
21 Ways to Worship A Guide to Eucharistic Adoration

21 Ways to Worship A Guide to Eucharistic Adoration
Flynn, Vinny

Written in the author's personal, conversational style, complete with puns and other bits of humor, 21 Ways to Worship is an easy to read, practical guide, jam-packed with inspiring ideas, techniques, and prayers to help you make the most of your time in Adoration.

It's a perfect resource for the beginner wondering what Adoration is all about, and for the veteran adorer looking for additional ideas.

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30 Marian Eucharistic Visits: Adoring Jesus with His Mother

30 Marian Eucharistic Visits: Adoring Jesus with His Mother
Cooper O'Boyle, Donna-Marie

Amid a wide range of spiritualities and charisms, the saints shared two consistent devotions: love for the Holy Eucharist and love for Our Lady. Here is the book that will immerse you deeply in both and inflame your heart with love for Jesus' Eucharistic Heart through the heart of His Mother. The relational reflections contained in this volume will restore or increase your faith in the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. They will help you enter into meditation with Jesus and Mary as never before and will open your heart to receive the graces available from the Sacred Mysteries.

Each Marian Eucharistic Visit presented in these pages, similar in format to Lectio Divina, guides you through four parts: ponder (a short prayer or quote from a saint or spiritual writer), reflect (a meditation on the grace you are seeking from your visit), pray (a guided reflection with traditional Marian Eucharistic prayers), and savor (keys to resting in the presence of the Lord). Space is provided at the end of each meditation to journal about the resolutions, affections, and inspirations you receive during your time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Scripture passages are peppered throughout, as are scenes from the lives of Jesus and Mary to contemplate.

In page after page, you will find ways to rekindle the fire of divine love in your prayer life and to grow in loving communion with our Lord in the miracle of the Eucharist. Through the Blessed Virgin's intercession, you will grow in virtue and discover spiritual treasures such as these:

  • What St. Louis de Montfort said is the shortest, surest, and most perfect way to Jesus
  • Four types of prayer to incorporate during Eucharistic Adoration
  • The one thing that wounds Jesus' Heart even more than our sins
  • The Marian virtue that thwarts the evil one's tricks
  • The medicine Our Lady uses to intercede for the spiritual healing of our souls
  • You will be inspired by moving stories of saints such as Faustina, the Fátima children, and Pope John Paul II and will see how to apply them to your daily faith journey. With the chapters modeled on particular virtues in the life of Mary to imitate, these precious pages convey the Church's teachings on the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, Adoration, Spiritual Communion, and much more.

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    Adoration Treasury for Young Catholics

    Adoration Treasury for Young Catholics
    Gettinger Osf, Sr M Lissetta

    The Eucharist is the source and summit of our Catholic Faith. Every time Mass is celebrated, the bread and wine on the altar are consecrated and truly become the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ.

    Adoration grows out of the impulse of the heart to worship Christ's true presence, and Catholics of all ages, including and especially young people, are encouraged to participate. In this adoration treasury, written by two Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration -- a religious order dedicated to perpetual adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament -- young Catholics will find a multitude of prayers, hymns, meditations, and ways to pray before the Eucharist, accompanied by beautiful illustrations.

    Perfect to take with you to Mass or Eucharistic adoration, this book is sure to become a treasured keepsake that helps inspire young Catholics to fall in love with the Real Presence of Jesus Christ.

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    Blessed Sacrament: God with Us, The

    Blessed Sacrament: God with Us, The
    The Blessed Sacrament is the great "open secret" of the Catholic Church--the great truth that Jesus Christ is in the Tabernacle and is accessible to all who believe in Him. But this truth is not immediately obvious, and thus it is not really appreciated as it should be. The Blessed Sacrament--God With Us is a call to all Catholics to appreciate and love Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, for in that perpetual miracle is all the wealth of His love, and our "heaven" on earth! Impr. 67 pgs, PB
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    Eucharistic Miracles of the World

    Eucharistic Miracles of the World

    Foreword by Cardinal Raymond Burke. Guaranteed to dramatically increase your awareness of the awesome reality and power of the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist! Contains nearly 100 accounts of Eucharistic miracles from 17 different countries, all verified and approved by the Church. The most recent occurred in 2001. Other wonders hav lasted over a thousand years! Numerous color photographs accompany each account. A tremendously faith-building gift for yourself or a loved one! Printed on quality glossy paper, 320 pp. Softcover.

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    Holy Hour

    Holy Hour

    Fulton Sheen once wrote that the purpose of the Holy Hour―a sustained, uninterrupted hour of prayer in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament―is to encourage a deep personal encounter with Christ. “Looking at the Eucharistic Lord for an hour,” he wrote, “transforms the heart in a mysterious way.” Pope St. John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, and Pope Francis all joined Sheen in recommending Eucharistic Adoration as a foundational spiritual practice. Today, however, the hidden power of the Holy Hour radiates with special urgency―both for the Church and for the culture. Many Catholics no longer believe in or even understand the doctrine of the Real Presence; many Protestants are disconnected from the historical reality, and centrality, of the Eucharist; and people of all backgrounds, overwhelmed by the noise and speed of postmodern life, seek refuge in various forms of meditation and mindfulness. To all of these groups, the Holy Hour offers a life-changing opportunity: the silence and simplicity of being in the presence of God. The Holy Hour is a unique collection of hymns, poetry, prayers, and reflections for Adoration from across two thousand years of Catholic tradition. Structured around Bishop Robert Barron’s threefold classification of Real Presence, Holy Sacrifice, and Sacred Meal, readers will explore the Eucharistic hymns of St. Thomas Aquinas, key passages from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, verses from both saints and lesser-known poets, and reflections from Bishop Barron and the great heroes of the Word on Fire movement. The Holy Hour is designed to inspire readers to stay close to Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, guide their prayer and contemplation in his presence, and spark the revival of silent Adoration that the world so desperately craves.

    Fulton Sheen once wrote that the purpose of the Holy Hour--a sustained, uninterrupted hour of prayer in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament--is to encourage a deep personal encounter with Christ. "Looking at the Eucharistic Lord for an hour," he wrote, "transforms the heart in a mysterious way." Pope St. John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, and Pope Francis all joined Sheen in recommending Eucharistic Adoration as a foundational spiritual practice.

    Today, however, the hidden power of the Holy Hour radiates with special urgency--both for the Church and for the culture. Many Catholics no longer believe in or even understand the doctrine of the Real Presence; many Protestants are disconnected from the historical reality, and centrality, of the Eucharist; and people of all backgrounds, overwhelmed by the noise and speed of postmodern life, seek refuge in various forms of meditation and mindfulness. To all of these groups, the Holy Hour offers a life-changing opportunity: the silence and simplicity of being in the presence of God.

    The Holy Hour is a unique collection of hymns, poetry, prayers, and reflections for Adoration from across two thousand years of Catholic tradition. Structured around Bishop Robert Barron's threefold classification of Real Presence, Holy Sacrifice, and Sacred Meal, readers will explore the Eucharistic hymns of St. Thomas Aquinas, key passages from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, verses from both saints and lesser-known poets, and reflections from Bishop Barron and the great heroes of the Word on Fire movement. The Holy Hour is designed to inspire readers to stay close to Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, guide their prayer and contemplation in his presence, and spark the revival of silent Adoration that the world so desperately craves.
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    Holy Hour with Mother Angelica

    Holy Hour with Mother Angelica
    Angelica, Mother

    With Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at the forefront of her vocation, Mother Angelica treasured her beloved Spouse in the Eucharist. She brought Him her joys, sufferings, and all the contents of her heart in Adoration.

    In twenty-nine brief and brilliant chapters, she guides us to do the same, with Scripture references and Mother's personal prayers, meditations, and intentions.

    An ever-faithful disciple of the Church and Her Tradition, Mother Angelica saved her most precious words for her viewers. The fruit of her years of prayerful reflections as a Poor Clare Nun of Perpetual Adoration, this book is a beautiful accompaniment to prayer in front of the Blessed Sacrament or at home.

    A Holy Hour with Mother Angelica also presents litanies and novenas as well as Mother's teachings on topics such as:

  • Resisting Temptation
  • Love and Reparation
  • Repentance
  • An Hour of Healing
  • An Hour of Joy
  • An Hour of Trusting in God
  • God's Compassion
  • The Beatitudes
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    Jesus, I Adore You Board Book

    Jesus, I Adore You Board Book

    Adoration Board Book. For use in Eucharistic Adoration, or to prepare children for adoring the Eucharist either at Holy Mass or in Adoration. Features: -Sturdy, durable pages -Friendly, inviting illustrations, created specifically for children. -Full-color vibrant pictures that depict various stories from the Bible that help us understand Jesus's gift of Himself in the Eucharist. -Each picture uses the glowing shape of the monstrance to help children connect the Bible Story to Jesus Christ fully present in the monstrance there in Adoration. -Simple, powerful words that will help children adore.

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    Jesus, I Adore You: Children Praying Before the Blessed Sacrament

    Jesus, I Adore You: Children Praying Before the Blessed Sacrament
    Du Mesnil, Sabine

    Jesus, I Adore You teaches children what Eucharistic Adoration is, the ways they can practice Adoration, and suggestions for lovely prayers and words to use in Adoration. It draws on beautiful words from Scripture, and the inspiringwords from various saints on praye

    How do we adore God who has shared his divine presence with us in the Blessed Sacrament?

    Adoring Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament can simply be taking a moment to say that we love him. How? By going inside a Catholic church and quietly drawing near to his presence in the tabernacle.

    Jesus, I Adore You teaches children what Eucharistic Adoration is, the ways they can practice Adoration, and suggestions for lovely prayers and words to use in Adoration. It draws on beautiful words from Scripture, and the inspiring words from various saints on prayer.

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    Manual for Eucharistic Adoration

    Manual for Eucharistic Adoration
    The Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration
    Mother Teresa once said: "The time you spend with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the best time you will spend on earth." Take this great saint's words to heart. Then take the Manual for Eucharistic Adoration when you go to meet Him, and keep it with you Spiritual Communions and other moments of spontaneous adoration throughout the day.

    This beautiful Premium UltraSoft gift edition features sewn binding, ribbon marker and gold edges.

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    Moments Divine before the Bl Sacr

    Moments Divine before the Bl Sacr
    Reuter, Frederick
    This pious book is especially suited for use any time before the Blessed Sacrament. Each of the 30 chapters contain true stories, various prayers, an Act of Contrition, Sacred Heart reading, Spiritual Communion and so much more. Newly released in a simulated leather binding, it will enrich any devotional collection and inspire greater love for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. 338pp, Impr.
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    Praying in the Presence of Our Lord: Prayers for Eucharistic Adoration

    Praying in the Presence of Our Lord: Prayers for Eucharistic Adoration
    Groeschel, Benedict J

    The practice of Eucharistic Adoration is growing in popularity across the country, but knowing exactly what to do and what to say during the hour you keep watch can be difficult.

    Now Fr. Benedict J. Groeschel, author of In the Presence of Our Lord, the best-selling examination of the practice of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, has created a prayer book just for Eucharistic Adoration. Combining traditional prayers with modern ones, this compact volume is ideal for Perpetual Adoration, as well as private meditation and personal reflection.

    With his deep love for the Blessed Sacrament and his profound sense of the sacred, Fr. Groeschel has assembled a book that is sure to enrich your prayer life and strengthen your faith.

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    St. Faustina Prayer Book for Adoration

    St. Faustina Prayer Book for Adoration
    Tassone, Susan

    For centuries adoration has been a devotion saints, popes, and countless men, women, and children not only loved but came to rely on. In St. Faustina Prayer Book for Adoration, best-selling and award-winning author Susan Tassone shows you how to deeply encounter God during your own times of adoration. Here you'll find prayers for adoring the Lord before the Blessed Sacrament and for spiritual adoration at home. With St. Faustina as your guide, you'll learn more about the graces God offers you, ways to pray with and without words, and the unique and amazing relationship God shares with you alone.


    Susan Tassone has long been a passionate champion for the holy souls in purgatory and is recognized as leading a worldwide "purgatory movement."

    The award-winning author of ten best-sellers, including St. Faustina Prayer Book for the Holy Souls in Purgatory, Susan makes speaking appearances throughout the country. She's a frequent and popular guest on national radio and television programs as well as social media. In 2013, she was featured in the groundbreaking documentary Purgatory: The Forgotten Church and was on the cover of Catholic Digest magazine in 2017.

    She also continues to work tirelessly to raise donations for Masses for the holy souls.

    Susan holds a master's degree in religious education from Loyola University Chicago and had the honor and privilege of being granted two private audiences with St. John Paul II, who bestowed a special blessing on her and her ministry for the holy souls. Learn more at:

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    Transforming Your Life Through/Eucharist

    Transforming Your Life Through/Eucharist
    Kane, John

    The Holy Eucharist has nourished the Faith of Catholics for centuries -- but it's all too easy to let routine dull your sense of the transforming power of this sacrament. This book will stir the embers of your love for the Eucharist into a bright glowing flame.

    In it, Fr. John A. Kane explores the selfless humility shown by Christ in His presence in the Eucharist, opening the way for you to receive greater spiritual fruit from worthier receptions of Communion and from adoration of Christ in the Eucharist.

    You'll learn how the Eucharist is truly a sacrament of love -- a sacrament that not only demonstrates Christ's love for you, but gives you the grace you need to love God and your neighbor with a fervor unquenched by passing changes in fortune or feelings.

    As Fr. Kane opens your eyes to how much God longs to be with you in the Eucharist -- and how much He delights in you -- you'll come to experience the Eucharist as that inexhaustible source of grace, peace, and comfort that He intends it to be for you.

    Discover from Fr. John Kane:

  • Christ's silent and secret work in your soul: how you can aid Him in His work through the Eucharist
  • Receiving Communion: how to make your communions dynamic encounters with Jesus
  • Christ's Presence in the Eucharist: how it can nourish your soul even though it's beyond earthly understanding
  • Two obstacles to gaining spiritual fruit from Communion: how to recognize and overcome them
  • Why it's so important for you to spend time in thanksgiving after Communion
  • And much more that will help you know Christ in the Eucharist and love Him more than ever!
  • ISBN/SKU: 
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    Visits to the Blessed Sacrament

    Visits to the Blessed Sacrament
    This book was conceived and written by the great St. Alphonsus Liguori to help us grow in the knowledge and love of God and in appreciation for what He has done for us. Designed to be prayed in front the Blessed Sacrament each day over the course of a month, users of this powerful book cannot help but grow closer to Christ.
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    Visits to the Most Blessed Sacrament & Blessed Virgin Mary

    Visits to the Most Blessed Sacrament & Blessed Virgin Mary
    Liguori, Alphonsus

    Since they were first written in 1745, Visits to the Most Blessed Sacrament and the Blessed Virgin Mary has been translated into many languages and read worldwide. This classic translation of St. Alphonsus Liguori's Visits, a faithful rendition from the original Italian into the American idiom, has now been reprinted in a new larger edition. This new printing offers exactly the same text as the previous edition, but in a larger, more readable, more durable format. It includes St. Alphonsus Liguori's introductory and concluding prayer, spiritual communion, and his reflection/meditation for each of 31 visits to the Most Blessed Sacrament and the Blessed Virgin Mary.

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    What the Heart of Jesus Does and Says in the Tabernacle

    What the Heart of Jesus Does and Says in the Tabernacle

    St. Manuel González García, renowned as the Bishop of the Abandoned Tabernacle and acclaimed the greatest Eucharistic priest since the Curé of Ars, reflected: "I intend to awaken the curiosity, which in this case can truly be called holy, to understand and uncover what the Heart of Jesus in the Tabernacle does, says, and feels. I promise delightful surprises, invaluable discoveries, unimagined horizons, to those who allow themselves to be piqued by this curiosity."

    Through these profound yet practical meditations, sometimes written from the perspective of Jesus speaking to you, you will be guided into deeper intimacy with our Eucharistic Lord and inspired to share His love with others. Through this refreshing and transformative experience, you will discover:

  • Why the Gospels lead us to the tabernacle, and the tabernacle leads us to the Gospels
  • The mission of those closest to Jesus in the Gospels and how to imitate them
  • Greater fervor in receiving Holy Communion and praying in Eucharistic Adoration
  • How Jesus is neither idle nor silent in His Eucharistic Presence
  • The three ways the Heart of Jesus looks at souls -- and how He looks at you
  • The secret to touching the Heart of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament to receive healing
  • There is also a stirring section at the end of the book about what the Heart of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist says to priests.

    St. Manuel tirelessly wrote these reflections, originally published as articles, to "preach to active souls the necessity, importance, and fruitfulness of staying in the tabernacle because the Love who dwells there is not loved but is abandoned!" St. Manuel will show you how to cultivate awe and reverence as you bask in our Lord's Eucharistic Presence and let His power permeate your life. As your love of Jesus' Eucharistic Heart deepens, you will learn how to console Him as He consoles you and be inflamed to offer your life in witness to your faith.

    Above all, in the Holy Eucharist, you will encounter the Friend who always waits to listen to you with His Heart and always speaks to your heart. In the light of the tabernacle, you will learn how to grow in virtue, overcome temptation, and live without fear.

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