
Meaning of Vocation

Meaning of Vocation

The Meaning of Vocation: In the Words of John Paul II Over the years, the Holy Father has said much about The Meaning of Vocation and how Catholics should respond to God?s call ? but it has been scattered through dozens of addresses he has given all over the world. Now at last this compact compendium collects the Pope?s choicest remarks on God?s call and how you should strive to hear and obey Him. He helps you clarify what God is calling you to do, explains how and when God calls, and even helps parents face up to their children's vocations!

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A Summary of Rerum Novarum or On Capital and Labor: An Introduction to and Paragraph-by-Paragraph Summary of Rerum Novarum by Pope Leo XIII

A Summary of Rerum Novarum or On Capital and Labor: An Introduction to and Paragraph-by-Paragraph Summary of Rerum Novarum by Pope Leo XIII

This short introduction provides the historical background for Pope Leo XIII's Rerum Novarum as well as some detail about the pope himself. It also provides a paragraph-by-paragraph summary of the document to better understand the teaching. This is ideal for students of the document and those studying Catholic Social Teaching.

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Anointed: Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Anointed: Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Anointed: Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Anointed: Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Pope Francis' words to those seeking to give a firm profession of faith--which has always been the particular effect Catholic tradition has ascribed to confirmation--ring true for all of us. In Anointed, Jayme Stuart Wolfe has compiled the Holy Father's words about wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord as special gifts for those continuing the commitment of their baptism into confirmation and beyond, as well as appropriate Scripture readings and prayers.
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Atheistic Communism: Encyclical Letter Of His Holiness Pope Pius XI

Atheistic Communism: Encyclical Letter Of His Holiness Pope Pius XI
Pope Pius XI
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Brothers and Sisters All: Fratelli Tutti: Fratelli Tutti

Brothers and Sisters All: Fratelli Tutti: Fratelli Tutti
Francis, Pope
"Let us seek out others and embrace the world as it is, without fear of pain or a sense of inadequacy, because there we will discover all the goodness that God has planted in human hearts." ‚"‚€‚"Pope Francis

Inspired by St. Francis of Assisi, "Brothers and Sisters All" invites every Christian to be a Good Samaritan‚"‚€‚"to embrace and care for others with a humble and open heart. Pope Francis challenges us to rise above the isolation and discouragement that is so prevalent in our world today and to set our sights on Christ's call to love one another deeply and sacrificially.

No one is disposable, Pope Francis reminds us, and every person is endowed with dignity as a daughter or and son of God. This truth allows us to acknowledge, appreciate, and love each person. It also allows us to meet people in their place of suffering‚"‚€‚"whether it be the physical suffering of hunger or exploitation, or the unseen suffering of loneliness

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City of Saints: A Pilgrimage to John Paul II's Krakow

City of Saints: A Pilgrimage to John Paul II's Krakow

"Karol Wojtyla, Pope John Paul II, was a man whose life was the expression of a richly textured and multidimensional soul. The many layers of that soul took on their first, mature form in Kraków." - George Weigel

In this beautifully illustrated spiritual travelogue, New York Times bestselling author George Weigel leads readers through the historic streets of Kraków, Poland, introducing one of the world's great cities through the life of one of the most influential Catholic leaders of all time.

"To follow Karol Wojtyla through Kraków is to follow an itinerary of sanctity while learning the story of a city." Weigel writes. "Thus, in what follows, the story of Karol Wojtyla, St. John Paul II, and the story of Kraków are interwoven in a chronological pilgrimage through the life of a saint that reveals, at the same time, the dramatic history and majestic culture of a city where a boy grew into a man, priest, a bishop--and an apostle to the world."

With stunning photographs by Stephen Weigel and notes on the city's remarkable fabric by Carrie Gress, City of Saints offers an in-depth look at a man and a city that made an indelible impression on the life and thought of the Catholic Church and the 21st century world.

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Contemplative Rosary with St. John Paul II and St. Teresa of Avila

Contemplative Rosary with St. John Paul II and St. Teresa of Avila
Rossini, Connie

You know that in an Apostolic Letter in 2002, Pope John Paul II added five Luminous Mysteries. Did you know that in that same Letter he also called for a new way of praying the Rosary?

St. John Paul II's new way of praying the Rosary was based on the teachings of St. Theresa of Avila and has become known as the Contemplative Rosary because it more perfectly unites vocal prayer and meditation, transforming the prayers of the Rosary into a contemplative meeting with God.

Did you know about these changes? Have you tried them?

In our new book, The Contemplative Rosary, we have not only incorporated the five new Luminous Mysteries, we have included as well the many other changes Pope John Paul made to the Rosary.

Here are his additions to the texts and prayers -- additions small and large -- that, as John Paul intended, unite the Rosary more closely to the official liturgical prayers of the Church as well as to Scripture.

Here are also scores of full-color images for your contemplation that anchor your attention in each Mystery and transform your Rosary from a hasty, habitual recitation into a profound speaking to God and a keen listening to Him.

Following the wise advice of St. Theresa of Avila and the new method proposed by St. John Paul, you'll find here for each mystery:

  • A lovely, full-color classical painting depicting the events in the Mystery, for help in your contemplation.
  • A unique announcement of the Mystery.
  • A statement of the expected fruits of the Mystery.
  • The Scriptural passage you should consider before embarking on your prayers of the Mystery.
  • A call for a moment of silence in order to recollect yourself before entering the presence of God.
  • Each Mystery's own unique Hail Mary, including within each a John Paul II recommended statement of faith "to pull wandering minds back to Christ and center them in the mystery."
  • Seven meditations tailored to each Mystery, to accompany your recitation of the Hail Marys (but only employ one at a time).
  • A concluding short prayer asking God for the fruits specific to that Mystery.
  • Plus much more, so that finally you can begin to pray the Rosary as Saint John Paul wants you to pray it!
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    Diverse Yet United: Communicating Truth in Charity

    Diverse Yet United: Communicating Truth in Charity
    Pope Francis
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    Evangelium Vitae: The Gospel of Life

    Evangelium Vitae: The Gospel of Life
    John Paul II
    This encyclical is a call to each person to respect, protect, love and serve life--every human life. Every human life is sacred because from its very beginning, it is the gift of the creative action of God who has a plan for each individual. In context of salvation history, threats to human life, such as abortion and euthanasia, are explored. Other topics include civil and moral law, proclaiming and celebrating the Gospel of Life, the family as the sanctuary of life, and transforming culture.
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    From the Depths of Our Hearts: Priesthood, Celibacy and the Crisis of the Catholic Church

    From the Depths of Our Hearts: Priesthood, Celibacy and the Crisis of the Catholic Church
    Sarah, Robert

    The priesthood is going through a dark time, according to Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and Robert Cardinal Sarah. Wounded by the revelation of so many scandals, disconcerted by the constant questioning of their consecrated celibacy, many priests are tempted by the thought of giving up and abandoning everything.

    In this book, the pope emeritus and the prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments give their brother priests, and the whole Church, a message of hope. They honestly address the spiritual challenges faced by priests today, while pointing to deeper conversion to Jesus Christ as the key to faithful and fruitful priestly ministry and genuine reform.

    Benedict XVI and Cardinal Sarah fraternally offer these reflections to the people of God and, of course, in a spirit of filial obedience, to Pope Francis, who has said, I think that celibacy is a gift for the Church. . . . I don't agree with allowing optional celibacy, no.

    Responding to calls for refashioning the priesthood, including proposals from participants in the Amazonian Synod, two wise, spiritually astute pastors explain the importance of priestly celibacy for the good of the whole Church. Drawing on Vatican II, they present celibacy as not just a mere precept of ecclesiastical law, but as a sharing in Jesus' sacrifice on the Cross and his identity as Bridegroom of the Church.

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    Great Christian Thinkers: From the Early Church Through the Middle Ages

    Great Christian Thinkers: From the Early Church Through the Middle Ages
    Benedict XVI

    In brief portraits, Pope Benedict XVI offers engaging, perceptive, and edifying sketches of some of the great thinkers and writers of Christianity. Pope Benedict discusses notable theologians from East and West but also many figures whose primary witness was as ascetics, poets, mystics, and missionaries. His pieces are not only illuminating historical sketches but also often surprisingly personal reflective meditations on the perennial changes of theology, spirituality, devotion, and corporate religious lifein short, of thinking about and wrestling daily with the mysteries that envelop all our lives and struggles.

    Always with an eye to their deepest religious convictions and struggles, the Holy Father presents these great thinkers' importance for the church and for Christian life today.

    Great Christian Thinkers is an openminded look at the tradition and is written for Catholics and Protestants alike.

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    Humanae Vitae, 50th Anniversary Edition

    Humanae Vitae, 50th Anniversary Edition
    Pope Paul VI

    "The question of human procreation, like every other question which touches human life, involves more than ... biology, psychology, demography or sociology. It is the whole man and the whole mission to which he is called that must be considered: both its natural, earthly aspects and its supernatural, eternal aspects." - Pope Paul VI, Humanae Vitae

    Pope Paul VI's prophetic encyclical Humanae Vitae, issued in 1968, presented the Church's consistent teachings on marriage and contraception to the modern world -- a world that demanded then, as it does now, that the Church adapt her teachings to itself. Standing calmly and firmly against a culture that sees contraception and abortion as individual choices, Humanae Vitae shows us what it means to share in the creative work of God. Paul VI lays out God's plan for human sexuality, a plan that invites married couples to celebrate the incredible gifts of human love and human life.

    Humanae Vitae is a loving and honest look at the benefits and the challenges of Church teaching, and a call to the Church to provide guidance and support for couples as they strive to live out God's design for human life and marriage.

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    Jesus of Nazareth: Baptism to Transfiguration

    Jesus of Nazareth: Baptism to Transfiguration
    Pope Benedict XVI's iconic life of Jesus, a rich, compelling, flesh-and-blood portrait of the central figure of the Christian faith.

    "This book is . . . my personal search 'for the face of the Lord.'"--Benedict XVI

    In this bold, momentous work, the Pope seeks to salvage the person of Jesus from today's "popular" depictions and to restore his true identity as discovered in the Gospels. Through his brilliance as a theologian and his personal conviction as a believer, the Pope incites us to encounter Jesus face to face.

    From Jesus of Nazareth ". . . the great question that will be with us throughout this entire book: But what has Jesus really brought, then, if he has not brought world peace, universal prosperity, and a better world? What has he brought? The answer is very simple: God. He has brought God! He has brought the God who once gradually unveiled his countenance first to Abraham, then to Moses and the prophets, and then in the wisdom literature--the God who showed his face only in Israel, even though he was also honored among the pagans in various shadowy guises. It is this God, the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, the true God, whom he has brought to the peoples of the earth. He has brought God, and now we know his face, now we can call upon him. Now we know the path that we human beings have to take in this world. Jesus has brought God and with God the truth about where we are going and where we come from: faith, hope, and love."

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    Jeweler's Shop

    Jeweler's Shop
    Wojtyla, Karol
    Love is "one of the greatest dramas of human existence," writes Pope John Paul II. In this illuminating three-act play--here in the only English translation authorized by the Vatican--he explores relationships between men and women, the joys--and the pain--of love and marriage.

    The action unfolds in two settings at once: a street in a small town, outside the local jeweler's shop (people go to buy their wedding rings there), and the mysterious inner landscape of personal hopes and fears, loves and longings. Each act focuses on a different couple: the first happily planning their wedding, the second long-married and unhappy, the third about to marry but full of doubts. Writing with power and understanding about a love that survives the grave, a love that has withered and died, a love budding out of complexes and insecurities, the Pope addresses such fundamental human concerns as: What does it mean to fall in love? When do we know that a love is real--and can it last? If it dies, how do we go on living--and loving again? There are no easy answers, and there is no happy ending--such is the nature of men and women, and such is the nature of love--but there is hope, if we only acknowledge our need and accept the risks of a deep and lasting commitment.

    This is a play full of wisdom on a subject of great relevance to all, and it provides a special insight into the thoughts of the man who, like no other, has captured the imagination of people of all faiths throughout the world. The Jeweler's Shop has been made into a full-length movie now available on video.

    Karol Wojtyla--Pope John Paul II--has long been involved with the theater. As a student of literature, then priest, bishop and archbishop, he acted, directed, wrote dramatic criticism, made a Polish translation of Sophocles' Oedipus Rex, and has authored six plays.

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    Joy of Love - Amoris Laetitia

    Joy of Love - Amoris Laetitia
    Pope Francis

    "All of us are called to keep striving towards something greater than ourselves and our families, and every family must feel this constant impulse. Let us make this journey as families, let us keep walking together." Pope Francis, Amoris Laetitia

    In his groundbreaking work on modern family life, Amoris Laetitia: On Love in the Family, Pope Francis continues to guide and lead the Church, calling us to be a sign of mercy and encouragement for families of all shapes and sizes.

    The Our Sunday Visitor edition includes exclusive reflection and discussion questions, to help Catholics grow in our understanding of this call, and act upon it.

    In Amoris Laetitia: On Love in the Family the Holy Father expands on the topics and considerations of the two Synods on the family, and adds his own considerations to help us provide pastoral guidance to support and strengthen today's families.

    On Love in the Family guides us through:

  • Scripture - what we can learn from Biblical families and relationships with God and each other
  • Reality - the experiences and challenges we face in today's world
  • Tradition - essential aspects of Church teaching on marriage and families
  • Love - what it means for all our relationships
  • Ministry - Pope Francis offers pastoral perspectives for helping build strong families
  • Spirituality - the expression of the Gospel message in our relationships
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    Joy of Love - Amoris Laetitia

    Joy of Love - Amoris Laetitia
    Catholic Church
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    Joy of the Gospel - Amoris Laetitia

    Joy of the Gospel - Amoris Laetitia
    In his first apostolic exhortation, Pope Francis delves more deeply into the new evangelization, building on the foundation laid by Benedict XVI and John Paul II. The document discusses evangelization in the context of both the pulpit and the world. Referencing Paul VI, John Paul II, Benedict XVI, the Second Vatican Council, and many Church documents, Pope Francis calls the Church to a greater evangelization empowered by a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ
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    Last Testament: In His Own Words

    Last Testament: In His Own Words
    Seewald, Peter

    The story of the first Pope to resign in over 700 years.

    Pope Benedict made history when he became the first Pope in over 700 years to resign from office, stunning the Catholic Church the world over. At last, Last Testament is a stunning and frank autobiography from the shy and private man who has since remained cloistered in a former convent in the Vatican gardens. In interviews with Peter Seewald, the Pope Emeritus breaks his silence on corruption within the Vatican, clerical sex scandals, and the challenge of reforming the Papacy.

    In these interviews, Benedict discusses such wide-ranging controversies as:

    - The "Vatileaks" case in which his butler leaked some of his personal letters that alleged corruption and scandal in the Vatican
    - The presence of a "gay lobby" within the Vatican and how he dismantled it
    - His alleged Nazi upbringing
    - His attempts at cleaning up the "dirt in the church" (clerical sexual abuse)
    - The mysterious private secretary "Gorgeous George"

    On a more personal level he writes with great warmth of his successor Pope Francis, who he admits has a popular touch, a star quality which Benedict himself has lacked. Much controversy still surrounds Pope Benedict's Papacy--in this book he addresses these controversies and reveals how at his late age, governing and reforming the Papacy and particularly the Vatican, was beyond him.

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    Male and Female He Created Them

    Male and Female He Created Them
    Congregation for Catholic Education
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    Mission of the Redeemer Anniversary Edit

    Mission of the Redeemer Anniversary Edit
    John Paul II
    Originally published in 1990, Mission of the Redeemer (Redemptoris Missio) recalls the Church to her primary mission: to proclaim Christ to the world. Twenty-five years later, we are still discovering the beauty and challenge of the call to the new evangelization. This special Anniversary Edition includes the full text of the original document plus new commentary that will guide you through this important encyclical. President of Renewal Ministries, Ralph Martin, S.T.D., offers insightful commentary, which can be used for study and reflection either privately or in groups.
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    On Care for Our Common Home - Laudato Si

    On Care for Our Common Home - Laudato Si
    Catholic Church
    In his second encyclical, Laudato Si', On Care for Our Common Home, Pope Francis follows and expands on Catholic teaching on mankind's responsibility to care for God's creation, and protect and care for the most vulnerable. This letter builds on the teachings of previous popes including Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and Pope Saint John Paul II.
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    On the Eucharist

    On the Eucharist
    Pope John Paul II

    The Eucharist is the source and summit of our Faith because the Blessed Sacrament is Christ himself, the full manifestation of his boundless love.

    In this encyclical letter On the Eucharist, Pope John Paul II seeks to rekindle in the faithful the profound sense of amazement and gratitude that surrounds the Eucharist.

    "In the humble signs of bread and wine, changed into his Body and Blood, Christ walks beside us as our strength and our food for the journey, and he enables us to become, for everyone, witnesses of hope," John Paul II writes. "The Church has received the Eucharist from Christ her Lord not as one gift -- however precious -- among so many others, but as the gift par excellence, for it is the gift of himself, of his Person in his sacred humanity, as well as the gift of his saving work."

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    Pope and the Holocaust: Pius XII and the Secret Vatican Archives

    Pope and the Holocaust: Pius XII and the Secret Vatican Archives
    Hesemann, Michael

    For over two decades, Eugenio Pacelli, Pope Pius XII, has been blasted in the public square as "Hitler's Pope", accused by bestselling authors of cowardice in the face of the Nazi regime. Some have even said that the pope was complicit in Hitler's grab for power, privately fueled by a hatred for the Jewish people. And if they are right, who would not join in condemning a leader like this, especially one who claims to represent all Christians?

    But what if this image of Pius XII is completely backward? Archival and archaeological researcher Michael Hesemann has unearthed thousands of documents--including from the Vatican Secret Archives (or the Vatican Apostolic Archive), only recently opened to scholars--to give a startling picture of Eugenio Pacelli as a shrewd diplomat and a champion of the Jewish people during World War II. Saving thousands upon thousands of lives, Pius demonstrated such courage and compassion in these times that Jewish leaders across the globe praised him, and the ecumenical Pave the Way Foundation has since nominated him for the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum's Righteous among the Nations award.

    The Pope and the Holocaust traces Pacelli's fight for peace in the 1930s and 1940s, including his years as apostolic nuncio in Germany, where he resisted Nazism. Even some of his most controversial moves, such as the 1933 Vatican concordat, were made to protect Jewish and Christian lives. What emerges clearly from Hesemann's evidence is a portrait of a man radically committed to the Jews and the revelation God gave to them. As Pope Pius himself remarked in 1938, "It is not legitimate for Christians to take part in anti-Semitism. Spiritually, we are all Semites."

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    Practical Holiness: Pope Francis as Spiritual Companion

    Practical Holiness: Pope Francis as Spiritual Companion
    Haase, Albert

    Good spiritual directors can be difficult to come by; this book offers Pope Francis to be yours. Ever wonder what advice the Pope would give you to help you grow in holiness, deepen your prayer life, know God's will?

    In Practical Holiness you'll find the keys to discovering the answers to those questions. With anecdotes about people and stories about saints, this exploration of Pope Francis's apostolic exhortation, Rejoice and Be Glad: On the Call to Holiness in Today's World, reminds you that there is no cookie-cutter approach to holiness and encourages you to rediscover your unique way of living out the Beatitudes and Jesus's two-fold command of love. You'll navigate through the "five great expressions of love of God and neighbor" - essential for any Christian in our self-absorbed, digital culture.

    Reflection questions at the end of each chapter, as well as forty personal questions at the end of the book, make this ideal for reflection, adult faith formation, book clubs, spiritual directors and their directees, and further catechesis during the RCIA's Mystogogia period between Easter and Pentecost.

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    Role of Christian Family Anniv Ed

    Role of Christian Family Anniv Ed
    John Paul II
    This apostolic exhortation can be considered the Magisterium's most comprehensive explanation of the nature of the family, rooting the essence of that nature in love. It also summarizes St. John Paul II's theology of the body which can lead persons to an ""ever deeper and more intense communion."" (FC 18).This special anniversary edition includes the full text of the original document plus new commentary that will guide you through this important document.
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    Western Culture Today and Tomorrow: Addressing the Fundamental Issues

    Western Culture Today and Tomorrow: Addressing the Fundamental Issues
    Ratzinger, Joseph

    Well known for his important scholarly contributions to dogmatic theology and biblical commentary, Joseph Ratzinger has also been an insightful, shrewd analyst of political modernity and its discontents. This work reveals Ratzinger's keen insight into the fundamental challenges confronting the twenty-first-century West.

    The civilizational project we call "the West" was a cultural achievement with a history. Ratzinger understands that Jerusalem, Athens, and Rome were the three legs of the cultural stool on which "the West" rests. From that under- standing, Ratzinger draws his analysis of the West's post- modern crisis. Nineteenth-century Western culture kicked the Jerusalem leg out from under the stool when its "atheist humanists" declared the God of the Bible the enemy of human maturation and liberation.

    When we lose the Jerusalem leg of the West's cultural support system, the Athenian leg gets wobbly. For absent the conviction that the God of the Bible imprinted something of his own "rationality" into a world created by the Logos (the Word or "reason" of God), reason begins to doubt its own ability to get at the truth of anything.

    This assault on the capacity of reason to discern truth with certainty connects directly with what Ratzinger famously called the "dictatorship of relativism", the use of coercive state power to impose a relativistic moral order on all of society.

    In response to this grave crisis today, Ratzinger says we need to focus on answering such fundamental questions as: How did western culture originate and what are its boundaries? What about the spiritual roots of western culture and the moral foundation she is founded on?

    "The witness of Christian lives nobly lived is the beginning of reconversion of the West and that return to the truths taught by the God of the Bible is essential if the great Western civilizational project is not to crumble. Joseph Ratzinger understood that danger long before many others. It would be well to attend to his prescription."
    George Weigel, From the Foreword

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    Witness to Hope: The Biography of Pope John Paul II

    Witness to Hope: The Biography of Pope John Paul II
    Weigel, George


    "A remarkable book. Weigel's biography is likely to remain the standard one-volume reference on John Paul II for many years to come." -- Pittsburg Post-Gazette

    ?"Fascinating. . . sheds light on the history of the twentieth century for everyone." --New York Times Book Review

    The definitive biography of Pope John Paul II that explores how influential he was on the world stage and in some of the most historic events of the twentieth century that can still be felt today

    Witness to Hope is the authoritative biography of one of the singular figures--some might argue the singular figure--of our time. With unprecedented cooperation from John Paul II and the people who knew and worked with him throughout his life, George Weigel offers a groundbreaking portrait of the Pope as a man, a thinker, and a leader whose religious convictions defined a new approach to world politics--and changed the course of history. As even his critics concede, John Paul II occupied a unique place on the world stage and put down intellectual markers that no one could ignore or avoid as humanity entered a new millennium fraught with possibility and danger.

    The Pope was a man of prodigious energy who played a crucial, yet insufficiently explored, role in some of the most momentous events of our time, including the collapse of European communism, the quest for peace in the Middle East, and the democratic transformation of Latin America. With an updated preface, this edition of Witness to Hope explains how this "man from a far country" did all of that, and much more--and what both his accomplishments and the unfinished business of his pontificate mean for the future of the Church and the world.

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    Word Made Love: The Dialogical Theology of Joseph Ratzinger / Pope Benedict XVI

    Word Made Love: The Dialogical Theology of Joseph Ratzinger / Pope Benedict XVI
    Collins, Christopher
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    From scholarly monographs to papal homilies, Joseph Ratzinger has insisted consistently over decades that Christianity is not a set of ideas to believe or, even less, moral laws to follow. Rather, Christianity is about a person and our encounter with that person.

    In The Word Made Love, Christopher Collins identifies in the structure of Ratzinger's thought the presentation of God as one who speaks and who ultimately speaks Himself in the person of Jesus Christ. Humanity's posture before God is one of hearing and responding. For Ratzinger, then, dialogue is the basic structure of all reality, and the Christian Vision articulates the radical transformation that happens when we enter into this divine dialogue. Collins argues that this dialogical, communicative structure is a distinctive aspect of Ratzinger's thought and a unique contribution to the renewal of theology in our day.

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    You Are the Light of the World

    You Are the Light of the World
    A motu proprio is a papal document, written as a personal response from the Holy Father to questions or petitions from individuals or groups. It is meant to be written in the Pope's own hand (motu proprio literally translates to "in his own hand"), and in this way it differs from other more official papal documents, such as an apostolic constitution or a papal bull. Vos Estis Lux Mundi, or You Are The Light Of The World, is the third motu proprio of Pope Francis' pontificate. It outlines rules established by the Church to fight sexual abuse and encourage accountability and transparency.

    In a statement, Cardinal Archbishop Sean O'Malley of Boston explained the importance of this document: "During the past year it has become far more clear that the people of the Church and our wider society rightfully demand substantive action for disclosure, transparency, and accountability... and that all Church personnel, regardless of office, be subject to the same policies, procedures, and sanctions. Vos Estis Lux Mundi is an important and substantive response to that demand. I am grateful to the Holy Father for his recognition of the critical need for these new policies and procedures and his actions to as best possible assure the protection of all the people we serve throughout the world."

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