Raniero Cantalamessa

Come Creator Spirit: Meditations on the Veni Creator

Come Creator Spirit: Meditations on the Veni Creator
Cantalamessa, Raniero

Written particularly for the Charismatic Renewal in the English-speaking world, Come, Creator Spirit is a helpful guide for a better understanding of the Holy Spirit. In this detailed commentary on the famous hymn Veni Creator, sung at the beginning of every new year, ecumenical council, and priestly ordination, Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa describes the Paraclete and gives praise to its glory. Progressing through the hymn line by line, he provides insights, reflections, hymnography of Christian traditions, and testimonies of the saints.

This book describes the Church's experience of the Spirit of today, as well as the past. The biblical and theological base of the hymn opens the reader to the perspectives and inspirations in this book. Its Vision of the Holy Spirit in the history of salvation emerges as the reader progresses through the reading. In the celebration of the ecumenical character of Veni Creator, this book draws from Orthodox, Protestant, and Catholic traditions for all those who wish to seek a better understanding of the Holy Spirit.

Chapters are "Spirit, Come!" "Creator," "Fill with Heavenly Grace the Hearts that You Have Made," "You Whom We Name the Paraclete," "Most High Gift of God," "Living Water," "Fire," "Love," "Anointing for the Soul," "Sevenfold in Your Gifts," "Finger of God's Right Hand," "The Father's Solemn Promise," "Gifting Lips with the Word to Say," "Kindle Your Light in Our Minds," "Pour Love into Our Hearts," "Infirmity in This Body of Ours Overcoming with Strength Secure," "The Enemy Drive from Us Away," "Peace Then Give without Delay," "With You As Guide We Avoid All Cause of Harm," "Through You May We the Father Know," "Through You May We Know the Son As Well," and "And You, the Spirit of Them Both, May We Always Believe."

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Eucharist, Our Sanctification

Eucharist, Our Sanctification
Cantalamessa, Raniero

The Eucharist should not be limited to the congregation that gathers to hear the word of God and proclaim its faith. It is, first of all, the active presence of the sacrifice of Christ, who gathers us together and lets us partake of his divine life through his body and blood in Communion.

Christians are always hoping to find helpful ways to contemplate the eucharistic mystery in all its fullness, and this set of meditations by Father Raniero Cantalamessa - presented by him in the presence of Pope John Paul II - is written in a simple and warm style and nourished by Scripture and the teachings of the Church Fathers from both the East and the West. These meditations answer the needs of all who hope to experience the radiant and radiating Eucharist that shines into their hearts and into the life of the Church.

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Fire of Christ's Love: Meditations on the Cross

Fire of Christ's Love: Meditations on the Cross
Cantalamessa, Raniero
Why should we meditate on the cross? Because through the cross of Christ, we can begin to comprehend Gods all-consuming love for us. The short reflections in this book are taken from homilies presented by renowned evangelist Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa on Good Friday to the St. Peters Basilica over the last thirty years. Fr. Cantalamessa, who has been the preacher to the Papal Household since 1980, unfolds for us the mystery and the power of the cross. By willingly embracing the cross for our sake and then rising from the dead, Jesus has brought us salvation, healing, mercy, and the hope of eternal life. As Fr. Cantalamessa contemplates the intensity and reality of Christs love for us, he also shows us how to respond wholeheartedly with that same fire in our hearts.
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Gaze of Mercy: A Commentary on Divine and Human Mercy

Gaze of Mercy: A Commentary on Divine and Human Mercy
Cantalamessa, Raniero

Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa, preacher to the papal household, delves into the mystery of mercy, both human and divine. Jesus is "the mercy of God who became flesh," and it is his gaze of mercy that transforms us. Among the Gospel passages he explores are Jesus' encounters with Zacchaeus and the woman caught in adultery as well as the passion of Jesus, "the height of God's mercy," and his resurrection, "the victory of God's mercy." He also reminds us that just as we are recipients of God's mercy, we are called to be merciful to others. Insightful and inspiring!

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Holy Spirit in the Life of Jesus: The Mystery of Christ's Baptism

Holy Spirit in the Life of Jesus: The Mystery of Christ's Baptism
Cantalamessa, Raniero
In the New Testament, Jesus reassures the Apostles before he ascends to heaven by saying, You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses . . . to the ends of the earth." What of this Spirit? In what way was that Spirit manifested in Jesus' ministry on earth? What does it offer us? And ask of us?

These reflections by the preacher to the papal household coalesce biblical and doctrinal thought on the gifts conferred by anointing in the Spirit - kingly, prophetic, and priestly - onto Christ and through Christ to the Church. As one well accustomed to illuminating the Word to his audience, Father Cantalamessa bestows on readers an understanding of the Holy Spirit that is both practical and profound."

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In Love with Christ: The Secret of Saint Francis of Assisi

In Love with Christ: The Secret of Saint Francis of Assisi
Cantalamessa O F M, Raniero
"St. Francis is a universal man. During his life he preached to everyone, the learned and the ignorant, even to the birds and a wolf, according to Franciscan legend. One cannot speak of St. Francis except in a "Franciscan" way, that is in a simple, direct and - possibly - even in a poetic way. The blunt question that Brother Masseo asked St. Francis one day is well-known: "Why does everyone come to you? Why does the whole world run after you?" There is even more reason to pose the question today because the world that goes after the saint is no longer, as it was at that time, the little world of central Italy, but is, literally, the whole world, including many non-believers and members of other religions".
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Life in Christ: The Spiritual Message of the Letter to the Romans

Life in Christ: The Spiritual Message of the Letter to the Romans
Cantalamessa, Raniero

In Life in Christ Raniero Cantalamessa, preacher to the papal household, presents a project ofre-evangelization and spiritual renewal based on St. Paul's Letter to the Romans. It is therefore neither an exegetical commentary nor a theological treatise, but goes straight to the heart of what animated the Apostle when he wrote this letter. His aim was not to give the Christians of Rome--and the Christians of later generations--a difficult text on which to exercise their critical wisdom but rather to impart a spiritual gift to them so that they would be strengthened and mutually encouraged by each other's faith.

At the beginning of the third millennium a new phenomenon is spreading through the Christian Churches which can only be the work of the Holy Spirit. Up to now Christians of different denominations have proclaimed Jesus Christ mainly in competition and rivalry with one another, thus compromising our testimony in the eyes of the world. Why should we not grasp this unique occasion to start proclaiming together with brotherly love our common belief in Christ, which is far more important than what still separates us? Pope John Paul II has espoused this project and has expressed the wish that all Christians take this opportunity for fruitful cooperation in the many areas which unite us; these are unquestionably more numerous than those which divide us."

Life in Christ is a contribution to the realization of this project. Father Cantalamessa has made the most of the insights and riches present in each one of the three main Christian traditions: Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant, avoiding those points not commonly shared by all believers in Christ, or at least by the majority of them. The Letter to the Romans lends itself to this aim because it deals with the basics of the Christian faith, leaving all the rest aside. It is the ideal basis for that "Common Witness" which is becoming more and more central to ecumenical dialogue. This is, therefore, a first and "partial" attempt to present a spirituality and a proclamation corresponding to the new grace of understanding and unity given to the Christians in the second half of this century.

Chapters are "Loved by God!" "all Have Sinned," "The Righteousness of God Has Been Manifested!" "He Was Put to Death for Our Trespasses," "He Was Raised for Our Justification," "God Did Not Spare His Own Son," "Let Not Sin Reign in Your Mortal Bodies!" "The Law of the Spirit Which Gives Life," "The Spirit Intercedes for Us," "Let Love Be Sincere," "Don't Think Too Highly of Yourselves," "By One Man's Obedience," and "Let Us Put on the Armor of Light."

Raniero Cantalamessa, OFM Cap, is a past professor of the history of Christian origins at the Catholic University of Milan and a member of the International Theological Commission. He is preacher to the papal household and the author of The Mystery of Pentecost, Easter in the Early Church; The Eucharist: Our Sanctification; The Mystery of God's Word; The Holy Spirit in the Life of Jesus; Jesus Christ, The Holy One of God; Mary, Mirror of the Church; The Mystery of Christmas; and The Mystery of Easter published by The Liturgical Press.

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Mary Mirror of the Church

Mary Mirror of the Church
Cantalamessa, Raniero

Mary is a great gift and example to all Christians because in her God's Word was written and by her it was accepted and its grace manifested. In this she is, as the title indicates, a mirror of the Church, the people of God. She reflects what we are called to be.

While this work cannot help but discuss aspects of Mariology, it is not so much a study as it is a pilgrimage. Reflecting on and following Mary's example, as Father Cantalamessa presents it here, we enter into a pilgrimage of listening and obedience to God's Word.

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Remember Jesus Christ

Remember Jesus Christ
Cantalamessa, Raniero
What place does Christ have in our modern society? Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa, the preacher to the papal household, posed that question in a series of Advent and Lent meditations presented to Pope Benedict XVI. In Remember Jesus Christ, which is based on these meditations, he explains that in order to bring people to Christ today, the Church needs to proclaim, as simply and succintly as the apostles did, that "Jesus Christ is Lord!" And the essential core of that proclamation is the passion and death of Jesus, because the cross of Christ is the supreme proof of God's love for us. Scripture, personal testimonies, and allusions to works of art reinforce Cantalamessa's powerful and prophetic message, leaving readers with hope and expectant faith in the future of Christianity in the modern world. About the author: Fr. Ranierio Cantalamessa was born in Italy in 1934 and was ordained a Capuchin Franciscan priest in 1958. He taught at the Catholic University of Milan until 1979. In 1980 he was appointed as preacher to the papal household by Pope John Paul II. He still serves in that capacity, preaching a weekly sermon during both Lent and Advent in the presence of Pope Benedict XVI. He is a frequent and popular speaker at international conferences and ecumenical conferences and rallies.
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