Pastoral Books

Alter Christus: Priestly Holiness on Earth and in Eternity

Alter Christus: Priestly Holiness on Earth and in Eternity
Sullivan, Fr Ezra

In this powerful book, Fr. Ezra Sullivan, a Dominican professor at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome, reflects on the inestimable gift and responsibility of the priesthood.

Utilizing the examples and teachings of the saints, Fr. Ezra explores how "fathers of souls" should shepherd their flocks with God's self-giving authority and why the Church needs strong, masculine priests to form her children on the road to Heaven. You will learn how to foster devotion to God the Father, how Our Lady is crucial for the sanctification of priests, why St. Joseph is a priest's model, and how to employ the angels and the saints to intercede for priests. You will be heartened as you see how Abraham's spiritual fatherhood reveals the spiritual fruitfulness of God and His priests.

You will also learn about the Pelagian temptation and how those who overwork are more susceptible to it; ways to overcome "functionalism" and worldly concerns; and why the Holy Eucharist and administering the sacraments devoutly are central to a priest's identity.

Additionally, you will gather spiritual and practical tips on attaining union with the Holy Spirit to avoid "Christian Stoicism" and "spiritual adultery", and you will gain a new appreciation for how priests were raised to a supernatural dignity by virtue of their ordination to act in persona Christi.

Alter Christus squarely looks at common pitfalls of priestly sin, shows how a priest can arm himself for the spiritual battle, and gives tips on how to avoid the trap of self-deprecation or despair over one's sins. You will discover how prayer is necessary for union with Christ and a shield from evil; and how a priest's prayer helps to accomplish God's plan for saving the world.

Other absorbing, practical topics covered by Fr. Ezra include:

  • The four keys to powerful preaching
  • Two virtues to cultivate when combatting a "Messiah complex"
  • Why you should never become a "buddy Jesus"
  • How love is irreplaceable in a priest's life
  • St. John Vianney's heroic gift of self and witness of humility as a parish priest
  • What Hell will be like for unrepentant and sinful priests
  • What Heaven will be like for holy priests
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Behold Your Mother

Behold Your Mother
Rossetti, Stephen J
Msgr. Stephen Rossetti, the best-selling author of the influential Joy of Priesthood, has assembled fascinating reflections from nine esteemed fellow priests who share how their devotion to the Blessed Mother has supported their life and ministry. Though overlooked in recent times, devotion to the Blessed Mother has long been a foundational part of priestly spirituality. Behold Your Mother seeks to renew this practice for both younger clergy and those with years of priestly life. From stories of childhood devotion to the Blessed Mother to personal encounters with some of the great spiritual figures from recent times, these essays have both a personal and practical character that priests--and the laity as well--will deeply appreciate.
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Book of Blessings

Book of Blessings
International Commission on English in the Liturgy

The Book of Blessings from Catholic Book Publishing contains the blessings of the Roman Ritual for the Universal Church as well as additional proper blessings for use in the United States. This liturgical book includes blessings pertaining to persons, to objects, and to various occasions, as well as blessings and services connected with official parish events. Three valuable indices make the Book of Blessings a practical as well as pastoral liturgical resource. The Book of Blessings is set in highly readable 14-pt. type and is durably bound in brown cloth to ensure long-lasting use.

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Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers

Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers
Us Conference of Catholic Bishops

Explore the rich treasury of the Catholic tradition of prayer with your family by picking up Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers.

This refresh of our classic Catholic prayer book will delight those who receive it. With a mix of both traditional blessings and prayers and newer prayers adapted to daily Christian life in the twenty-first century, this prayer book will be useful in all seasons.

Use this book to pray with family members at different moments and milestones of life, and to intercede for the needs of the Church and the world.

Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers is the perfect gift for families with children, newly married couples, and first-time parents in baptismal preparation classes. This book also makes a wonderful gift for adults in faith formation preparing for initiation into the Catholic Church. Share this seasoned book of Catholic blessings and prayers with a friend, neighbor, or loved one today!

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Ceremonial for Priests

Ceremonial for Priests
Caron, Msgr Marc

Here is the book to provide you with the directions and indications needed to carry out the various rites found in the liturgical books of the Catholic Church. This manual aims to restore the grammar and syntax to the body language demanded by the celebration of Mass, the sacraments, and sacramentals. The scope is limited to those rites that the typical parish clergy are most likely to celebrate on a regular basis. It will assist priests and all those who exercise liturgical ministries with a detailed description of liturgical celebrations commonly found in parishes.

Msgr. Caron's approach draws upon the traditional practice of the Roman Rite as it pertains to the postures and gestures of the various rites. It takes into consideration the immemorial customs that have grown up around the public worship of the Roman Catholic Church.

The General Instruction on the Roman Missal provides the framework for the way Mass is to be celebrated. Along with the rubrics, the Gen

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Ceremonies Explained for Servers: A Manual for Altar Servers, Acolytes, Sacristans, and Masters of Ceremonies

Ceremonies Explained for Servers: A Manual for Altar Servers, Acolytes, Sacristans, and Masters of Ceremonies
Elliott, Bishop Peter

Ceremonies Explained for Servers may well be called the mother of all servers' manuals. This is the most detailed guide available for servers and those who train and supervise them at the altar.

In accessible language, Ceremonies covers the roles of servers in a wide range of Catholic liturgical celebrations. These are described in full, such as: the Mass in both the Ordinary and Extraordinary forms, the seven sacraments, the ceremonies of Holy Week, the Liturgy of the Hours, funeral rites, the liturgies that are celebrated by a bishop and major blessings.

Ceremonies also provides accurate explanations for each of these rites, with Catholic teaching on the liturgy and sacraments and a history of the ministry of servers. The skills, techniques and discipline involved in serving are explained, such as: how a procession should move, how to assist with incense, team-work and responding in emergencies and unforeseen situations.

A spirituality of this ministry runs through the manual, with an underlying theme of service and vocation. In an encouraging personal way, Ceremonies sets out high spiritual ideals that can inspire and guide those who enhance Catholic worship through their ministry.

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Communion of the Sick: Approved Rites for Use in the United States of America Excerpted from Pastoral Care of the Sick and Dying in English a

Communion of the Sick: Approved Rites for Use in the United States of America Excerpted from Pastoral Care of the Sick and Dying in English a
International Commission on English in the Liturgy

Communion of the Sick from Catholic Book Publishing is a valuable service booklet for Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist that contains all appropriate readings as well as a series of beneficial pastoral instructions and guidelines. Includes texts for both Communion in Ordinary Circumstances and Communion in a Hospital or Institution. Commentary, history, and appendices have been written for Communion of the Sick by renowned author Rev. Joseph M. Champlin. Printed in large type and in two colors with text set in both English and Spanish, Communion of the Sick is bound in a flexible green paper cover. A handy, essential resource for all Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist.

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Discovering Christ the Servant: A Spirituality of Service

Discovering Christ the Servant: A Spirituality of Service
Cerrato, Dominic
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Encountering Christ the Servant: A Spirituality of the Diaconate

Encountering Christ the Servant: A Spirituality of the Diaconate
Deacon Dominic Cerrato Ph D

Receive the Gospel of Christ whose herald you have become. Believe what you read, teach what you believe, and practice what you teach.

These are the words a newly ordained deacon hears from his bishop as the Book of the Gospels is placed in his hands. It is a solemn but joyous moment in which the deacon is called to a lifelong pursuit of the spiritual life.

The foundation of the diaconate is intimate communion with Christ the Servant. This communion originates and deepens in the interior life, and it is here, through prayer and meditation, where he truly discovers God on a personal level and, at the same time, discovers himself in a more profound way.

In Encountering Christ the Servant: A Spirituality of the Diaconate, Deacon Dominic Cerrato, PhD, offers deacons and deacon candidates an integrated approach to diaconal life and ministry, rooted in the cultivation of the interior life. In this study, Deacon Dominic outlines the primacy of the interior life, the necessity of abandonment, the Servant Mysteries, and living the Servant Mysteries.

Entering into a new and more intimate relationship with Christ the Servant will open deacons and deacon candidates to their true identity, and their mission, as heralds of the Gospel of Christ.

Deacon Dominic Cerrato is the director of Diaconal Formation for the Diocese of Joliet, Illinois. He serves as executive director of Diaconal Ministries, a national ministry that ministers to permanent deacons and those they serve. Ordained a permanent deacon in 1995 for the Diocese of Steubenville, Ohio, he earned a doctorate in theology from the Catholic Theological Foundation via Duquesne University in 2009; a master's in theology from Duquesne University; and a bachelor's in theology from Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio.

In Encountering Christ the Servant: A Spirituality of the Diaconate, Deacon Dominic Cerrato, PhD, offers deacons and deacon candidates an integrated approach to diaconal life and ministry, rooted in the cultivation of the interior life. In this study, Deacon Dominic outlines the primacy of the interior life, the necessity of abandonment, the Servant Mysteries, and living the Servant Mysteries.

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Evangelizing Today's Domestic Churches: A Theological and Pastoral Approach to the Family

Evangelizing Today's Domestic Churches: A Theological and Pastoral Approach to the Family
Hater, Robert J

The Catholic family is a domestic church, rooted in God's love and challenged to hope. Yet Catholic families today are beset with attacks from within and without, as were early Christian house churches. The latter faced persecution and rejection from society and even their own family members. Today's domestic churches face challenges of materialism, individualism, and secularism, coming through technology, media, and the contemporary culture.

The Church must respond to these challenges by seeking new ways to minister directly to families. The future of parish life will depend largely on how a parish supports family life. Drawing on the experience of the early Church, Evangelizing Today's Domestic Churches invites pastors and those engaged in pastoral ministry to take the lead in helping families recognize their responsibility before God to become vibrant domestic churches.

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Everyday Catholic's Guide to the Liturgy of the Hours

Everyday Catholic's Guide to the Liturgy of the Hours
Sockey, Daria
You don't live in a cloister or a monastery, but you take your prayer life seriously and want to explore ways to pray regularly and better. The Liturgy of the Hours is one of those ways--but for those of us who find it a little intimidating, Daria Sockey provides a solid overview to this ancient prayer practice. The Everyday Catholic's Guide to the Liturgy of the Hours will answer questions like: What is the history of the Liturgy of the Hours? How can the Liturgy of the Hours fit into a busy schedule? Why is the Liturgy of the Hours relevant today? Print or online resources: Which is better? There is a rhythm of prayer, not just throughout the day, but throughout the year. Sockey explores the spiritual riches of the seasons, the saints, and special feast days, which add depth and variety to prayer. She also addresses the practice of praying the Scriptures, especially the psalms, and helps the reader to appreciate the universal beauty of these ancient prayers.

Don't let concerns about "what page am I supposed to be on?" scare you away. Sockey will be your guide to answer common questions and overcome common fears. Your prayer life will never be the same!

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Forming Fathers: Seminary Wisdom for Every Priest

Forming Fathers: Seminary Wisdom for Every Priest

Priests are called to be worthy spiritual fathers to the souls entrusted to their care. Years of seminary formation ideally forge them into faithful, generous, healthy priests, ready to serve the needs of the Church. But priests are not immune to the busyness, pressures, and distractions of a life of ministry. Over time, the lessons from their formation can fade into the background. Forming Fathers: Seminary Wisdom for Every Priest seeks to remind priests of the lessons so greatly needed to fulfill their calling faithfully. Originally delivered by Fr. Carter Griffin as talks to seminarians, this series of short, inspiring vignettes can help rekindle a priest's first love and awaken the aspirations that brought him into the seminary in the first place. Much of what is contained in these pages is also applicable to Catholic laymen, themselves called to the virtues of Christian manhood, the responsibilities of discipleship, and the dignity of spiritual fatherhood. Fr. Griffin covers such central topics as the life of prayer, offering Holy Mass well, the importance of priestly friendships, and the need for fortitude. He addresses challenging issues, such as chaste celibacy, loving the Church, and living material simplicity, with simple truth. Priests may benefit most, however, from some of the themes that might have been overlooked in their seminary days: the importance of courtesy, the vital role of order and daily exposure to beauty, the virtue of magnanimity and its impact on priestly happiness, and exercising priestly leadership.

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Friends of the Bridegroom: For a Renewed Vision of Priestly Celibacy

Friends of the Bridegroom: For a Renewed Vision of Priestly Celibacy
Ouellet, Cardinal Marc
Former Archbishop of Quebec and Primate of Canada Marc Cardinal Ouellet offers a theological and philosophical defense of priestly celibacy in the Roman Catholic Church in anticipation of the Oct. 2019 Amazon synod. Drawing from the Bible, and inspired by his pastoral love for the peoples of South America, Cardinal Ouellet defends the priesthood against the challenges of secularism and the current abuse crisis in the Church.
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Grace to Be a Priest

Grace to Be a Priest

These pages aim to help Catholic priests and those who love priests to ponder properly the grace that these consecrated men have received and its implications for their lives. Romanus Cessario, O.P.

The Grace to Be a Priest represents the fruit of one Dominican's service as a priest of Jesus Christ. For more than thirty-five years, Romanus Cessario has taught and advised candidates for the priesthood. In this text, Father Cessario explains how the vocation to the priesthood comes to a man as both gift and mystery. God chooses priests to serve as both instruments of his will and spiritual fathers for his people. They fulfill this divine mission in various ways. Priests become chaste lovers, faithful friends, obedient sons, and shining lights in God's holy Church. Priests administer the seven Sacraments even as they follow the Christ who came to serve not to be served. Again, priests teach the truth with love even as they pray God for the salvation of all people. Drawing on the riches of the Dominican tradition as well as the general principles of Catholic theology, Father Cessario richly illuminates the nature of the priesthood with insights that will instruct priests, seminarians, and laypeople alike.

Romanus Cessario, O.P., serves as a professor of theology at St. John's Seminary in Brighton, Massachusetts. He is a fellow of the Pontifical Academy of Saint Thomas Aquinas and the author of some hundred articles and many books, including Thomas and the Thomists: The Achievement of Thomas Aquinas and His Interpreters; Theology and Sanctity; Introduction to Moral Theology; and The Virtues, or The Examined Life.

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Joy of Being a Lector

Joy of Being a Lector

This handy little book will increase your understanding of this ministry. It will help you to carry it out well. You will discover that you become stronger in your faith in other ways, too. You will come to realize that a lector is far more than someone who simply stands up and reads aloud from the lectionary--much, much more than that. Packed with inspiration, history, voice suggestions. A great Christmas gift for all lectors and especially for newly appointed lectors.
Also available in Spanish: RPS123/04.

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Order of Celebrating Matrimony Hard/Cloth 2nd Ed.

Order of Celebrating Matrimony Hard/Cloth 2nd Ed.
International Commission on English in the Liturgy

In this highly anticipated English translation according to the Second Typical Edition, the Ordo Celebrandi Matrimonium \is presented with an enrichment of the Introduction, rites and prayers, and with certain changes introduced in keeping with the norm of the Code of Canon Law promulgated in 1983\ (Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments). The revision of this Ritual Edition, which is divided into four chapters and includes three Appendices, incorporates changes in accord with the Third Typical Edition of The Roman Missal, updated Lectionary texts, and The Revised Grail Psalms. This Clothbound Edition includes all the enhanced features that celebrants have come to know and trust from Catholic Book Publishing: large, easy-to-read type; printed and reinforced end papers; a sturdy cover; and satin ribbon markers to add an elegant finishing touch. Specially produced acid-neutral cream paper from established, quality mills ensures a high level of opacity and consistency of the highest degree. While providing highly readable type for text and music, this volume also boasts a proven layout that respects functional page-turns.

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Our Life of Service: The Handbook for Catholic Deacons

Our Life of Service: The Handbook for Catholic Deacons
Burke-Sivers, Deacon Harold

Winner of a 2022 Association of Catholic Publishers Excellence in Publishing Award: Resources for Ministry (Third Place).

Whether you are seasoned from years of ministry or are just getting started living out the vows you made at ordination, this essential handbook will provide the spiritual and practical support you need as a Catholic deacon in the Church today.

In Our Life of Service, international speaker and bestselling author Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers will inspire and uplift you as he and his brother deacons--including Greg Kandra, Larry Oney, Dominic Cerrato, and Thomas J. Fox--share their testimonies and insights about how to serve God with determination, faith, and vision. Burke-Sivers explains the gift of the diaconate as a living image of Christ the Servant in the world, a source of comfort and hope at a time when both are in short supply.

Burke-Sivers explores the daily realities of life to answer important questions about the diaconate such as:

  • What does the Church teach about the purpose of this ministry both within the parish and the world?
  • How are the three key responsibilities of teaching, sanctifying, and leading entrusted to a deacon at ordination practiced in daily life?
  • How does his commitment to his wife help a married deacon balance his duties to his family and ministry?
  • What are practical strategies and solutions for the challenges deacons face, especially when conflicts arise within ministry?
  • Burke-Sivers also calls for younger, more diverse groups of men who reflect on the face of the Church to become permanent deacons in order to bridge the gap between the Church and the world and to reach the unchurched.

    Each chapter contains questions for reflection, action steps, and prayers to help deacons strengthen their own commitment to their calling. Drawing from the writings of St. John Paul II and other ecclesial writings about the purpose and gift of the permanent diaconate, Burke-Sivers educates and inspires us to more fully appreciate this gift and enriches and encourages those who have themselves answered this call.

    Written for deacons in active ministry, Our Life of Service is also inspiring reading for Catholics in the pew who are considering a call or who simply want to understand the purpose and gift of the permanent diaconate.

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    Priestly Blessing: Rediscovering the Gift

    Rossetti, Stephen J

    A bestselling author and leading expert on the Catholic priesthood, Msgr. Stephen J. Rossetti forges a renewed theology of priestly blessing, encouraging his brother priests to embrace the habit of blessing people, objects, and events. In this provocative and inspirational book he shows how the blessing is integral to the identity of priests and crucial to the spiritual wellbeing of all the faithful.

    Msgr. Stephen Rossetti fears that many priests shy away from blessing people and objects because of a lack of awareness of the rich tradition of Church blessings and a deficit in training for this important pastoral practice. In The Priestly Blessing, Rossetti urges priests to boldly and frequently embrace this ancient practice because of their unique calling.

    Rossetti traces the history of blessing in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. He also explores the various types of blessing, such as praise of God, the invocation of special benefit from God, and being consecrated to God.

    The Priestly Blessing also helps priests reflect on what saints and mystics have taught about blessing as a vital activity of the Church, and outlines connections between Catholic sacramental theology, the practice of priestly blessing, and the Catholic understanding of creation that helps make sense of priests blessing objects and animals.

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    Rekindle the Gift of God: A New Handbook for Priests

    Rekindle the Gift of God: A New Handbook for Priests
    Kereszty, Roch

    "Rekindle the gift of God that is within you", Saint Paul urges Timothy years after his ordination (2 Tim 1:6).

    Drawing on sixty years of experience as a Catholic priest, Cistercian Fr. Roch Kereszty provides realistic spiritual, psychological, and pastoral guidance to priests and seminarians--from preaching and sacramental ministry, to parish life and spiritual direction, to chastity and poverty.

    Countless priests struggle to understand their role and identity in the post-conciliar Church, where laypeople have taken on many responsibilities once considered priestly. With the sexual abuse crisis kicking up a cloud of confusion and discouragement, many young men are wondering, "Why join a system in which everyone is suspect?" Meanwhile, without the right guidance, those already ordained can find themselves slipping into boredom--or even cynicism.

    But Fr. Kereszty knows the fire of a true vocation. With insights and examples from St. Bernard of Clairvaux, St. Thérèse of Lisieux, St. John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and many others, Rekindle the Gift of God helps priests and seminarians discover or rediscover their mission as shepherds, prophets, and teachers. A happy priest is one who lays down his life not only for his flock, but for his Lord. Father Kereszty gives patient, down-to-earth counsel on putting this ideal into practice, and he offers a glimpse of his own immense joy and gratitude for the gift of serving Jesus Christ.

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    Rite for Blessing of Child in the Womb (English)

    Rite for Blessing of Child in the Womb (English)

    Archbishop Gregory M. Aymond, chairman of the Committee on Divine Worship of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, hopes this blessing will provide not only support and God's blessing for expectant parents and their child in the womb, but also another effective witness to the sanctity of human life from the first moment of conception.

    This book was approved by the U.S. bishops in November 2008, then sent to Rome for editing and final approval, and now available for use by all dioceses in the United States.

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    Rites of the Catholic Church Vol 2

    Rites of the Catholic Church Vol 2

    This study edition contains the officially approved texts and rubrics for the following: Institutions of Readers and Acolytes; Ordination of Deacons, Priests, and Bishops; Rite of Religious Profession; Blessing of Persons: Abbot, Abbess; Consecrating to a life of Virginity; Rite of Commissioning Special Ministers of Holy Communion; Dedication of a Church and Altar. Appendices include: Reception of the Bishop in the Cathedral Church, Blessing of Pontifical Insignia, the Rite of the Blessing of Oils, the Rite of Consecrating the Chrism, Crowning of the Image of the Blessed Virgin.

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    Sermons in Times of Crisis: Twelve Homilies to Stir Your Soul

    Sermons in Times of Crisis: Twelve Homilies to Stir Your Soul
    Scalia, Paul D
    The Catholic Church today finds itself in the midst of a crisis. The flock is scattering, and while some shepherds bravely set off in search of those lost and wandering sheep, others drive them, and many more, further from the fold.

    But the Church has seen and weathered numerous crises in its two millennia, and always one or more of its priests and bishops stood up and rallied the faithful: whether to rebuke an Emperor or oppose a policy, encourage the faithful or defend the faith, bishops and priests ascended the pulpit and delivered sermons that met the pressing needs of their own times, sermons which should be read and remembered by Catholics of all times. You will find comfort within these pages as you read the words of these heroic pastors of souls including:

    St Ambrose of Milan, St Augustine, St John Chrysostom, St Edmund Campion, Pope St John Paul II, . . . and seven others.

    Enter into the minds and thoughts of some of the bravest, most eloquent, homilists the Church has produced. More than one was killed for the words they uttered which you will find in these pages. But they counted not the cost.

    Guided by Rev. Paul D. Scalia's introduction and commentaries, you will come to see that the Church has faced crises and survived, even thrived, before. In fact, it is one of the marks of her authenticity, as it has often been said, that no mere human institution could have survived the persecutions and scandals that the Catholic Church has withstood over 2000 years.

    If you are a priest or bishop, just maybe reading these words of men not unlike yourself, will inspire you to stand and be counted and preach God's word from the pulpit without counting the cost.
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    Shorter Book of Blessings leather

    Shorter Book of Blessings leather
    International Commission on English in the Liturgy

    The Shorter Book of Blessings from Catholic Book Publishing is a handy-sized edition of the larger Book of Blessings that includes only the blessings that are celebrated outside Mass. It contains the New American Bible translation for all Scripture readings to ensure conformity with the Catholic liturgical Lectionary. This handy liturgical resource is printed in two colors, with each blessing set in easy-to-read sense lines and carefully arranged for the celebrant. The Shorter Book of Blessings is elegantly bound in black gold-stamped bonded leather.

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    Shorter Book of Blessings:

    Shorter Book of Blessings:
    International Commission on English in the Liturgy

    The Shorter Book of Blessings from Catholic Book Publishing is a handy-sized edition of the larger Book of Blessings that includes only the blessings that are celebrated outside Mass. It contains the New American Bible translation for all Scripture readings to ensure conformity with the Catholic liturgical Lectionary. This handy liturgical resource is printed in two colors, with each blessing set in easy-to-read sense lines and carefully arranged for the celebrant. The Shorter Book of Blessings is bound in flexible brown simulated leather.

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    Strategic Pastoral Counseling: A Short-Term Structured Model

    Strategic Pastoral Counseling: A Short-Term Structured Model
    Benner, David G
    Therapeutic counseling in a Christian context can be highly effective when it maintains narrowly focused goals in a time-limited setting. The details of this proven model of pastoral counseling are described in this practical guide.
    This second edition of Strategic Pastoral Counseling has been thoroughly revised and includes two new chapters. Benner includes helpful case studies, a new appendix on contemporary ethical issues, and updated chapter bibliographies. His study will continue to serve clergy and students well as a valued practical handbook on pastoral care and counseling.
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