Gregory Popcak
Bedaditudes: 8 Ways to Be an Awesome Dad
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Beyond the Birds and the Bees
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Broken Gods: Hope, Healing, and the Seven Longings of the Human Heart
"You are gods." Blasphemy? No, those mysterious words, spoken by Jesus in the Gospel of John and alluded to in Psalm 82, point to a holy longing deep in our hearts that tells each of us that we were created for more.
"Imagine that you were to wake up tomorrow to discover that, by some miracle, you had become a god overnight," writes Dr. Gregory Popcak. "Not THE God--omnipresent, all-knowing, all-powerful--but a god in the classic sense. That is to say, you woke to find that you were perfect, immortal, utterly confident in who you are, where you were going in life, and how you were going to get there. It might seem ridiculous to consider at first, but allow yourself to imagine this truly miraculous transformation. What would it be like to live without fear? How would it feel to be completely at peace with yourself and the people in your life? Imagine what it would be like to be able to resolve--once and for all--the tension that currently exists between all your competing feelings, impulses, desires, and demands. What would change in your life as a result of your having become that sort of divinely actualized person?" Bold questions are in need of bold answers. And in Broken Gods, a work that is both practical and inspirational, Dr. Greg explores what our deepest desires--and even our darkest desires-- tell us about our ultimate destiny and reveals a commonsense approach to fulfilling our true purpose in life.
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Corporal Works of Mommy (and Daddy too)
St. Therese of Lisieux's "little way" shows us that we can achieve holiness by performing even the smallest acts with great love. For the family, every day is made up of many, many small acts - feeding hungry tummies, comforting a feverish child, getting a squirmy toddler dressed for Mass - and in each one we have the opportunity to practice mercy and be a living example of how to love and follow God.
The Corporal Works of Mommy (And Daddy Too) gives parents practical suggestions, tips, and ideas for ways to practice the corporal works of mercy in the home, and reflection questions for delving deeper into the topics. Each chapter also includes a prayer for God's guidance in our pursuit of the "little way" of the family. Let God set your family ablaze with his love when you practice The Corporal Works of Mommy (And Daddy Too).
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Discovering God Together: The Catholic Guide to Raising Faithful Kids
Research shows again and again that when families openly live and share their faith together, their marriages are stronger, children and parents get along better, and children are less likely to succumb to drugs, alcohol, promiscuity, or negative peer pressure.
In this book, experienced psychotherapists Greg and Lisa Popcak show how you can transform your family into a joyful place where each member experiences life as a gift from God.
From tapping into the rich beauty of Catholic traditions to mustering the motivation needed to deepen your spiritual life, you discover the practical, positive, and tangible difference our faith can make in your family life.
You'll also learn . . .
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For Better Forever (Revised, Expanded)
That all sounds great, we say, but is a "for better, forever" marriage even really possible? Especially today, in a world where even the definition of "marriage" is unclear.
In this new, revised and expanded edition of the best-selling book For Better...FOREVER, Dr. Greg and his wife Lisa Popcak answer the question with a resounding "yes." It IS possible, not just in theory, but in your own life, and your own marriage - whether it has just begun, or you've been married for years.
For Better...FOREVER has helped couples all over the world discover the joy, intimacy, and satisfaction that can be achieved by integrating cutting-edge psychology with a clear articulation of the Catholic vision of love and marriage.
Get started on your own For Better...FOREVER marriage today.
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Having Meaningful, Sometimes Difficult, Conversations with Our Adult Sons and Daughters
Do you wish you could have discussions about difficult topics with your adult children? If so, you're not alone.
Every parent dreams of having wonderful relationships with their adult children, but when our children make choices that we believe are not in their best interest, how do we talk to them about these concerns? And how do we know when to speak and when to keep quiet?
Using real-life examples of conversations based on calls to their syndicated radio show and their family counseling practice, bestselling authors Dr. Greg and Lisa Popcak offer vital guidance that will give you the confidence and ability to have meaningful conversations on a variety of topics. You'll discover:
- Common obstacles to meaningful conversations
- How to unleash the power of forgiveness
- Ways to support your adult child without endorsing choices you don't agree with
- and so much more!
Whether you want to nurture already loving relationships with your adult children or have experienced damage in your relationships, you can draw closer to them and help guide them on the path to more faithful and fulfilling lives.
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How to Heal Your Marriage: And Nurture Lasting Love
God has put you and your spouse together for a reason -- and it's not to argue. You are bonded together to cultivate in each other those virtues that lead to sanctification. That's why this book isn't just about saving your marriage -- it's about transforming it into a joyful, loving relationship.
In these pages, acclaimed author and psychotherapist Gregory Popcak shows you how to heal the hurt in your marriage and develop the crucial habits necessary to resolve conflicts, renew the love you once had, and discover the passion you always wanted.
Dr. Popcak's clinical experience and recent research show that the difference between happy and unhappy marriages lays in the habits -- both good and bad -- that are practiced in the home. Here you'll discover the simple steps needed to root out behavior that leaves you resentful and demoralized, and to begin practicing positive habits that facilitate mutual respect and cultivate admiration.
Even if you feel lonely and abandoned in your marriage, Dr. Popcak offers sensible ways you can work alone at resolving conflict, repairing damage, building rapport, and maintaining intimacy. Because of the graces given to husbands and wives, you have tremendous untapped power to be a catalyst for change even if your spouse isn't participating.
By following the wise advice in How to Heal Your Marriage, you'll take the guesswork out of building a stable, healthy marriage. You'll also learn:
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Just Married: The Catholic Guide to Surviving and Thriving in the First Five Years of Marriage
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Life God Wants You to Have: Discerning the Divine Plan
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Parenting Your Kids with Grace
Believe it or not, the Catholic family isn't primarily a human institution. It's a divine one. By uniting with the sacramental life of the Church, your common, ordinary, crazy family becomes something sacred, a "domestic church."
Family therapist and parent Gregory Popcak and his wife, Lisa, are back with Parenting Your Kids with Grace. Building on their best-selling book Parenting with Grace, first published twenty years ago, this new volume draws on the same parenting principles and provides up-to-date research to guide parents through each stage of child development from birth to age ten.
Practical, faithful, and humorous, Parenting Your Kids with Grace addresses four key questions:
- Are Catholic families called to be different from other families in the way we relate to one another in the home? If so, how?
- What does an authentic, family-based approach to Catholic spirituality look like in practice?
- What can the latest research tell us about creating a faithful home and raising faithful kids?
- How can Catholic families be outposts of evangelization and positive social change?
By checking our basic assumptions about parenting against both the Church's vision and what science can teach about living out that vision in healthy ways, we can discover God's plan for parenting healthy, godly kids.
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Praying for (and With) Your Spouse: The Way to Deeper Love
God wants to fill your marriage with the love that comes from his very own heart. Praying for (and with) Your Spouse will show you how to let God take every part of your relationship to the next level-from living each day with your joys and struggles to working out your decisions and disagreements to setting aside time for love and romance. Prayer, in marriage, is more than checking off a box. It is time spent in the presence of the Author of love himself. Every time we pray for and with our spouse, God gives us greater insight into what it takes to love each other better-more deeply, more honestly, more authentically, and more passionately. Every time we pray for and with our spouse, we open our hearts to a love that can satisfy our deepest longings and allow our marriage to be a light to the world.
This book will help you discover the simple steps you can take to invite God to renew and refresh your love for one another. As you pray together and for one another, you'll find out how much joy God has in store for you and your spouse-in this life and in the next!
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Unworried: A Life Without Anxiety
Anxiety. It's practically an epidemic. Twenty percent of Americans suffer from anxiety disorders, and millions more wrestle with worry and stress on a daily basis. For us as Christians, all that worry gets mixed up with a lot of guilt. After all, Scripture tells us, "Have no anxiety at all" (Phil 4:6).
How can we stop worrying and start living an anxiety-free life? As you'll learn in Unworried: A Life Without Anxiety, the answer isn't "just pray more" or "just read more Scripture" or, worst of all, "just stop worrying." If we learn to respect how God made us, we can build new habits of thinking, communicating, and acting that will help set us free from worry.
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