And You Will Find Rest: What God Does in Prayer
For six years, before becoming a well-regarded retreat master, Fr. Wayne Sattler lived as a diocesan hermit in a one-room cabin on an abandoned farmstead in rural North Dakota, striving to avail himself of the mystery of what God can do in prayer, clinging to the wisdom of the sixteenth-century Carmelite saints John of the Cross and Teresa of Avila as his trusted guides.
Fr. Sattler was asked many times to write a book sharing the fruits of his time in solitude to help others progress in the spiritual life, and after returning to the active diocesan priesthood in 2013, he completed this long-awaited work. Delving deeply into two of the greatest mystical masterpieces ever written, St. John's The Dark Night and St. Teresa's The Interior Castle, Father leads you through the intricate pathways of contemplative prayer, providing clarity on this oft-misunderstood subject.
As you journey with these Doctors of the Church and grow in self-knowledge, you will discover:
St. John of the Cross describes contemplation as "nothing else than a secret and peaceful and loving inflow of God, which, if not hampered, fires the soul in the spirit of love." This book sheds light upon the great mystery of the mystical life for everyone. Join Fr. Sattler as he guides you in developing the capacity for contemplative prayer in our great hope of being led more deeply into union with God.
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Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen: Convert Maker
Venerable Fulton J. Sheen was one of the greatest spiritual leaders--and entertainers--in America's tumultuous twentieth century. His television shows, for which he eventually won an Emmy Award, reached millions of viewers, and in the 1950s and '60s, "Fulton Sheen" was a household name.
But his greatest gift was in finding lost sheep. Through his thought, wit, and compassion, many thousands of people likely entered the Church, from all walks of life. Among them were jazz legend Ada "Bricktop" Smith, journalist Heywood Broun, Communist activist Louis Budenz, U.S. Congresswoman Clare Boothe Luce, spy Elizabeth Bentley, composer Fritz Kreisler, Communist Bella Dodd, and Hollywood starlet Virginia Mayo.
This in-depth work by historian Cheryl C. D. Hughes lets readers inhabit the postwar America where Bishop Fulton Sheen thrived, in order to reveal what made him such a magnetic figure in his own era. It peers into the complex lives of the celebrities and fallen stars who saw in the warm, brilliant bishop a sign of God's grace, and it offers a study in the inner dynamics of conversion.
Sheen was far more than a speaker and a scholar. A priest and shepherd foremost, he firmly believed that the Church needed to be poor to serve the poor, personally donating all the money he ever earned--over $200 million--to mission services. He was also an active participant at the Second Vatican Council, where he befriended the young bishop of Kraków, Karol Wojtyla, who had learned English, at least partially, from listening to recordings of Sheen. Pope John Paul II would later embrace Archbishop Sheen and say, "You have written and spoken well of the Lord Jesus. You are a loyal son of the Church."
While Sheen influenced countless conversions, he was always clear that it was the Holy Spirit, not the man, who makes the convert. By examining this bishop's ministry in action, we can catch a glimpse of how God works in the human heart, and in a fallen world.
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Bambinelli Sunday: The Most Wonderful Surprise of All
Each year, on the Third Sunday of Advent, children gather with their families in Saint Peter's Square for "Bambinelli Sunday." The children bring with them figures of the Christ Child—the Bambinelli—from their family's Nativity scene. During the Angelus prayer, the pope blesses the children, their families, and the figurines they have brought.
Bambinelli Sunday tells the story of one little boy, Alessandro, and what he learns from Baby Jesus about the love that can overcome anything.
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Biblical Heroes: Stories of Faith and Courage
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Book of Prayer and Meditation
Experience the profound wisdom of Venerable Louis of Granada in The Book of Prayer and Meditation. Journey into the depths of your soul and discover the transformative power of prayer and meditation as you explore the pages of this timeless masterpiece. The Book of Prayer and Meditation was first published in Spanish in 1554, translated into English in 1584, and transliterated from Middle English for the first time into a more readable form in 2023. Before Granada guides the reader through fourteen meditations, he gives practical advice for the pious soul. He also gives direction on five parts of prayer: preparing for prayer, sacred reading, meditation, thanksgiving, and petition. The fourteen meditations provide a morning and evening meditation for each day of the week so that one can develop a habitus of prayer. Venerable Louis of Granada's profound insights and guidance will lead you on a spiritual journey that will leave you inspired and uplifted.
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Born to Do This: 30 Days with Joan of Arc
Born to Do This is a personal, thirty-day retreat for those seeking the courage and faith that St. Joan of Arc exemplified throughout her life. Six hundred years after her birth and a century after her canonization, she remains one of the most intriguing and popular saints in history.
In this easy-to-use devotional, the life and words of St. Joan of Arc will help you to grow in courageous faith--the kind of faith that empowered St. Joan to answer God's call, defeat her enemies, endure martyrdom, and ultimately restore her reputation. With diverse patronages ranging from the United States Armed Forces to prisoners, from those ridiculed for their faith to the entire population of France, this icon of courage and women's empowerment captures the imagination of today's Catholic like few saints can.
This little book is perfect for busy people who admire St. Joan of Arc and desire an inspirational read to help navigate the difficulties and challenges of life. The book contains
As the six hundredth anniversary of her martyrdom approaches, the inclusion of the Maid of Orleans in Ave's Great Spiritual Teachers series brings the inspiration of St. Joan's own words and life story to those who admire her courage and hope to emulate her in virtue. A special novena is included at the end of the book for those who wish to invoke her intercession.
Each book in the Great Spiritual Teachers series provides a month of daily readings from one of Christianity's most beloved spiritual guides. These easy-to-use books are the perfect prayer companion for busy people who want to root their spiritual practice in the solid ground of these great spiritual teachers.
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Building a Wholesome Family in a Broken World: Habsburg Lessons from the Centuries
How do the Habsburgs approach family life? In a world that has gone mad, building a wholesome family cradle is daunting and often seems impossible. At the same time, many dare to dream of happiness in family life even today. How can you find the right spouse -- and make a lifelong marriage work -- in a culture that values transaction over commitment? How do you decide on core values and pass them on to your children? What are some practical ways to raise a family in the Faith?
Let Archduke Eduard Habsburg guide you on the ultimate adventure of building a family. As a father of six and now a grandfather, the Archduke of Austria shares his own experiences and recipes for a wholesome family life, bolstered by 850 years of Habsburg family history.
With his humorous and relatable style, Eduard dives deep into his family's storied past to give you true principles to live by and a Great Plan for lifelong joy. You will journey with the Habsburgs step-by-step through the centuries -- from falling in love to engagement, marriage, pregnancy, birth and Baptism, and everyday life, to seeing your children grow up and start families of their own.
With candor and affability, Eduard provides practical and spiritual tips on dating, engagement, and cultivating a happy marriage. Through fascinating real-life stories and examples, he explores:
As you discover inspiring paragons of loving marriages in the Habsburg family history, you will find concrete ways to nurture and educate your children to be truly happy in a world in which wholesome family life has become countercultural. As this scion of one of the great Catholic families in Western history reminds us, "This is the way!"
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Case of Galileo and the Church
Throughout the modern era, Galileo Galilei has been presented as a victim of cruel torture of conscience, theological narrow-mindedness, and ecclesiastical harassment typical of a dark, closed-minded Church. Frequently portrayed as such in theaters due to prevailing political ideologies, the story of Galileo points to the long-held tension between "science and faith," "technology and ethics," and "progress and the Church."
The story of the real Galileo, however, which has not been told--until now--is sure to rock the established narrative.
Walter Cardinal Brandmüller, an eminent Church historian and expert in Galilean research, evaluates the scientific research of the recent past and exposes shocking historical errors. Uninterested in whitewashing the problematic pages of Church history, he offers a balanced view of the controversy, illuminating it through the lens of a deeper historical understanding.
Leaving no stone unturned, His Excellency separates the facts from the fiction to reveal:
What famous critics, including Aristotelians, had to say about Galileo and his findings
You will discover the various aspects and philosophical views of the Galileo controversy, including how his personal polemics at times superseded his scientific research. Moreover, you will learn about significant scientists' and theologians' arguments regarding heliocentrism and other topics.
The book includes an extensive bibliography of Galileo's works and a timeline of his life, as well as a declaration from twelve Nobel Prize-winning scientists on the necessity of dialogue between science and religion and the need for the Church's guidance.
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Catholic Engagement with Latter-Day Saints
In this unique work, a collection of Catholic scholars address several theological topics about which Latter-day Saints and Catholics hold contrary beliefs: the Great Apostasy, the papacy, the Eucharist, the Trinity, the Incarnation, the nature of God, justification, sainthood, liturgy, and deification. The contributors, some of whom are converts to Catholicism from Mormonism, offer a respectful, though critical, analysis of the beliefs of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Catholics have done very little thinking about or interaction with Latter-day Saint theological beliefs. The Catholic Church has focused virtually all its ecumenical efforts on the ecclesial communities that arose from the Reformation, the Orthodox Churches, and Judaism. Left out of these discussions has been the LDS church, even though by 2016 it had grown to nearly sixteen million members internationally from its modest beginnings in 1830.
This work examines the LDS faith as an important and serious challenge to the Catholic narrative of the origin and development of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Absent the ad hominem attacks and lurid historical details that are often found in popular Christian assessments of the LDS church, this book is intended by its editors to lead to further dialogue and better understanding.
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Catholic Kids' Cookbook: Holy Days and Heavenly Food
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Challenge of Acts: Rediscovering What the Church Was and Is
A new and inviting introduction to the Acts of the Apostles from New Testament scholar and theologian N. T. Wright.
Acts is a substantial book. It sits right in the middle of the New Testament, looking back to the four Gospels and ahead to the mission of the early church. It provides a framework for our understanding of the letters; but it does more than that. Acts offers a sophisticated and nuanced view of what it means to think of the gospel of Jesus, Israel's Messiah, going out into the world over which Israel's Messiah claims the status of Lord.
This Christian movement and thinking, detailed in Acts, entailed confronting the wider culture of the Greek and Roman world, as well as the culture of the Jewish world, which provides us today with an important message as we ourselves face new questions about gospel and contemporary culture.
From the renowned author of Into the Heart of Romans, N. T. Wright brings to the book of Acts his expert's eye on theological nuance and cultural context, distilling it down into an introductory commentary, perfect for anyone looking to take their own reading a little deeper and discover the profound (and often forgotten) potential of the church and the Way of Jesus Christ.
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Christ, Science, and Reason: What We Can Know about Jesus, Mary, and Miracles
This is currently the only volume that comprehensively presents the scientific evidence in support of Jesus, the Eucharist, and Mary. Father Robert Spitzer, S.J., closely examines the scientific evidence for:
This work also presents a summary of contemporary historical and exegetical evidence for the historicity, Passion, and Resurrection of Jesus, and concludes with a consideration of the Catholic Church and science--particularly the Church's contributions to science, the complementarity of science and the Bible, and the complementarity of physical evolution and the creation of a soul.
The book makes clear that the Catholic Church is not anti-science, but quite the opposite--it is one of the most scientifically aware religious denominations in the world. It will also be clear that science is not anti-God, anti-Christ, or anti-religious. On the contrary, its tools and methods give considerable credible evidence for all of them.
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Christmas Book: The History, Traditions, and Customs of Everyone's Favorite Holiday
Nothing warms the heart like Christmastime. All of us have precious memories of yuletide cheer, from the excitement of anticipation to the frenzy of preparations to the heartfelt family moments.
Buoyed by the "contagious joy" of Christmas among his congregations in Buffalo and Boston, Fr. Francis X. Weiser compiled a treasure trove of Christmas lore to enrich holiday celebrations for generations to come. Fr. Weiser, who was born in Austria and emigrated to the United States, had long been fascinated by American Christmas culture, which he saw as a consolidation of all the most beloved traditions from the nation's diverse immigrant communities.
He relied on interviews with parishioners, once-lost documents, and well-known material culture to get to the root of such cherished customs as Nativity plays, gift giving, and Christmas caroling.
In addition to exploring the cultural origins of beloved Christmas traditions, Fr. Weiser reveals their spiritual significance and explains their symbolism, including:
Fr. Weiser considered holiday celebrations at home a "radiation of the liturgy," a beautiful opportunity to cultivate the domestic church in family life.
Packed with historical and liturgical references, literary excerpts, and charming anecdotes, this book will become a family favorite that's revisited year after year in homes that welcome it.
Join Fr. Weiser as he embarks on a tour of the jubilant celebrations that manifests the sublimity of the Incarnation in the American melting pot, from sea to shining sea.
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Church in Prayer
In giving us his Son, the Father has given us the very mystery of prayer, of the possibility of praying -- that is, of entering into real communion with him. Prayer, in its deepest core, is nothing other than our welcoming of this desire of God to be with each of us personally, to give us himself, to make us participants in his life.
In preparation for the Ordinary Jubilee of 2025, the Exploring Prayer series delves into various dimensions of prayer in the Christian life. These brief, accessible books can help you learn to dialogue with God and rediscover the beauty of trusting in the Lord with humility and joy.
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Classic Literature Made Simple: Fifty Great Books in a Nutshell
It has been said, quite correctly, that we write as well as we read. It can also be said that we think as well as we read. Since reading well is so important, it is good to get into the habit of reading good books. The better the book, the better will be our ability to think well and write well.
In Classic Literature Made Simple, literary expert Joseph Pearce takes the reader on a guided tour of fifty great works of literature. The author of over thirty books, Pearce uses his experience of teaching literature at college level for over twenty years to show the reader the moral dimension of each work. He shows how each work presents a mystical mirror to the reader, offering insights into the meaning of life itself.
"Christian civilization has given birth to numerous great books as it has given birth to numerous great saints, "Joseph Pearce writes. "The former should be canonized as are the latter. Great books, like great saints, enrich our faith as they enrich our culture. As such, reading good books should be an integrated part of leading a good life."
Those who read this book will learn how to read the great books well, which will help them to live the good life well.
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Coached by Josemaría Escrivá: Lessons in Discipleship
Never one to mince words or refrain from action, St. Josemaría coaches us in work and rest, in times of struggle and ease, through confusion and certainty. He is for all of us—men and women of today, living and working in the midst of the world. He is for us all a coach, a father, and an excellent teacher of the elevated, virtuous, and courageous life.
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Contemplating the Seven Sorrows of Mary: A Chaplet with St. Alphonsus Liguori
The Chaplet of the Seven Sorrows of Mary is often overlooked and underutilized. Now is the time to respond to Our Lady's call to pray this chaplet fervently.
In these pages, you will discover how your own pierced heart can become a portal of grace that opens and transforms you into all that God wants you to be, allowing you to share in the mercy and love of Christ's Sacred Heart by uniting your sufferings to His.
Equipped with an enriched understanding of redemptive suffering, Dr. Joseph Hollcraft and Ruth Berghorst guide you in the practice of mental prayer with St. Alphonsus Liguori on the Chaplet of the Seven Sorrows of Mary in response to Our Lady's request -- echoed in every contemporary Marian apparition -- to abide close to her heart and pray for the salvation of souls.
Key to obtaining the triumph of the sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Our Lady is calling upon the saints who are uniquely disposed to help us in the twenty-first century.
These include:
Praying the Chaplet of the Seven Sorrows of Mary is akin to entering Mary's classroom to comprehend what is often deemed incomprehensible. An important book in this classroom would be about Our Lady's Seven Sorrows and how to overcome temptations and trials as she did. Among the many sufferings she endured, these particular sorrows flowed from Satan's efforts to undermine her crucial role in our redemption. This book aims to acquaint Catholics with these vital sorrows -- and the advantages Our Lady has linked to this devotion.
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Courage Under Fire: Father Willie Doyle, S.J., Priest and Hero of the First World War
This historical novel for young people is about the heroic life of Father Willie Doyle, S.J., an Irish Jesuit priest who sacrificed his life serving wounded soldiers in World War I.
Father Doyle enjoyed a happy, privileged Victorian childhood in Ireland. Growing up in a loving, faithful Catholic family, he heard the call to serve God as a priest from a very young age. Shortly after his ordination, the First World War broke out, and Father Willie volunteered to serve as a chaplain to the thousands of Irish soldiers fighting in France.
This joyful, holy, brave, and compassionate priest left the country he loved and ministered to soldiers in the hell of the trenches, dodging bullets and bombs to ensure that dying soldiers could receive the sacraments. By the time he was killed trying to help a wounded soldier, Father Willie had become greatly loved and esteemed by both Catholics and Protestants fighting in the war.
The cause for the canonization of Father Willie Doyle has recently been opened in Rome.
This historical novel for young people is about the heroic life of Father Willie Doyle, S.J., an Irish Jesuit priest who sacrificed his life serving wounded soldiers in World War I.
Father Doyle enjoyed a happy, privileged Victorian childhood in Ireland. Growing up in a loving, faithful Catholic family, he heard the call to serve God as a priest from a very young age. Shortly after his ordination, the First World War broke out, and Father Willie volunteered to serve as a chaplain to the thousands of Irish soldiers fighting in France.
This joyful, holy, brave, and compassionate priest left the country he loved and ministered to soldiers in the hell of the trenches, dodging bullets and bombs to ensure that dying soldiers could receive the sacraments. By the time he was killed trying to help a wounded soldier, Father Willie had become greatly loved and esteemed by both Catholics and Protestants fighting in the war.
The cause for the canonization of Father Willie Doyle has recently been opened in Rome.
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Cultural Catholics: Who They Are, How to Respond
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Death in Black and White
Father Christopher Hart, a young New York priest and classic film buff, is unwittingly drafted by the mob to hear the confession of a man slated for execution. This was not one of the duties he expected when he became a first-time pastor. Learning how to balance the books and safely navigate parish politics, yes; but playing a key role in the White Death--a mafia ritual in which a person condemned to death is allowed to confess his sins before he's killed--was not included on the Parish Leadership 101 curriculum. Should he just do his job and collaborate with the mob for the sake of souls or find a way to stop the violence?
Unrelentingly comparing his life to his favorite classic movies, Father Hart wishes he could just play the role of Father O'Malley from Going My Way, but he ends up playing a character more akin to Philip Marlowe from The Big Sleep. This riveting page-turner will entertain, but it will also drive the reader to grapple with important themes such as identity, purpose, justice, sin, and, ultimately, redemption.
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Devotions for Confession
Although frequent Confession is meritorious, one can easily become complacent and fall into a routine that diminishes sorrow for sins. This classic compendium provides preparations and thanksgivings to guide you step-by-step through the Confession process to help you develop a firm resolution, make reparation for sins, and become more disposed to receive God's grace.
Whether you are a recent convert or someone who confesses regularly, this book is for you. Fr. Hubert McEvoy, S.J., breaks open the true purpose of the sacrament and offers practical tips to help you grow in appreciation for God's abundant mercy.
The preparations and thanksgivings in these pages reveal the many benefits that the practice of frequent Confession provides besides the forgiveness of sins. Fr. McEvoy offers an atmosphere of freshness for each Confession by focusing our attention on themes associated with the rich and varied graces of this powerful sacrament. He explores topics ranging from self-knowledge, compunction, and penance to gratitude, forgiving others, and developing specific virtues.
Through stirring reflections on Scripture, and prayers and meditations from esteemed spiritual authors, you will learn:
- Why "confessions of devotion" are beneficial for your soul
- How Christ's gift of forgiveness in the sacrament restores peace
- St. Francis de Sales's advice for avoiding scrupulosity
- How to make a fruitful examination of conscience
- Practical advice and steps on making a good confession
- How to focus on core faults and ways to manage emotions
An extensive index and list of resources are also included, in addition to numerous scriptural passages for further meditation.
Despite our imperfections, Fr. McEvoy shows us how to humbly detest our sins while trusting in God and persevering with confidence and joy. By uniting our hearts more closely to God's will, he explains, we also grow in charity and help to build up the unity of His Church.
"To hasten daily progress along the path of virtue, We wish the pious practice of frequent confession to be earnestly advocated. Not without the inspiration of the Holy Spirit was this practice introduced into the Church. By it, genuine self-knowledge is increased, Christian humility grows, bad habits are corrected, spiritual neglect and tepidity are purified, the will strengthened, and grace is increased in virtue of the sacrament itself" (Pope Pius XII, The Mystical Body).
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Dilexit Nos: On the Human and Divine Love of the Heart of Jesus Christ
In his fourth encyclical, Dilexit Nos ("He loved us"), Pope Francis writes, at a time of profound global challenges, on the human and divine love of the heart of Jesus Christ. As Pope Francis observes, "We find ourselves immersed in societies of serial consumers who live from day to day, dominated by the hectic pace and bombarded by technology, lacking in the patience needed to engage in the processes that an interior life by its very nature requires." The Holy Father calls for a change of perspective, urging humanity to rediscover what is most essential: the heart.
In Dilexit Nos, Pope Francis invites us to reflect on aspects of the Lord's love that could illuminate the path of ecclesial renewal and resonate meaningfully with "a world that seems to have lost its heart." This encyclical, which includes reflections from Sacred Scripture and previous magisterial teachings, reintroduces the Church to the spiritually profound devotion to the Sacred Heart.
The encyclical's release coincides with ongoing celebrations commemorating the 350th anniversary of the first appearance of Jesus to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque in 1673, when he revealed to her his Sacred Heart.
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Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ: From the Visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich
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Entering Heaven on Earth: The Signs, Symbols, and Saints of Catholic Churches
Our Catholic churches are filled with an abundance of signs and symbols, some of which you may have never noticed or understood. The sacred art, architecture, and artifacts of a church building proclaim the Real Presence of Christ, God dwelling among us in the Blessed Sacrament. The saints portrayed within a church are witnesses to Eucharistic living, and we can identify them through various symbols that tell us about their lives, their works, and their witness to the living presence of God.
In Entering Heaven on Earth, Fr. Lawrence Lew, OP, shows you how to decode the signs and symbols found in our churches and to identify the saints depicted in them. This richly illustrated book filled with photographs the author has taken in churches from around the world will help you to see the churches you worship in or visit from a fresh perspective and to remember the true purpose of a church building.
A church is a visible expression of heaven come down to earth in the person of Jesus Christ. It is always, first of all, a place for the Christian people to assemble for the sacred liturgy and celebrate the Eucharist. The beauty of nature, the creativity and craft of mankind, the good works of the virtuous and the just are all brought together in a church building to remind us of the graced activity of God, who is present to make us holy and draw us into a deeper union with him.
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Eucharistic Saints: Twenty Stories of Devotion to Jesus
In Eucharistic Saints, your children will encounter stories of saints they may already know, like Pope Saint John Paul II and St. Thomas Aquinas, and they will become familiar with saints they may not know yet, like St. Peter Julian Eymard and St. Tarcisius. This book also introduces your children to holy souls who were their own age, like Blessed Carlo Acutis, St. Jacinta Marto, and Blessed Imelda, patron saint of First Communicants. Your children will see how God's grace filled these saints' hearts and enkindled in them an enduring Eucharistic love. With beautiful illustrations and engaging stories, Eucharistic Saints will inspire your children to recognize, adore, and love Christ in the Eucharist.
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Exemplary Couple: Saint Gianna Beretta and Pietro Molla Their Marital Journey and Message Today
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Expositio Missae: The Mysteries of the Mass Explained
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Faithful Finances: Six Steps to Establishing a Catholic Financial Life
In our consumerist society, it is easy to fall into financial woes and become enslaved by monetary troubles. In these liberating pages, Chris McMahon provides a user-friendly guide to help you break free from financial worries and plan prudently for your family's future.
This handy manual will guide you in developing a family mission statement, core values, short- and long-term goals, aspirations, and guiding principles, providing examples of each. McMahon underscores the importance of building financial security, from obtaining personal and professional insurances, to will creation and estate planning, to navigating living wills and health-care proxies, to charitable contributions and philanthropy.
In these highly rewarding pages, you will also find:
McMahon further lays out the essence of faithful Catholicism through a financial lens, describing how it differs from "woke corporate activism" and "woke capitalism." He explains why we are, in fact, not doomed, despite the ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) and DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) policies that attack the faithful.
You will learn how to pursue the financial activities that resonate with your faith, support ethical businesses and fair trade, and invest in those entities that promote human dignity over profit. McMahon provides extensive online resources and ready-to-use tools and templates to help you with all your financial planning.
As you grow in understanding your faith values and take practical steps to align them with your stewardship, you will enjoy greater peace of mind and financial freedom.
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Family Faith Under Fire: Practical Answers to Everyday Challenges
In our toxic culture, it increasingly seems as if raising children in the Faith is a losing battle. Perhaps your spouse wishes you were more "fun" than religious, or your peers challenge you in your beliefs. Concerns related to faith can become touchy topics for today's believers, especially when questions arise regarding your views on family life or your approach to raising children.
With his rare voice of reason and characteristic humor, popular television and radio host Dr. Ray Guarendi provides you with sound practical and spiritual wisdom and expertise as a clinical psychologist and father of ten. In these engaging pages, Dr. Ray addresses numerous issues, such as:
Additionally, Dr. Ray lays out ways in which parents can witness to their beliefs, even in broken marriages. You will also learn how to respond when your children's faith is threatened at school or through peers who don't share your beliefs, to protect them from unhealthy influences and mindsets.
Moreover, you will find tips for increasing your focus during Mass, concrete advice on setting an example for your children, and ways to help teenagers develop reverence for God at Mass.
Above all, you will learn who you are as a child of God and how to open your heart to His mercy and healing, regardless of your past experiences or how wounded you are now. Let Dr. Ray show you effective ways to live your Faith and share it convincingly and peacefully with those you love.
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Father Joseph Fessio, S.J.: California Blackrobe
This in-depth, page-turning biography of Father Joseph Fessio, S.J., founder of Ignatius Press and the University of San Francisco's Saint Ignatius Institute, is written by one of Fessio's earliest Jesuit mentors, historian Father Cornelius Buckley, S.J.
Born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area during the golden age after World War II, the bold, often reckless Joe Fessio would suddenly enter the Society of Jesus at age twenty and, by divine providence, find himself studying under three of the greatest theological minds of the twentieth century--Henri de Lubac, Hans Urs von Balthasar, and Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI). Over the decades, he would transform into one of the most powerful and energetic forces in the American Catholic Church, designing a pioneering Catholic Great Books program at USF and founding perhaps the largest Catholic publishing house in the English-speaking world.
With many hysterical glimpses into the engine rooms of Catholic institutions, warts and all, this robust yet unsentimental study of Fessio's unique life, cut with Buckley's trademark wit, shows what effective Christian missionary work can look like in the age of media.
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Forming Families, Forming Saints
How do we raise children to be saints?
How do we become saints?
From those two questions we draw our mission. As parents, our primary purpose is to raise children fit for eternal life—while we pursue the same for ourselves. If we succeed, it will be our greatest success. If we fail, there is no greater failure imaginable.
Fr. Carter Griffin treats the family mission with the gravity it demands. He considers it a work of deep formation, as crucial and as intentional as the formation of future priests.
In practical chapters, Fr. Griffin, a seminary rector, adapts the four pillars of priestly formation and applies them to family life. He highlights the key virtues that are essential for our children's human, intellectual, spiritual, and apostolic growth.
These pages are rich with testimonies from Catholic parents, exam¬ples from the lives of the saints, and other helpful resources to address specific challenges. Forming Families, Forming Saints offers a framework for children and parents alike to reach the heights of humanity and the heights of holiness.
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