow way. Rooted in timeless spiritual principles, this book offers guidance and encouragement to find and stay on the narrow path, no matter how attractive the easy road may seem"--Back cover
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    Grace to Desire It: Meditations on St Benedict's Twelve Degrees of Humility

    Grace to Desire It: Meditations on St Benedict's Twelve Degrees of Humility

    St Benedict, the Father of Western Monks, teaches that there are Twelve Degrees or Steps of Humility. This little book explores each of these steps, prayerfully seeking out their meaning and proposing practical ways in which they can be reached and lived out in day to day life.

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    Guide to Living in the Truth - Saint Benedict's Teaching on Humility

    Guide to Living in the Truth - Saint Benedict's Teaching on Humility
    Casey, Michael

    This book shows us how humility brings a basic happiness that is able to cope with difficulties and sorrows. Casey translates the ancient wisdom of Saint Benedict into the modern arena of capitalistic competition. He also demonstrates how people must stop regarding others as rivals and be content with what we have because it is a waste of time to envy those who possess qualities different than our own. Humble individuals are content with both the gifts and limitations inherent in who they are.

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    Humility Rules: Saint Benedict's Twelve-Step Guide to Genuine Self-Esteem

    Humility Rules: Saint Benedict's Twelve-Step Guide to Genuine Self-Esteem
    Wetta, J Augustine

    Saint Benedict's fifth-century guide to humility offers the antidote to the
    epidemic of stress and depression overwhelming modern young adults. But the
    language of The Rule by Saint Benedict is medieval, and its
    most passionate advocates are cloistered monks and nuns. How then does this
    ancient wisdom translate into advice for ordinary people?

    With candor,
    humor, and a unique approach to classical art, Father Augustine, a high school
    teacher and coach, breaks down Saint Benedict's method into twelve pithy steps
    for finding inner peace in a way that can be applied to anyone's life.

    Drawing upon his own life experiences, both before and after becoming a
    Benedictine monk, the author explains every step, illustrating each chapter with
    color reproductions of sacred art that he has embellished with comic flourishes.
    The winsome combination is sure to keep readers from taking themselves too
    seriously--which is already a first step on the path to humility.

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    Rule of St Benedict

    Rule of St Benedict
    Meisel, Anthony C

    From the time it was first promulgated in the sixth century, The Rule of St. Benedict has been one of the most influential, enduring documents of Western civilization. Composed for the guidance of his own monks at Monte Cassino, St. Benedict's Rule has become the basis for the rules of practically every Christian monastic community in the West. In it are the guidelines for living the spiritual life -- through work, prayer, study, obedience, community, and moderate asceticism.

    This acclaimed edition of The Rule of St. Benedict is a highly accessible modern translation that conveys the spirit and logic of the original text. It contains an invaluable in-depth Introduction that explores the development and spread of Christian monasticism; a biographical sketch of St. Benedict; a discussion of the structure and implementation of his Rule; its value and impact on religious orders from the Middle Ages down through history; its tremendous influence on Western culture and civilization; and, finally, various texts of the Rule.

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    Rule of St Benedict

    Rule of St Benedict
    This rule of life is - in Christ - the heart and soul of the most successful religious order in history. Written by a spiritual father for his children, The Rule of St. Benedict is not only an ideal guide for the individual wishing to follow the Benedictine path; it is also an indispensable tool for the spiritualization of family life. A timeless classic by the founder of Western monasticism.
    The Rule of Saint Benedict - Translated with an introduction by Cardinal Gasquet. The text of this edition has been digitally reset so as faithfully to reproduce that of the 1925 edition of The Rule of Saint Benedict originally published by Chatto & Windus, London.
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    Rule of St. Benedict: Introduction and Commentary

    Rule of St. Benedict: Introduction and Commentary
    Of Nursia, Saint Benedict
    Written some fifteen centuries ago, The Rule of St Benedict is still read and studied by thousands of men and women throughout the world. In recent years more and more lay people have turned to the Rule, and have found within its pages a deep and practical spirituality which is helpful to them in coping with the problems and challenges they meet in their everyday lives. This edition of the classic Parry translation of the Rule has been prepared for a general audience and comes complete with an introduction by Esther de Waal which offers a commentary both on the underlying themes of the Rule and on the contents of specific chapters. We come face to face with St Benedict himself and appreciate anew the magnificent combination of spirituality and practicality that make the Rule a uniquely valuable source book for us today. Abbot Parry OSB was for many years the Abbot of St Augustine's Abbey Ramsgate, and the author of Households of God, which included both his translation of the Rule and an invaluable commentary. Esther de Waal is the author of a number of books, including Living with Contradiction and Seeking God, which explore the spirituality of the Rule of St Benedict and of the Benedictine life itself.
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    Seeking God: The Way of St. Benedict

    Seeking God: The Way of St. Benedict
    de Waal, Esther


    For over fifteen hundred years St. Benedict's Rule has been a source of guidance, support, inspiration, challenge, comfort and discomfort for men and women. It has helped both those living under monastic vows and those living outside the cloister in all the mess and muddle of ordinary, busy lives in the world. Esther de Waal's Seeking God serves as an introduction to this life-giving way and encourages people to discover for themselves the gift that St. Benedict can bring to individuals, to the Church, and to the world, now and in the years to come.

    Through this definitive classic Esther de Waal has become known as an authority for the lay person on the Rule of St. Benedict. Her ability to communicate clearly the principal values of the Rule when applied to lay people is the ultimate strength of this book. She follows each chapter with a page or two of thoughts and prayers, contributing to its meditative quality.

    Esther de Waal is an Anglican lay woman, married with four sons and a number of grandchildren. She lives on the Welsh Borders where she grew up and spends her time gardening, writing, traveling, and taking retreats. She became interested in Benedictine monasticism as a result of living for ten years in Canterbury and has written several books on the Rule of St. Benedict including a life-Giving Way, published by The Liturgical Press, 1995. She holds a PhD. from Cambridge and was given an honorary doctorate from St. John's University for her contribution to Benedictine studies and for her ecumenical work. She was awarded the Templeton Prize for having started the Benedictine Experience weeks which are now widely held throughout America and England.

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