Death, Grief
After Suicide: There's Still Hope for Them and You
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Arise from Darkness: What to Do When Life Doesn't Make Sense
The Christian response to the problem of evil and suffering began with the cross of Christ. Our answer is inseparable from the cross-from Jesus' own encounter with evil and his triumph over it. In this light, Fr. Benedict recalls some of our most frequently encountered sorrows and griefs: the failure of friends, financial and personal insecurity, the failure of some in the Church, our own inconsistent behaviors and weaknesses, and the death of loved ones. As we examine these painful experiences, he shows that we can find solutions in the Gospel and in the lives of saints, heroes, and very brave ordinary people.
"Many guides have been written for people struggling with the mystery of evil. But each generation, each age has its own dark background in front of which the struggle to keep going must be worked out. In every age, men ask 'how am I going to go on to arise from darkness?' It is that which my book will address."
ùFr. Benedict Groeschel, CFR
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Caring for a Dying Loved One: A Comprehensive Guide
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For Those Who Grieve (Companion in Faith)
Grief, like a fingerprint, is unique to every person. The circumstances that cause grief are particular -- losing a loved one; losing a job or home; losing trust or a dream -- and can develop suddenly or over a long, painful period of time.
When we grieve, we all long for light in the dark places. We need a light to warm our hearts when they are chilled by grief. For Those Who Grieve includes 22 brief devotions and prayers, drawing on the saints, Scripture, and modern reflections to encourage readers to turn to God each day and find the light of hope, healing, and wholeness.
Part of the Companion in Faith series.
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Grieving Together: A Couple's Journey Through Miscarriage
"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted, saves those whose spirit is crushed." (Ps 34:19)
You might feel, in the days and weeks after a miscarriage, like the Lord is anything but close.
Laura and Franco Fanucci understand. After struggling with infertility, they miscarried their third child in the first trimester. Later, their twin daughters were born prematurely and lived only a few days. Laura and Franco are here to tell you that, while your miscarriage is a deeply personal loss, you are not alone.
Grieving Together is written by a couple specifically for couples, understanding that both spouses have experienced a loss and grieve differently. Drawing from Catholic tradition and teaching, Laura and Franco gently guide you through:
Grieving Together is the book the Fanuccis had wished for after their miscarriage. Practical resources include Scripture, prayers, and official Catholic rites. It also speaks to the unique concerns of fathers, and includes many real-life stories from couples in many different circumstances.
"We are fellow travelers on the road: parents who have suffered significant losses yet have grown in our marriage because of the gifts of our children's lives." -- Laura and Franco Fanucci
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Grieving: A Beginner's Guide
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Healing After Loss: Daily Meditations for Working Through Grief
The classic guide for dealing with grief and loss. Day-by-day reflections to find solace in our own lives, and comfort in the connection of sharing these meditations with countless others.
After the focus on planning and outpouring of love from family and friends in the immediate aftermath following the loss of a loved one, we are left to enter a new version of our lives where someone important is missing.
For days, months, years, the pain of the loss can crash in all at once. It is tempting to push that wave of grief back and soldier on with our new lives, but the loss will never lose its controlling power if we don't find the courage and love to face it. Meditating on the loss, along with the rush of love that comes with it, gives us a chance to rejoice in the life that was shared, and to look forward in which memories of our loved ones continue to bless us.
The short, poignant meditations given here follow the course of the year, but it is not a necessity to follow them chronologically. They will strengthen, inspire, and give comfort for as long as they are needed.
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Hope to Die: The Christian Meaning of Death and the Resurrection of the Body
In Hope to Die: The Christian Meaning of Death and the Resurrection of the Body, Scott Hahn explores the significance of death and burial from a Catholic perspective. The promise of the bodily resurrection brings into focus the need for the dignified care of our bodies at the hour of death. Unpacking both Scripture and Catholic teaching, Hope to Die reminds us that we are destined for glorification on the last day.
Our bodies have been made by a God who loves us. Even in death, those bodies point to the mystery of our salvation.
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I Am with You Always: The Nearness of God in Times of Loss: The Nearness of God in Times of Loss
I Am with You Always invites the ordinary Catholic to once again "behold Jesus." In doing so, we will realize with joy and gratitude the wonderful connection between the ordinary teachings and practices of our Catholic faith and the strength we derive from them to weather the storms of life.
The authors gently invite their readers to respond to Christ's perennial call to "come and see" and to verify for yourself that:
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I Will See You in Heaven Cat Lovers Edition
This comforting collection of prayers, blessings, Franciscan wisdom, and heartwarming photos is the perfect gift for anyone who is grieving the loss of a beloved cat. Every page is filled with reassurance that we will see our feline friends in heaven.
The death of a beloved animal friend can be one of the most difficult events we face, often surprising us at the depth of the grief and emotion we feel.
It can be very comforting to know that the animals we love so much are safe with God, who created and loves them.
Throughout his many years as a Franciscan friar, Jack Wintz came to know--the Bible gives us many clues that we will be with our pets in heaven for eternity! St. Francis himself shared a close relationship with animals, preaching to the birds, releasing Brother Rabbit from a trip, or letting Sister Raven awaken him for early morning prayer. Franciscan spirituality tells us that all creatures form one family of creation, and God's plan of salvation includes the whole created world.
This new, expanded edition of the original bestseller includes:
Wisdom from Friar Jack, in 14 short and simple readings
Blessings, prayers, and stories from Scripture
Special presentation page to personalize the gift
Adorable photos and short memories of beloved cats
Sections of the book include:
Three Prayers of Blessing
The Happiness Principle
Noah, the Ark, and the Dove
Jonah and the Whale
The Song of St. Francis
Jesus and the World of Creation
Praying with Creatures
The Soul of a Cat
With it reassuring message of God's eternal love and care for all creation, I Will See You in Heaven helps us to know that we are not alone in our grief, and that our "goodbye" is not forever.
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I Will See You In Heaven Dog Lover's version
Expanded edition of the original bestseller!
Friar Jack Wintz's bestselling book now includes readers' photos of their beloved four-footed companions who are waiting for them in heaven -- where Friar Jack reassures us, with simple teachings from scripture and St. Francis of Assisi, we will see them again! "Our God is a God of overflowing love, goodness, and beauty who is ready to give over everything to those he loves. This goodness is reflected in the whole family of creation. When God says of any creature, whether human or nonhuman, that it is good or very good, it's not simply a matter of moral goodness. The creature also has an inherent goodness and beauty--a beauty that reflects God, who is Beauty itself." Cover photo: Hollie Betzler (2001-2018), Michigan's first grief therapy dog, served faithfully at her family's funeral home and area nursing homes for 16 years, giving a comforting paw at just the right time to just the right person. Her family anticipates her serving the same role at the gates of heaven, where she now waits for them.- Please log in to review this product
Jerome's Tears: Letters to Friends in Mourning
The mystery of death strikes at the core of the human soul. We instinctively recoil at the pain of losing loved ones, and as we grapple, we are quick to seek remedies to console ourselves. There is no one better suited to assuage our grief than the translator of the Bible, St. Jerome (ca. 347-420). This book presents -- for the first time in English -- a fresh translation of seven of his most moving letters that sought to soothe his friends who suffered the loss of spouses, children, relatives, and loved ones.
You will be struck by the relevance of St. Jerome's words to your experiences of grief today. You will learn how to find peace after the death of a dear one as St. Jerome, with palpable emotion, points to the hope promised in Christ's Resurrection. You'll also learn to transform your loss into a new opportunity to follow the Lord more closely through deeper Christian living, a union that St. Jerome explains powerfully to his friends.
This book begins with an introduction that presents the challenge of providing solace to the suffering along with a summary of St. Jerome's long life and of his theology of consolation. Each of the seven letters is contextualized with a brief paragraph about the people and the situation at hand as well as key themes for the contemporary reader's focus.
These precious letters reveal the compassionate heart of this enigmatic and eminent Church Father. By reflecting on the words that he used to hearten his spiritual children, you will be comforted in your own grief and fortified to support others in theirs. In these invaluable letters, you will encounter:
St. Jerome also encourages those who remain in their grief to consider the blessings they received from the lives of their loved ones and to look forward to a happy eternity together with them in Heaven. After reading his letters, you will never think of death in the same way again.
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Littlest Suffering Souls: Children Whose Short Lives Point Us to Christ
Every parent knows that. But some extraordinary children seem sent by God to teach us about the -big questions- such as life, death, suffering, and the existence of God. The children in this book, all of whom suffered terribly during their short lives, bore witness to God's love and an understanding of the meaning of suffering and -what to do with it- that belied their years. And their teaching was not limited to their immediate family: Everyone with whom they came into contact, from doctors and nurses, to major political figures and popes to family friends and other children, was profoundly affected by the encounter.
This book will make you cry, yes, but the tears will be mixed with something akin to joy at the beauty of the short lives of Brendan, Margaret, and Audrey, and awe at the grace and dignity with which they bore their crosses, lived and enjoyed this life, and ultimately left it to be with the God they all loved. In this time in which there is so much despair and sadness, and in this world in which we are so frequently reminded that it can truly be a -vale of tears, - let the Littlest Suffering Souls remind you that this present life is not all there is; let the Littlest Suffering Souls point you to heaven and to Christ.
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Loving Baby Louie: Hope in the Midst of Grief
Some take a lifetime to fulfill their purpose. Others, such as babies that die prematurely, need much less time to accomplish God's plan for their lives. Authors David and Colleen Currie share the story of their tenth grandchild, Louis Gerard, to offer hope to families suffering the loss of an infant and to assist children in the grieving process. Loving Baby Louie is a poignant story that will help small children understand the loss of a sibling and the eternal life that awaits them in Heaven. As Scripture tells us, "No eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man conceived, what God has prepared for those who love Him" (1 Corinthian s 2:9).
About the Authors
Colleen and David Currie reside in the Chicago area. They have eight children and eleven grandchildren. Loving Baby Louie is the true story of their tenth grandchild, Louis Gerard. In 1993, Colleen and David and all of their children joyfully entered the Catholic Church from Protestant fundamentalism. Colleen is a full-time mother and grandmother and David is a popular Catholic author and lecturer. He has been a frequent guest on both radio and television, including Relevant Radio, EWTN, and the History Channel.
About the Illustrator
Talena Streeter earned a degree in graphic design from the University of Colorado at Denver. She has worked professionally on all kinds of illustration projects--from advertisements to corporate logos. She especially enjoys illustrating children's books and helping talented authors bring their stories to life. Talena thanks God every day for her 'husband, her family, and the chance to do what she loves for a living.
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Memento Mori (Pb): Prayers on the Last Things
Memento mori--Latin for "remember you will die"--refers to the practice of meditation on one's inevitable death. Encouraged by Scripture and the saints, this ancient tradition can help you to manage the chaos of this world, grow closer to God, and focus on heaven.
Sr. Theresa Aletheia Noble, FSP is a religious sister at the forefront of the movement to revive this practice in the Church. She has written several resources to help people to incorporate memento mori into their daily lives. Her Memento Mori: A Lenten Devotional and the Memento Mori Journal have touched thousands of lives. Now she has compiled and written a beautiful prayer book to help people to meditate on death and the afterlife, traditionally called "the Last Things," in order to prepare for heaven.
Meditation on the Last Things--death, judgment, hell, and heaven--is not a dark and depressing practice. Rather, the practice is hopeful and lifechanging. It helps people to take stock of their lives, grow closer to God, and to live with renewed purpose and fervor. May this practice open your heart to the work God wants to do in you and through you before your last day on earth, whenever that day might be.
May God find us prepared!
2020 CPA Award Winner!- Please log in to review this product
Nursery of Heaven: Miscarriage, Stillbirth, and Infant Loss in the Lives of the Saints and Today's Parents
Miscarriage, stillbirth, and infant loss happen more often than we realize, leaving many to suffer in isolation. This unique companion will help those grieving from child loss as they search for comfort and meaning. Couples will encounter the experiences of holy people who suffered loss, such as Sts. Louis and Zélie Martin, St. Gianna Molla, and Servant of God Chiara Corbella Petrillo. Parents will also receive hope and consolation from firsthand stories of modern-day parents who have experienced similar losses.
In these moving and cathartic pages, you will explore:
Along with beautiful prayers, such as "Blessing of Parents after a Miscarriage or Stillbirth" and "Order for the Naming of an Infant Who Died before Birth," and various Scripture passages and novenas, this book provides reflections and practical wisdom for pastors, family, and friends to help those grieving the loss of a child to find healing. By journeying with others who share your grief, you will find new courage and hope as you await the joyful reunion with your child in Heaven.
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Prayers for Grief, Loss and Depression
These tiny but mighty books feature the world's most popular Catholic prayers. With large, easy-to-read type, this pocket book is a perfect prayer resource that can fit in the palm of your hand.
Includes prayers to Mary Undoer of Knots, prayers from the Scriptures for times of distress, and prayers of surrender in a time of loss. Features reflections on life and death, the value of sorrow, and patience in times of grief. A true help and consolation to all who mourn.
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Praying Our Goodbyes: A Spiritual Companion Through Life's Losses and Sorrows (Revised)
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Praying Through Our Losses
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To Die Is Gain: A Theological (Re-) Introduction to the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick for Clergy, Laity, Caregivers, and Everyone
The Anointing of the Sick is possibly the most underappreciated and understudied sacrament. In To Die Is Gain, Roger Nutt seeks to bring greater attention to and appreciation for the Anointing of the Sick. Beginning with an examination of cultural perceptions of dying, death, and burial, To Die Is Gain exposes the ways in which contemporary atheism and physicalism mark a clear divergence from ancient attitudes. In contrast to contemporary hopelessness, the Anointing of the Sick is a powerful counter witness that highlights the great dignity of the human person and the depth of Christian hope. Unlike the cures to particular ailments facilitated by modern medical science, in Holy Anointing Jesus gives his dying followers the healing graces that they need to pass from this life to the next in loving union with Him. As Nutt exposes the biblical and traditional foundations of this sacrament, he corrects common misconceptions and malpractice of this sacrament, especially the ways in which Vatican II is often misleadingly enlisted to support a broadening of the sacrament from end-of-life situations to non-life threatening illnesses. Finally, Nutt carefully describes the graces and effects of the Anointing of the Sick and richly expounds the theological depth of the rite of the Anointing of the Sick. The result is that readers can confidently say with St. Paul that "To die is gain" (Philippians 1:21).
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To Die Well: A Catholic Neurosurgeon's Guide to the End of Life
Dr. Stephen Doran draws from his vast experience as a neurosurgeon, a bioethicist, and a permanent deacon to present the Catholic perspective on the art of dying well. The spiritual and moral issues related to death and the process of dying can be challenging and complicated. To Die Well provides a detailed yet readily understandable guide to these topics.
Each chapter begins with a story from Dr. Doran's personal or professional life that not only provides context for the topic at hand but also gently draws the reader toward the personal realities of dying. The first part focuses on the moral issues that surround death and dying, including end-of-life medical decisions. The second part is devoted to the Catholic spiritual understanding of dying and the rites that accompany the death of a Catholic.
To Die Well will help readers contemplate, pray about, and prepare for the end of their earthly lives.
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We Are the Lord's: A Catholic Guide to Difficult End-Of-Life Questions
What are we supposed to do?
We Are the Lord's is a succinct, quick-reference guide to difficult end-of-life questions, framed by divine wisdom and Church teaching. Its easy-to-read chapters and question-and-answer format can be a welcomed help to any person or family who are searching for answers during a difficult and traumatic time.
We Are the Lord's answers such questions as:
Whether as a preparation for a future journey or as an immediate guide for you now, We Are the Lord's is available and ready to help.
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When It Feels Impossible to Pray: Prayers for the Grieving
When words don't come easily, there are still ways to pray.
For those who have experienced a sudden and terrible loss, it is important to realize that you don't have to do the things one normally associates with prayer to actually be connecting with God in a way that's prayer-like. Just sit still, if you like. Grieving people often find themselves doing a lot of sitting still. Stunned. Allow yourself a time to be quiet, to answer to no one, to accomplish nothing at all. Quietness in itself is where prayerfulness begins.
This little book can be your entry to talking with God -- with and without words -- in this most difficult time.
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Wish You Were Here: Travels Through Loss and Hope
Along the narrow roads and hairpin turns, the narrative reveals the beauty of the ordinary and the commonplace and asks stark questions about how we fill the empty places that a loved one leaves behind. It is a meditation on the possibility of faith, one that is unflinching, uncompromising, and altogether unsentimental when confronted by the ultimate test of belief. This book is not only a well-told memoir, but a testimony to the truth that love is stronger than death.
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