
Meaning of Vocation

Meaning of Vocation

The Meaning of Vocation: In the Words of John Paul II Over the years, the Holy Father has said much about The Meaning of Vocation and how Catholics should respond to God?s call ? but it has been scattered through dozens of addresses he has given all over the world. Now at last this compact compendium collects the Pope?s choicest remarks on God?s call and how you should strive to hear and obey Him. He helps you clarify what God is calling you to do, explains how and when God calls, and even helps parents face up to their children's vocations!

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101 Surprising Facts about Church History

101 Surprising Facts about Church History
Tan Books
Think you really know Church History? Think Again
The Catholic Church is the longest-standing and the most universal of all institutions. The contributions made by Catholic men and women over the past 2000 years are most impressive, from a properly functioning calendar to the inventions of many things that we all take for granted today.
In 101 Surprising Facts About Church History, Fr. Meconi, SJ walks readers through the most amazing achievements of Christ's Body on earth. From economic and mercantile developments to scientific and astronomical advances, from the cataloging of zoological and botanical species to the cherishing of beautiful music and fine arts, Fr. Meconi shows you why the Catholic Church stands as the greatest promoter of human culture and knowledge.
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101 Surprising Facts about St. Peter's and the Vatican

101 Surprising Facts about St. Peter's and the Vatican
Kirby, Jeffrey
What do you really know about Vatican City?

The Vatican, comprising the Apostolic Palace, St. Peter's Basilica, and various other buildings, serves as the headquarters of the Catholic Church. It has done so for nearly two millennium ever since the first Pope, St. Peter, made it his home.

Thousands of Catholics flock to the Vatican and its iconic basilica each year. But what do you really know about this great basilica and the city that houses it?

Here, Father Jeffrey Kirby takes you on a whirlwind tour of this little country (yes, Vatican City is its own country, Fact # 2) and uncovers the secrets and surprising facts about the city, and its famous church.

Discover what language degree you need to work a Vatican ATM, what archi tectural feature of St. Peter's is a map of the universe, and even what the pope's license plate number is. Along the way, you'll find the deep theological meaning woven into the design and architectural features of St. Peter's Basilica and Vatican.

Whether you've already been to Rome or are still planning your first trip, 101 Surprising Facts About the Vatican will transport you to Basilica and City at the heart of the Catholic Church and enable you to appreciate them like never before.

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12 Steps to Holiness and Salvation

12 Steps to Holiness and Salvation

The 12 Steps to Holiness is compiled from the writings of St. Alphonsus Liguori and is rated as one of the most beautiful and inspiring books by numerous TAN readers. St. Alphonsus develops, in the most simple language, yet with the greatest learning, the 12 key virtues necessary for salvation: faith, hope, love of God, love of neighbor, poverty, chastity, obedience, meekness or humility, mortification, recollection, prayer and self-denial or love of the cross. This book is written with such an encompassing view that its message is for all—religious or layman, the young or the old, the pious or the wayward. The reader will marvel at the balance, the simplicity, the learning, the interest, the calm and the holy unction that penetrate this work. And he will find himself repeatedly marking significant passage and returning to them again and again for instruction and edification. Here is a book, quite simply, for everyone who would save his soul.

The 12 virtues we must all acquire to be happy in this world and to save our souls. Many of our readers rate this the most beautiful and inspiring book they have ever read. For absolutely all! One of TAN's top 5 best-selling books. Impr. 210 pgs, PB
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16 Marriages That Made History

16 Marriages That Made History

When we think of famous persons in history, we usually remember their great deeds in the areas of science, politics, art, etc. But for some, their greatest achievement in life was not played out before the public, but rather took place within the private sphere of their marriage. The world may remember them for their extraordinary gifts and accomplishments, but they, at the end of their lives, were most mindful of their greatest love: their spouse. This book honors the hidden love adventures of several famous persons in history. It offers concrete examples of marriages that transformed these well-known individuals in deep and personal ways. These are not fairy tales of marriages "made in heaven;" they are stories of real people with real struggles, who, through their marriage, were challenged, strengthened, and encouraged to grow in their capacity for love. In this book, you will learn: How marriages can grow stronger through time, how marriage can provide tremendous strength for facing life's difficulties, how people with very different personalities can be completely united in marriage, how one woman's selfless love saved her marriage, how a queen learned to put her husband and her marriage ahead of power, how one couple's united search for truth led them to embrace the Catholic Faith. This book will help to restore your confidence in the power of marriage. It is recommended for those just starting out on their marriage journey, as well as for those already well advanced along the path. Gerard Castillo is a professor of Education at the University of Navarra, Spain, where he teaches courses in education, marriage, and family. He is the author of over thirty books on these subjects.

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7 Secrets of Confession

7 Secrets of Confession

"I want to go to Communion, so I have to go to confession."

Sound familiar? To many Catholics, confession is just a means to an end: cleaning us up from sin so we can receive Communion. But, as Pope Francis tells us, this sacrament is much more than "going to the dry cleaner." It's "an encounter with Jesus, who waits for us as we are."

In 7 Secrets of Confession, best-selling author Vinny Flynn explores the "hidden" truths of this encounter with Jesus, presenting what to many will be a whole new way of going to confession, and inviting you to begin an exciting personal journey to healing and holiness.

If you do not yet look forward to confession in the same way you look forward to Communion, read on. It will change your life.

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7 Secrets of the Eucharist

7 Secrets of the Eucharist
Flynn, Vinny

This powerhouse book has been a best-seller for years now!

Pope John Paul II referred to the Holy Eucharist as "the greatest treasure of the Church," and yet even many devoted Catholics have a very limited understanding of this powerful sacrament. This book will change all that! You will walk away with a completely new awareness that the Eucharist is not just about receiving Communion; it's about transforming your daily life.

Deeply based on the Scriptures, the writings of the Saints, and the teachings of our two most recent popes, this profound and remarkably readable book will introduce you to some of the "hidden" truths of the Eucharist - truths that have always been embraced by theologians, saints, and mystics, but have rarely been passed on to the average person in a meaningful way. In 7 Secrets of the Eucharist, these truths are finally made accessible to all, as author Vinny Flynn shows how each reception of Holy Communion can be a life-changing experience.

No matter how much or how little you already know about the Eucharist, the "secrets" revealed here will bring you to a new, personal "Emmaus" experience, again and again. Perfect for personal devotion, catechesis, study groups, book clubs, and theological studies, this book will rekindle the "Eucharistic amazement" called for by Pope John Paul II.

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A Summary of Rerum Novarum or On Capital and Labor: An Introduction to and Paragraph-by-Paragraph Summary of Rerum Novarum by Pope Leo XIII

A Summary of Rerum Novarum or On Capital and Labor: An Introduction to and Paragraph-by-Paragraph Summary of Rerum Novarum by Pope Leo XIII

This short introduction provides the historical background for Pope Leo XIII's Rerum Novarum as well as some detail about the pope himself. It also provides a paragraph-by-paragraph summary of the document to better understand the teaching. This is ideal for students of the document and those studying Catholic Social Teaching.

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AA-1025: Memoirs of the Communist Infiltration Into the Church

AA-1025: Memoirs of the Communist Infiltration Into the Church
Carre, Marie
Absorbing and compelling reading from beginning to end, AA -1025 Memoirs of the Communist Infiltration Into the Church is a must read for every Catholic today and for all who would understand just what has happened to the Catholic Church since the 1960's.

In the 1960's, a French nurse, Marie Carre, attended an auto-crash victim who was brought into her hospital in a city she purposely does not name. The man lingered there near death for a few hours and then died. He had no identification on him, but he had a briefcase in which there was a set of quasi-autobiographical notes. She kept these notes and read them, and because of their extraordinary content, decided to publish them.

The result is this little book, AA-1025 Memoirs of the Communist Infiltration Into the Church, a strange and fascinating account of a Communist who purposely entered the Catholic priesthood along with many others, with the intent to subvert and destroy the Church from within. His strange yet fascinating and illuminating set of biographical notes, tells of his commission to enter the priesthood, his experiences in the seminary, and the means and methods he used and promoted to help effect from within the auto-dissolution of the Catholic Church.

No one will read this book without a profound assent that something just like what is describer here must surely have happened on a wide scale in order to have disrupted the life of the Catholic Church so dramatically.

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Africa and the Early Church: The Almost-Forgotten Roots of Catholic Christianity

Africa and the Early Church: The Almost-Forgotten Roots of Catholic Christianity

When we survey the history of the Faith, it is undeniable that the lands of northern Africa were profoundly influential in the development of early Christianity. The faith arrived early in Ethiopia, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, and the territories we now call Eritrea, Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. African Christians made decisive contributions in theology, liturgy, biblical studies, and culture. With the Arab invasions of the seventh and eight centuries, much of this history was lost to Europe, though the marks of ancient influence remained.

Africa and the Early Church: The Almost-Forgotten Roots of Catholic Christianity uncovers that lost history for interested modern readers, telling the story as much as possible in the words of the great figures in antiquity. To acknowledge these Christians and their churches is to complete the historical picture—and to remember what was once common knowledge.



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An Invitation to Consider the Catholic Faith CD

An Invitation to Consider the Catholic Faith CD

Why should a person who is not Catholic consider entering into the Church? Father Francis Peffley gives five compelling reasons, followed by a simple outline of the steps one would take to begin the process of becoming Catholic. Fr. Peffley is active with parish young adult ministry, retreat work, Catholic apologetics, and evangelization. His hobbies include golf, scuba diving, bowling, and juggling fire torches and machetes.

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Anointed: Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Anointed: Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Anointed: Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Anointed: Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Pope Francis' words to those seeking to give a firm profession of faith--which has always been the particular effect Catholic tradition has ascribed to confirmation--ring true for all of us. In Anointed, Jayme Stuart Wolfe has compiled the Holy Father's words about wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord as special gifts for those continuing the commitment of their baptism into confirmation and beyond, as well as appropriate Scripture readings and prayers.
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Ars Celebrandi: Serving the Mystery of Christ in the Eucharist

Ars Celebrandi: Serving the Mystery of Christ in the Eucharist
Gill, Gerald Dennis

Every aspect of the Eucharist matters. The Church provides clear guidance for the celebration of the sacred mysteries for the benefit of the ordained and the baptized to encounter these saving mysteries.

Ars Celebrandi Serving the Mystery of Christ in the Eucharist infuses the contemporary preparations for the Eucharist with a new focus for a greater purpose. This book walks through each part of the Mass, discussing the directives for the celebration through the lens of the ars celebrandi, to help priests, deacons, and seminarians authentically join with Christ in his eternal Sacrifice with deeper faith, confidence, and reverence.

Every aspect of the Eucharist matters. The Church provides clear guidance for the celebration of the sacred mysteries for the benefit of the ordained and the baptized to encounter these saving mysteries.

Ars Celebrandi Serving the Mystery of Christ in the Eucharist infuses the contemporary preparations for the Eucharist with a new focus for a greater purpose. This book walks through each part of the Mass, discussing the directives for the celebration through the lens of the ars celebrandi, to help priests, deacons, and seminarians authentically join with Christ in his eternal Sacrifice with deeper faith, confidence, and reverence.

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Atheistic Communism: Encyclical Letter Of His Holiness Pope Pius XI

Atheistic Communism: Encyclical Letter Of His Holiness Pope Pius XI
Pope Pius XI
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Atonement: Soundings in Biblical, Trinitarian, and Spiritual Theology

Atonement: Soundings in Biblical, Trinitarian, and Spiritual Theology
Turek, Margaret M

This book presents the chief insights concerning the mystery of atonement in the works of four theological guides: John Paul II, Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, Hans Urs von Balthasar, and Norbert Hoffmann.

The author argues for the central importance and perennial value of a theology of atonement, even as she explains the modern aversion to it. The book's central aim is to deepen our understanding of the biblical claim that God shows himself to be love precisely by sending his Son as atonement. "In this is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as expiation for our sins" (1 Jn 4:10).

The book develops a compelling vision of atonement as a process that originates from and is engendered by God's own power to love. This vision not only takes account of the gravity of sin and its consequences, but also provides a clear illumination of the wholly gratuitous, radically forgiving, passionate and powerful nature of God's redeeming love for mankind. Distinct from the majority of theological accounts of atonement, which focus almost exclusively on the role of Christ, this book highlights the role of God the Father in the atoning mission of the Son.

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Authority of Women in the Catholic Church

Authority of Women in the Catholic Church
Migliorino Miller, Monica
The Authority of Women in the Catholic Church elucidates the essential role women play in the covenant of salvation. With the support of Scripture, the writings of the Fathers of the Church, and contemporary theological insights, Monica Migliorino Miller explains how Christian women exemplify the reality of the Church in relation to Christ and the ministerial priesthood. While providing a fascinating response to contemporary feminist theology, The Authority of Women in the Catholic Church clarifies the meaning of authentic feminine authority so needed in the Church today.
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B-Didache Bible GR w/Commentaries based on Catechism Leather

B-Didache Bible GR w/Commentaries based on Catechism Leather

The Didache Bible presents extensive commentaries, based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church, for each of the books of the Holy Bible. It also includes numerous apologetical inserts to assist the reader in understanding the Church's teachings on current issues.

It uses the Revised Standard Version, Second Catholic Edition translation of the complete text of Sacred Scriptures, Old and New Testaments. This Bible version is considered by many Catholic leaders and authors, including Peter Kreeft and Scott Hahn, as the most beautiful English translation of the Bible today.

The Didache Bible is a valuable resource for students and those participating in Scripture studies. Ideal for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the Catholic faith and intended to be accessible by all Catholics in its level of scriptural scholarship.


  • Twenty-seven full-color biblical maps, including the journeys of Jesus Christ.
  • More than 100 apologetical explanations that help to answer common questions about the faith
  • Comprehensive, forty-three page glossary and a topical index.
  • Large 6" x 9" size
  • The font size for the text of Scripture is 9.5 points which is comparable to the font size used in most business letters.
  • The font size for the text of commentary is 8.5 points.
  • Sewn binding
  • imprimatur and nihil obstat
  • ISBN/SKU: 
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    Baltimore Catechism No 1

    Baltimore Catechism No 1
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    Baltimore Catechism No 2

    Baltimore Catechism No 2
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    Baltimore Catechism No 3

    Baltimore Catechism No 3
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    Baltimore Catechism No 4

    Baltimore Catechism No 4

    An Explanation of the Baltimore Catechism of Christian Doctrine, also known as Baltimore Catechism No. 4, provides teachers, parents and adults wanting to know more about the Faith with a complete overview of essential Catholic belief.

    Since the Baltimore Catechism was first launched in 1885, it has proved an incomparable tool for passing on the faith to the next generation. The revival of this Catechism reflects the growing realisation among Catholics, that to accept, practice and defend the holy faith, we must first understand and learn its truths. Clearly and concisely explaining what Catholics believe, the Baltimore Catechism remains a classic and authoritative reference work for Catholics and non-Catholics alike.

    The question and answer format stimulates successful growth in knowledge of Christ and His Church, dealing with important questions of faith and morals in a clear yet concise manner. There are 421 questions with detailed responses that are often over a page in length.

    Teachers and parents will also find this traditional catechism invaluable when instructing children in the fundamental truths of Catholicism whether it is used on its own conjunction with the other books in the Baltimore Catechism series.

    This manual will serve both educators and families for a life time.

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    Barstool Theology: Crafting the Good Life

    Barstool Theology: Crafting the Good Life
    Gundlach, Trevor

    There are typically two sides to the beer coaster:

    "Alcohol is the anesthesia by which we endure the operation of life." -- George Bernard Shaw

    "Here's to alcohol, the rose colored glasses of life." -- F. Scott Fitzgerald

    Drink to feel nothing, or drink to feel something. Both are widely practiced. But both fall flat.

    As a Catholic, you want to live a full life, with intention and purpose. You think beer, wine, and liquor can be part of that, but you don't have an authentic way to approach alcoholic beverages, so you abstain or indulge. Either way, you come up empty. The fact is, most of us haven't been taught how to drink well.

    In Barstool Theology, Trevor Gundlach cracks open an entirely new way to talk about beer and exactly how it can be an effervescent part of a life well lived. He invites you to become a fellow barstool theologian, ready to discuss the theology of life, friendship, art, seasons, celebrations, and, yes, delicious craft beer.

    Barstool Theology does not lay down rules to follow but offers practical ideas to try. It is full of reflection, humor, analogies, ancient philosophy, and Instagram-worthy stories that open a new dialogue about drinking that is fresh, flavorful, and fun.

    So, pull up a barstool. Let's have a drink and talk.

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    Basic Catechism FAQs (Revised)

    Basic Catechism FAQs (Revised)
    Wallace, Susan
    Questions about the Catholic faith? Basic Catechism has answers! Structured around the four pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church--creed, sacraments, morality, and prayer--this guide presents the fundamentals of the Catholic faith in a handy Q&A format. This 8th edition of a perennial best-seller is updated to reflect the revised Roman Missal and expanded to incorporate Church teaching on challenges facing the faithful Catholic in today's society.
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    Battle of the Virtues and Vices: Defending the Interior Castle of the Soul

    Battle of the Virtues and Vices: Defending the Interior Castle of the Soul
    Leo IX, Pope Saint
    What is the greatest spiritual battle?

    The greatest battles do not occur in a distant land or even in past times but in the depths of the human soul. It is the battle between virtue and vice, the conflict between aspiring to be a saint or living a mediocre life. The conflict between reaching heaven or forfeiting it.

    In this spiritual masterpiece, Pope Saint Leo IX, identifies our foes: "The enemies in this battle--the vices and temptations which infect our fallen nature--are invisible and internal."

    These invisible and internal vices have dragged many souls to hell, and they will not stop until every person has surrendered to their pernicious and vile attacks. Are you saddened and discouraged by such daily assaults? There is hope. In these pages, you will find over twenty-five virtues to help you win the spiritual victory against sin. With God's grace and virtues like humility, detachment, prudent restraint, firm stability, and others, the battle can be won.

    But keep in mind that spiritual victory does not happen overnight. The battle wages on until your final breath. The question remains: Are you willing to fight?

    Just as this book is a dialogue between the virtues and vices, so too must we learn to listen to the voice of truth and not the voice of lies. The Lord, the General of our souls, whispers words of encouragement and peace while the devil, the captain of vice and enemy of our souls, tempts us to sin and then accuses us.

    On our earthly pilgrimage fraught with suffering, sorrow, and trials, let us keep our eyes fixed on our celestial homeland, the eternal city, where there will be perpetual peace. In heaven, Our Lord will welcome His glorious martyrs and courageous soldiers, those who have kept the faith and fought victoriously.

    There is nothing more important in this life than fortifying the interior castle of the soul with virtue.

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    Becoming Eucharistic People: The Hope and Promise of Parish Life

    Becoming Eucharistic People: The Hope and Promise of Parish Life
    McGrath Institute for Church Life

    Winner of a first-place award in the future church category from the Catholic Media Association.

    We can't just talk about Christ's presence in the Eucharist; we have to believe it, celebrate it, and live it both individually and as a community of the faithful. And we must cultivate a culture in our parishes that treats Real Presence not only as an important Catholic doctrine, but also as the most important part of parish identity.

    In Becoming Eucharistic People, theologian Timothy P. O'Malley, author of Real Presence, outlines four essential dimensions of a Eucharistic culture in a parish--one that fosters reverence and unity among the faithful, includes every dimension of human life in the mystery of Christ's Body and Blood, and invites people back to parish life or to become Catholic for the first time.

    O'Malley--director of education at the McGrath Institute of Church Life at the University of Notre Dame, academic director of the Notre Dame Center for Liturgy, and a member of the executive planning team for the US Conference of Catholic Bishops' Eucharistic Revival--shows what it means to foster a parish culture where the Eucharist infuses the worldview, priorities, and practices of its members. O'Malley leads you through discovery and discernment about how to create a parish culture where each person is called to holiness and receives the spiritual, theological, and pastoral help they need to meet Christ fully present in the Eucharist and to become a witness to him in the world.

    O'Malley will help you reflect on four essential facets of a Eucharistic parish culture:

  • liturgies of joyful reverence that celebrate the gifts of diversity;
  • formation that engages the mind, imagination, understanding, and will;
  • a rich life of popular piety and the vibrancy of the domestic Church; and
  • a commitment to solidarity with your neighbor.
  • O'Malley says that when we reflect Christ's Real Presence to others, our parishes will become sacred spaces in which every person is led to deeper communion with God and with their neighbors.

    Online resources, including ideas for parish retreats, teaching resources, and videos based on this book and the US bishops Eucharistic Revival are available from the McGrath Institute for Church Life.

    Books in the Engaging Catholicism series from the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame help readers discover the beauty and truth of the Catholic faith through a concise exploration of the Church's most important but often difficult-to-grasp doctrines as well as crucial pastoral and spiritual practices. Perfect for seekers and new Catholics, clergy and catechetical leaders, and everyone in between, the series expands the McGrath Institute's mission to connect the Catholic intellectual life at Notre Dame to the pastoral life of the Church and the spiritual needs of her people.

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    Behold It Is I: Scripture, Tradition, and Science on the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist

    Behold It Is I: Scripture, Tradition, and Science on the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist
    Elliott, George
    The Catholic Faith begins and ends with Jesus Christ, culminating in the Eucharist as its Source and Summit. "Behold, it is I," Jesus says, and the faithful believe. Examining these words of Jesus, Fr. George Elliott and Dr. Stacy Trasancos provide some of the most convincing proofs for the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist from Scripture, Tradition, and the scientific investigation of Eucharistic miracles. In three sections, they walk readers through:
  • A holistic and contextual reading of the Bible which points to the words of Christ at the Last Supper: "This is my body," and "This is my blood,"
  • How the Church Fathers handed on the teachings of the Apostles to the early Church in the centuries following Christ's earthly ministry,
  • How the data from the investigation of Eucharistic miracles begs the ultimate question of the certainty of faith. Do we need Eucharistic miracles to prove that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist? Should our certainty of faith be contingent upon Eucharistic miracles?
  • The reader may be joyfully surprised at where the journey of this book will lead you, from the burning faith of the saints all the way back to Christ in the Gospels. It plainly sets forth the reality that the Eucharist is the Body of Christ. Just as in Biblical times, Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is not a ghost and not a myth, but flesh and bone, hands and feet. "Behold," He said, "It is I."
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    Believe Celebrate Live Pray: A Weekly Walk with the Catechism

    Believe Celebrate Live Pray: A Weekly Walk with the Catechism
    Sullivan, Jem, PH D

    Believe Celebrate Live Pray: A Weekly Walk with the Catechism is a unique way to grow in faith by meditating, over fifty-two weeks, on the four pillars of the Catechism. This highly accessible and personal guide will help you apply the teachings of the Catechism to your daily life.

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    Beyond the Second Veil

    Beyond the Second Veil
    Sigala, Vincent
    Beyond the second veil is a theological study of prophetic scripture and authentic private revelation in the area of eschatology. Its focus is the rolling effect of scriptural prophecy and events that have yet to come.
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    Biblical Foundations for the Role of Healing in Evangelization

    Biblical Foundations for the Role of Healing in Evangelization
    Thelen, Mathias D
    It's almost undeniable that God is working miracles of healing in evangelization today. For theologians, pastors, and evangelists some questions arise: What is the relationship between physical healing and the message of salvation? Should the church really expect God to do healings in evangelization today? Father Thelen answers these questions by examining the relationship between the preaching of the gospel and physical healing in the New Testament. The gospel of Jesus Christ is not simply a message of fact; it is a message of power that is often expressed through the working of deeds that serve as signs of the reality preached: salvation. As signs of the kingdom, healings that accompany the preaching of the gospel play an indispensable role in bringing people to faith throughout the New Testament. The result of this biblical study is a clarion call for the church to renew its faith in God's desire and power to confirm his word through healing. As healing becomes more accepted and frequent in evangelization, a Catholic biblical and theological approach to healing as it relates to evangelization--an approach that can be different from its Protestant counterpart--is necessary. This modest book fits this need. ""As the church in the West once again faces the prospect of being a 'little flock' surrounded by an increasingly hostile post-Christian culture, it is not surprising that some of the main features of the life of the early church should reappear that until recently didn't seem either relevant or realistic. Texts of the Scripture and main aspects of Jesus' ministry that were consigned to another age are beginning to be seen as extremely relevant once again. Thelen has done the church a great service by establishing the solid scriptural and theological foundations for the place of 'signs and wonders' in the mission of the church today."" --Ralph Martin, Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Archdiocese of Detroit ""The New Evangelization will not succeed without a revival of the healing ministry within the Catholic Church. Miraculous healing, as it was for Jesus, is indispensable in proclaiming the Gospel for it bears witness to the Gospel's saving power. Fr. Thelen's small book clearly and lucidly demonstrates the importance of healing in the ministry of Jesus and in the life of the Apostolic Church, and in so doing establishes the importance of the healing ministry in our own day. Fr. Thelen's book provides clergy and laity alike the needed theological foundation and the indispensable pastoral inspiration for them to proclaim boldly Jesus' Gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit to the glory of God the Father."" --Thomas Weinandy, Capuchin College, Washington DC ""In a world enchanted with self-made religion, how should the church evangelize? As they did in the early church: by signs to confirm the word. After reviewing the abundant New Testament evidence regarding the strong relationship between preaching and healing, Thelen explores the audience to which the Word is addressed today. Since those touched by growing atheism and the cult of self are more open to tangible events like testimonies of healing than mere proclaimed truths, Thelen challenges preachers and evangelists to pray for signs, especially healings, when they proclaim the Word. Such an approach is not only deeply rooted in Scripture, but is also good advice."" --George Montague, St. Mary's University, San Antonio, Texas ""The New Evangelization will not succeed without a revival of the healing ministry within the Catholic Church. Miraculous healing, as it was for Jesus, is indispensable in proclaiming the gospel for it bears witness to the gospel's saving power. Thelen's small book clearly and lucidly demonstrates the importance of healing in the ministry of Jesus and in the life of the Apostolic Church, and in so doing establishes the importance of the healing ministry in our own day. Thelen's book provides clergy and laity alike the needed theological f
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    Biblical Walk Through the Mass

    Biblical Walk Through the Mass
    Sri, Edward
    Based on the revised translation of the Mass which goes into effect Advent, 2011, this book explores the biblical roots of the words and gestures experienced in the Liturgy and explains their profound significance. This intriguing look at the Mass is sure to renew faith and deepen devotion to the Eucharist and may be used as the text for the Adult Faith Formation Program.
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    Biblical Way of Praying the Mass: The Eucharistic Wisdom of Venerable Bruno Lanteri

    Biblical Way of Praying the Mass: The Eucharistic Wisdom of Venerable Bruno Lanteri
    Gallagher, Fr Timothy

    How many times have you attended Mass and desired that it more fully touched your heart? You find that everyday worries and to-do lists distract from its prayers, the readings vanish from memory, and even the consecration and Communion pass by in a moment. Too often, the Mass feels like a missed opportunity for grace.

    To help you fully tap into the abundance of grace offered at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Fr. Timothy Gallagher resurrects here the teachings of Venerable Bruno Lanteri. A holy priest seeking to root himself in prayer during the turbulence of war and persecution in northern Italy, Venerable Bruno developed a biblical way of praying the Mass that transforms it into a true prayer of the heart.

    Fr. Gallagher discovered this method of praying the Mass forty-five years ago, and it has been a blessing for him ever since. He now shares this method with you. Through a selection of biblical figures, he invites you live each part of the Mass with these figure's sentiments and hearts. In these pages he shows you how to:

    • Humbly seek forgiveness like the tax collector
    • Give glory to God like the angels
    • Listen to God's Word with the hunger of a disciple
    • Profess the Faith with the courage of the martyrs
    • Receive communion with the heart of a lover
    • Go forth from the Mass with the zeal of an Apostle

    To fruitfully pray the Mass from the heart is a gift of grace. The biblical way of praying the Mass method is a means to dispose your soul to receive this grace. Combined with spiritual exercises and reflections and full-color images of sacred art you ll find this book to be a great gift to not only grow in prayer during Mass, but in your spiritual life.

    How many times have you attended Mass and desired that it more fully touched your heart? You find that everyday worries and to-do lists distract from its prayers, the readings vanish from memory, and even the consecration and Communion pass by in a moment. Too often, the Mass feels like a missed opportunity for grace.

    To help you fully tap into the abundance of grace offered at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Fr. Timothy Gallagher resurrects here the teachings of Venerable Bruno Lanteri. A holy priest seeking to root himself in prayer during the turbulence of war and persecution in northern Italy, Venerable Bruno developed a biblical way of praying the Mass that transforms it into a true prayer of the heart.

    Fr. Gallagher discovered this method of praying the Mass forty-five years ago, and it has been a blessing for him ever since. He now shares this method with you. Through a selection of biblical figures, he invites you live each part of the Mass with these figure's sentiments and hearts. In these pages he shows you how to:

  • Humbly seek forgiveness like the tax collector

  • Give glory to God like the angels

  • Listen to God's Word with the hunger of a disciple

  • Profess the Faith with the courage of the martyrs

  • Receive communion with the heart of a lover

  • Go forth from the Mass with the zeal of an Apostle

  • To fruitfully pray the Mass from the heart is a gift of grace. The biblical way of praying the Mass method is a means to dispose your soul to receive this grace. Combined with spiritual exercises and reflections - and full-color images of sacred art - you'll find this book to be a great gift to not only grow in prayer during Mass, but in your spiritual life.

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    Blessed Eucharist-Our Greatest

    Blessed Eucharist-Our Greatest
    In "The Blessed Eucharist," Father Michael Mueller describes how Christ\'s love for us moved Him to create this most beautiful Sacrament. He explains why Our Lord veils Himself in the appearance of bread - a garment so humble He is little known, little loved even neglected and insulted. Fr. Mueller helps the reader discover what a treasure the Sacrament is, sharing countless compelling accounts of miracles involving the Eucharist, quotations from Scripture and the Saints reflecting the virtues that can be obtained from Communion worthily received and the consequences of an unworthy reception of Our Lord. He instructs the reader on how to best prepare for receiving the Sacrament, and how to properly offer thanksgiving afterwards. "The Blessed Eucharist" awakens a deeper awareness of the incredible gift that God has given us in His Presence in the Eucharist, allowing us to embrace all the wondrous fruits this Sacrament has to offer.
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