All About the Angels
A wonderful book showing how the angels have visited people innumerable times in the past, how they do so today, and would do even more if we asked them. Also, how they prevent accidents, comfort us, help us, and protect us from the devils. Contains many beautiful stories about St. Michael, St. Raphael, and St. Gabriel; plus, angel stories from St. Gemma Galgani, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. John Bosco, etc. One of our 3 most popular titles!
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Angels and Demons: A Catholic Introduction
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Angels and Demons: What Do We Really Know
Drawing on the Bible, traditional Church teaching and St. Thomas Aquinas, Kreeft gives straight, clear answers to the perennial and philosophical questions asked about angels and demons throughout time. In his typical lucid, profound and sometimes humorous style, Kreeft answers such questions as ''What are angels made of'', ''How do angels communicate with God'', ''How do angels communicate with us'', ''Do demons, or devils, or evil spirits really exist?'' and many more. Includes angel art.
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Angels: Our Guardians in Spiritual Battle
Angels are all around us. They are not fairy-tale creatures or New Age sprites but powerful beings created by God to reflect his light. And while we often are not aware of them, the angels are deeply interested in us. In Angels: Our Guardians in Spiritual Battle, moral theologian, author, and speaker Msgr. Brian Bransfield teaches us how to recognize the angels present in our lives.
Drawing on Scripture, the Church Fathers, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Msgr. Bransfield shows how the angels -- the good angels who serve God and the evil angels who fell with Lucifer -- influence us in powerful ways. The evil angels are insidious as they seek to lure us into sin and away from God. The good and holy angels help us combat the wiles of the demons and accompany us on our mission of sharing Christ with the world. They serve as God's humble yet powerful messengers and our guardians in the wilderness of this life, strengthening us against temptation. Ultimately, they lead us to the glory of the Resurrection so that we might share the victory of Jesus over sin and death.
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Angels: The Catholic Teaching on the Angels
See that you despise not one of these little ones: for I say to you, that their angels in heaven always see the face of my father who is in heaven." -Matthew, 18:10
Father Pascal Parente compiles in this little book nearly everything that is known with certainty about the angels. Drawing heavily from Tradition and Doctors and Fathers of the Church, Parente explains the angel's creation, intelligence, free will, language, powers, movements, number and particular duties. He also relates the history of devotion to the holy angels and discloses the little-known fact that there are guardian angels, not only of individuals, but of churches, dioceses, and nations!
In a world that is increasingly curious about spiritual beings and at the same time skeptical about the existence and power of those beings, The Angels is a crucial tool for distinguishing the true from the false and the known from the unknown. It is a sure guide through the unseen and holy world of the angelic spirits-a book that truly instructs and inspires us to live in the presence of the Holy Angels!
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Defend Us in Battle: The Promises of St. Michael and the Heavenly Angels
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Encounters with the Angels: The Invisible Companions of Our Spiritual Life
Discreet but ever faithful, the angels play a vital role in God’s plan for our lives. Created as spiritual beings who mediate between us and God, angels serve as our constant companions, advisers, and protectors, watching over us while standing before God’s throne in Heaven. In this powerful new book, Odile Haumonté carefully combines the writings of Scripture, Tradition, and the testimony of saints who met angels face-to-face to unveil for you the breathtaking facts behind these heroic heavenly beings.
Because they are living reflections of the Holy Face they contemplate, angels draw us into the mysteries of Heaven. Haumonté shows you how to identify the subtle signs — not the overtly miraculous but consequential details — of angelic presences in the here and now. You’ll learn where angels are fully present in the Mass and liturgy and the role they play in your personal prayers. You’ll even discover how angels help us to nurture our children’s desire for God and how they lead us into a profound desire to please Jesus.
Take in these pages, and you’ll soon find yourself on an electrifying spiritual journey that opens your eyes to the role angels are playing in the specific choices you make and how you can more effectively place yourself under their protection. You’ll also learn:
The nine classes of angels — what they are and why they matter
The role angels play at the time of our death
How angels, who know the Word of God perfectly, help us to discover and understand it
Why angels are unable to access your thoughts
Why the fallen angels have no chance of redemption
How angels can assist you in times of temptation
How they are present in intimate family occasions and gatherings of groups that pray
Discreet but ever faithful, the angels play a vital role in God's plan for our lives. Created as spiritual beings who mediate between us and God, angels serve as our constant companions, advisers, and protectors, watching over us while standing before God's throne in Heaven. In this powerful new book, Odile Haumonté carefully combines the writings of Scripture, Tradition, and the testimony of saints who met angels face-to-face to unveil for you the breathtaking facts behind these heroic heavenly beings.
Because they are living reflections of the Holy Face they contemplate, angels draw us into the mysteries of Heaven. Haumonté shows you how to identify the subtle signs -- not the overtly miraculous but consequential details -- of angelic presences in the here and now. You'll learn where angels are fully present in the Mass and liturgy and the role they play in your personal prayers. You'll even discover how angels help us to nurture our children's desire for God and how they lead us into a profound desire to please Jesus.
Take in these pages, and you'll soon find yourself on an electrifying spiritual journey that opens your eyes to the role angels are playing in the specific choices you make and how you can more effectively place yourself under their protection. You'll also learn:
The nine classes of angels -- what they are and why they matter
The role angels play at the time of our death
How angels, who know the Word of God perfectly, help us to discover and understand it
Why angels are unable to access your thoughts
Why the fallen angels have no chance of redemption
How angels can assist you in times of temptation
How they are present in intimate family occasions and gatherings of groups that pray
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His Angels at our Side: Understanding Their Power in our Souls and the World
Meet the mighty spirits sent by God to enlighten and guide us, defend us from harm, and lead us on the path to eternal life. Learn how angels are invisibly present at every moment of your life, and how they can pray with you and for you, amplifying your praise by reflecting it directly to God face-to-face.
Angels do not form a separate universe -- they are an integral part of our own world sent forth for the sake of our salvation. They are pure spirits who communicate to us God's grace, His goodness, and His truth.
In these pages, Fr. Horgan unveils the surprising role of the angels in our lives -- and what you must do to gain their help. You'll learn how to imitate the angels in prayer and how they offer you the enlightenment and the encouragement God so desperately wants to give you. By praying with the angels, you will be strengthened for what lies ahead, better able to discern and do the Lord's will in all your actions. You'll also learn:- Please log in to review this product
Meditations on the Holy Angels
--St. Aloysius Gonzaga In the history of the Church, there are few saints who wrote with such angelic purity and devotion on the subject of angels as Saint Aloysius Gonzaga. Much has been written on this Jesuit novice who died at the young age of twenty-three while caring for plague victims, but little has been available on his actual writings--that is, until now. For the first time in English, Meditations on the Holy Angels, Saint Aloysius Gonzaga's longest and most significant work is offered to readers. Discover this great saint's love for the holy angels, no doubt a powerful inspiration for his own angelic purity. Those who read this inspiring work will fall more deeply in love with God and His holy angels. Learn about our angelic companions' excellence, nobility, and glorious order. Contemplate the powerful roles of Saints Gabriel, Raphael, and Michael through the eyes of one of the Church's great Jesuit saints.
Included in this volume are two important versions of the life of Saint Aloysius. The first is from the Office of the saint, first published in 1737, and subsequently incorporated into the Roman Breviary. The other version, published in 1699, is somewhat longer and offers further beautiful details of his sanctity, piety, and ardent charity.
As the patron saint of youth and students, Saint Aloysius Gonzaga's writings and life reveal that one cannot live an angelic life without angelic help. Here is a saint who sought his guardian angel's help three times a day. Here is a book that will enflame the hearts of both young and old to love our angelic friends--messengers from heaven--with even greater fervor.
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Mother Angelica on God, His Home and His Angels
What are the angels really like? What will we feel and sense in heaven? What would it be like to experience the void before Creation? These are some of the otherworldly questions Mother Angelica takes up in Mother Angelica on God, His Home, and His Angels. In this book we experience not just Mother Angelica the teacher, but Mother Angelica the mystic.
The foundress of the Eternal Word Television Network was first a cloistered, contemplative nun. This book contains the fruits of her Eucharistic contemplation, written while in adoration of our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Out of that mystical communion come mystical and theological insights into the nature of God the Father, the experience of heaven, and the ministrations of His holy angels.
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Saint Michael the Archangel
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle!
Throughout salvation history, Saint Michael the Archangel has appeared when God's people needed spiritual protection, healing, and victory. Today, many faithful still turn to him for assistance, and parishes across the world pray to him to defend our Church.
But what do we really know about Saint Michael?
In Saint Michael the Archangel you'll discover the fascinating "biography" of the angel whose mission from God is to do battle against Satan and all the evil spirits. Weaving together Scripture, history, papal documents, and popular devotion, author James Day fills in the gaps of our knowledge about Saint Michael, revealing the impact the mighty defender has on individuals, the Church, and the world.
Saint Michael the Archangel also highlights the main shrines dedicated to Saint Michael, and includes the text of prayers, hymns, and poems written to honor him.
James Day is a frequent contributor to Catholic Exchange, Crisis, and Catholic World Report, and is the author of Father Benedict: The Spiritual and Intellectual Legacy of Pope Benedict XVI. He is a producer and operations manager for EWTN's West Coast Studio at the Christ Cathedral campus in Orange County, California.
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St Michael the Archangel
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St Raphael: The Angel of Marriage, Healing, Happy, Joy
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Under Angel Wings: The True Story of a Young Girl and Her Guardian Angels
UNDER ANGEL WINGS is the true story of a young girl in Brazil who saw and heard her Guardian Angel during most of her life. The book is filled with real-life anecdotes which are edifying, moving and often humorous.
Cecy (See-see) Cony (1900-1937) tells story after story of how her Guardian Angel-whom she calls her "New Friend"-kept her from lying, stealing, revenge, immodesty, and from watching certain movies. She also describes how he protected her in moral dangers which she did not even understand, and how he aided her when she got into trouble because she was a "simpleton," as she puts it. Most beautiful of all, she relates how her Guardian Angel taught her to make sacrifices for Jesus and guided her in practicing acts of charity. Cecy describes many incidents of temptation from her youth. In each one, we see the beautiful way in which her Guardian Angel led his little charge to perfect contrition for her faults and turned all these difficult situations to good. Under Angel Winds reveals God\'s great love and care for His children on earth. It reminds us that He has also given each of us our own "New Friend" who has a similar, even if less visible, love and care for us."My sisters read a lot. This book, they say, is undoubtedly the best....I think this book is awesome....I think you and your children would benefit from this book A LOT. I recommend it highly, highly."---Mother Angelica
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Year with the Angels Daily Meditations
Drawing again from the deep well of the Fathers' wisdom, Aquilina has compiled a year's worth of reflections on the Nine Choirs of Angels.
A Year With The Angels invites you to discover the authority and strength of the Heavenly Host. Angels embody virtues, graces, and knowledge of the Truth because they stand before the very Throne of God. Among the Angels' responsibilities are governing the universe and the movements of nature, defending creation from the attacks of the devil, and acting as messengers of God to mankind.
This year, learn to appreciate our unique relationship with the Angels - especially those assigned to protect us during our sojourn on earth. What better protectors and intercessors could we ask for than the first of all creatures who have beheld the face of God from their very beginning?
Beautifully crafted pages, with durable Premium UltraSoft dual tone binding, ribbon marker, gold edges.
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