Divorced Catholic's Guide to Parenting

Divorced Catholic's Guide to Parenting
Cassella-Kapusinski, Lynn

Separation and divorce are heartbreaking realities for families. Many Catholic parents who are divorced feel ill-equipped to help their children cope and seek healing. How can they help their children heal and foster their faith when they are barely keeping it together themselves? Throughout this book, Lynn's thoughtful advice reveals how the Catholic Faith and its teachings are the key to loving your children through divorce and preparing them to live full, joyful lives.

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Gift of Self: A Spiritual Companion for Separated and Divorced Faithful to the Sacrament of Marriage

Gift of Self: A Spiritual Companion for Separated and Divorced Faithful to the Sacrament of Marriage
Campanella, Maria Pia

These pages were written by one hand and many hearts ... by separated spouses faithful to the sacrament because they are convinced this total gift of self is not an anachronism imposed by the Church to be accepted with patient resignation, but a path of sanctification lived out in the joyous paradox of the Gospel. This book, besides offering numerous points for reflection on the theme of separation, proposes a true and proper path subdivided into stages for groups of people who, living with the suffering of a spouse's separation, wish to remain faithful to the sacrament of their marriage. Among the many suggested prayers and meditations, one in particular, the renewal of the "I Do", has captured the attention of many churches both at home and abroad. The "Marriage Vows Renewal," included in the last stage, is publicized by the Pontifical Council of the Family. An imprimatur has been given to the book by Biishop Richard G. Lennon. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops published a recommendation for the book on their Marriage Resource Center: "The greatest strength of Campanella's book is her articulation of the vocation of the separated person to live out his or her marriage vows as a particular witness of God's eternal love for fallen humanity, and the practical path she offers to the realization of this call. Although she does not include personal details of her own situation, it is apparent that Campanella has walked this path herself. This imbues a sense of hope and inspiration to the reader."

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Healing After Divorce: Hope for Catholics

Healing After Divorce: Hope for Catholics
Rowland, Susan K
A person going through a divorce or having already experienced a divorce has watched life fall apart, has seen dreams end, has known that the future will not be remotely what was imagined. Yet, says Susan Rowland, herself a survivor of divorce after 30 years of marriage, there is hope. God loves us. God's love is not diminished or changed one iota when we get divorced. God is not disappointed in us. God does not think less of us. If we allow it, God will be very close at this difficult and insecure time, guiding us through the rough waters to a peaceful, calm, holy place.

Susan Rowland offers hope and practical ideas for living without marital love, taking care of yourself, telling others, crafting a legal settlement, grieving when a marriage is over, learning to live loved, making decisions, forgiving, building a foundation for your future, trusting in love, facing financial realities, finding your balance, learning to fly, and more.

The audio edition of this book can be downloaded via Audible.

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Healing the Divorced Heart: Devotions for Hope & Encouragement

Healing the Divorced Heart: Devotions for Hope & Encouragement
Sweet, Rose

Pocket-sized prescriptions for symptoms resulting from divorce

Often those who suffer the "heart attack" of divorce fail to follow a plan to recovery. They allow the build-up of bitterness to continue to clog emotional arteries. Just as the cardiologist orders heart medication, divorce recovery needs a prescribed course of action-rest, medication, and changes in routine or daily diet.

Healing the Divorced Heart offers pocket-sized prescriptions for various symptoms that come as a result of divorce. Rose Sweet invites those who have been damage by divorce to take their spiritual temperature and examine emotional x-rays. The book is full of practical advice, encouragement, and hope centered on daily doses of God's Word.

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Marriage Divorce and Annulment 101 Quick Questions

Marriage Divorce and Annulment 101 Quick Questions
Blackburn Jim
For Catholics, marriage isnt just an institution: Its a sacrament.
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Primal Loss: The Now-Adult Children of Divorce Speak

Primal Loss: The Now-Adult Children of Divorce Speak
Miller, Leila
Seventy now-adult children of divorce give their candid and often heart-wrenching answers to eight questions (arranged in eight chapters, by question), including: What were the main effects of your parents' divorce on your life? What do you say to those who claim that "children are resilient" and "children are happy when their parents are happy"? What would you like to tell your parents then and now? What do you want adults in our culture to know about divorce? What role has your faith played in your healing? Their simple and poignant responses are difficult to read and yet not without hope. Most of the contributors--women and men, young and old, single and married--have never spoken of the pain and consequences of their parents' divorce until now. They have often never been asked, and they believe that no one really wants to know. Despite vastly different circumstances and details, the similarities in their testimonies are striking; as the reader will discover, the death of a child's family impacts the human heart in universal ways.
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Three Things Divorced Catholics Need to Know

Three Things Divorced Catholics Need to Know
You find yourself in a profoundly painful position: you're a Catholic, and you're divorced.

Friends and family probably have lots of opinions and advice. But who do you listen to? You might have searched online or in books for answers, but find the information confusing or unreliable. How can you trust what you're reading? Or you might be so devastated you're not sure where to turn.

Now in this short, easy-read booklet, divorced Catholics will learn three important things they need to know now:

1. What the Catholic Church really teaches about divorce

2. How and when divorced Catholics can receive the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist3. What annulment is, how it works, who needs it, and why it matters

Using the Catechism of the Catholic Church, papal documents, Scripture, and personal stories, author Mary Lou Rosien provides you with facts that can shape your decisions and actions, along with the encouragement and compassion that can only come from someone who has been through it herself.

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