Church History

101 Surprising Facts about Church History

101 Surprising Facts about Church History
Tan Books
Think you really know Church History? Think Again
The Catholic Church is the longest-standing and the most universal of all institutions. The contributions made by Catholic men and women over the past 2000 years are most impressive, from a properly functioning calendar to the inventions of many things that we all take for granted today.
In 101 Surprising Facts About Church History, Fr. Meconi, SJ walks readers through the most amazing achievements of Christ's Body on earth. From economic and mercantile developments to scientific and astronomical advances, from the cataloging of zoological and botanical species to the cherishing of beautiful music and fine arts, Fr. Meconi shows you why the Catholic Church stands as the greatest promoter of human culture and knowledge.
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101 Surprising Facts about St. Peter's and the Vatican

101 Surprising Facts about St. Peter's and the Vatican
Kirby, Jeffrey
What do you really know about Vatican City?

The Vatican, comprising the Apostolic Palace, St. Peter's Basilica, and various other buildings, serves as the headquarters of the Catholic Church. It has done so for nearly two millennium ever since the first Pope, St. Peter, made it his home.

Thousands of Catholics flock to the Vatican and its iconic basilica each year. But what do you really know about this great basilica and the city that houses it?

Here, Father Jeffrey Kirby takes you on a whirlwind tour of this little country (yes, Vatican City is its own country, Fact # 2) and uncovers the secrets and surprising facts about the city, and its famous church.

Discover what language degree you need to work a Vatican ATM, what archi tectural feature of St. Peter's is a map of the universe, and even what the pope's license plate number is. Along the way, you'll find the deep theological meaning woven into the design and architectural features of St. Peter's Basilica and Vatican.

Whether you've already been to Rome or are still planning your first trip, 101 Surprising Facts About the Vatican will transport you to Basilica and City at the heart of the Catholic Church and enable you to appreciate them like never before.

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16 Marriages That Made History

16 Marriages That Made History

When we think of famous persons in history, we usually remember their great deeds in the areas of science, politics, art, etc. But for some, their greatest achievement in life was not played out before the public, but rather took place within the private sphere of their marriage. The world may remember them for their extraordinary gifts and accomplishments, but they, at the end of their lives, were most mindful of their greatest love: their spouse. This book honors the hidden love adventures of several famous persons in history. It offers concrete examples of marriages that transformed these well-known individuals in deep and personal ways. These are not fairy tales of marriages "made in heaven;" they are stories of real people with real struggles, who, through their marriage, were challenged, strengthened, and encouraged to grow in their capacity for love. In this book, you will learn: How marriages can grow stronger through time, how marriage can provide tremendous strength for facing life's difficulties, how people with very different personalities can be completely united in marriage, how one woman's selfless love saved her marriage, how a queen learned to put her husband and her marriage ahead of power, how one couple's united search for truth led them to embrace the Catholic Faith. This book will help to restore your confidence in the power of marriage. It is recommended for those just starting out on their marriage journey, as well as for those already well advanced along the path. Gerard Castillo is a professor of Education at the University of Navarra, Spain, where he teaches courses in education, marriage, and family. He is the author of over thirty books on these subjects.

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AA-1025: Memoirs of the Communist Infiltration Into the Church

AA-1025: Memoirs of the Communist Infiltration Into the Church
Carre, Marie
Absorbing and compelling reading from beginning to end, AA -1025 Memoirs of the Communist Infiltration Into the Church is a must read for every Catholic today and for all who would understand just what has happened to the Catholic Church since the 1960's.

In the 1960's, a French nurse, Marie Carre, attended an auto-crash victim who was brought into her hospital in a city she purposely does not name. The man lingered there near death for a few hours and then died. He had no identification on him, but he had a briefcase in which there was a set of quasi-autobiographical notes. She kept these notes and read them, and because of their extraordinary content, decided to publish them.

The result is this little book, AA-1025 Memoirs of the Communist Infiltration Into the Church, a strange and fascinating account of a Communist who purposely entered the Catholic priesthood along with many others, with the intent to subvert and destroy the Church from within. His strange yet fascinating and illuminating set of biographical notes, tells of his commission to enter the priesthood, his experiences in the seminary, and the means and methods he used and promoted to help effect from within the auto-dissolution of the Catholic Church.

No one will read this book without a profound assent that something just like what is describer here must surely have happened on a wide scale in order to have disrupted the life of the Catholic Church so dramatically.

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Africa and the Early Church: The Almost-Forgotten Roots of Catholic Christianity

Africa and the Early Church: The Almost-Forgotten Roots of Catholic Christianity

When we survey the history of the Faith, it is undeniable that the lands of northern Africa were profoundly influential in the development of early Christianity. The faith arrived early in Ethiopia, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, and the territories we now call Eritrea, Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. African Christians made decisive contributions in theology, liturgy, biblical studies, and culture. With the Arab invasions of the seventh and eight centuries, much of this history was lost to Europe, though the marks of ancient influence remained.

Africa and the Early Church: The Almost-Forgotten Roots of Catholic Christianity uncovers that lost history for interested modern readers, telling the story as much as possible in the words of the great figures in antiquity. To acknowledge these Christians and their churches is to complete the historical picture—and to remember what was once common knowledge.



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Case of Galileo and the Church

Case of Galileo and the Church
Brandmuller, Walter

Throughout the modern era, Galileo Galilei has been presented as a victim of cruel torture of conscience, theological narrow-mindedness, and ecclesiastical harassment typical of a dark, closed-minded Church. Frequently portrayed as such in theaters due to prevailing political ideologies, the story of Galileo points to the long-held tension between "science and faith," "technology and ethics," and "progress and the Church."

The story of the real Galileo, however, which has not been told--until now--is sure to rock the established narrative.

Walter Cardinal Brandmüller, an eminent Church historian and expert in Galilean research, evaluates the scientific research of the recent past and exposes shocking historical errors. Uninterested in whitewashing the problematic pages of Church history, he offers a balanced view of the controversy, illuminating it through the lens of a deeper historical understanding.

Leaving no stone unturned, His Excellency separates the facts from the fiction to reveal:

  • Why the Inquisition became involved in Galileo's "case" and what it really determined
  • Galileo's multifaceted accomplishments, personality, and relationships
    What famous critics, including Aristotelians, had to say about Galileo and his findings
  • How Galileo's case embodied the scientific revolution and its view of the Church
  • Whether Scripture and science should be understood separately
  • How to perceive Galileo within the broader cultural and historical context of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
  • You will discover the various aspects and philosophical views of the Galileo controversy, including how his personal polemics at times superseded his scientific research. Moreover, you will learn about significant scientists' and theologians' arguments regarding heliocentrism and other topics.

    The book includes an extensive bibliography of Galileo's works and a timeline of his life, as well as a declaration from twelve Nobel Prize-winning scientists on the necessity of dialogue between science and religion and the need for the Church's guidance.

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    Catholic Heroes of Civil and Human Rights: 1800s to the Present

    Catholic Heroes of Civil and Human Rights: 1800s to the Present
    King, Roxanne

    This inspiring work profiles sixteen heroic Catholic men and women who defied the odds to advance civil and human rights around the world. Spanning from the birth of the United States to World War II Germany to the current Latin American immigration crisis, this book features people whose faith drove them to courageously defend the dignity of the children of God, especially the most vulnerable, transforming many lives and paving the way for a more equitable society.

    To understand human rights, however, we need theology. Supported by official Church documents, each chapter is themed on one of the pillars of Catholic social teaching--freedom, perseverance, hope, justice, and conscience. These short, compelling biographies of figures who exemplify each pillar demonstrate how the teachings of Christ, through his Church, can drive ordinary believers to do extraordinary deeds.

    Among the heroes are former slave Venerable Father Augustine Tolton, Austrian farmer Blessed Franz Jägerstätter, Native American catechist Nicholas Black Elk, Servant of God Dorothy Day, Saint Katharine Drexel, Saint Teresa of Calcutta, and Saint Oscar Romero.

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    Catholicism and Evolution: A history from Darwin to Pope Francis

    Chaberek, O P Michael
    For Catholics, the question of evolution touches on all the most important topics: the nature of God and his work in the world, the nature of life, and the status of man in the universe. It is also a subject of perennial controversy and confusion. Some see the Darwinian theory of evolution as a major agent in discrediting the Church's doctrine on creation, undermining biblically-based morality and the concept of human exceptionalism. Others regard Darwinian theory as compatible with biblical faith and Catholic tradition. Has the Church itself "evolved"? Or are there certain truths that are permanent and irreplaceable?

    Fr. Michael Chaberek is a Polish Dominican who has studied creation doctrine from Old and New Testament accounts to the Church Fathers, to the Medieval Scholastics (especially St. Thomas Aquinas), to the Vatican's internal and public papers of the 19th and 20th centuries--and on into our own times and the pronouncements of recent popes. His new book gathers all doctrinal statements on evolution and presents the history of the engagement of Catholicism with natural science since Darwin presented his theory in 1859. What he finds is a clear path that gradually became twisted and over-grown. His exploration of that path is both scholarly and engrossing.

    "Finally, a book that tells the full story of Catholic reflections and Magisterial statements down through the centuries on issues of creation and evolution. From the meditations of the ancient Church Fathers to the statements of Popes Pelagius I and Leo XIII, there are many hidden treasures to be found here. Fr. Chaberek combines historical, philosophical, and theological scholarship in a book that is both comprehensive and engaging. This book will be an eye-opener for many, and will quickly become the standard and essential work on the subject."--ROBERT STACKPOLE, director, John Paul II Institute of Divine Mercy

    "In Catholicism and Evolution, Fr. Michael Chaberek surveys perennial Catholic teaching, plumbs the depths of Catholic philosophy and historical theology, and analyzes the best scientific evidence to date. In the process, he shows that certain elements of Darwinian evolution are not only incompatible with Catholic belief, but largely lacking in evidence. He shows also that despite her clear historical teaching, the contemporary Church lacks an unambiguous statement of how Catholics should understand this question. I expect this to become the definitive book on Catholicism and evolution."--JAY W. RICHARDS, co-author of The Privileged Planet; editor of God and Evolution

    "Darwin and his contemporaries thought the cell was a simple blob of jelly, protoplasm. Modern science has discovered the exact opposite, that astoundingly sophisticated technology undergirds life. Father Michael Chaberek probes the implications of this and other surprising developments in his erudite study of Catholicism's collision with Darwinism."--MICHAEL BEHE, author of Darwin's Black Box

    "Catholicism and Evolution is a thorough exposition of the history of the debate over evolution, especially the theory's proponents and opponents within the Catholic Church. This book should be on the shelves of any concerned with this subject, or indeed any who would like to fully grasp the controversy's roots in the Church."--ANN GAUGER, Senior Research Scientist, Biologic Institute

    "Fr. Chaberek has done Catholics and all Christians a great service by describing the progression of the present controversy over creation, intelligent design, and theistic evolution from the Bible and early days of Christianity until today. His book will open eyes."--BRUCE CHAPMAN, Founding Fellow, Discovery Institute

    FR. MICHAEL CHABEREK O.P., S.T.D. is a member of the Polish Dominican Province, with a Doctorate in Fundamental Theology from Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw.

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    Catholicism Everywhere: From Hail Mary Passes to Cappuccinos: How the Catholic Faith Is Infused in Culture

    Catholicism Everywhere: From Hail Mary Passes to Cappuccinos: How the Catholic Faith Is Infused in Culture
    Hoffner, Helen

    Many faithful Catholics greet God and give Him thanks and praise when they arise in the morning and retire at night. How they stay connected with Him and the Faith throughout the day, however, varies widely. Many forget that He is right there to call upon whenever the need or impulse arises. Others see Him all around, in the flowers of the field, the birds of the air, the smile of a child. Uniquely, Catholicism Everywhere treats the reader to the many expressions of God in the hobbies, foods, structures, and inventions developed by the Catholic Church and her members.

    Enjoy a cup of coffee and thank Pope Clement VIII for his refusal to ban coffee and his edict proclaiming it to be an acceptable drink for Christians. Turn on the radio and recall that Fr. Jozef Murgas patented a form of wireless telegraphy, made the first wireless voice transmission, and gave away his secrets to allow for the development of radio. Send an e-mail and shop online with a nod to Sr. Mary Kenneth Keller, a member of the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who became one of the first two students to earn a doctorate in computer science, helping pave the way for personal computing.

    In these crisp, compelling passages, you will also learn about:

  • The saint whose research led to the discovery of insulin
  • The priest who posited the big bang theory
  • The thrilling significance of the St. Michael's Jump
  • The origin of the Hail Mary pass
  • The saint who used beer to help save lives
  • The actor whose promise in prayer led to the building of a famous children's hospital
  • The film Pope Paul VI said would bring more people to Christ than anything before
  • These and other remarkable stories show how the Catholic Church and her members have borne tremendous fruit, in faith, to serve their fellow man. This book features chapters on pets, gardening, health care, cuisine, travel, entertainment, science, and more, including the Catholic founding of Alcoholics Anonymous, the Mayo Clinic, the Blue Army, the Knights of Columbus, and the Legion of Mary.

    From sports to weather forecasting to wedding customs to military service, Catholicism Everywhere connects your work, your play, and your daily habits with the vibrant heritage, culture, and prayers of the Catholic Faith.

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    Catholicism: A Global History from the French Revolution to Pope Francis

    Catholicism: A Global History from the French Revolution to Pope Francis
    McGreevy, John T

    The story of Roman Catholicism has never followed a singular path. In no time period has this been more true than over the last two centuries. Beginning with the French Revolution, extending to the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s, and concluding with present-day crises, John T. McGreevy chronicles the dramatic upheavals and internal divisions shaping the most multicultural, multilingual, and global institution in the world.

    Through powerful individual stories and sweeping birds-eye views, Catholicism provides a mesmerizing assessment of the Church's complex role in modern history: both shaper and follower of the politics of nation states, both conservator of hierarchies and evangelizer of egalitarianism. McGreevy documents the hopes and ambitions of European missionaries building churches and schools in all corners of the world, African Catholics fighting for political (and religious) independence, Latin American Catholics attracted to a theology of liberation, and Polish and South Korean Catholics demanding democratic governments. He includes a vast cast of riveting characters, known and unknown, including the Mexican revolutionary Fr. Servando Teresa de Mier; Daniel O'Connell, hero of Irish emancipation; Sr. Josephine Bakhita, a formerly enslaved Sudanese nun; Chinese statesman Ma Xiaobang; French philosopher and reformer Jacques Maritain; German Jewish philosopher and convert, Edith Stein; John Paul II, Polish pope and opponent of communism; Gustavo Gutiérrez, Peruvian founder of liberation theology; and French American patron of modern art, Dominique de Menil.

    Throughout this essential volume, McGreevy details currents of reform within the Church as well as movements protective of traditional customs and beliefs. Conflicts with political leaders and a devotional revival in the nineteenth century, the experiences of decolonization after World War II and the Second Vatican Council in the twentieth century, and the trauma of clerical sexual abuse in the twenty-first all demonstrate how religion shapes our modern world. Finally, McGreevy addresses the challenges faced by Pope Francis as he struggles to unite the over one billion members of the world's largest religious community.

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    Catholics Confronting Hitler: The Catholic Church and the Nazis

    Catholics Confronting Hitler: The Catholic Church and the Nazis
    Bartley, Peter

    Written with economy and in chronological order, this book offers a comprehensive account of the response to the Nazi tyranny by Pope Pius XII, his envoys, and various representatives of the Catholic Church in every country where Nazism existed before and during WWII.

    Peter Bartley makes extensive use of primary sources - letters, diaries, memoirs, official government reports, German and British. He manifestly quotes the works of several prominent Nazis, of churchmen, diplomats, members of the Resistance, and ordinary Jews and gentiles who left eye-witness accounts of life under the Nazis, in addition to the wartime correspondence between Pius XII and President Roosevelt.

    This book reveals how resistance to Hitler and rescue work engaged many churchmen and laypeople at all levels, and was often undertaken in collaboration with Protestants and Jews. The Church paid a high price in many countries for its resistance, with hundreds of churches closed down, bishops exiled or martyred, and many priests shot or sent to Nazi death camps.

    Bartley also explores the supposed inaction of the German bishops over Hitler's oppression of the Jews, showing that the Reich Concordat did not deter the hierarchy and clergy from protesting the regime's iniquities or from rescuing its victims. While giving clear evidence for Papal condemnation of the Jewish persecution, he also explains why Pius XII could not completely set aside the language of diplomacy and be more openly vocal in his rebuke of the Nazis.

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    Christian Symbols Pamphlet

    Christian Symbols Pamphlet
    From the symbol of a fish to the cross, Christians for centuries have used pictures and symbols to communicate key and powerful truths about the Bible. But, where did these symbols come from? Why are they important? Enjoy clearly seeing 50 of the most common Christian symbols at a glance! For each symbol, easily find out key information, including its meaning, origin, uses, fascinating facts, and more!

    Fish symbols mounted on car bumpers. 'INRI' in classical Christian art. The upside down cross (St. Peter's Cross.) Discover the rich meanings behind each of these symbols and more in Rose's new Christian Symbols pamphlet! Enjoy having 50 of the most common Christian symbols in one easy-to-read format that easily fits in the back of your Bible!

    Covers 50 Popular Symbols and Images in the Bible and Christian History

    Packed with illustrations, simple explanations, Scripture, history, fascinating facts, and much more, Rose's Christian Symbols Pamphlet highlights 50 common symbols throughout history. Get a simple overview of the most popular images used in the Bible such as salt and light, shepherds, communion bread and wine, and much more! Covers--

  • Cross symbols
  • --the crucifix, Greek cross, Latin cross, St. Peter's cross, and more!
  • Greek, Latin, and Hebrew letters
  • --Alpha and Omega, INRI, YHWH, etc.
  • Popular biblical images and illustrations
  • --fish and loaves, keys, the Lion, the Lamb, etc.
  • Christian Imagery
  • Fish symbol
  • Anchor symbol
  • Trinity symbols
  • and more! 3 Features of this Easy-to-Read Christian Symbols Pamphlet

    1. Easy-to-Understand: Get a Clear Overview of the Most Important Symbols in Christianity and Christian History

  • Enjoy clearly seeing 50 of the most common Christian symbols at a glance! Christianity is often explained in symbols, parables, and metaphors. Deepen your knowledge for the Scriptures and church history with this easy-to-use pamphlet! Perfect for individual study, small group, homeschool, or your church library, this convenient pamphlet covers--
  • Name and simple explanation of each symbol
  • Meaning
  • Uses
  • Origin and history
  • and much more!

  • 2. Fully-Illustrated. Stunning Images and Clearly Displayed Symbols
  • Enjoy having an attractive full color pamphlet packed with illustrations and symbols that are conveniently formatted and easy to find. Covers--
  • 50 common Christian symbols pictured
  • Christian symbols (cross, fish, anchor, etc.)
  • Biblical imagery (bread and wine, dove, Lion of Judah, Lamb of God, etc.)
  • Photos showing how some of these symbols were used in ancient times
  • and much more!

  • 3. Quick & Easy: Includes Charts That Show Key Information at a Glance

    Save time flipping through heavy art and archaeology books when you can have key Christian symbols in an easy-to-read chart at your fingertips! See different types of crosses and symbols for the trinity side-by-side. Get a simple overview of the most popular images used in the Bible such as salt and light, shepherds, communion bread and wine, and much more!

    Discover Fascinating Facts in Rose's Christian Symbols Pamphlet

    Explore the interesting world of symbols in Christian history as you uncover the origins and uses for each symbol--
  • Archaeologists have found anchor symbols on Christian tombs dating as far back as the first century
  • Emperor Constantine ordered the Chi-Rho to be painted on his soldiers' shields
  • In times of persecution, when a Christian encountered a stranger, the Christian would draw half of a fish in the dirt and if the stranger drew the other half, the Christian knew that he or she was in safe company with a fellow believer
  • and much more!

  • ISBN/SKU: 
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    Church and the Roman Empire (301-490): Constantine, Councils, and the Fall of Rome

    Church and the Roman Empire (301-490): Constantine, Councils, and the Fall of Rome
    Aquilina, Mike

    Winner of a 2020 Catholic Press Association book award (first place, best new religious book series).

    Suspense, politics, sin, death, sex, and redemption: Not the plot of the latest crime novel, but elements of the true history of the Catholic Church.

    Larger-than-life figures such as Athanasius of Alexandria, Augustine, and Constantine played an important part in the history of the Christianity. In The Church and the Roman Empire (AD 301-490): Constantine, Councils, and the Fall of Rome, popular Catholic author Mike Aquilina gives readers a vivid and engaging account of how Christianity developed and expanded as the Roman Empire declined.

    Aquilina explores the dramatic backstory of the Council of Nicaea and why Christian unity and belief are still expressed by the Nicene Creed. He also sets the record straight about commonly held misconceptions about the Catholic Church.

    In this book, you will learn:

  • The Edict of Milan didn't just legalize Christianity; it also established religious tolerance for all faiths for the first time in history.
  • The growth of Christianity inspired a more merciful society: crucifixion was abolished; the practice of throwing prisoners to wild beasts for entertainment was outlawed; and slave owners were punished for killing their slaves.
  • Controversy between Arians and Catholics may have resulted in building more hospitals and other networks of charitable assistance to the poor.
  • When Rome fell, not many people at the time noticed.
  • Books in the Reclaiming Catholic History series, edited by Mike Aquilina and written by leading authors and historians, bring Church history to life, debunking the myths one era at a time.

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    Church in the Storms

    Church in the Storms
    de Mattei, Roberto

    Prolific historian Roberto de Mattei unfurls the sail to help you navigate in tumultuous times through the stormy waters of worldly events, intellectual movements, apostasies, moral decay, divisions, and persecutions. In these reflections, de Mattei steers you on a voyage from the earliest centuries to the French Revolution, charting the course with fascinating historical details and true stories about key political figures and saints, masterfully relating them to our situation now.

    In these stirring pages, you will learn:

  • Who the real dissidents are -- past and present
  • The witness of the early Christians and ways we can learn from them today
  • The twin pillars of victory according to the vision of St. John Bosco
  • The path to authentic reform and the heroic example of the saints throughout the ages
  • How the Church rose above the waves amid crises, including schisms and revolutions
  • Despite the changing tides and pounding waves, you will discover ways the Church weathered storms with Scripture and Tradition as her compasses. You will behold how, in moments of gloom, when all seemed lost, the valor of Catholic heroes restored calm and announced the morning dawn.

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    Church of God in Jesus Christ

    Church of God in Jesus Christ
    Kereszty, O Cist Roch a
    The Church of God in Jesus Christ consists of three parts: the first provides a concise historical survey of ecclesiology elucidating the most salient teachings and insights from the Old and New Testaments, the writings of the fathers, the medievals, moderns, up to the present day. It integrates a standard historical overview with a recovery of oft ignored or forgotten insights from the tradition (e.g., beginnings of the Church in prehistoric times and in Israel, Irenaeus's Trinitarian ecclesiology and St. Bernard's nuptial vison of the Church.

    The second part is a systematic ecclesiology ordered around the four marks of the Church, then proceeding to treat the participation of all the faithful in the threefold office of Christ, the ongoing renewal and reform of the Church by the Holy Spirit working through her members, and finishing with a hitherto neglected study of the eschatological consummation of the Church in heavenly glory.

    The third part consists of five essays on particular themes of special importance in ecclesiology. Of the five, most notable is the chapter on the relationship between the Church's infallibility and Mary.

    Fr. Roch Kereszty intends to integrate theological insights with nourishing the reader's spiritual life by emphasizing the essentially Trinitarian, nuptial and Marian dimensions of the Church.

    The book fills a genuine need in that it offers a rich synthesis of the ecclesiological renewal in an accessible and clear language. It will enrich not only students of theology but all those college educated adults who are interested to delve beyond the clichés of the media into the contemplation of the manifold mystery of the Church.

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    Church Under Attack

    Church Under Attack
    Moczar, Diane

    Here's an unabashedly Catholic history that documents scores of sustained and unprecedented assaults on our Catholic Faith these past five centuries and delineates our Church's brave response to each one.

    For five hundred years, from Luther to Marx, through Darwin, Hitler, and Rousseau, wave after wave of cynical anti-Catholic men and movements have wrought havoc even worse than that of Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan, leaving our once noble Christendom a ruined city, devastated politically and spiritually, morally and intellectually.

    They've ripped the heart from our culture's chest: the Catholic Faith that once gave life and strength to her body. They've wounded even the Church herself.

    Celebrated Catholic historian Diane Moczar counters here with an unflinching sketch of these five woeful centuries with sound reasons for hope. For, as she demonstrates, even after five hundred years of sustained persecution, our Church has not merely survived but continues in many places to flourish.

    Almost two thousand years ago, Tertullian noted that the "blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church," a truth borne out these past five hundred years.

    Time after time, as Moczar shows, persecution has not snuffed out the Faith but has brought forth great saints whose holy deeds and brave examples frustrated their persecutors by communicating to the besieged Church a vigor greater than that of her persecutors.

    These pages will renew your confidence that the Church is indeed Christ acting in the world and that no matter how strong or ruthless or vicious her opponents, she will not be vanquished but will endure to the end of time.

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    Columbus and the Crisis of the West

    Columbus and the Crisis of the West
    Royal, Robert
    After decades of politically charged controversy, the reputation and standing of Christopher Columbus lies battered beneath mountains of misjudgments and distortions. The surge of historical revisionism now ravaging the legendary explorer insists that his daring adventures brought only tragic consequences: disease, death, subjugation of native peoples, incitement of the African slave trade, destruction of the environment, and other horrors.

    But is this a legitimate assessment of Europe's inevitable western expansion?

    In Columbus and the Crisis of the West, Dr. Robert Royal carefully examines the mind and motives of Christopher Columbus, distinguishing him as the greatest explorer of his age, whose courage and vision extended Christian Europe and inspired the American spirit.

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    Compact HIstory of the Catholic Church revised

    Compact HIstory of the Catholic Church revised
    Schreck, Alan
    A must-have guide to the Church through the ages. Maybe you've wondered just what the Church has to offer. Or maybe you've been tempted to give up on it as you realize its weaknesses. The Compact History of the Catholic Church sweeps through the centuries offering a clear-eyed view of the Church's development and contributions to world history. God's faithfulness and mercy are evident, too, as he continually renews the Church and raises it "again and again from the pit of trouble to new heights of faith, charity and peace." Now including a handy timeline highlighting major developments and figures from the time of Christ into the twenty-first century.
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    Conciliar Octet: A Concise Commentary on the Eight Key Texts of the Second Vatican Council

    Conciliar Octet: A Concise Commentary on the Eight Key Texts of the Second Vatican Council
    Nichols, Aidan

    A lively debate continues in the Roman Catholic Church about the character of the teaching provided by the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). Did it represent a decisive rupture with previous doctrine, or the continuation of its earlier message under new conditions? Much depends on whether the Council texts are read in the light of subsequent events, which shook and sometimes smashed the life, worship and devotion of traditional Catholicism - rather than considered for themselves, in their own right as documents with a pre-history that historians can know.

    In this work Dominican scholar and writer Aidan Nichols maintains that the Council texts must be interpreted in the light of their genesis, not their aftermath. They must be seen in the light of the public debates in the Council chamber, not the hopes (or fears) of individuals behind the scenes. On this basis, he provides a concise commentary on the eight most significant documents produced by the Council, documents which cover pretty comprehensively all the major aspects of the Church's life.

    Nichols describes the Council as a gathering where the Conciliar minority - guarded, prudent, and concerned for explicit continuity at all points with the preceding tradition - played a beneficial role in steadying the Conciliar majority, enthused as the latter was by the movements of biblical, patristic and liturgical 'return to the sources' and a desire to reach out to the world of the (then) present-day in generosity of heart. The texts that emerged from this often impassioned debate remain susceptible to a reading of a classically Christian kind. That is precisely what Nichols offers in this book.

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    Continental Achievement, Volume 2: Roman Catholics in the United States-- Revolution and the Early Republic

    Continental Achievement, Volume 2: Roman Catholics in the United States-- Revolution and the Early Republic
    Starr, Kevin

    In this second volume of acclaimed historian Kevin Starr's masterful work on Catholics in America, he picks up where he left off in his Continental Ambitions, which traced the stirrings of independence among the colonists of New England.

    Starr shows how Catholics participated in the American Revolution and the founding of the United States. He then traces the establishment of the first Catholic dioceses in the new republic. In his captivating style, Starr dramatizes the representative personalities in this formative period.

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    Continental Ambitions: Roman Catholics in North America: The Colonial Experience

    Continental Ambitions: Roman Catholics in North America: The Colonial Experience

    Kevin Starr has achieved a fast-paced evocation of three Roman Catholic civilizations--Spain, France, and Recusant England--as they explored, evangelized, and settled the North American continent. This book represents the first time this story has been told in one volume. Showing the same narrative verve of Starr's award-winning Americans and the California Dream series, this riveting--but sometimes painful--history should reach a wide readership.

    Starr begins this work with the exploration and temporary settlement of North America by recently Christianized Scandinavians. He continues with the destruction of Caribbean peoples by New Spain, the struggle against this tragedy by the great Dominican Bartolomé de Las Casas, the Jesuit and Franciscan exploration and settlement of the Spanish Borderlands (Florida, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Baja, and Alta California), and the strengths and weaknesses of the mission system.

    He then turns his attention to New France with its highly developed Catholic and Counter-Reformational cultures of Quebec and Montreal, its encounters with Native American peoples, and its advance southward to New Orleans and the Gulf of Mexico. The volume ends with the founding of Maryland as a proprietary colony for Roman Catholic Recusants and Anglicans alike, the rise of Philadelphia and southern Pennsylvania as centers of Catholic life, the Suppression of the Jesuits in 1773, and the return of John Carroll to Maryland the following year.

    Starr dramatizes the representative personalities and events that illustrate the triumphs and the tragedies, the achievements and the failures, of each of these societies in their explorations, treatment of Native Americans, and translations of religious and social value to new and challenging environments. His history is notable for its honesty and its synoptic success in comparing and contrasting three disparate civilizations, albeit each of them Catholic, with three similar and differing approaches to expansion in the New World.

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    Desert Fathers Vintage Spiritual Classics

    Desert Fathers Vintage Spiritual Classics
    By the fourth century A.D., devout Christians -- men and women alike -- had begun to retreat from cities and villages to the deserts of North Africa and Asia Minor, where they sought liberation from their corrupt society and the confining shell of the social self. "The Desert Fathers" is the perfect introduction to the stories and sayings of these heroic pioneers of the contemplative tradition. Selected and translated by Helen Waddell, "The Desert Fathers" opens a window onto early Christianity while presenting us with touching human models of faith, humility, and compassion.
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    Divine Plan: John Paul II, Ronald Reagan, and the Dramatic End of the Cold War

    Divine Plan: John Paul II, Ronald Reagan, and the Dramatic End of the Cold War
    Orlando, Robert

    "John Paul II and Ronald Reagan both understood that they were preserved through this suffering for a high purpose.

    And I don't think you'll understand either one of them without understanding that."

    --Bishop Robert Barron in The Divine Plan

    Just six weeks apart in the spring of 1981, Pope John Paul II and President ­Ronald Reagan took bullets from would-be assassins.

    Few realized at the time how close both men came to dying.

    Surviving these near-death experiences created a singular bond between the pope and the president that ­historians have failed to appreciate.

    When John Paul II and Reagan met only a year later, they confided to each other a shared conviction: that God had spared their lives for a ­reason.

    That reason? To defeat Communism.

    In private, Reagan had a name for this: "The DP"--the Divine Plan.

    * * *

    It has become fashionable to see the collapse of the Soviet empire as inevitable.


    In this riveting book, bestselling author Paul Kengor and writer-­director Robert Orlando show what it took to end the Cold War: leaders who refused to accept that hundreds of ­millions must suffer under totalitarian ­Communism.

    And no leaders proved more important than the pope and the president.

    Two men who seemed to have little in common developed an extraordinary bond--including a spiritual bond between the Catholic pope and Protestant president. And their shared core convictions drove them to confront Communism.

    To tell the full story of the dramatic closing act of the Cold War, Kengor and Orlando draw on their exhaustive research and exclusive interviews with more than a dozen experts, including well-known historians Douglas Brinkley, H. W. Brands, Anne Applebaum, Stephen Kotkin, John O'Sullivan, and Craig Shirley; the leading biographer of John Paul II, George Weigel; close Reagan advisers Richard V. Allen and James Rosebush; and Cardinal Timothy Dolan and Bishop Robert Barron.

    You can't understand Pope John Paul II and President Ronald Reagan--or how the Cold War came to such a swift and peaceful end--without understanding how much faith they put in the Divine Plan.

    Don't miss the Divine Plan motion picture!

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    Dominion: How the Christian Revolution Remade the World

    Dominion: How the Christian Revolution Remade the World
    Holland, Tom
    A "marvelous" (Economist) account of how the Christian Revolution forged the Western imagination. Crucifixion, the Romans believed, was the worst fate imaginable, a punishment reserved for slaves. How astonishing it was, then, that people should have come to believe that one particular victim of crucifixion-an obscure provincial by the name of Jesus-was to be worshipped as a god. Dominion explores the implications of this shocking conviction as they have reverberated throughout history. Today, the West remains utterly saturated by Christian assumptions. As Tom Holland demonstrates, our morals and ethics are not universal but are instead the fruits of a very distinctive civilization. Concepts such as secularism, liberalism, science, and homosexuality are deeply rooted in a Christian seedbed. From Babylon to the Beatles, Saint Michael to #MeToo, Dominion tells the story of how Christianity transformed the modern world.
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    Doors to the Sacred, Vatican II Golden Anniversary Edition: A Historical Introduction to Sacraments in the Catholic Church (Updated)

    Doors to the Sacred, Vatican II Golden Anniversary Edition: A Historical Introduction to Sacraments in the Catholic Church (Updated)
    Martos, Joseph

    Doors to the Sacred has endured as an indispensable account of the sacraments of the Catholic Church. Used in hundreds of university and seminary courses and full of critical acclaim, it details their historical and cultural evolution and the rituals and practices associated with them. This Vatican II Golden Anniversary Edition explains the liturgical changes found in The Roman Missal, Third Edition, and provides extensive resources for students and seekers alike, including:

  • A visual timeline of people, events, and sacramental changes in Church history,
  • A glossary of philosophical and theological terms
  • An updated annotated bibliography for further reading
  • An improved design for easier reading and reference.
  • ISBN/SKU: 
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    Early Christian Writings: The Apostolic Fathers

    Early Christian Writings: The Apostolic Fathers
    The writings in this volume cast a glimmer of light upon the emerging traditions and organization of the infant church, during an otherwise little-known period of its development. A selection of letters and small-scale theological treatises from a group known as the Apostolic Fathers, several of whom were probably disciples of the Apostles, they provide a first-hand account of the early Church and outline a form of early Christianity still drawing on the theology and traditions of its parent religion, Judaism. Included here are the first Epistle of Bishop Clement of Rome, an impassioned plea for harmony; The Epistle of Polycarp; The Epistle of Barnabas; The Didache; and the Seven Epistles written by Ignatius of Antioch--among them his moving appeal to the Romans that they grant him a martyr's death.

    For more than seventy years, Penguin has been the leading publisher of classic literature in the English-speaking world. With more than 1,700 titles, Penguin Classics represents a global bookshelf of the best works throughout history and across genres and disciplines. Readers trust the series to provide authoritative texts enhanced by introductions and notes by distinguished scholars and contemporary authors, as well as up-to-date translations by award-winning translators.

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    Early Church (33-313): St. Peter, the Apostles, and Martyrs

    Early Church (33-313): St. Peter, the Apostles, and Martyrs
    Papandrea, James L

    Winner of a 2020 Catholic Press Association book award (first place, best new religious book series).

    Church history is a lot like the tale The Emperor's New Clothes, according to Catholic historian James L. Papandrea: No one wants to seem unenlightened, so they pretend to see what's not there.

    In The Early Church (33-313): St. Peter, the Apostles, and Martyrs, Papandrea refutes fourteen fashionable "mythconceptions" about early Christian history and enables believers to make sense of the Church's beginnings.

    The first Apostles spread the message of Jesus Christ and were willing to suffer and die for their faith. The next generations of believers followed their example with zeal, producing inspiring martyrs including Sts. Justin and Perpetua, and great thinkers such as Irenaeus, and Tertullian.

    In this book, you will learn:

  • No money or power was attached to being a bishop or priest in the early Church.
  • Christian holidays were not adaptations of pagan celebrations.
  • Christians have never believed in an eternal life for souls without bodies.
  • The doctrine of the Trinity was not forced upon the Church by Constantine, but rather was a belief from the beginning of Christianity.

  • Books in the Reclaiming Catholic History series, edited by Mike Aquilina and written by leading authors and historians, bring Church history to life, debunking the myths one era at a time
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    Early Church Was the Catholic Church

    Early Church Was the Catholic Church
    Heschmeyer, Joe
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    Ecclesiastical History of the English People (Revised)

    Ecclesiastical History of the English People (Revised)
    'With God's help, I, Bede ... have assembled these facts about the history of the Church in Britain ... from the traditions of our forebears, and from my own personal knowledge'

    Written in AD 731, Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People is the first account of Anglo-Saxon England ever written, and remains our single most valuable source for this period. It begins with Julius Caesar's invasion in the first century BC and goes on to tell of the kings and bishops, monks and nuns who helped to develop government and convert the people to Christianity during these crucial formative years. Relating the deeds of great men and women but also describing landscape, customs and ordinary lives, this is a rich, vivid portrait of an emerging church and nation by the 'Father of English History'.

    Leo Sherley-Price's translation from the Latin brings us an accurate and readable version of Bede's History. This edition includes Bede's Letter to Egbert, denouncing false monasteries; and The Death of Bede, an admirable eye-witness account by Cuthbert, monk and later Abbot of Jarrow, both translated by D. H. Farmer.

    For more than seventy years, Penguin has been the leading publisher of classic literature in the English-speaking world. With more than 1,700 titles, Penguin Classics represents a global bookshelf of the best works throughout history and across genres and disciplines. Readers trust the series to provide authoritative texts enhanced by introductions and notes by distinguished scholars and contemporary authors, as well as up-to-date translations by award-winning translators.

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    Faith of Our Fathers: A History of True England

    Faith of Our Fathers: A History of True England
    Pearce, Joseph

    The Catholic Church has been a part of English history since the arrival of Christian missionaries to Roman Britain in the first century after Christ. England was evangelized in these early centuries to such an extent that, by the time the Romans withdrew in the fifth century, the Celtic population was largely Catholic.

    Anglo-Saxon England, prior to the Norman Conquest, was a land of saints. From St. Bede, with his history of the early Church, to the holy king St. Edward the Confessor, Saxon England was ablaze with the light of Christ. During the reign of St. Edward, a vision of the Virgin at Walsingham placed the Mother of God on the throne as England's queen, the land being considered her dowry. Even following the Norman Conquest, the Faith continued to flourish and prosper, making its joyful presence felt in what would become known as Merrie England.

    Then in the sixteenth century, this Catholic heart was ripped from the people of England, against their will and in spite of their spirited and heroic resistance, by the reign of the Tudors. This made England once again a land of saints--that is, of martyrs, with Catholic priests and laity being put to death for practicing the Faith. The martyrdoms would continue for 150 years, followed by a further 150 years of legal and political persecution.

    In the nineteenth century, against all the odds, there was a great Catholic revival, heralded by the conversion of St. John Henry Newman, which would continue into the twentieth century. Much of the greatest literature of the past century has been written by literary converts to the Church, such as G. K. Chesterton, Evelyn Waugh, Graham Greene, and J. R. R. Tolkien.

    This whole exciting, faith-filled story is told by Joseph Pearce within a single-volume history of "true England", the England that remained true to the faith through thick and thin, in times both "merrie" and perilous. It is a story not only worth telling but worth celebrating.

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    Faith of Our Fathers: Why the Early Christians Still Matter and Always Will

    Faith of Our Fathers: Why the Early Christians Still Matter and Always Will
    Aquilina, Mike
    Getting to know the Church Fathers means getting to know our own roots. It means knowing more deeply who we are as we learn more and more about who they are. The early Christians are our ancestors, our common genealogy, our family. When we look to our roots, what do we see? That's what Mike Aquilina shows you in this book. The Fathers managed to pull off an amazing achievement. They converted the pagan world in a mere two and a half centuries. They did it without any resources, without any social or political power. They did it with the most primitive communications media. Yet their Church sustained a steady growth rate of 40 percent per decade over the course of those centuries. Maybe there's something we can learn from them. This book is a journey into that world, a tour where your guides are the Fathers.
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    False Mercy: Recent Heresies Distorting Catholic Truth

    False Mercy: Recent Heresies Distorting Catholic Truth
    Malloy, Christopher J

    For most of his teaching life, Dr. Christopher Malloy has been correcting common, often widely accepted falsehoods, misunderstandings, and half-truths spread inside the confines of the Catholic world. Distinguishing between what Catholics must believe to be saved, what they can accept as unsettled, and what they must reject, he makes clear that both Catholic tradition and Sacred Scripture are under continuous assault. Therefore, it’s imperative to develop in yourself the traditional habits of mind.

    In this brilliant exposition of doctrine, rivaling those of Chesterton and Belloc, Dr. Malloy uses a rich variety of Catholic documents and catechisms to explain specific modern heresies, how they cropped up, and the actual Church teachings they seek to undermine. In the process, he shows:

    How Catholic teaching has been indirectly undermined and eroded by modernists

    How to hone your defenses against any opponent ― no matter how officially “Catholic” ― who denies, distorts or dilutes Catholic teaching

    How to identify real development of doctrine so that smooth-talking theologians can’t so easily palm off heresy as “development”

    Why the heresy of “doctrinal evolutionism” is the key to understanding the current Church crisis

    Why Hell is not just an empty threat, as some modern heretics suggest

    How you can respond to the leading intellectual wolves without getting lost in the weeds

    Why the Church has been hemorrhaging believers for decades

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