Scott Hahn

Answering the New Atheism: Dismantling Dawkins' Case Against God

Answering the New Atheism: Dismantling Dawkins' Case Against God
Wiker, Benjamin
The essential book for dismantling Richard Dawkins' atheistic agenda. Scott Hahn and Benjamin Wiker collaborate to debunk Dawkins' theories and show how inconsistent and illogical his conclusions truly are. This is the definitive book for college students or faithful Christians hoping to answer Dawkins' claims and assert the logic and beauty of their faith.
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Catholic Bible Dictionary

Catholic Bible Dictionary
More than a generation has passed since the appearance of the last major Catholic Bible dictionary. It has been a fertile generation for biblical scholarship, an eventful time for biblical archaeology, and a fruitful time for the Church's interpretation of the Bible. It is time for a new resource.

Scott Hahn, internationally renowned theologian and biblical scholar, has inspired millions with his insight into the Catholic faith. Now he brings us this important reference guide, written specifically for Catholics, which contains more than five thousand clear and accessible entries and covers a wide range of people, places, and topics. From Genesis to Revelation, the whole of salvation history is presented and explained in smart, easy-to-understand prose.

Catholic Bible Dictionary is an invaluable source of information, insight, and guidance for Catholics and others who are interested in enriching their understanding of Sacred Scripture. Scott Hahn draws from two millennia of scholarship to create an accessible and comprehensive tool for deeper and more rewarding biblical study.

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Creed: Professing the faith through the ages

Creed: Professing the faith through the ages
Hahn, Scott
Why were the early Christians willing to die to protect a single iota of the creed? Why have the Judeans, Romans, and Persiansamong othersseen the Christian creed as a threat to the established social order? In The Creed: Professing the Faith Through the Ages, bestselling author Dr. Scott Hahn recovers and conveys the creed's revolutionary character. Tracing the development of the first formulations of faith in the early Church through later ecumenical councils, The Creed tells the story of how the very profession of our belief in Christ fashions us for heavenly life as we live out our earthly days.
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Decline and Fall of Sacred Scripture: How the Bible Became a Secular Book

Decline and Fall of Sacred Scripture: How the Bible Became a Secular Book
Wiker, Benjamin
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Evangelizing Catholics: A Mission Manual for the New Evangelization

Evangelizing Catholics: A Mission Manual for the New Evangelization
Hahn, Scott
To be a Christian is to be an evangelizer. When the Catholic Church calls us to a "New Evangelization," that's simply a reminder us of what has always been true. The good news is: you can do it - you can evangelize - and Scott Hahn shows you how.
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Father Who Keeps His Promises: Understanding Covenant Love in the Old Testamen

Father Who Keeps His Promises: Understanding Covenant Love in the Old Testamen
Hahn, Scott
Hahn explores the "covenant love" God reveals to us through the Scriptures and explains how God patiently reaches out to us--despite our faults and shortcomings--to restore us into relationship with his divine family. Join Hahn as he follows the high adventure of God's plan for the ages, beginning with Adam and Eve and continuing down through the generations to the coming of Christ and the birth of the Church. You'll discover how the patient love of the Father revealed in the Bible is the same persistent love he has for you. A Servant Book.

The audio edition of this book can be downloaded via Audible.

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Holy Is His Name: The Transforming Power of God’s Holiness in Scripture

Holy Is His Name: The Transforming Power of God’s Holiness in Scripture

Catholics are taught to prize holiness—to admire it in others and to strive for it in their own lives. But we're never quite told what holiness is. In Holy Is His Name: The Transforming Power of God's Holiness in Scripture, Scott Hahn seeks to define the term in order to help us better understand our relationship with holiness. Tracing the meaning of holiness first through the Old Testament and then the New, Hahn masterfully reveals how God gradually transmits his holiness to his people—through creation, right worship, and more—and ultimately transforms them through the sharing of his divine life.

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Hope to Die: The Christian Meaning of Death and the Resurrection of the Body

Hope to Die: The Christian Meaning of Death and the Resurrection of the Body
Hahn, Scott
As Catholics, we believe in the resurrection of the body. We profess it in our creed. We're taught that to bury and pray for the dead are corporal and spiritual works of mercy. We honor the dead in our Liturgy through the Rite of Christian burial. We do all of this, and more, because when Jesus Christ took on flesh for the salvation of our souls he also bestowed great dignity on our bodies.

In Hope to Die: The Christian Meaning of Death and the Resurrection of the Body, Scott Hahn explores the significance of death and burial from a Catholic perspective. The promise of the bodily resurrection brings into focus the need for the dignified care of our bodies at the hour of death. Unpacking both Scripture and Catholic teaching, Hope to Die reminds us that we are destined for glorification on the last day.

Our bodies have been made by a God who loves us. Even in death, those bodies point to the mystery of our salvation.

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It Is Right and Just: Why the Future of Civilization Depends on True Religion

It Is Right and Just: Why the Future of Civilization Depends on True Religion
McGinley, Brandon
Is religion a right given to us by the state? Is it an opium for the masses? Is it private opinion with no role in the public sphere? In It Is Right and Just, bestselling author Scott Hahn and Brandon McGinley challenge our idea of religion and its role in society. Hahn and McGinley argue that to answer questions over religious liberty, justice, and peace, we must first reject the insidious lie perpetuated by secular-liberal culture: that religion is a private matter. Contrary to what political commentators and activists say, religion is not only relevant to justice and law, but is necessary for civilization to thrive. Recover the public nature of true religion, It Is Right and Just argues, and watch as a revolution unfolds.
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Ordinary Work Extraordinary Grace CD

Ordinary Work Extraordinary Grace CD
Hahn, Sc
Scott Hahn's personal introduction to the biblical theology and spirituality of Opus Dei.

Opus Dei is an intriguing and oft-misunderstood organization. To its members, however, Opus Dei is a spiritual path, a way of integrating Jesus' teaching into their everyday lives. In this book, Scott Hahn, a member of Opus Dei, describes the organization's founding and mission and as well as its profound influence on his life.

Hahn recounts the significant role Opus Dei played in his conversion from evangelical Christianity to Catholicism and explains why its teachings remain at the center of his life. Hahn relates personal stories to show how Opus Dei's spirituality enriches the meaning of daily work and transforms ordinary relationships. He offers insights for reconciling spiritual and material goals, discussing such topics as ambition, workaholism, friendship, sex and the place of prayer and sacrifice in living a Christian life.

Engaging and enlightening, Ordinary Work, Extraordinary Grace is both a moving personal story and an inspiring work of contemporary spirituality.

Unabridged. Includes both appendices--an article about St. Josemaría and Scripture written by Hahn and some of St. Josemaría's prayers.

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Ordinary Work, Extraordinary Grace

product image
Hahn, Scott
To conspiracy theorists, Opus Dei is a highly secretive and powerful international organization. To its members, however, Opus Dei is a spiritual path, a way of incorporating the teachings of Jesus into everyday life. In Ordinary Work, Extraordinary Grace, Scott Hahn, a member of Opus Dei, describes the organization's founding, its mission, and its profound influence on his life.

Hahn recounts the invaluable part Opus Dei played in his conversion from Evangelical Christianity to Catholicism and explains why its teachings remain at the center of his life. Through stories about his job, his marriage, his role as a parent, and his community activities, Hahn shows how Opus Dei's spirituality enriches the meaning of daily tasks and transforms ordinary relationships. He offers inspiring insights for reconciling spiritual and material goals, discussing topics ranging from ambition, workaholism, friendship, and sex, to the place of prayer and sacrifice in Christianity today.

Engaging and enlightening, Ordinary Work, Extraordinary Grace is at once a moving personal story and an inspiring work of contemporary spirituality.

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Reasons To Believe: How to Understand, Explain, and Defend the Catholic Faith

Reasons To Believe: How to Understand, Explain, and Defend the Catholic Faith
This book unravels mysteries, corrects misunderstandings, and offers thoughtful, straightforward responses to common objections about the Catholic faith.

Bestselling author Scott Hahn, a convert to Catholicism, has experienced the doubts that so often drive discussions about God and the Church. In the years before his conversion, he was first a nonbeliever and then an anti-Catholic clergyman.

In REASONS TO BELIEVE, he explains the "how and why" of the Catholic faith--drawing from Scripture, his own struggles and those of other converts, as well as from everyday life and even natural science. Hahn shows that reason and revelation, nature and the supernatural, are not opposed to one another; rather they offer complementary evidence that God exists. But He doesn't merely exist. He is someone, and He has a personality, a personal style, that is discernible and knowable. Hahn leads readers to see that God created the universe with a purpose and a form--a form that can be found in the Book of Genesis and that is there when we view the natural world through a microscope, through a telescope, or through our contact lenses.

At the heart of the book is Hahn's examination of the ten "keys to the kingdom"--the characteristics of the Church clearly evident in the Scriptures. As the story of creation discloses, the world is a house that has a Father, a palace where the king is really present. God created the cosmos to be a kingdom, and that kingdom is the universal Church, fully revealed by Jesus Christ.

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Swear to God: The Promise and Power of the Sacraments

Swear to God: The Promise and Power of the Sacraments
Hahn, Scott
The most solemn, majestic, and beautiful gifts that Jesus Christ gave to the world are His sacraments. He endowed them with unprecedented and unparalleled power--power to change lives, save souls, and share God's very life. The sacraments are the ordinary means by which God directs the course of each human life and all of world history.

The Church celebrates seven sacraments: baptism, Eucharist, confirmation, matrimony, holy orders, confession, and anointing of the sick. Each was established by Jesus for the sake of salvation. When Jesus spoke of the sacraments, He made clear that they were essential: Unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God (Jn 3:5) . . . unless you eat of the flesh of the Son of man and drink His blood, you have no life in you (Jn 6: 53).

In Swear to God, Dr. Scott Hahn explores the richness of Christ's sacraments--their doctrine, history, symbols, and rituals. Drawing upon the Bible and the Church's tradition, he shows how God's covenants--with Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and David--became the driving forces in history. When Jesus came to fulfill all these covenants, He established a new covenant, with greater power than ever before. Christians are God's children now. Joined to Christ by baptism, we can already share in the eternal life of the Trinity, a life we hope to know fully in heaven. But heaven is with us, even now, in the sacraments.

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Understanding Our Father: Biblical Reflections on the Lord's Prayer

Understanding Our Father: Biblical Reflections on the Lord's Prayer
Hahn, Scott
The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that the Our Father ?is truly the summary of the whole Gospel? (no. 2761). Catholics pray the Lord's Prayer whenever they worship at Mass and say the Rosary, and other Christians pray it frequently as well. Join Scott Hahn (accompanied by St. Cyprian, St. John Chrysostom, and St. Augustine) as he unlocks the riches of the Lord's Prayer.
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