Amazing Grace For Fathers: 75 Stories of Faith, Hope, Inspiration, and Humor
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150 People, Places, and Things You Never Knew Were Catholic
Good luck getting through an entire day without experiencing the impact of Catholicism. Woken up by an alarm or checked the time? The mechanical clock was invented in the tenth century by a monk who became pope. A bowl of cereal for breakfast? Your milk is safe thanks to Louis Pasteur, a devout Catholic whose research was driven by a love of God and humanity. Knock on wood? It's actually an ancient Catholic practice invoking the power of the Cross when facing trouble or danger.
Each entry in 150 People, Places, and Things You Never Knew Were Catholic is rich with detail and nuance. Here are Catholic stories full of drama, decisions, and inspiration.
The fruits of our Catholic Faith are all around us, and the ways in which the Church has shaped history and the secular world can be found in science, art, pop culture, sports, and more. Our most enduring (and endearing) customs, pastimes, practices, and institutions often can be traced back to an inventive, resourceful Catholic. You'll discover things you never knew -- and come away with inspiration for how you, too, can impact the world.
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Amazing Grace For Families
The word family brings to mind thoughts of joy, sacrifice, affection, hardship, and humor. Yet it is love that defines what it means to be a family, and it is this same love that gives a family their purpose. In bearing witness to the mystery of the love of Christ, the family becomes the domestic sanctuary of the Church. Amazing Grace for Families contains 101 stories of faith, hope, and inspiration. Some are sorrowful, others are humorous, but all will inspire you and your family to grow in love for each other as you fulfill your roles in the domestic church.
In Amazing Grace for Families, you will meet:
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Amazing Grace for Married Couples
Every marriage hits rough spots. The question is, how will you face those challenges? Amazing Grace for Married Couples features stories of couples who faced what seemed like insurmountable challenges, but through the grace of God found the strength and love to become closer than ever before.
In these pages, you will meet:
● A husband and wife whose mutual infidelities threatened to tear their marriage apart.
● A materialistic couple whose professional success could not fill the emptiness of their hearts.
● A marriage that began lovingly but nearly ended in divorce as a result of a gambling addiction.
● A husband whose addiction to pornography devastated his wife and family.
These powerful stories of redemption truly celebrate marriage as a covenant of God’s love. They will fill your heart with hope and give you the faith to persevere in times of difficulty. Experience the amazing renewal God can work in the lives of ordinary couples.
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Amazing Grace for Mothers: 101 Stories of Faith
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Art of Being a Good Friend
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Battlefield of the Mind: Winning the Battle in Your Mind
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Be Healed: A Guide to Encountering the Powerful Love of Jesus in Your Life
“Somewhere deep inside each one of us is a burning desire to finally become the person God created us to be.”
Do you suffer from spiritual or emotional wounds that are keeping you from reaching that goal? The bestselling book Be Healed is based on retired Catholic therapist Bob Schuchts’s popular program for spiritual, emotional, and physical healing. Incorporating elements of charismatic spirituality and steeped in scripture and the wisdom of the Church, this book offers hope in the healing power of God through the Holy Spirit and the sacraments.
Schuchts, founder of the John Paul II Healing Center, sensitively shares his own journey of healing after enduring a series of betrayals in high school—his father’s infidelity, his parents’ divorce, his older brother’s drug addiction—and his subsequent periods of struggle with God and faith.
Be Healed includes helpful tools such as charts, tables, lists, reflection questions, and personal challenges to guide you on your journey of healing. Schuchts’s trusted process for finding inner peace and healing is boldly Christ-centered, maintaining focus on the person of Jesus as “the life-giving and ever-present physician of our souls.” Schuchts will help you recognize your brokenness and find your hope and healing in the risen Christ.
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Be Transformed: The Healing Power of the Sacraments
Winner of a 2018 Catholic Press Association Award: Sacraments. (First Place).
How can Christians grow spiritually in the midst of our sinfulness? How can we transform our lives in a way that allows us to share in the resurrection of Jesus?
God has already given us the perfect solution--the sacraments.
Whether it is the wound of past hurts, the strain in our relationships, or the stress of daily life, we all need to be comforted and made whole by Christ. In this follow-up to his bestselling Be Healed, Bob Schuchts explains how the sacraments can fuel your emotional and spiritual healing and bring you closer to God.
Based on more than thirty-five years of experience as a therapist and decades spent in parish ministry, Schuchts demonstrates how each of the seven sacraments can be a life-changing encounter with Christ, communicated through the power of the Holy Spirit. He pairs each healing sacrament with one of the seven deadly wounds that emanated from original sin in the Garden of Eden. We perpetuate and deepen those wounds each time we sin, but the sacraments are God's remedy for sin. They give us a way to restore us to wholeness in Christ.
In Be Transformed, You'll discover how each sacrament can help you heal from wounds that can impede your relationships and sense of self-worth. With Schuchts's help, you'll learn how:
Be Transformed offers all of the tools you need for a fresh understanding of the sacraments, including reflection questions, scripture meditations, prayers, and inspiring stories. You'll come away hungry for the sacraments in a way you never knew possible.
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Catholic Guide to Depression: How the Saints, the Sacraments, and Psychiatry Can Help You Break Its Grip and Find Happiness Again
Countless Christians -- including scores of saints -- have suffered profound, pervasive sorrow that modern psychiatrists call "depression." Then, as now, great faith and even fervent spiritual practices have generally failed to ease this wearying desolation of soul.
In these pages, Catholic psychiatrist Aaron Kheriaty reviews the effective ways that have recently been devised to deal with this grave and sometimes deadly affliction -- ways that are not only consistent with the teachings of the Church, but even rooted in many of those teachings.
Extensive clinical experience treating patients with depression has shown Dr. Kheriaty that the confessional can't cure neuroses, nor can the couch forgive sin. Healing comes only when we integrate the legitimate discoveries of modern psychology and pharmacology with spiritual direction and the Sacraments, giving particular attention to the wisdom of the Church Fathers and the saints.
Here, with the expert help of Dr. Kheriaty, you'll learn how to distinguish depression from similarlooking but fundamentally different mental states such as guilt, sloth, the darkness of sin, and the sublime desolation called "dark night of the soul" that is, in fact, a privileged spiritual trial sent to good souls as a special gift from God.
You'll come to know how to identify the various types of depression and come to understand the interplay of their often manifold causes, biological, psychological, behavioral, cultural, and, yes, moral.
Then you'll learn about exciting breakthroughs in pharmacological and other medical treatments, the benefits and limitations of psychotherapy, the critical place that spiritual direction must have in your healing, and the vital role that hope -- Christian hope -- can play in driving out depression.
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Chicken Soup for the Soul: Living Catholic Faith
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Discerning the Will of God
Every Christian has a Mission. What's Yours?
"Is it time to change jobs?" "Should I marry?"
"Am I called to religious life?"
Sooner or later, every thoughtful Christian asks such questions. For everyone ready to make the shift from "What do I want for my life?" to "what does God want for my life?" Fr. Gallagher offers this new book to help you make sense of your major life decisions.
Drawing from the timeless methods of Ignatius Loyola and richly illustrated with examples and stories, this book offers practical wisdom for aligning your will to God's will. Fr. Gallagher takes you through each step of the process, including opening your heart to whatever God wants; making use of silence, the Eucharist, Scripture, and spiritual direction; and finding clarity (and what to do when you lack clarity).
While this book focuses on the major decisions such as marriage and career and vocation choices, the insights gained here can be adapted to other significant life decisions as well. Fr. Gallagher's clear style makes this book an important resource for all who want to discover where God is leading them, as well as for spiritual directors, retreat directors, and counselors
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Discernment: The Art of Choosing Well
Making good decisions are among the most difficult challenges in life. In Discernment: The Art of Choosing Well, readers will find a comprehensive guide to making choices, either individually or in groups. It is based on the time-tested spiritual exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, the sixteenth-century founder of the Jesuits who developed a systemic way of considering and making choices.
The author, a renowned teacher of Ignatian spirituality, leads readers on a journey of self-reflection, focusing on the process of discernment rather than on the particular problem at hand.
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Everbloom: Stories of Deeply Rooted and Transformed Lives
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Everything's Coming Up Rosie: 10 Things My Feisty Italian-American Mom Taught Me about Living a Godly Life
Ever notice that common sense isn't so common anymore? Each time we check our news feeds or turn on the TV, it seems the world is getting wackier. Right is wrong, wrong is right, up is down, and the only thing that's unacceptable is refusing to accept that anything and everything under the sun is . . . acceptable.
We desperately need a return to basic common sense, and Rosie Posie, a "street-smart theologian" from Jersey City, is just the person we need to help restore it. In this wise and heartwarming book, Rosie's daughter, syndicated talk-show host Teresa Tomeo, shares her top-ten list of unforgettable "Rosieisms" to help you and your loved ones live a sensible, well-grounded, godly life. As Tomeo notes, these real-life stories are simple, direct, and yes, sometimes very funny, but oh-so applicable to everyday life.
Refreshingly, Rosie speaks her mind and has precious little "tolerance." You will find that her practical advice will help you cultivate virtue in your life. You will learn to "nevva [never] get too big for those britches" and to "awfa [offer] it up" and put things "at the foot of the Crawse [Cross]." You'll come to see how your sacrifices help others in ways you may not have considered. And through Rosie's life and example, you'll come to appreciate the value of your sufferings, big or small, and how they benefit you and your loved ones. You will also learn:
Tomeo's memories provide rollicking humor and Catholic wisdom from the quintessential Italian mother. She also provides spiritual resources for self-reflection from the Catechism, Scripture, and the saints to help you grow in grace-filled living. Best of all, you will see the miracles of God's love in Tomeo's family and the maternal intercession of Our Lady in their lives. In the words of Rosie, "Rememba, the Blessed Mutha is watching you!"
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Finding God's Will for You
If your life seems to make no sense, or if you don't know which path to take, St. Francis de Sales will console and inform you. In this warm little book, he explains to you what God's will is and how He reveals it -- yes, even to you, and even in the seemingly random events of your life.
No matter what you're going through now (or may have gone through), you'll see why you should love and trust in God's will -- and long for its fulfillment. Best of all, you'll learn a sure method for discovering God's will in any situation -- today!
As you begin to discern God's loving hand even in seemingly chaotic events, St. Francis de Sales will lead your mind and your heart to the still waters of God's gentle consolation.
From St. Francis de Sales you'll learn:
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Finding Peace in the Storm: Reflections on St. Alphonsus Liguori's Uniformity with God's Will
Sometimes discernment seems complicated, and we struggle to "be still" to listen to God's voice. Following the death of his spiritual director, St. Alphonsus Liguori penned timeless advice in a letter to one of his spiritual daughters, and it became the famous work titled Uniformity with God's Will. Now Dan Burke breaks open St. Alphonsus's eighteenth-century classic for you. He intersperses relevant explanations and insights within the text of this great saint and includes reflection questions for each chapter.
St. Alphonsus explains, "We should most confidently abandon ourselves to all the dispositions of divine providence, since they are for our own good." In page after page, Burke shows you how the "wind and waves" can help you ascend to union with God. You will discover:
Liguori intersperses fascinating real-life examples from the saints to assist you in remaining steadfast amid afflictions. He explains three temptations that confront us and how to resist them, along with four practices of uniformity to God's will and a surefire way to unite your sufferings to Christ's sufferings.
You will acquire tips on what to do during periods of aridity or desolation. Above all, you will discover how to enjoy peace of heart in all circumstances and foster loving conversation with God. By learning how to entrust yourself fully to God's holy will, you will experience His divine embrace and the fulfillment of your deepest desires.
A "What Next?" section helps you take practical steps in doing God's will. Burke also provides a summary of the Paradigm of Ascent, which provides often hidden but foundational insights and practices necessary to live out Liguori's wisdom and to know the peace promised by God. In addition, he provides a simple action plan to implement these fruitful practices in your life.
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Four Levels of Happiness: Your Path to Personal Flourishing
Based on his study of great theologians and philosophers dating back to Aristotle, eminent philosopher and physicist Rev. Dr. Robert Spitzer devised his Four Levels of Happiness, asserting that whichever level dominates our lives will dictate our actions and determine the depth and endurance of our happiness. Incorporating examples from science, philosophy, psychology, and everyday life, Spitzer engagingly lays out achievable ways to ascend the ladder of happiness and find the fulfillment of all your desires.
Whether you are religiously minded or a skeptic, you will explore the fascinating relationship between science and the transcendent and gain keys to attaining the heights of joy. You will discover:
You will also learn about five transcendental desires that pull you up toward the fourth level of happiness and five cosmic inadequacies that drive you beyond the world of the senses.
Through the lens of science, Spitzer sheds light on the origins of the universe and man and the benefits of supernatural faith. Additionally, he explains three types of prayer and methods for developing a personal relationship with the Creator to find lasting and authentic joy.
Most significantly, you will find what it truly means to reach the level of transcendence. As you learn practical tips based on Ignatius of Loyola's Rules of Discernment, you will be empowered to live an enlightened, purposeful, joyous life. Above all, through Spitzer's logical, systematic reasoning you will see the beauty of Providence at work in you and how to open your heart to the power of love.
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Girl, Arise!: A Catholic Feminist's Invitation to Live Boldly, Love Your Faith, and Change the World
Winner of a 2020 Catholic Press Association book award (second place, gender issues-inclusion in the Church).
Is it possible to be both a Catholic and a feminist? Claire Swinarski, writer and creator of The Catholic Feminist podcast, believes it is: "I'm a feminist for the same reason I'm bold and honest and sometimes ragey: because Jesus was all of those things."
In Girl, Arise!, Swinarski reconciles the two identities by demonstrating the strength and abilities women have to share with the Body of Christ, the importance of women throughout the history of the faith, and how the love you experience through Christ and the Church can change you and the world around you.
In Girl, Arise!: A Catholic Feminist's Invitation to Live Boldly, Love Your Faith, and Change the World Swinarski points out that while both "feminism" and "Catholicism" can mean different things to different people, both feminists and Catholics desire to make the world a better, fairer place. And she shows that by treating women with dignity equal to that of men--by calling them his friends and teaching them--Jesus acted as a feminist as well.
With humor and sass, Swinarski addresses her frustration with the traditional concerns churches ascribe to women, as shown by the many talks directed at women focused on marriage and modesty rather than social justice. But she pinpoints the areas where modern feminism goes too far, arguing against abortion and exploring what it means to serve others rather than focus on our own needs first.
Swinarski also tells the stories of holy women--including Vashti in the book of Esther, Sts. Thérèse of Lisieux and Joan of Arc, Mary Magdalene, and the Blessed Virgin Mary--to show how their faith influenced their actions, even when those actions went against traditional norms and roles of women.
You will be empowered to embrace your God-given abilities as you follow the women who have gone before you in faith who--by announcing Christ to his disciples, believing in God's promises, and being faithful in hardship--changed the world.
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He Leadeth Me
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Hope Always: Our Anchor in Life's Storms: Our Anchor in Life's Storms
Of the three cardinal virtues of faith, hope, and charity, hope may be the hardest to define. A deceptively simple virtue, people often reduce hope to a mere optimism about the future, or they may see it as synonymous with trust in God. In Hope Always, Kris Frank, a popular Catholic speaker and youth minister, offers his down-to-earth and personal reflections on hope and how this crucial but often-misunderstood virtue can change our perspective on life’s difficulties.
Sharing stories from his own experience, along with Scripture passages and theological commentary solidly grounded in Church teaching, Frank teaches by example, demonstrating how the practice of hope can help any person, in any state of life, and in any situation. Each chapter tackles a different tough topic and shows how hope can transform a difficult situation. Whether someone is anxious, grieving, discouraged, or troubled in any way, hope in God reveals that there is a path forward, however challenging it might be.
Frank tells us “hope is neither nebulous nor ethereal. Hope has a name. Hope has a face.” By placing our trust in the person of Jesus, we can learn to anchor our lives in something, or Someone, greater than mere human confidence.
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How to Be Happy How to Be Holy
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How To Raise Good Catholic Children
First published fifty years ago, How to Raise Good Catholic Children is a rare treat for today's parents: a wise and readable book on child care that derives its wisdom from the Catholic home rather than from psychologists.
Author Mary Reed Newland here draws on her own experiences as the mother of seven to show how the classic Christian principles of sanctity can be translated into terms easily applied to children - even to the very young.
Because it's rooted in experience, not in theory, nothing that Mrs. Newland suggests is impossible or extraordinary. In fact, as you reflect on your experiences with your own children, you'll quickly agree that hers is an excellent commonsense approach to raising good Catholic children.
Let Mrs. Newland show you how to introduce even your littlest ones to God and develop in your growing children virtues such as:
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How to Read Your Way to Heaven: A Spiritual Reading Program for the Worst of Sinners, the Greatest of Saints, and Everyone in Between
Many of us commit to some form of spiritual reading, but we find that our book choices are sporadic and often based on a whim rather than following a purposeful plan. Designed for individual or group settings, How to Read Your Way to Heaven will guide your quest to delve deeper into a relationship with Christ by meditating on the written word while organizing your reading around the four pillars of the Catholic Faith the Creed, the sacraments, morality, and prayer.
How to Read Your Way to Heaven is not merely another book to read. It is designed to be an invaluable tool for guiding and organizing your reading to help you on your journey to become a saint. And best of all, this fully integrated do-it-yourself spiritual reading program that can be easily followed by the busiest of Catholics with the tightest of schedules.
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I've Seen the End of You: A Neurosurgeon's Look at Faith, Doubt, and the Things We Think We Know
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Imagine Heaven: Near-Death Experiences, God's Promises, and the Exhilarating Future That Awaits You
Heaven is even more amazing than you've ever imagined
All of us long to know what life after death will be like. Bestselling author John Burke is no exception.
In Imagine Heaven, he compares more than one hundred gripping stories of near-death experiences (NDEs) to what Scripture says about our biggest questions of Heaven, including:
● Will I be myself?
● Will I see friends and loved ones?
● What will Heaven look like?
● What will we do forever?
● What about children and pets?
Burke shows how the common experiences shared by thousands of near-death survivors--including doctors, college professors, bank presidents, people of all ages and cultures, and even blind people--point to the exhilarating picture of Heaven promised in the Bible.
This thrilling journey into the afterlife will make you feel like you've been there, forever changing the way you view the life to come--and the way you live your life today.
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Is There Any Hope for Me?
Millions are struggling to find hope in a world filled with disappointment, tragedy and sorrow. In this booklet, Ralph Martin uses the promises of God found in the Scriptures to impart hope to you and those you love.
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It's Not Supposed to Be This Way: Finding Unexpected Strength When Disappointments Leave You Shattered
What do you do when God's timing seems questionable, his lack of intervention hurtful, and his promises doubtful? Lysa TerKeurst unveils her heart amid shattering circumstances, inviting you to live assured when life doesn't turn out like you expected.
Life often looks so very different than we hoped or expected. Some events may simply catch us off guard for a season, but others shatter us completely. We feel disappointed and disillusioned at best and overwhelmed and hopeless at worst. We quietly start to wonder about the reality of God's goodness and why he allows us to suffer and experience grief and loss.
Lysa TerKeurst understands this deeply. But after many tears, godly counseling, and prayerful seeking, she's also discovered that our disappointments can be the divine appointments our souls need to radically encounter God. In It's Not Supposed to Be This Way, Lysa invites us into her own journey of faith and, with grit, vulnerability, and honest humor, helps us to:
Look for additional biblically based resources and devotionals from Lysa:
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Joy of Believing
As a convert from atheism Madeleine Delbrêl -- now a Servant of God -- arrived near Paris in 1933 with "no secrets and nothing to hide," as she put it. Her only desire was to live in unconditional openness to the gospel and to become a true neighbor to those living near her, especially the poor. She made friends with people from every stratum of society, believers and nonbelievers alike. In her day-to-day life, she discovered and articulated what is required of the follower of Christ.
This classic spiritual masterpiece consists mainly of Madeleine's private writings, which joyfully reflect God's personal love of each and every person. These precious pages include excerpts from her letters, notes, and poetry on daily living the Christian faith in modern culture. You will learn how to cultivate your spiritual life, value sufferings that arise, and more. "A Simple Guide for Simple Christians" will furnish you with priceless maxims on how to grow in prayerful surrender and love of God and neighbor, regardless of your circumstances.
You will also discover:
Madeleine's intense awareness of God's reality and presence gave her an ongoing dynamism in her struggles against injustice and unhappiness in all its forms. As she rubbed shoulders with atheists, her love of God grew more and more alive, and she became a model for those grappling with faith. She will inspire you to carry out those twin commandments of loving God and neighbor that she described as "inseparable but distinct."
Madeleine's writing is filled with true love, genuine hope, and heartfelt compassion. She will help you fall in love with God and let yourself be loved as His cherished creation. Through her meditations, you will also learn to grow deeper in prayer and to experience the faith that she said is the "temporal commitment of eternal love."
As one reviewer wrote: "Every person interested in lived Christianity in today's atheistic culture should find this book worth reading over and over again."
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Legacy of Mercy: A True Story of Murder and a Mother's Forgiveness
On May 31, 1999, Rachel Muha experienced a mother's worst nightmare. Her youngest son, Brian, and his friend Aaron Land were taken by force on a journey of about 20 miles, spanning three states, that ended in torture and death. They were roommates and students at Franciscan University of Steubenville, and the murders shocked the campus and the wider community.
Even before her son's body was found, Rachel publicly forgave her son's killers. It was a life-changing moment, not just for her but for everyone who heard her powerful act of forgiveness and love. Rachel has continued to choose mercy and forgiveness every day since then, now leading a ministry that serves inner-city children in the hope that they won't choose the same life that Brian's murderers did.
Legacy of Mercy tells the story of raising and losing a son; the story of forgiving his murderers; and the story of a mother responding to her son's death not with vengeance or self-pity, but with love and a desire to serve others in need.
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Light in the Darkness
In 1945, Father James Keller saw a world at war, the beginnings of the cold war, and divisions at home.
He was a man who believed that against all odds one person could make a difference - so he started a grass-roots movement called The Christophers - literally "Christbearers" - in the belief that each individual has a role in bringing hope and change to a troubled world.
And the response was staggering. The world was hungry for the message, and embraced Fr. Keller's motto:
In 2014, the world is just as dangerous and chaotic, and in many ways far more insidious than in Fr. Keller's day. No one knows the extent of this crisis better than Father Jonathan Morris, popular author and FOX news analyst.
Here, in his new book Light in the Darkness, Fr. Johnathan brings you eight of the core teachings of Fr. Keller, along with his own insights, showing us how they relate to us today.
Fr. Jonathan believes that now is the time for each of us to realize our own roles, and become "Christophers" in the world we live in today.
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Litanies of the Heart: Relieving Post-Traumatic Stress and Calming Anxiety Through Healing Our Parts
All of us are wounded and in need of healing. In these pages, Dr. Gerry Crete accompanies you on your journey to overcome anxiety and traumas, big or small. You will benefit from his "parts work" therapeutic approach to find inner harmony, greater life fulfillment, and a deeper, more intimate relationship with God.
Through this specialized technique, you will experience growth, transformation, and ultimately, restoration. This book stands alone in its seamless integration of advanced trauma-based treatment with rich biblical and Christian traditions. Each chapter offers a concise, real-life vignette, an exploration of the psychology of the interior world, a Scripture study, reflection questions, a meditation, and practical ways to apply these life-changing methods. You will also find:
Dr. Gerry guides you in identifying and understanding past wounds to achieve healing and experience lasting freedom. You will learn how to enter into your inmost self, created in the image and likeness of God. You will also learn how to develop the "eight Cs" to be calm, connected, compassionate, clear-thinking, curious, creative, courageous, and confident. Additionally, you will learn to foster the "five Ps" patience, persistence, perspective, playfulness, and presence.
As you rest in the spiritual center of your soul, you will learn to lay down your burdens and feelings of being overwhelmed. Above all, you will find how to truly experience God's love and learn to love Him and others fully.
The book includes three litanies: the Litany of the Closed Heart, the Litany of the Wounded Heart, and the Litany of the Fearful Heart. These litanies have been used by countless people to connect their inner parts with God's love and mercy. The goal of the litanies is to bring you into a closer relationship with God as you release your fears and anxieties.
We know that in God's embrace we can find safety and that God can heal all of our wounds with loving care," Dr. Gerry explains. "God truly knows us, sees us, and wants the very best for us. And God delights in watching us discover our true selves."
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