St. John Henry Newman

John Henry Newman

John Henry Newman
This small volume, part of the Ex libris series, offers an affordable and accessible introduction to Newman's theology. It hones in on some of the most important quotations from Newman's writings and organizes them to facilitate regular devotional reflection. Compiled by Ryan Marr, director of the National Institute for Newman Studies and associate editor of the Newman Studies Journal, it will awaken an interest in this influential thinker and possible future saint.
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Lead, Kindly Light: Minute Meditations for Every Day Taken from the Works of Cardinal Newman

Lead, Kindly Light: Minute Meditations for Every Day Taken from the Works of Cardinal Newman

Minute meditations for every day of the year, taken from the writings of St. John Henry Newman - plus a concluding prayer for each day. Illustrated and printed in two colors. Includes ribbon marker.

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Meditations and Devotions

Meditations and Devotions

To pray is to be a Christian, to be a Saint is to have prayed often. John Henry Cardinal Newman was a man of prayer and this book contains the culmination of his prayers and devotions, divided into three sections.

The first and second part of this book contain the vocal prayers he wrote for public use, the litanies, the Stations of the Cross and short meditations. The long meditations in the third part of the book are intended for private use, which draw one into deeper intimacy with Our Lord.

The prayers are also a testament to his particular devotion to Our Lady, with moving commentaries on several of her titles from the Litany of Loreto. These commentaries are tender and profound, yet without any trace of sentimentality.

Newman’s meditations are full of doctrine. Doctrine is the expression of Truth, and above all things, Newman longed to bear witness to the Truth. It is from the Scriptures, the Church Fathers and the living Church that Newman drew his doctrine, and in his meditations he made it his own.

About the Author:

Cardinal John Henry Newman, is considered by many to be the greatest religious thinker of the 19th century. He was the leader and most able polemicist for the Oxford Movement — Anglicans who wished to return to the Church of England many Catholic beliefs and liturgical rituals from before the English Reformation.

In 1845 Newman dramatically left the Church of England and his teaching post at Oxford University and was received into the Catholic Church. He was ordained as a priest and continued as an influential religious leader. In 1879, he was ordained a cardinal by Pope Leo XIII in recognition of his services to the cause of the Catholic Church in England.

Newman's beatification was officially proclaimed by Pope Benedict XVI on 19 September 2010 during his visit to the United Kingdom. His canonisation took place on October 13, 2019.

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Newman on Lent: Meditations and Sermons

Newman on Lent: Meditations and Sermons
Newman, St John Henry

St. John Henry Newman, regarded as the most important English theologian of the nineteenth century, poignantly reflects on the thoughts that tormented Jesus as a result of His friends' betrayals and the anguish of His Heart in willingly suffering all for love of us. These penetrating meditations will enable you to enter more deeply into our Savior's Passion through multiple vantage points.

This work features three of Cardinal Newman's most esteemed classics: Meditations on Lent: Hope in God, Redeemer; Sermons on Lent; and Meditations on the Stations of the Cross. In these pages, he invites you to ponder the eternal value of suffering, God's infinite love for each individual soul, the real reasons for fasting, and why you should repent now.

Through Newman's magnificently insightful lens, you will discover the actual cause of Jesus' death and, as you reflect on the magnitude of His sufferings for our sins, be stirred to more ardently seek holiness.

As Newman's insights challenge you to examine your life more honestly and behold our Savior with deeper compassion, you will:

  • Identify more readily with the various players in the Passion
    Learn the secret to receiving God's healing mercy, in this life and the next
  • Journey with Our Lady in her loneliness and sufferings
  • Unite your trials, pain, and weakness to Christ, and thereby attain peace
  • Experience Jesus' compassion as you endure temptation and even sin
  • Grow in virtue and acceptance of suffering to help you attain Heaven
  • As Newman shares his innermost thoughts on the sufferings of Our Lord, you will be transported into the scenes and experience His Passion as never before, vividly witnessing His bodily and interior sufferings, and contemplating His Face and His Heart.

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    Newman on the Bible: Commentaries on Scripture

    Newman on the Bible: Commentaries on Scripture
    Newman, John Henry
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    Rule of our Warfare

    Rule of our Warfare
    Newman, John Henry
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    Seeking God with Saint John Henry Newman

    Seeking God with Saint John Henry Newman
    Marr, Ryan J
    Seeking God with Saint John Henry Newman is an invitation to receive spiritual counsel from one of the towering intellectuals of the nineteenth century. Newman's practical guidance, distilled for the reader by Newman scholar Bud Marr, provides wisdom on prayer, penance, and the path to heaven.
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    Stations of the Cross

    Stations of the Cross
    Newman, John Henry
    Though often thought of as a towering intellect and theologian, Cardinal Newman's writings reveal a man who possessed a simple devotion to Jesus and Mary. These powerful meditations on the Stations of the Cross, originally written for his parishioners in the Birmingham Oratory Church, can aid us with the simple and singular focus on Christ's passion and our own failings which contributed to it.

    Groups of prayers bookend the fourteen meditations which, though short enough to be read in a matter of minutes, can open up the mystery of Christ's passion and deepen the meaning of our Lenten journey.

    Canonized in 2019, St. John Henry Cardinal Newman has become a new jewel in the crown of the Church. The wisdom found in his writings rival the Church Doctor's and are a blessing to our contemporary world so bereft of Christ's presence. Here, Cardinal Newman takes our hand and leads us up the suffering path of Calvary, where the Crucified One awaits.

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