Last Things

Four Last Things- Death Judgement Hell Heaven

Four Last Things- Death Judgement Hell Heaven
It has ever been the practice of the Catholic Church to recommend to her spiritual children the meditation on man\'s Four Last Things - death, Judgment, Heaven and Hell. Keeping these sobering aspects of human destiny ever before our eyes, we will be that much less likely to fall into mortal sin and be lost eternally. Gives many facts we should meditate on as we contemplate death. This book has converted numerous Protestants in our day because of its cogent reasons for rectifying our lives. Impr. 223 pgs, PB
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Glories of Heaven: The Supernatural Gifts That Await Body and Soul in Paradise

Glories of Heaven: The Supernatural Gifts That Await Body and Soul in Paradise
St Anselm
"And yet the visible sun, as splendid as it is, is a mere created object, and is therefore certainly less radiant than the divine splendor, and less beautiful than the glory of the God Who fashioned it. It consequently follows that the bodies of the saints--suffused with this glory of God--will surpass the beauty and radiance of the sun itself."
--Saint Anselm

The great Doctor of the Church and Benedictine monk Saint Anselm has assembled one of the greatest books ever written on heaven. Relying on his profound insights from prayer and his deep love for Sacred Scripture, Anselm systematically describes various aspects of the happiness of heaven: the beauty of the bodies of the blessed, the velocity of the glorified bodies of the saints in heaven, the strength of the blessed, the pleasures of heaven, and much more. At the same time, Saint Anselm does not shy away from the reality of hell and its unending torments. Nothing spurs the soul to repentance like the thought of being eternally separated from God.
To obtain our celestial homeland, Saint Anselm instructs the reader to meditate daily on the day of judgment and the blessings of heaven. Saint Anselm, who later became an archbishop of Canterbury, exhorts the faithful to daily conversion and heartfelt prayers. It is a book that will make you long for heaven with all your heart and slowly detach you from this world, where "the pleasures, joys, and honors of this mortal life are but brief and ephemeral."

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Meditations on Death: Preparing for Eternity

Meditations on Death: Preparing for Eternity
Kempis, Thomas Á
Thinking on death is the most profitable meditation we can make.

Indeed, Our Lord's most holy passion and death offers us the greatest meditation, but pondering our own imminent death can bring us great fruit as it prepares us for the most important thing we will do: enter into eternity.
"Remember man that you are dust, and to dust you shall return."

By meditating on their deaths, many have renounced this fleeting world for the monastery and cloister. By meditating on their deaths, many have conquered the flesh, the world, and the devil. By meditating on their deaths, many have climbed the ladder of holiness in a brief time.

To keep death daily before your eyes is one of the greatest secrets to sanctity, for death is the only certainty in this life. And those who ponder the hour of their death daily will not be surprised when that moment comes; rather, they will have prepared for it their entire lives and will be ready to meet their Creator.

In this soul-jarring work, Thomas à Kempis guides the reader to consider the last four things: death, judgment, heaven, and hell. One of the devil's favorite words is tomorrow. But God's is today. Meditations on Death is like a mini-retreat that will redirect your heart to eternal things rather than passing things. For to contemplate the hour of your death is to already have one foot in heaven.

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Truth about Purgatory: And the Means to Avoid It

Truth about Purgatory: And the Means to Avoid It
Jugie, Martin

Many books on Purgatory reflect upon what you can do to help the Holy Souls suffering there. But this informative and reassuring book offers practical tips on what you can do to avoid the pains of Purgatory yourself. And the good news is, you don't have to endure martyrdom; you just have to grow in virtue.

Fr. Martin Jugie clarifies the truth about the Church's teaching on Purgatory and explains why it isn't enough simply to strive to avoid Hell. You must expiate for your sins now -- and Fr. Jugie spells out how.

You'll learn what St. John Vianney had to say about the afterlife to a woman whose husband committed suicide. You'll delve into the reality of Purgatory through the revelations of the mystics, including St. Gertrude the Great, St. Thomas Aquinas, and St. Catherine of Genoa. And you'll be gripped by the captivating true stories of Catholics who atoned for sin via Fr. Jugie's methods and received manifestations from the Holy Souls.

You will also learn about the relationships between the Holy Souls and their various interactions with the Church Triumphant and the Church Militant. Most reassuringly, you'll come to appreciate the extraordinary efficacy of your prayers for the Holy Souls and how immeasurably rewarded you are for the intercessory prayers and petitions you offer on their behalf.

Reading this book will show you not only how to reduce your time in Purgatory dramatically but how to strive to avoid it entirely and go straight to Heaven.

You will see why living a life of spiritual childhood and charity atones for a multitude of transgressions and why the Sacraments of Initiation are crucial in satisfying your debt of sin. You will also see the value of Extreme Unction and the critical role of Masses of the Living in preparing souls for a happy death and a blissful eternity.

Additionally, Fr. Jugie explains:

  • The location of Purgatory

  • The condition and state of knowledge of the Holy Souls

  • How you should atone through prayer, works, penances, and charity

  • The seriousness of even venial sin and how it stains your soul

  • Our Lady's role in interceding for and guiding souls to Heaven

  • The role of indulgences and other means to satisfy your debts for sin

  • How fidelity to your vocation and living the evangelical counsels prepares you for Heaven

  • Despite the intense pain experienced there, Purgatory is a consoling dogma because, in the midst of their suffering, the Holy Souls are enlivened by the assurance of Heaven and the unquenchable desire to be in God's presence.

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