Confessions: Saint Augustine of Hippo (Critical Ed)
The Confessions of Saint Augustine is considered one of the greatest Christian classics of all time. It is an extended poetic, passionate, intimate prayer that Augustine wrote as an autobiography sometime after his conversion, to confess his sins and proclaim God's goodness. Just as his first hearers were captivated by his powerful conversion story, so also have many millions been over the following sixteen centuries. His experience of God speaks to us across time with little need of transpositions.
This acclaimed new translation by Sister Maria Boulding, O.S.B., masterfully captures his experience, and is written in an elegant and flowing style. Her beautiful contemporary translation of the ancient Confessions makes the classic work more accessible to modern readers. Her translation combines the linguistic accuracy demanded by 4th-century Latin with the poetic power aimed at by Augustine, not as discernable in previous translations.
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12 Steps to Holiness and Salvation
St. Alphonsus reviews the 12 key virtues: Love, Hope, Love of God, Love of Neighbor, Poverty, Chastity, Obedience, Meekness or Humility, Morti cation, Recollection, Prayer, and Love of the Cross."
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Abandonment to Divine Providence
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Aquinas Press® Classics - The Imitation of Christ
This Aquinas Press® Classics - The Imitation of Christ outlines clear directives for all who seek to be conformed to Christ Jesus on how to renounce the self in order to more fully embrace the One who loves us most.
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Aquinas Press® Classics - The Story of a Soul
Saint Teresa of Lisieux shares her joys, blessings, fears, sorrows and interior trials in seeking to follow Jesus in the deepening love of God. She helps us see that God is calling each of us to an ineffable intimacy with Himself.
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Complete Imitation of Christ
Published in over 6,000 editions before the year 1900, The Imitation of Christ has been more widely read than any other book in human history except the Bible itself. It has been called "the most influential work in Christian literature," "a landmark in the history of the human mind," and "the fifth gospel."
Now, and for the first time, comes an exhaustive edition of this classic work, a work that is bound to become a classic in its own right. Fr. John-Julian introduces Kempis and his Imitation in ways that will shock many who have read the book before. For example, Protestant devotees to the book may be astounded to discover that Thomas was not only a Roman Catholic but an ardent traditionalist contemplative monk as well. And devoted Catholic readers may be amazed to discover that he was a radical moral reformer and part of a group twice formally charged with heresy. Notes and introductions to every aspect of The Imitation open the meaning of this classic to the next generation of readers.
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Complete Introduction to the Devout Life - Trans by Fr John Julian
De Sales' classic has been described as "a masterpiece of psychology, practical morality, and common sense" and, after The Bible and The Imitation of Christ, is the widest read spiritual book of all time. Unlike many others, Devout Life was written specifically for lay persons and it demonstrates a rare sensitivity to the demands of life in a world that is often antagonistic to spirituality. In this first-of-its-kind edition, Fr. John-Julian offers a fresh translation, a most thorough historical introduction, and notes explaining points of language and theology along the way.
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Confessions of St. Augustine
This translation of Augustine's most popular work was done by Maria Boulding and is considered "of a different level of excellence from practically anything else on the market" (Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury).
The Confessions of Saint Augustine is considered the all-time number one Christian classic. Augustine undertook his greatest piece of writing with the conviction that God wanted him to make this confession. The Confessions are, in fact, an extended poetic, passionate, intimate prayer. Augustine was probably forty-three when he began this endeavor. He had been a baptized Catholic for ten years, a priest for six, and a bishop for only two. His pre-baptismal life raised questions in the community. Was his conversion genuine? The first hearers were captivated, as many millions have been over the following sixteen centuries. His experience of God speaks to us across time with little need for transpositions. This new translation masterfully captures his experience.
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Consoling Thoughts of St. Francis de Sales On God and Providence
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Consoling Thoughts on Sickness and Death
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Dark Night of the Soul
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Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ
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Imitation of Christ
The Imitation of Christ, a deeply spiritual book by Thomas à Kempis, is the one book second only to the Bible in popularity among Catholics. Throughout this book, readers will find themselves experiencing the peace and wisdom that have comforted believers from all corners of the world. The pages of this consoling guide show readers how better to live the life of a Christian by closely following Christ's example. The Imitation of Christ will help to enable those seeking guidance in the midst of today's challenges to find encouragement to imitate Christ in many of life's situations.
The text is enhanced by illustrations throughout, including classic full-color images of the 20 Mysteries of the Rosary and the 14 Stations of the Cross.- Please log in to review this product
Imitation of Christ
The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis needs no introduction. For more than five centuries it has been the most popular spiritual book second only to the Sacred Scriptures. It presents the fundamental principles of the spiritual life. The Christian soul is invited to follow Christ Who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. As we study its contents we are convinced that without that Way there is no going, without that Truth there is no knowing, without that Life there is no real living.
This translation by Bishop Challoner, who revised the Douay-Rheims Bible in the 1740's, is the most beautiful and edifying available. The Imitation of Christ speaks to the soul of every Christian, reminding him of the brevity of earthly joy compared to the eternity of happiness with God. This spiritual classic belongs to every Christian library.
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Imitation of Christ
This book speaks to the soul of every true Christian, reminding us of the fleeting nature of earthly joy as opposed to the eternity of happiness with God.
The guide of the saints since it first appeared in 1418, it was the sole spiritual reading of St. Therese of Lisieux, who loved it and knew it by heart.
Fr. Garrigou-Lagrange asserted that the true mysticism of which it speaks is accessible to all, if they are willing to follow the way of humility, the cross, continual prayer, and docility to the Holy Ghost.- Please log in to review this product
Imitation of Christ (Fr. Knox)
The spiritual classic by a Kempis, the second most widely read spiritual book after the Bible, has had an astonishing impact on the spiritual lives of countless saints, peasants, and popes for centuries. Even today, the soul-searching words of the fifteenth-century cleric Thomas a Kempis continue to resonate, unbounded by time or geography. Drawing on the Bible, the Fathers of the early Church and medieval mysticism, his four-part treatise shrugs off the allure of the material world, blending beauty and bluntness in a supremely spiritual call-to-arms.
This beautiful translation by Ronald Knox and Michael Oakley is considered by many teachers, writers, and readers to be the best English translation ever, and one that greatly enhances the life-changing insights of Thomas a Kempis. Illustrated.
"If we could construct a composite picture of all great Christians--Catholic or non-Catholic--of the last five hundred years who found The Imitation substantially beneficial, enlightening, and inspiring, we would need no further proof that familiarity with this great classic is an integral part of a mature spiritual life and even a path to holiness."
--Father Benedict J. Groeschel, C.F.R., Author, Arise From Darkness
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Imitation of Christ Giant Print
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Imitation of Christ: A Timeless Classic for Contemporary Readers
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Imitation of Mary
An excellent companion to The Imitation of Christ, this book is composed of writings about Our Lady carefully culled from the words of Thomas à Kempis and set forth in the style of The Imitation of Christ. It offers a splendid way to grow in the imitation of Jesus through the imitation of His holy Mother.
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Imitation of Mary
The Imitation of Mary from Catholic Book Publishing is an excellent companion volume to the beloved and highly esteemed book Imitation of Christ. In this book, culled from the deeply spiritual works of Thomas à Kempis, the reader is treated to beautiful writings about Our Lady set forth in the style of the Imitation of Christ. He offers the reader a splendid way to grow in following Jesus through imitating His Blessed Mother. With an attractive gold stamped, blue cloth cover and stained edges, this 144-page book is a profoundly spiritual road map for readers who wish to travel with Mary and Jesus.
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Interior Castle
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Interior Castle
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Interior Castle Leather Hardback
St. Teresa of Jesus, also known as St. Teresa of Avila, is one of the most popular Doctors of the Church. Her teaching on prayer has continued to inspire and guide Christians in their spiritual journeys for over four hundred years.
In The Interior Castle St. Teresa describes the road by which she was led, well aware that the others may be led in a different way. In the heavenly Father’s house, there are many mansions; not only seven, and many paths lead to them. What gives the work such high value is, that it is the result of a most searching inquiry into the various phases whereby a soul is gradually transformed into the likeness of God Himself. Here St. Teresa is at her best. She takes nothing for granted, her own personal experiences are admitted only after having been fully investigated and found to be consistent one with the other, and conformable to the teaching of the Church and the words of Holy Scripture.
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Introduction to the Devout Life
Written over 400 years ago, Introduction to the Devout Life is still one of the most popular books for those pursuing holiness. St. Francis de Sales explains how to turn that desire for sanctity into resolutions that yield grace-filled results.
Themes include:
Whether you are just beginning your spiritual journey or are more advanced in the spiritual life, you'll be able to apply this timeless wisdom immediately. Let St. Francis de Sales illumine the path to holiness and strengthen your desire to walk that road with the Lord.
St. Francis de Sales (1567-1622) was the Bishop of Geneva and a renowned spiritual director. Preaching during the Counter-Reformation, he is estimated to have converted 70,000 Calvinists in his short lifetime. He was a fervent proponent of the universal call to holiness and spent much of his time guiding lay people on the road to sanctity. Declared a Doctor of the Church by Pope Pius IX in 1877, St. Francis is still helping to form saints through his many writings, of which Introduction to the Devout Life is the most famous.
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Introduction to the Devout LIfe
"Since its first publication in 1609 this book has never gone out of print. It has always occupied a privileged position in the Church: no guide ever written provides so complete, so balanced and so practical an approach to the spiritual life. Written for the layman surrounded by worldliness, this is a masterpiece of mystical and devotional literature, by a great and much loved Doctor of the Church. This book does what many similar books fail to do, teach the reader to grow in holiness, step by simple step.
St. Francis de Sales was a master psychologist, with a special gift for teaching practical morality. His writings are characterized by sublime common sense. Even non-Christians have admired his prose. Above all, he is a spiritual genius, and thus was made a Doctor of the Church. This book is truly medicine for the soul."
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Introduction to the Devout Life
Francis de Sales's Introduction to the Devout Life has remained a uniquely accessible and relevant treasure of devotion for nearly four hundred years. As Bishop of Geneva in the first quarter of the sevenjteenth century, Francis de Sales saw to the spiritual needs of everyone from the poorest peasants to court ladies. The desire to be closer to God that he found in people from all levels of society led him to compile these instructions on how to live in Christ.
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Introduction to the Devout Life - Philothea
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Joan of Arc
Because of Mark Twain's antipathy to institutional religion, one might expect an anti-Catholic bias toward Joan or at least toward the bishops and theologians who condemned her. Instead one finds a remarkably accurate biography of the life and mission of Joan of Arc told by one of this country's greatest storytellers. The very fact that Mark Twain wrote this book and wrote it the way he did is a powerful testimony to the attractive power of the Catholic Church's saints. This is a book that really will inform and inspire.
" I like Joan of Arc best of all my books; and it is the best; I know it perfectly well. And besides, it furnished me seven times the pleasure afforded me by any of the others; twelve years of preparation, and two years of writing. The others needed no preparation and got none."
-- Mark Twain
-- Fr. George Rutler, Author, The Cure d'Ars Today
"Twain's understanding of history and Joan's place in it accounts for his regarding his book Joan of Arc as worth all of his other books together."
-- Edward Wagenknecht, The Man and His Work
"Joan of Arc is the lone example that history affords of an actual, real embodiment of all the virtues demonstrated by Huck and Jim and of all that Twain felt to be noble in man, Joan is the ideal toward which mankind strives. Twain had to tell her story because she is the sole concrete argument against the pessimistic doctrines of his deterministic philosophy."
-- Robert Wiggins, Mark Twain: Jackleg Novelist
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Life of Jesus Christ and Biblical Revelations (4 Volume Set): From the Visions of Ven. Anne Catherine Emmerich
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Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary
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My Imitation of Christ
- Pocket size: Perfect for purse, pants or jacket. Having this book on your person reminds you to imitate Christ always - without exception. - 117 Illustrations: With seemingly miraculous power, Ariel Agemian's timeless depictions of modern man (in suit and tie) carrying his cross, tempted by Satan to vain pursuits but called by Christ to eternal life. Your soul will be forever imprinted by an image of man's attempt to be in the world - but not of it. - Durable Flex Cover: far more resilient than your average book. If you use this book properly, it will take a beating. - Reading Guide: In the back, 42 practical topics with references to guide you through your spiritual reading. Ex.: "Are you discouraged? Read Book III, Chap. 56" "Are you vain? Read Book I, Chap. 2, 7." With over 40 of these, you're bound to find yourself somewhere. - Index: Not your everyday index. Hundreds of topics with every reference in the book cited. Here are your answers to nearly every spiritual issue - if you use it. If you wish to be in the world, but not of the world, there is no better edition of this timeless classic than My Imitation of Christ. A portion of the proceeds from every purchase of this Confraternity of the Precious Blood title go directly to The Sisters Adorers of the Precious Blood in Brooklyn, NY to support them in their vocation.
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Mystical City of God (4 Vol)
This magnificent set is an heirloom that should be in every Catholic home library.
Dictated to Venerable Mary of Agreda (1602–1665) by the Blessed Mother herself, The Mystical City of God is an amazing collection of four books of revelations about the life of Our Lady and the divine plan for creation and the salvation of souls that has been enthralling readers for centuries.
Sr. Mary of Agreda was a Franciscan abbess and spiritual writer from Spain. She was a noted mystic and prolific writer who authored many books. Reports of her bilocation between Spain and the US (New Mexico and Texas) have been retold for centuries and inspired generations of Franciscan missionaries in the New World.
This book is composed of four volumes that summarize the life of Our Lady: the Conception, Incarnation, Transfixion, and Coronation. This magnificent narrative takes the reader through the various stages of the life of the Blessed Mother while revealing all sorts of interesting facts about salvation history.
This set includes beautiful hardcover binding with elegant gold-foil details. The interior is reproduced at 100% of the size in the original book and is printed from the original negatives for complete fidelity.
This magnificent set is an heirloom that should be in every Catholic home library.
Dictated to Ven. Mary of Agreda (1601-1664) by the Blessed Mother herself, The Mystical City of God is an amazing collection of four books of revelations about the life of Mary and the divine plan for creation and the salvation of souls that has been enthralling readers for centuries.
Composed of the Conception, Incarnation, Transfixion and Coronation, this magnificent narrative takes the reader through the various stages of the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary, plus it reveals all sorts of facts about our entire salvation history.
Beautiful hardcover binding with elegant gold-foil details. The interior is reproduced at 100% of the size in the original book and printed from the original negatives for complete fidelity. Sold as a set of 4 only.
\"Mystical City of God is the only book I read anymore. I\'m going to read it for the rest of my life. When I get through the 4 volumes, I start over.\" --A.B., LA
A $160.00 Value, now just $120!
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