Islam, World Religion

Persecuted: True Stories of Courageous Christians Living Their Faith in Muslim Lands

Persecuted: True Stories of Courageous Christians Living Their Faith in Muslim Lands

For 2,000 years, the persecution of Christians has taken place wherever the Church has been present ― essentially, in every corner of the world. More than 260 million Christians around the globe are facing some form of persecution right now, and that number continues to climb each year.

The Persecuted is an astonishing book that tells the real-life stories of brave Christians who are suffering intimidation, oppression, and violence right now as they resolutely live out their Faith in Muslim lands. The author, Casey Chalk, shocked by what he saw as a journalist living overseas, presents with skill and sensitivity these riveting stories that he witnessed firsthand.

This global tour of Christian persecution will take you from the slums of Karachi, where Islamic extremists harass and kill beleaguered Christians, to the bustling, exotic streets of Bangkok, where Christians hide in fear while awaiting adjudication of their refugee applications. You’ll meet brave Christians who escaped Muslim persecution to make a new life in the Netherlands, and others who slipped away only to become trapped in Russia. Casey tells the stories of Christians who were tortured and, in some instances, killed in Muslim nations ― and then lays out a strategic plan for rescuing as many as possible from their plight.

Chalk also addresses other fundamental issues, explaining why Islam’s radicals feel they must declare war on Christianity and why they persist in enslaving the Christians in their midst. He also explains how they have managed to get away with this appalling conduct in the face of powerful international organizations―and the Catholic Church herself―spotlighting the persecution and calling for its end.

These harrowing stories bring you face-to-face with fellow Christians enduring the ultimate test in distant lands. They will strengthen your faith and also prepare you for what may lie ahead here in the West if we fail to heed the advice given in this timely and important book.

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Persecution and Genocide of Christians in the Middle East: Prevention, Prohibition, & Prosecution

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This book addresses the most crucial religious freedom issue of our day. It explores various facets of the persecution of Christians in the Middle East, ISIS's ideology, their relationship to Islam as practiced by most Muslims, and the nature of religious freedom. It is essential reading for all concerned about religious persecution.
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What Catholics Need to Know about Islam

What Catholics Need to Know about Islam
Kilpatrick, William K

It is no longer permissible to have an honest conversation about Islam. Those who warn about Islam's threat to our way of life are dismissed as racists and xenophobes by social elites and even by many in the Catholic hierarchy.

For centuries, the Catholic Church served as a bulwark against Islamic expansion. Today the Church is an enabler of Islam, encouraging mass migration into the West and portraying Islam as a peace-loving religion that has nothing to do with terrorism.

In this highly informative, hard-hitting book, Catholic author William Kilpatrick pulls no punches in courageously confronting the threats posed by Islam. He shows how Muslim activists are employing the same tactics that led to the meteoric rise of the LGBT movement and how they have systematically infiltrated the government, media, business, schools, and even churches.

He explains how Western self-hatred and political correctness makes jihad possible, and he reveals how the media conceals and covers up for atrocities committed in the name of Islam.

In many European countries, you can be arrested for criticizing Islam. Meanwhile, desecration of churches is on the rise, police fear to enter Muslim zones, and London has become the acid-attack capital of the world. Europe is slowly capitulating to Islam, writes Kilpatrick, and the same can happen here if we don't wake up in time.

Among the many urgent topics covered in this compelling book are:

  • Why stealth jihad is more dangerous than armed jihad

  • Why you should worry about virgins in paradise

  • Why the rise of gender confusion has led to the rise of Islam

  • Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God?

  • Is the face of the migrant the face of Jesus?

  • Are Islamic family values the same as Christian family values?

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