40 Unstoppable Women Who Changed the World
In 40 Unstoppable Women, author Harold Sala paints portraits of forty Christian women who were used by God to change the lives of the people around them. This book will inspire Christians and help them discover the path for their own lives. Stories told in this book include:
These women's lives span thousands of years and several professions, challenging readers with the truth that God can work in and through anyone willing to serve him--even in the face of poverty, hardship, or disability. Sala features women who had an appointment with destiny and served others at great personal cost; he hopes their examples inspire others to make a difference, one person at a time.
3 Key Features of 40 Unstoppable Women
- Concise and In Depth:
About the Author
Harold J. Sala holds a PhD in English Bible and has completed graduate studies at the University of Southern California, Fuller Seminary, Denver Seminary, Winona Lake School of Theology, and California Baptist Seminary. He is an internationally well-known speaker, author, and Bible teacher, and he has served as founder and president of Guidelines International, Inc. since 1963.
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Authority of Women in the Catholic Church
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Bad Girls of the Bible: And What We Can Learn from Them
Ten of the Bible's best-known femmes fatales parade across the pages of this popular and unforgettable study with situations that sound oh-so-familiar.
Women everywhere marvel at those "good girls" in Scripture-Sarah, Mary, Esther-but on most days, that's not who they see when they look in the mirror. Most women (if they're honest) see the selfishness of Sapphira or the deception of Delilah. They catch of glimpse of Jezebel's take-charge pride or Eve's disastrous disobedience. Like Bathsheba, Herodias, and the rest, today's modern woman is surrounded by temptations, exhausted by the demands of daily living, and burdened by her own desires. So what's a good girl to do? Learn from their lives, says beloved Bible study teacher and speaker Liz Curtis Higgs, and choose a better path. Whether they were "Bad to the Bone," "Bad for a Season, but Not Forever" or only "Bad for a Moment," these infamous sisters show women how not to handle the challenges of life.With her trademark humor and encouragement, Higgs combines a contemporary retelling of the stories of these "other women" in Scripture with a solid, verse-by-verse study to teach us how to avoid their tragic mistakes and joyfully embrace grace.
Let these Bad Girls show you why studying the Bible has never been more fun! Includes Discussion Questions and Study Guide
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Becoming Women of the Word: How to Answer God's Call with Purpose and Joy
Winner of a 2020 Catholic Press Association book award (third place, scripture-popular studies).
The women God called to bring his chosen people into the world were ordinary women who struggled with emptiness, oppression, infertility, and loss--yet who found strength and hope in God. In her first book, Sarah Christmyer--codeveloper of The Great Adventure Catholic Bible study program--pairs the stories of key Old Testament women with stories of women she has known to show us how we can hear God, say yes to his call, and share him with the world just as they did.
Breaking open the scriptures to reveal the historical, cultural, and biblical context in which Old Testament women lived, Sarah Christmyer breathes new life into their stories and makes their lives surprisingly relatable. In the process, she shares stories from her own faith journey and the lives of family and friends to show how the same principles that turned ordinary women into heroines of the faith are true for our lives today.
Each chapter of Becoming Women of the Word highlights the spiritual legacy of one or more women in the Old Testament. Their world was vastly different from ours, yet they faced the same questions we do: when we can't feel God's presence, where do we find help? When our world is collapsing, where is God? Why should we trust him? How can we trust him? Christmyer simply and clearly draws from the lives of these women important principles that help us to trust--even as we struggle with doubt. For example:
These unforgettable portraits create a colorful mosaic of faith, encouraging us to mine God's Word for spiritual treasure and to pass on the gift.
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By Dawn's Early Light: Prayers and Meditations for Catholic Military Wives
This book is for every woman associated with the military, whether on land, on sea, or in the air and for all those at home who are waiting for their loved one to return or who are living on military bases, or struggling with the myriad of demands connected with military life.
Best-selling and award-winning author Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle shines a light on these gallant, heroic women who carry on with great faith, hope, humility, and love.
Traditional and original prayers, as well as teachings and inspiration from Jesus, Mary, and the Saints are woven throughout the entire book to give a powerful shot in the arm and to uplift spirits. This book will surely speak to the hearts of military mothers, wives, and women who are serving or have served in the military. It will also be a source of prayer and inspiration for anyone connected to the military the patriotic, and for anyone who would like to learn more about these courageous military women.
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Called by God: Discernment and Preparation for Religious Life
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Captivating Expanded Edition: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul
Sometime between the dreams of your youth and yesterday's to-do list, something precious has been lost: your priceless femininity.
God has set within you a femininity that is powerful, tender, and fierce. No doubt it has been misunderstood, but it is there, and it is worth recovering. In this updated and expanded edition of their runaway bestseller, John and Stasi Eldredge vulnerably share their story and show you how to set your heart free and embrace life as a woman who is truly captivating.
The mystery of the feminine heart was meant to be a good thing, a source of joy. But all too often, it becomes a source of shame. We almost universally feel that we are too much or not enough.
This book combines timeless scripture with honest, heartfelt stories from women who have been there, too, giving you the encouragement you need to:
As we grow older and our dreams are slowly pushed aside, we're told that we have to settle for a life of efficiency and performance, striving to be the women we're told that we ought to be and still feeling like we're failing. But it doesn't have to be this way. Let Captivating help you discover the woman you were meant to be.
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Catholic Woman's Book of Prayers
This book will affirm women on their journey while celebrating the strength, dignity, and specific gifts of women in the context of the faith. Donna-Marie offers words of encouragement for women who are single, married, consecrated women, and single mothers, while straightforwardly addressing specific difficulties in women's lives, with prayers for stress, complicated pregnancies, and walking through divorce. Words from St. John Paul II, saints and mystics enrich the text with inspiration.
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Catholic Woman's Guide to Relationships
The Catholic Woman's Guide series integrates Catholic theology (Theology of the Body and teachings on contemplative prayer) with Sweet's unique brand of story and humor and will help you to find authentic love and freedom in all your relationships. In this third volume, The Catholic Women's Guide to Relationships, Sweet takes you through the doorway of Scripture to see how Jesus handled those troublesome people! Topics include:
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Catholic Woman's Guide to Romance
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Courageous Virtue: A Bible Study on Moral Excellence for Women
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Daily Companion for Women
The Scripture, reflection, and prayer for each day are especially suited to every woman who longs to enjoy a freer, fuller, and more faith-filled life. Spending a few minutes with these uniquely feminine thoughts each day will help increase a woman's capacity to love and be loved as only a daughter of God can be.
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Empowered Wife, Updated and Expanded Edition: Six Surprising Secrets for Attracting Your Husband's Time, Attention, and Affection (Updated and Expande
Attract his attention like a magnet when you relax more and do less
Receive affection not because you told him to make more of an effort, but because he naturally seeks you out
Feel more like yourself--and like yourself more If you've been trying to "fix" your relationship and it's not working, maybe the problem was never you, or your husband, or even the two of you as a couple. Maybe the problem is that nobody ever taught you the skills you need to foster respect, tenderness, and consideration. With humor and heart, The Empowered Wife shows you how to improve your relationship in ways you hadn't thought possible. You'll join a worldwide community of over 150,000 empowered wives who finally have the marriages they dreamed of when they said "I do."
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Extreme Makeover: Women Transformed By Christ, Not Conformed to the Culture
Popular radio host Teresa Tomeo knows from experience that the self-image of American women is being distorted by pop culture. With its emphasis on youth, physical beauty, and sexuality, the secular media is encouraging women--and girls--to see themselves primarily as sex objects.
A professional TV and radio journalist, Tomeo pulls together the latest research on social behavior and trends in order to demonstrate that women are harming themselves and their chances for true happiness by adopting the thoroughly modern, sexually liberated lifestyle portrayed in magazines and movies. Packed with not only persuasive statistics but also powerful personal testimonies, Extreme Makeover shows that it is not the slogans of the sexual revolution and the women's liberation movement that free and dignify women, but the beautiful teachings of the Catholic Church.
So what are women steeped in the Hollywood and Cosmo girl version of reality to do? Undergo Tomeo's Extreme Makeover. With the help of this book, they can shed the toxic messages that objectify and enslave them and embrace the truth about being a beloved daughter of God.
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Fervent: A Woman's Battle Plan to Serious, Specific and Strategic Prayer
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Gaze Upon Jesus: Experiencing Christ's Childhood Through the Eyes of Women
What if you had walked beside the Virgin Mary from the Annunciation to the point at which she and Joseph found Jesus in the temple? How might seeing Christ as a child impact you and your faith?
WINE: Women In the New Evangelization offers its second, six-week scripture study, this time following the infancy and early years of Christ as seen through the eyes of Mary and other familiar and imagined women in the gospels.
Founder Kelly Wahlquist and ten other members of WINE uniquely blend scripture reflections, imaginative encounters, and visio divina "sacred seeing" with practical spirituality and discussion questions that will help you take a prayerful and creative journey through Advent and the Christmas season.
Not much is known about the childhood of Jesus, but the Gospels highlight six key moments in his early life:
Week by week, you will dig deep into each of the scriptural vignettes of Jesus' early life and grow in your faith as you learn about virtues such as humility, patience, charity, reverence, prudence, and courage.
Each chapter uses an image that allows you to practice visio divina, the ancient practice of praying with sacred art. The images are included in an eight-page, full-color insert.
Gaze Upon Jesus will appeal to women who want to deepen their relationship with Jesus during Advent. Contributors to this inspiring scripture study include: Alyssa Bormes, Sarah Christmyer, Mary Healy, Maria Morera Johnson, Stephanie Landsem, Elizabeth Lev, Joan Lewis, Deborah Savage, Kelly Wahlquist, Katie Warner, and Carol Younger. Popular Catholic media personality Teresa Tomeo, also a member of WINE, wrote the foreword for the book.
As an individual or group study, Gaze Upon Jesus is a memorable way to encounter the God who sent his Son to show us his loving Father's heart.
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Girl, Arise!: A Catholic Feminist's Invitation to Live Boldly, Love Your Faith, and Change the World
Winner of a 2020 Catholic Press Association book award (second place, gender issues-inclusion in the Church).
Is it possible to be both a Catholic and a feminist? Claire Swinarski, writer and creator of The Catholic Feminist podcast, believes it is: "I'm a feminist for the same reason I'm bold and honest and sometimes ragey: because Jesus was all of those things."
In Girl, Arise!, Swinarski reconciles the two identities by demonstrating the strength and abilities women have to share with the Body of Christ, the importance of women throughout the history of the faith, and how the love you experience through Christ and the Church can change you and the world around you.
In Girl, Arise!: A Catholic Feminist's Invitation to Live Boldly, Love Your Faith, and Change the World Swinarski points out that while both "feminism" and "Catholicism" can mean different things to different people, both feminists and Catholics desire to make the world a better, fairer place. And she shows that by treating women with dignity equal to that of men--by calling them his friends and teaching them--Jesus acted as a feminist as well.
With humor and sass, Swinarski addresses her frustration with the traditional concerns churches ascribe to women, as shown by the many talks directed at women focused on marriage and modesty rather than social justice. But she pinpoints the areas where modern feminism goes too far, arguing against abortion and exploring what it means to serve others rather than focus on our own needs first.
Swinarski also tells the stories of holy women--including Vashti in the book of Esther, Sts. Thérèse of Lisieux and Joan of Arc, Mary Magdalene, and the Blessed Virgin Mary--to show how their faith influenced their actions, even when those actions went against traditional norms and roles of women.
You will be empowered to embrace your God-given abilities as you follow the women who have gone before you in faith who--by announcing Christ to his disciples, believing in God's promises, and being faithful in hardship--changed the world.
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Grace-Filled Moments
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Holding Space for Joy: A Prayer Companion for Women Struggling with Infertility
Infertility is a crisis, often silently brewing, within the fabric of our families, communities, and Church. According to the CDC, one in six couples now face a diagnosis of infertility. Infertility deeply affects the hearts and minds of couples everywhere, and we need better support and resources.
Many of us don't have pastoral guidance on how to navigate this difficult and unexpected situation that touches the core of our womanhood -- until we learn how to enter into our suffering constructively, forge honesty with ourselves and God, receive his authentic love, discover our innate motherhood, and unpack the goodness within us that cannot be taken away.
Holding Space for Joy helps women struggling with infertility make this much-needed prayer journey and offers solidarity along the way. This prayer companion presents nine concepts that helped author Mary Bruno find true peace even before she became permanently infertile. With original prayers, song suggestions, and journal prompts, this book can assist in the healing process.
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Jesus Approaches: What Contemporary Women Can Learn about Healing, Freedom & Joy from the Women of t
2019 Best Book Awards, Winner in Religion: Christianity
2018 Catholic Press Association, 3rd Place in Scripture: Popular Studies
2018 Independent Press Award, Distinguished Favorite: Religion Non-Fiction
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Language of Your Body: Embracing God's Design for Your Cycle
For most women -- whether single, consecrated, or married -- our menstrual cycles are present throughout a large part of our existence here on earth. We intuit that there is something strange, strong, and beautiful at work within our bodies. Yet that positive inclination is often at odds with what we have experienced personally or seen among our family and friends.
What good can we find in our cycles, especially when we ponder the fact that both men and women are equally made in the image and likeness of God? The Language of Your Body delves deep into this and other groundbreaking questions, using the wisdom of saints like Hildegard von Bingen, Pope John Paul II and Thomas Aquinas to explore this unique, fundamental aspect of God's design for female bodies.
Despite menstruation being labeled sometimes as a "woman's curse," the Catholic Church invites us to claim our cycles for good. This book is a beacon to all women searching for positive ways to integrate our menstrual cycles into our sense of self, our relationships, and our prayer.
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Love Stories of the Bible Speak: Biblical Lessons on Romance, Friendship, and Faith
Instant New York Times Bestseller!
The Bible is full of "love" stories. But the Biblical idea of love is so much bigger than we imagine.
Love is at the heart of the Bible. From the moment Adam declared Eve "flesh of my flesh"...to the sacrificial love of Joseph for Mary...to the deep friendship of David and Jonathan...to the abounding and never-changing love of God: The Bible is a love story. But it also redefines the way the world tells us we should think about love.
The Bible reveals not just butterflies and broken hearts. In Scripture, we see God's beautiful design for the partnership of marriage. We witness friendships that cross all boundaries. We watch as families navigate the many seasons of life. Our guiding example for them all is the deepest, most abiding, foundational love ever known: God's unconditional love for His people.
In The Love Stories of the Bible Speak, Shannon Bream draws lessons from the good, the bad, and the ugly of Biblical romances, friendships, and families. She shows how God's love is often very different from ours, turning upside down our assumptions about life, relationships, and each other.
The Love Stories of the Bible Speak reminds us that, no matter where we find ourselves, God's unwavering love will sustain and guide us. These insights into biblical relationships will uplift and encourage you, and reveal new dimensions to the most central Christian duty: to love God and your neighbor.
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Made New: 52 Devotions for Catholic Women
How would your life change if you were certain of your identity? If you could know that Someone loves you, sees you, and wants to be close to you--just as you are? In this beautifully designed weekly devotional for women, you're invited to soak in God's Word to embrace your identity as a beloved woman made in God's image.
Authored by Blessed Is She, a popular online community for Catholic women, Made New walks you through rich reflections of the Gospels, substantive Scripture for prayer through Lectio Divina, and prompts for spiritual growth. Over the course of 52 weeks, you'll uncover:
Made New is a thoughtful gift for the holidays, new year, birthdays, or for any woman who wants a stronger sense of self-worth, deeper peace in her identity, and a richer relationship with the God who loves her. Each devotional entry includes:
You'll be made new as you journey through a year of thought-provoking devotions, inspiring personal stories, and heartfelt prayers. Experience life change as you're drawn into relationship with a loving God who is committed to your flourishing, advocates for you, and delights when you come to Him.
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Magnify: pursuing virtue as a feminine genius
imprimatur granted 2/22/2023
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Manual for Women
She also reminds readers that they will embrace those gifts most perfectly if they imitate that most immaculate of women, Mary of Nazareth. Bean concludes with practical advice which every woman, whatever her state in life, will benefit from. In Part II, readers will be nourished by the depth and richness of the Catholic tradition's teaching on women. Church documents, wisdom of the saints, relevant passages from Scripture, wisdom from today's Catholic women, prayers, and hymns will inspire, delight, and edify women, young and old, single and married, consecrated to God in the religious life or a member of the laity. Now, perhaps more than ever, women need to be women. But what it means to be a woman has been so distorted by the various ideologies that the modern world imposes. Manual for Women serves as a reminder to women that authentic femininity (and, yes, authentic feminism) springs from an embrace, rather than a spurning, of the great and unique gifts God has bestowed on them, whether they be married or single, in religious life or a laywomen, a homemaker or a women who works outside the home, or, as so many women in today's hectic world are, some combination thereof!
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Plans God Has for You: Hopeful Lessons for Young Women
The Plans God Has for You: A Guide to Hope for Young Women will remind women that God is the key to happiness and understanding one's place and purpose in the world. The beloved, hope-filled Scripture will help young women:
hear God amid the noise of the world,
discern God's will for their life,
trust God to help them find true happiness,
discover the importance of prayer, and
see how Christ can help them achieve true friendships, find true love, and have good family relationships and a fulfilling career.
This book will inspire you to trust God's plan for your life and encourage you to live hopefully by using Jeremiah 29:11 as a means to discuss timely topics, while drawing upon Scripture, the Catechism and the saints, as well as pop-culture and real-life examples""and even Jane Austen!
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Privilege of Being a Woman
Women historically have been denigrated as lower than men or viewed as privileged. Dr. Alice von Hildebrand characterizes the difference between such views as based on whether man's vision is secularistic or steeped in the supernatural. She shows that feminism's attempts to gain equality with men by imitation of men is unnatural, foolish, destructive, and self-defeating. The Blessed Mother's role in the Incarnation points to the true privilege of being a woman. Both virginity and maternity meet in Mary who exhibits the feminine gifts of purity, receptivity to God's word, and life-giving nurturance at their highest.
Alice von Hildebrand received a master's degree and doctorate in philosophy from Fordham University in New York. She taught at the Hunter College of the City in New York, the Catechetical Institute in Arlington, Virginia, the Thomas More College in Rome, Italy, Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio, and Ave Maria College in Ypsilanti, Michigan. She lectures in Canada, South America, Western Europe and the United States, and is the author of several books including Greek Culture: The Adventure of the Human Spirit, A Philosophy of Religion, By Love Refined, By Grief Refined, and Soul of a Lion. She co-authored several books with her husband, Dietrich von Hildebrand, including The Art of Living, Morality and Situation Ethics, and Graven Images.
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Prodigal Daughters: Catholic Women come home to the Church
Feminists in the bureaucratic networks of Catholic dissent continually predict that women will abandon the Church en masse unless they are soon admitted to the hierarchy. The women who recount their experiences in this timely and important book prove the dissenters wrong. They are representative of a growing stream of "reverts" who have recognized and repented of their errors when they rediscovered the living heart of Christ at the center of the Church.
Today, when virtually all faithful Catholics wait and pray for the return of some family member or friend who has strayed from the Church, these accounts of faith reborn offer hope and direction to lift the heart of every reader.
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Promise and Challenge: Catholic Women Reflect on Feminism, Complementarity, and the Church
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Return to Modesty: Discovering the Lost Virtue
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Sisterhood: Giving and Receiving the Gift of Friendship
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Supreme Vocation of Women: According to St. John Paul II
St. John Paul II propelled the Church into a new era of fruitful contemplation about the dignity and value of women, often reiterating how women -- specifically as women -- reveal the image of God in the world. But his final contribution to that topic may be his most profound. Just months before he passed into eternity, he summed up his decades of teaching on the topic: "To you, women, falls the task of being sentinels of the Invisible!"
In these eye-opening pages, author Melissa Maleski shows how this final bold admonition succinctly embodies the Catholic Church's entire, consistent vision of women as powerful, vital agents for good. Drawing not only on the works of John Paul II and on those of the Church Fathers but also on the example of scores of holy women in the Bible plus the Blessed Virgin Mary and the many female saints of the Church, these pages offer profound and practical insights into the fundamental strengths and habits that distinguish womanhood as a particular way of being human, while giving authentic witness to the divine image of our Creator.
Be warned: here you'll encounter no outdated, sentimental ode to "feminine genius." On the contrary, reaching across time and space, Maleski's straightforward, engaging prose introduces you to the bracing, universal truths of the Church about the inherent strength and supreme vocation of womanhood, equipping you to counter forcefully our secular culture's distorted views of personhood, the human body, gender, sexuality, and the profound, God-ordained complementarity of men and women. Along the way, you'll come to learn:
How women, specifically as women, reveal the image of God in the world
The full truth about the vital place of womanhood in the Church and in the world
"Sentinels of the Invisible" what the phrase means and why it's so important
How womanhood as a "supreme vocation" is part of every personal vocation
Why the devil has a special fear of womanhood and a particular hatred of women
Why the devil always seeks to promote an imbalance of power between the sexes
How modern notions of sexuality and gender pervert God's image and His plan for creation
How marriage and religious life empower women rather than oppress them
Why St. John Paul II called women "Guardians of the Gospel Message"
And much more, in our confused times, to show forth for you "the supreme vocation of women"!
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