St. Augustine
Confessions: Saint Augustine of Hippo (Critical Ed)
The Confessions of Saint Augustine is considered one of the greatest Christian classics of all time. It is an extended poetic, passionate, intimate prayer that Augustine wrote as an autobiography sometime after his conversion, to confess his sins and proclaim God's goodness. Just as his first hearers were captivated by his powerful conversion story, so also have many millions been over the following sixteen centuries. His experience of God speaks to us across time with little need of transpositions.
This acclaimed new translation by Sister Maria Boulding, O.S.B., masterfully captures his experience, and is written in an elegant and flowing style. Her beautiful contemporary translation of the ancient Confessions makes the classic work more accessible to modern readers. Her translation combines the linguistic accuracy demanded by 4th-century Latin with the poetic power aimed at by Augustine, not as discernable in previous translations.
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Augustine Day by Day
Minute meditations for every day of the year, taken from the writings of Saint Augustine. Each day concludes with a prayer from the Saints. Illustrated and printed in two colors. Includes ribbon marker.
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City of God
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City of God
Saint Augustine is often regardarded as the most influential Christian thinker after Saint Paul, and City of God is his materpiece, a cast synthesis of religious and secular knowledge. It began as a reply to the charge that Christian otherworldiness was causing the decline of the Roman Empire. Augustine produced a wealth of evidence to prove that paganism bore within itself the seeds of its own destruction. Then he proceeded to his larger theme, a cosmic interpretation of in terms of the struggle between good and evilL the City of God in conflict with the Earthly City or the City of the Devil. This, the first serious attempt at a philosophy of history, was to have incalculable influence in forming the Western mind on the relations of church and state, and on the Christian's place in the temporal order.
The original City of God contained twenty-two books and filles three regular-sized volumes. This edition has been skillfully abridged for the intelligent general reader by Vernon J. Bourke, author of Augustine's Quest for Wisdom, making the heart of this monumental work available to a wide audience.
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City of God- unabridged, The
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Confessions of St Augustine
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Confessions of St. Augustine
This translation of Augustine's most popular work was done by Maria Boulding and is considered "of a different level of excellence from practically anything else on the market" (Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury).
The Confessions of Saint Augustine is considered the all-time number one Christian classic. Augustine undertook his greatest piece of writing with the conviction that God wanted him to make this confession. The Confessions are, in fact, an extended poetic, passionate, intimate prayer. Augustine was probably forty-three when he began this endeavor. He had been a baptized Catholic for ten years, a priest for six, and a bishop for only two. His pre-baptismal life raised questions in the community. Was his conversion genuine? The first hearers were captivated, as many millions have been over the following sixteen centuries. His experience of God speaks to us across time with little need for transpositions. This new translation masterfully captures his experience.
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Desire and Unity: Augustinian Spirituality for Today
Intellectual giant of the Christian West, Saint Augustine is also one of its greatest spiritual masters. To this man of desire and friendship, Christ taught to purify everything in charity, to direct everything towards God, to unify everything in communion. His thought profoundly influenced the history of Catholicism and the vigor of his view of the human heart responds to today's concerns. Fr. Emmanuel-Marie presents beautiful insights into this timeliness message of desire and unity of Augustine, which offers us a living message charged with hope.
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Praying with St. Augustine
For years, there have been no books of St. Augustineâ (TM)s prayers available. Finally, in this treasure trove, you will find select prayers from his works â " some of the most potent prayers ever composed. As you read the innermost thoughts of the greatest Church Father, you will be transported in time and learn how to pray with the heart of a saint. St. Augustineâ (TM)s timeless words will help you encounter the â oeBeauty of ancient days, yet ever newâ face-to-face and experience the relationship between praying and believing.
As Dr. Kreeft explains, â oeNo Christian writer, perhaps no writer at all, has ever been as eloquent as St. Augustine. Few have been as philosophically and theologically profound, or as passionately in love with Godâ ]. No passages in Augustineâ (TM)s writings are more eloquent than his prayers, or more profound than his prayers, or more saintly than his prayers, for prayer is the very lifeblood of sanctity.â
These precious gems are uplifting and accessible to all. Covering a range of topics and styles, they include praise and petition for health, docility, forgiveness, restoration, and salvation. You will also find prayers glorifying the Trinityâ (TM)s attributes, such as wisdom, light, goodness, mercy, and truth, as well as intimate prayers of adoration to the Incarnate Word.
Offering these magnificent prayers will ready you to behold glimpses into the mystery of God. St. Augustine will teach you:
â oeWhat better way could we have to know the heart of a man like St. Augustine than to listen to him pray?â Sara Park McLaughlin reflects. â oeBy reading his vast writings, we discover something of the saintâ (TM)s enormous genius and theological insightâ ]. Through his prayers we experience his relationship to God.â
When you pray these prayers fervently you will join forces with the entire company of Heaven in a litany of endless worship and praise. St. Augustine taught that prayer makes you ready to receive Godâ (TM)s blessings. As you pray with St. Augustine, be prepared to be blessed!
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Restless Flame: Novel St. Augustine
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