Agony of Jesus: In the Garden of Gethsemane
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Beatitudes (Companion in Faith)
The Beatitudes are the words of Christ that cut to the very core of the Christian life. But have they become so familiar that we breeze past them, without taking them to heart? The Beatitudes can -- and will -- transform our lives in a powerful way, if we take the time to connect with them daily.
In The Beatitudes, you will find guided meditations based on the Beatitudes found in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. For each Beatitude you will:
The reflections in The Beatitudes are an essential aspect of examining your daily life, preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and deepening your prayer life.
Part of the Companion in Faith series.
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Confession: Its Fruitful Practice (with an Examination of Conscience)
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From Resentment to Forgiveness
From Resentment to Forgiveness: A Gateway to Happiness
A short, profound book
Discover that forgiveness IS possible
Offers practical advice and solutions
We all want to be happy. Perhaps the greatest obstacle to happiness for most people is resentment.
It’s easy to see how widespread this problem is: just notice the critical tone of so many conversations, the anger, the complaints and lamentations, the excuses, negative thoughts, frustrations, the distancing of person from person, family divisions, marriage breakdowns, eagerness for vindication or vengeance, labor disputes, social problems, even conflicts between nations.
This short book confronts this problem, studies it, and offers solutions to resolve it.
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Game Changer: The Role of the Holy Spirit in the New Evangelization
Do you want to engage in the New Evangelization? Do you feel like something key is missing in your attempts to share the Good News? It’s time for a Game Changer—the Holy Spirit. In this booklet, Pete Burak explains how this relationship, too often overlooked, is the key to fruitful attempts to win hearts for Christ.
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Getting More Out of Mass
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Handy Little Guide to Fasting
Many Catholics view fasting as hard, burdensome, weird, or only for Lent. This little book demonstrates that fasting can be so much more than that! It's an opportunity for prayer, reflection, and solidarity with the suffering of the world.
The Handy Little Guide to Fasting is your easy-to-read, down-to-earth introduction to this ancient practice. Author, speaker, and award-winning journalist Deacon Greg Kandra presents a way to blend faith and fortitude to make fasting more spiritually fulfilling. You'll learn:
Each brief chapter concludes with reflection questions and a prayer for your fasting journey.
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Handy Little Guide to Novenas
The Blessed Mother and the Twelve Apostles remained in the Upper Room in prayer for nine days after the Lord's ascension. From those nine days of prayer, the tradition of novenas -- praying for a specific period of time for a special intention -- was born. The word novena is derived from the Latin novem, meaning nine.
The Handy Little Guide to Novenas is your easy-to-read, down-to-earth introduction to this beautiful devotion. In this brief booklet, author and novena enthusiast Allison Gingras helps you understand and practice this ancient, yet totally relevant, form of prayer. You'll learn:
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Hell and Its Torments
What would happen to me if I were to be there eternally? St. Robert Bellarmine, Doctor of the Church, explains the horrors of Hell in clear detail in Hell and its Torments. St. Robert explains why Our Lord repeatedly mentions the "fires of Gehenna" and the fate of the souls who turn against him. Of Judas he says. "it would be better for that man if he had never been born" (Matt 26:24). Our dear loving Lord's numerous references to Hell and warnings against it should prompt us to consider it in detail and understand its horror. If we cannot be inspired to run towards God by the rewards and joys of Heaven, let us at the least begin our movement towards our loving God by fleeing the fires of Hell. Originally one part of a four-part sermon, St. Robert Bellarmine's vigorous examination of the reality of Hell will inspire you to amend your life and desire, even more, the blessedness of Heaven. This small and powerful booklet is perfectly composed so as to focus our minds on the essential realities of Hell. The meditations on the pains of Hell, written in 1574, remain surprisingly relevant to our modern world. The sermon considers the tremendous gravity of sin, the complete and unthinkable suffering of those in Hell, and the contrast of Hell with the blessed souls in Heaven. In all these considerations, St. Robert Bellarmine vigorously pursues the truth of Hell and its relevance to us as sinners. The brief and powerful lessons in Hell and Its Torments will touch your soul and inspire to abandon sin and turn to the grace that God constantly offers so that we can become saints.
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Hope for Hard Times (30 minute read)
Life is hard. And there are all sorts of pitfalls along the way.
Nowhere do we find a more overwhelming chronicle of hard times than in the Bible itself. The Old Testament is a long record of the disappointments and disasters that came upon the people of Israel.
Within every Scripture story of God's discipline, we find God's unceasing redemption. Within every story of man's stubbornness or selfishness that leads to strife, we find God's loving grace that leads us back to safety.
God doesn't just take pity on us; he empowers us. But only when we cease to rely on our own strength can we discover that God's strength is always there for us.
Theologian and TV host Scott Hahn shows us how we can use the Bible to deal with hard times, to get over hard times, and yes, even to rejoice in hard times.
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Hound of Heaven
The Classic Victorian poem about Christian angst that still speaks to modern audiences. Accompanied by illustrations that deepen the meaning of the poem.
A portable paperback version of a long poem by the Catholic Victorian poet Francis Thompson that grapples with our relationship with God and faith. The Hound of Heaven was written in 1890, but it foresaw the 20th century themes of existentialism and anxiety in modern times. This poem was much loved by Christian-influenced authors like G. K. Chesterton, J. R. R. Tolkien, and C. S. Lewis, and in turn informed their own writing. "[A] treat in store for you is the edition of the perennial Catholic classic. Francis Thompson's The Hound of Heaven. Jean Young provides beautiful new illustration for this poem. Thompson tells the familiar story of the sinner's flight from God, and God's even more insistent pursuit of the erring soul. . . . The poem has major appeal on many levels. . . . This little edition is great for a thoughtful gift."-The Priest- Please log in to review this product
John Paul II's Biblical Way of the Cross
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Mass and Prayers Pocket Card
Ambrosiana's™ Mass Prayer and Responses includes The Penitential Act andGloria, Profession of Faith, Invitations to Prayer and Communion, MemorialAcclamation, Concluding Rites and more, all in a handy trifold pocket card.
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Practice of Humility: 60 Lessons on the Virtue of Virtues
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Prayer Jesus Taught Us: The Our Father
The Our Father was taught by Christ to his Apostles and took shape in the experience of the early Church, and it has been seen as the synthesis of the whole gospel. The Prayer Jesus Taught Us identifies the theological-biblical structure underlying the Lord's Prayer and situates it in the living environment of the early Church. This book examines the antecedents in Mark, the systematic presentation of Matthew, Paul's push forward, the accentuation of Luke, and the mature synthesis found in John.
In preparation for the Ordinary Jubilee of 2025, the Exploring Prayer series delves into various dimensions of prayer in the Christian life. These brief, accessible books can help you learn to dialogue with God and rediscover the beauty of trusting in the Lord with humility and joy.
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Prayer of Mary and the Saints
When Mary has appeared anywhere in the world, the locations of her apparitions have points in common with the biblical places where she stayed and lived. This book reviews these places, examining what they reveal to us about Mary's identity and what the inner spaces are that Mary asks us to dwell in today. This book also explores the unique relationship Saint Catherine Labouré and Saint Bernadette each had with Mary, leading us toward a new, deep revelation of Mary's closeness to each of us.
In preparation for the Ordinary Jubilee of 2025, the Exploring Prayer series delves into various dimensions of prayer in the Christian life. These brief, accessible books can help you learn to dialogue with God and rediscover the beauty of trusting in the Lord with humility and joy.
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Prayers for Teens Pocket Prayer Book
These tiny but mighty books feature the world's most popular Catholic prayers. With large, easy-to-read type, this pocket book is a perfect prayer resource that can fit in the palm of your hand.
This book offers teens real help and hope in navigating the joys and sorrows of adolescence. Includes reflections on relationships, family, and how to pray. Features traditional prayers as well as prayers for help with one problems, faith, sex, peer pressure, and habitual sin.
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Rosary for a Eucharistic Revival
With Mary, draw closer to her Son as you ponder these mysteries.
Mary, Jesus' first tabernacle, leads us to adore and follow him in all the joys, lights, and sorrows of this earth to the unending glory of reigning with him in heaven.
All twenty mysteries, with introductions, focus on Eucharistic revival.
Splendid artwork helps prepare us to contemplate Jesus and Mary more devoutly.
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Scripture, Mercy & Homosexuality
Our God is a God of mercy: ever ready to love, forgive, and embrace us as his sons and daughters. Yet some of the Bible’s teachings on sexual morality can seem harsh and discriminatory. How can biblical teaching about homosexuality, especially, be compatible with the loving mercy of God?
Some people answer that question by dismissing such teachings as outdated—even embarrassing. Surely the ancient Levitical laws, or the letters of St. Paul, merely reflected the prejudices of their time and place?
In Scripture, Mercy, and Homosexuality, Mary Healy explores all those passages and more in light of the revelation of God’s mercy. She provides a scholarly yet readable explanation of how Scripture actually offers a fully harmonious message about God’s plan for human love and happiness, and shows how the Bible can help us fulfill our call to be the face of God’s mercy to all.
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Secret of Confession
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Seven Capital Sins: Pride, Covetousness, Lust, Anger, Gluttony, Envy, Sloth
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St Michael the Archangel
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Three Things Divorced Catholics Need to Know
Friends and family probably have lots of opinions and advice. But who do you listen to? You might have searched online or in books for answers, but find the information confusing or unreliable. How can you trust what you're reading? Or you might be so devastated you're not sure where to turn.
Now in this short, easy-read booklet, divorced Catholics will learn three important things they need to know now:
1. What the Catholic Church really teaches about divorce
2. How and when divorced Catholics can receive the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist3. What annulment is, how it works, who needs it, and why it mattersUsing the Catechism of the Catholic Church, papal documents, Scripture, and personal stories, author Mary Lou Rosien provides you with facts that can shape your decisions and actions, along with the encouragement and compassion that can only come from someone who has been through it herself.
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Uniformity with God's Will
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Untroubled by the Unknown: Trusting God in Every Moment
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What is the Theology of the Body?
The is the first title in the new series edited by Theology of the Body experts Christopher West and Katrina Zeno. In this pamphlet, West introduces us to the core truths behind this revolutionary teaching of Pope John Paul II. He asks the two most fundamental questions of human existence: 1) What does it mean to be human? and 2) How can we find true happiness? He shows how an understanding of who we are as male and female and the spousal meaning of our bodies unlocks the key to these and all of life s questions. God's plan for us is stamped right into our bodies, and knowing this gives us a new lens through which to see our life, our relationships, and the world around us. This pamphlet serves as a great, eye-opening introduction to this life-changing message.
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What Must I Do to be Saved?
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World Undone: Finding God When Life Doesn't Make Sense
Discover the One Thing That Changes Everything!
In this booklet, beloved speaker Fr. Mike Schmitz unfolds the mystery of brokenness. He reminds us that we have been fought for by a God who wants us as we are, not as we should be or hope to be. The Lord's will for us is to find our identity in him and to thrive, living the life he has given us.
"Filled with wisdom and keen spiritual insight, A World Undone breathes hope into darkness by showing you how trusting God changes your fear into courage and your hesitations into boldness." -Mark Hart, CIO/executive vice president of Life Teen and author of the Something More Faith Series
"More than ever, people are craving discussions about their toughest questions that are both honest and hopeful, and that is exactly what Fr. Mike delivers so beautifully in these pages." -Hallie Lord, author of On the Other Side of Fear: How I Found Peace and cohost of the Beatbox Gospel podcast
"I can't think of a better way to rediscover the good news! This book brings to life the key truths of our Christian faith." -Joshua Danis, national director of Alpha Catholic Context and author of Living the Fruit of the Spirit
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