Confessions: Saint Augustine of Hippo (Critical Ed)
The Confessions of Saint Augustine is considered one of the greatest Christian classics of all time. It is an extended poetic, passionate, intimate prayer that Augustine wrote as an autobiography sometime after his conversion, to confess his sins and proclaim God's goodness. Just as his first hearers were captivated by his powerful conversion story, so also have many millions been over the following sixteen centuries. His experience of God speaks to us across time with little need of transpositions.
This acclaimed new translation by Sister Maria Boulding, O.S.B., masterfully captures his experience, and is written in an elegant and flowing style. Her beautiful contemporary translation of the ancient Confessions makes the classic work more accessible to modern readers. Her translation combines the linguistic accuracy demanded by 4th-century Latin with the poetic power aimed at by Augustine, not as discernable in previous translations.
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Meaning of Vocation
The Meaning of Vocation: In the Words of John Paul II Over the years, the Holy Father has said much about The Meaning of Vocation and how Catholics should respond to God?s call ? but it has been scattered through dozens of addresses he has given all over the world. Now at last this compact compendium collects the Pope?s choicest remarks on God?s call and how you should strive to hear and obey Him. He helps you clarify what God is calling you to do, explains how and when God calls, and even helps parents face up to their children's vocations!
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Tour of the Summa
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Amazing Grace For Fathers: 75 Stories of Faith, Hope, Inspiration, and Humor
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Catholic Men's Bible
NABRE Translation - Paperback - Our Sunday Visitor
"No Bible no breakfast, no Bible no bed!"-- Fr. Larry Richards
Well known preacher, teacher, and author Fr. Larry Richards has the God-given gift of being able to meet men right where they are, and his no-holds-barred approach has helped millions draw closer to God and more fully live out their Catholic faith.
Now for the first time, Our Sunday Visitor has combined the trusted NABRE version of the Catholic Bible with the teachings, wisdom, and instruction of Fr. Larry Richards in the Catholic Men's Bible, NABRE.
In 88 inserts, you will be challenged, enlightened, and even amused with topics like:
- The Most Important Question
- The Key to Manhood
- God Has a Plan for Your Life
- Men Strengthen Men
- Sex is Holy
- The Courage to Be a Man
- What a Good Man is Like
- Just Do It!
The combination of Holy Scripture with Fr. Larry's instructional selections gives you a new and easy way to become the man God intended you to be by incorporating Bible study into your daily life - before breakfast, before bed, or any time during the day!
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The New Catholic Answer Bible
NAB Translation
No book in the history of the world has wielded as much influence on humankind as the Holy Bible!
What makes The New Catholic Answer Bible so unique are the answers to questions about Catholic beliefs and practices and their foundation in Scripture. From Where Did the Bible Come From? Are the Seven Sacraments in the Bible? Are Catholics "Born Again"? Why Do Catholic Bibles Have Seventy-three Books? These eighty-eight diverse topics answer tough questions Catholics are asked!
The New Catholic Answer Bible is perfect for those who want to:
Learn more about the Catholic Faith
Increase their knowledge of Scripture and deepen their appreciation for it
Better respond when others ask them about the Catholic Church and its teachings
The New Catholic Answer Bible is a wonderful gift for a family member or friend who is in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) or has recently joined the Church.
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In My Father's Footprints
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Running Hard, Finishing Strong: 7 Stops to Building Momentum in Your Spiritual Life
Nowhere is this more true than in our Christian faith. The ultimate goal of reaching Heaven should be the driving force in our lives. But yet, how many times do we get stuck in the minutia of daily life? How many times do we give into self-pity or a feeling of unworthiness? How many times do we simply feel like we are spinning our wheels, perhaps not going backwards, but definitely not moving forward?
Momentum makes all the difference.
By building momentum, it doesn't matter if you stumble. It doesn't matter if you fall. By building momentum, it you see the process instead of the promises. You make the important connections instead of being sidetracked by life's random events.
Here is the practical guide for developing a momentum mindset that connects your faith with real life in a way that supports, motivates, encourages and enhances your efforts along the way. It's a process that focuses squarely not just on who you are, but who you want to become.
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What Matters Most: Empowering Young Catholics for Life's Big Decisions
DeLorenzo includes personal stories from his experience as a father and working with youth and young adults with spiritual wisdom to equip teachers, mentors, pastoral ministers, and parents to reexamine the way they encourage and help form young Catholics approaching significant life choices such as college and jobs. He presents ways to remedy spiritual deficits in these young people created by cultural realities such as the fast pace of tech-driven lives and the looming pressure to succeed with worldly accomplishments.
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#blessedmother: How to Follow, Share, and Defend Mary in the World of Social Media
"Ah, would that I could proclaim throughout the whole world the mercy that you have shown to me! Would that everyone might know I should be already damned, were it not for Mary!" - Saint Louis de Montfort
We post, tweet, share, like, heart, double-tap, save, pin, and tag. Like it or "unlike" it, social media is an important way for Catholics today to share the Catholic Faith, including our devotion to the #BlessedMother. But as is often the case in social media, comments can be short, cutting, or downright hateful when friends or followers don't understand our Marian devotion. And even the most confident Catholics can be at a loss as to how to respond.
In #BlessedMother: How to Follow, Share, and Defend Mary in the World of Social Media, author, podcaster, and TV show host Tommy Tighe helps Catholics defend and explain our relationship with Our Lady with wisdom and grace - in 280 characters or less.
#BlessedMother will:
Social media can be a powerful tool for sharing Christ, and Mary wants to be a part of that, through you.
Tommy Tighe is a Catholic husband and father of four boys living in the San Francisco Bay area, where he works as a marriage and family therapist.
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10 Great Dates Before You Say 'I Do'
10 Fun, Innovative Relationship-Building Dates for Seriously Dating and Engaged Couples!
10 Great Dates Before You Say "I Do" combines the best of marriage preparation research with a fun, easy-to-follow format. Couples will love growing together while going out together:
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100 Daily Acts of Friendship for Girls: A Devotional
Also included are 50 sidebars with activities that provide practical ideas for creating and sustaining strong friendships.
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100 Ways John Paul II Changed the World
"There is no evil to be faced that Christ does not face with us. There is no enemy that Christ has not already conquered. There is no cross to bear that Christ has not already borne for us, and does not now bear with us."
Pope Saint John Paul II embodied these words throughout his life. Born May 18, 1920, in Wadowice, Poland, Karol Józef Wojtyla lived in times of political turmoil. As a young man during the Nazi occupation of Poland, he studied in an underground seminary. As pope, he was instrumental in the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe. Through it all, he maintained an unwavering hope in the ultimate triumph of love, truth, and beauty. He remains a hero to millions of people for his unflinching defense of the Church and her teachings.
John Paul II changed the world in many ways; this book describes 100 of the most important. Each of the 100 accomplishments, teachings, or stories about John Paul II is fascinating, providing a glimpse into the astounding life and impact of this great and beloved saint.
"No one can deny that Pope Saint John Paul II had a staggering impact on the world. Among other things, he was a political visionary, a cultural influencer, an artist, a formidable thinker and theologian, and above all, a courageous shepherd of the people of God. Patrick Novecosky has done the Church and the world an invaluable service by highlighting 100 of the most important ways in which this beloved saint transformed the world by urging souls to 'Be not afraid, ' and to allow themselves to fall deeply in love with Christ." -- Raymond Arroyo, EWTN News Director and New York Times bestselling author
"Pope Saint John Paul II was a leader in every sense -- spiritual, moral, intellectual, and political. With vision, charisma, and most of all love, he exerted a profound and lasting influence on the Church and the world, and that influence continues today -- 100 years after his birth. Of course, he changed the world in millions of ways that no book will ever be able to capture. But in 100 Ways John Paul II Changed the World, Patrick Novecosky offers a sweeping picture of the astonishing impact of this great man. Read this book and share it with everyone you know." -- Senator Rick Santorum
"I cannot think of anyone who has had a bigger impact on the world in recent years than Saint John Paul II. Patrick has masterfully described 100 ways in which this saint has brought about global change. This list is important as it reminds us of the changes that must be upheld and provides inspiration to those who want to bring about 100 more changes!" -- Jeff Cavins, founder of The Great Adventure Bible Study
"To many, Saint John Paul II was the only pope they knew while growing up. However, many younger Catholics have yet to discover the greatness of his life and legacy. In his book 100 Ways John Paul II Changed the World, Patrick Novecosky offers a wealth of stories and examples that will rekindle devotion in all for this tremendous saint!" -- Jason Evert, author of Saint John Paul the Great and Theology of the Body in One Hour
"Patrick entered the winner's circle when he wrote this book, unpacking the historical papacy of Saint John Paul into 100 topics that reveal the breadth, depth, and beauty of his long pontificate. Thorough, well-researched and documented, yet easily readable, 100 Ways unveils the brightness of John Paul's soul, the brilliance of his mind, and the boldness of his travels and initiatives such as World Youth Days. Behind every gesture, every prayer, every innovation, every apostolic trip, every bold move was John Paul's simple, childlike, trusting faith in both God and mankind. Patrick's personal stories and memories of Saint John Paul enhance this riveting journey through a unique papacy, and leave you awed, inspired and thankful for this saintly pontiff." -- Joan Lewis, EWTN's Rome Bureau Chief
"A fascinating and enjoyable commentary, rich with insights into the many facets and feats of the inimitable Pope John Paul II." -- Patrick Madrid, host of the Patrick Madrid Show on Relevant Radio
"Novecosky has done a superb job pulling together many of the threads in Saint John Paul II's life. At the heart of this story, you will see the fruit of a life lived from a place of encounter with Jesus Christ. There is something in 100 Ways for everyone -- I highly recommend it!" -- Curtis Martin, founder, Fellowship of Catholic University Students
"In 1997, Patrick Novecosky and I were both in Rome for the first time. Over pizza and gelato, we spoke of what it would be like to meet the saintly Polish pope. Days later Patrick was blessed to meet him while I missed the opportunity because I ate too much gelato and got sick! Now in this delightful book, my longtime friend has reminded me of why John Paul II was so great and why he remains one of my greatest heroes. I highly recommend this book to everyone. John Paul II, we still love you!" -- Very Rev. Donald Calloway MIC, Vicar Provincial, Marian Fathers
"A brilliant glimpse into an extraordinary life! Flipping through the pages of 100 Ways was like looking at a photo album of Saint John Paul II's life. Each short story paints a picture of an amazing accomplishment in the life of this modern-day saint and shows how everything he did was rooted in relationship -- his relationship with countries and world leaders, religious and laity, saints and sinners, children and elderly, fathers and mothers, authors, artists, women, teenagers, and ultimately his relationship with Jesus Christ and his Blessed Mother. This book opened my eyes to the incredible depth of influence Saint John Paul II had on the world and made me realize that treating everyone we meet with openness, respect, and tenderness is how we can evangelize each and every day!" -- Kelly Wahlquist, founder of WINE: Women In the New Evangelization, author of Created to Relate: God's Design for Peace and Joy
"A beautiful tribute to an exceptional human being. Whether you are a longtime fan of Saint John Paul II, or just beginning to learn about his world-changing legacy, this book is a must-read!" -- Danielle Bean, brand manager of
"A unique collection of short, historic snapshots of Pope John Paul II's life and thought, 100 Ways is a delightful blend of history, commentary, and quotes from the pope himself. Extremely readable, engaging, and inspiring, it's a perfect gift, and a book of gems you will return to again and again." -- Vinny Flynn, speaker and author of Seven Secrets of the Eucharist
"The pontificate of Pope John Paul II will be remembered for many things, ranging from his voluminous writings to his impact on world history. It is because his legacy is so daunting that we need a book that compresses his life into an easily readable format. This is what Patrick Novecosky has done. He has made John Paul II's pontificate accessible to everyone, and for that we can all be grateful." -- Bill Donohue, President of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
"I thank my friend Patrick Novecosky for a fantastic book -- eminently readable, overflowing with the pope's own words, recounting so many aspects of his astounding life, both internal and external, and reminding us that we must not miss out on the lessons of a pope and saint whom God placed right in our midst." -- Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life
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101 Lunchbox Notes For Girls
Share a nutritious snack and a simple truth from God's Word when you include a note from the encouraging 101 Lunchbox Notes For Girls in your daughter or granddaughter's lunchbox. This bright teal notepad displays the title in a fun design within a creamy white hexagon outlined in pink. 101 Tear-Off Lunchbox Notes for Girls Colorfully decorated and thoughtfully designed, each note features a motivating phrase, and many feature a corresponding Scripture verse. Your daughter, niece, or granddaughter can keep each note with her throughout her day, reflecting on the Lord's will for her life. The back of each note is left blank for you to add your own encouraging words. The 101 lunchbox notes are printed on a full-color tear-off sheets that fits in the palm of your hand. Support a mom of tween and teen girls when you give the 101 Lunchbox Notes For Girls as a small gift of encouragement or keep a set for yourself to tuck in your own children's lunchboxes. Encourage your daughter and let her know how much you care when you add a note from the 101 Lunchbox Notes For Girls in her lunch bag
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101 Lunchbox Notes For Guys
The 101 Lunchbox Notes For Guys is the perfect way to let your son know you're thinking about him, even when you can't be with him. These colorful notes are perfect for reminding him that God has a special plan for his life.
The navy argyle-patterned notepad holds the title within a white hexagon shape outlined in navy blue.
101 Tear-Off Lunchbox Notes for Guys
These notes contain truth and promises from God's Word and are specifically tailored for tween and teenage guys. The full-color tear-off sheets feature encouraging Scripture verses paired with inspiring thoughts to encourage your son or grandson. The notes are small enough to fold up and fit easily in a pocket so he can keep them with him all day.Give these lunchbox notes to a parent with tween and teenage sons to help spread a little love along with lunch. The 101 Lunchbox Notes For Guys are a great addition to a welcome basket for a new family in your neighborhood or church.
Navy blue cardboard covers
101 lunchbox notes for guys
Pre-printed notes on front
101 full-color tear-off sheets
Includes Scripture verses
Blank space on back for your own message
Sheet size: 4.4” x 4" (112 x 102mm)
Notepad size: 4.4" x 4" x 0.5" (112 x 102 x 13mm)
Packaged in a self-seal bag with a hanging tab
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101 Surprising Facts about Church History
The Catholic Church is the longest-standing and the most universal of all institutions. The contributions made by Catholic men and women over the past 2000 years are most impressive, from a properly functioning calendar to the inventions of many things that we all take for granted today.
In 101 Surprising Facts About Church History, Fr. Meconi, SJ walks readers through the most amazing achievements of Christ's Body on earth. From economic and mercantile developments to scientific and astronomical advances, from the cataloging of zoological and botanical species to the cherishing of beautiful music and fine arts, Fr. Meconi shows you why the Catholic Church stands as the greatest promoter of human culture and knowledge.
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101 Surprising Facts about Mary
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101 Surprising Facts about St. Peter's and the Vatican
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101 Surprising Facts about the Bible
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101 Tips for a Happier Marriage
101 Tips for a Happier Marriage: Simple Ways for Couples to Grow Closer to God and to Each Other offers Catholic couples concise, practical, and at times humorous suggestions for creating and sustaining a more joyful, peace-filled marriage that is steeped in the beauty and mystery of Catholic faith.
Insights from marriage and family scholar Jennifer Roback Morse combine with the stories of young mother and wife Betsy Kerekes to make this a book for any Catholic couple--young or old--wanting to nurture their marriage. 101 Tips for a Happier Marriage is designed to help Catholic couples improve their relationships by making small changes in their habits, attitudes, and spirituality. Suggestions for everything from the most mundane aspects of marital life (housework, budgeting, weekend football) to the make-or-break components (forgiveness, kindness, prayer) help readers to love and appreciate their spouses anew.
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101 Tips for Marrying the Right Person: Helping Singles Find Each Other, Contemplate Marriage, and Say I Do
Are you confused about how to find your true love? Do you want to work on a current dating relationship, preparing it for engagement and marriage?
Packed into 101 bite-sized suggestions, 101 Tips for Marrying the Right Person is the help you need to approach dating with confidence and joy, while at the same time helping you become the best, most marriage-ready version of yourself. Jennifer Roback Morse and Betsy Kerekes offer inspiration and advice for all stages of your relationship.
With research conducted by the Ruth Institute and almost fifty years of marriage experience between them, authors Jennifer Roback Morse and Betsy Kerekes have compiled their best tips to inspire and support Catholic singles during all stages of dating and engagement. The life-changing ideas in 101 Tips for Marrying the Right Person offer short, practical suggestions that will help you find a mate and build a strong relationship.
You'll find advice for meeting other Catholic singles, questions to ask yourself before getting too serious, and topics to talk about before engagement. Tips include:
Morse and Kerekes clearly articulate the challenges that face single Catholics today. The hook-up and cohabitation culture is prevalent in our society and in the media, making the temptation to succumb strong. The authors want you to know that you aren't weak for being interested in these options, but you are strong enough to resist them. You can combat these challenges by recognizing single life and dating as ideal times to discern your own call to the vocation of marriage as well as your dating relationship's readiness for the sacrament.
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12 Steps to Holiness and Salvation
St. Alphonsus reviews the 12 key virtues: Love, Hope, Love of God, Love of Neighbor, Poverty, Chastity, Obedience, Meekness or Humility, Morti cation, Recollection, Prayer, and Love of the Cross."
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12 Steps to Holiness and Salvation
The 12 Steps to Holiness is compiled from the writings of St. Alphonsus Liguori and is rated as one of the most beautiful and inspiring books by numerous TAN readers. St. Alphonsus develops, in the most simple language, yet with the greatest learning, the 12 key virtues necessary for salvation: faith, hope, love of God, love of neighbor, poverty, chastity, obedience, meekness or humility, mortification, recollection, prayer and self-denial or love of the cross. This book is written with such an encompassing view that its message is for all—religious or layman, the young or the old, the pious or the wayward. The reader will marvel at the balance, the simplicity, the learning, the interest, the calm and the holy unction that penetrate this work. And he will find himself repeatedly marking significant passage and returning to them again and again for instruction and edification. Here is a book, quite simply, for everyone who would save his soul.
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150 People, Places, and Things You Never Knew Were Catholic
Good luck getting through an entire day without experiencing the impact of Catholicism. Woken up by an alarm or checked the time? The mechanical clock was invented in the tenth century by a monk who became pope. A bowl of cereal for breakfast? Your milk is safe thanks to Louis Pasteur, a devout Catholic whose research was driven by a love of God and humanity. Knock on wood? It's actually an ancient Catholic practice invoking the power of the Cross when facing trouble or danger.
Each entry in 150 People, Places, and Things You Never Knew Were Catholic is rich with detail and nuance. Here are Catholic stories full of drama, decisions, and inspiration.
The fruits of our Catholic Faith are all around us, and the ways in which the Church has shaped history and the secular world can be found in science, art, pop culture, sports, and more. Our most enduring (and endearing) customs, pastimes, practices, and institutions often can be traced back to an inventive, resourceful Catholic. You'll discover things you never knew -- and come away with inspiration for how you, too, can impact the world.
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16 Marriages That Made History
When we think of famous persons in history, we usually remember their great deeds in the areas of science, politics, art, etc. But for some, their greatest achievement in life was not played out before the public, but rather took place within the private sphere of their marriage. The world may remember them for their extraordinary gifts and accomplishments, but they, at the end of their lives, were most mindful of their greatest love: their spouse. This book honors the hidden love adventures of several famous persons in history. It offers concrete examples of marriages that transformed these well-known individuals in deep and personal ways. These are not fairy tales of marriages "made in heaven;" they are stories of real people with real struggles, who, through their marriage, were challenged, strengthened, and encouraged to grow in their capacity for love. In this book, you will learn: How marriages can grow stronger through time, how marriage can provide tremendous strength for facing life's difficulties, how people with very different personalities can be completely united in marriage, how one woman's selfless love saved her marriage, how a queen learned to put her husband and her marriage ahead of power, how one couple's united search for truth led them to embrace the Catholic Faith. This book will help to restore your confidence in the power of marriage. It is recommended for those just starting out on their marriage journey, as well as for those already well advanced along the path. Gerard Castillo is a professor of Education at the University of Navarra, Spain, where he teaches courses in education, marriage, and family. He is the author of over thirty books on these subjects.
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1962 Daily Missal Roman Catholic BLK
Now in the eighth printing of the first totally retypeset, 1962 Latin-English Daily Missal for the laity since Vatican II. This is the most complete missal ever produced in the English language. We have included everything in a missal that is affordable while being of the highest durability.
The Roman Catholic Daily Missal will become your life-long liturgical companion at Church, at home, and on the road.
- All new typesetting: not a photographic reproduction
- Clear and crisp type
- According to the 1962juxtatypica edition of the Missale Romanum
- All liturgical texts in Latin and English (both Propers and Ordinary)
- All readings in English (Douay-Rheims) and Latin
- All music in Gregorian notation
- Ordinary with rubrics in red
- Gilt edges
- 5 liturgically-colored ribbons
- Smythe Sewn, rounded back binding with durable, gold-embossed flexible cover
- Rounded corners on pages and cover
- Reinforced 80 lb. resin-impregnated endsheets for extreme durability (which will not tear like printed paper endsheets)
- Fully and thoroughly Indexed
- Printed and bound in the USA using the finest natural Bible paper
Why is this the most complete missal ever?
- All the Masses of the Liturgical Year according to the Roman calendar of 1962 Temporal and Sanctoral Cycles and accompanying rites (Blessing of Ashes, Blessing of Palms, Chrism Mass, and the Blessing of Holy Oils, etc.)
- Complete Holy Week Liturgy of 1962
- Supplements containing the additional Masses for the United States and Canada
- Feasts of particular Religious Congregations' Liturgical Calendars
- Table of Movable Feasts updated until 2050 AD
- Masses for the Dead (including infants) Complete Burial Service and Prayers for the Dead
- Marriage Service
- Special Commemorations
- 39 Votive Mass Collects
- 17 Votive Masses Common Masses of the Saints and the Blessed Virgin
- Conclusions of Collects
- Rite of Baptism
- The Churching of Women
- Rite of Confirmation
- Rite of Extreme Unction
- Various Blessings
- Vespers for Sundays and Feasts
- Compline for Sundays
- Office ofTenebrae
- The Itinerary or Office Before a Journey
- Various Devotions and Prayers including favorite Litanies, the Way of the Cross, Prayers of the Rosary,etc.
- Morning and Evening Prayers
- Devotions for Confession
- Litany of the Saints
- Devotions for Communion
- Anthems to the Blessed Virgin
- Hymns in honor of Our Lord and Our Lady
- An explanation of The Liturgy or Public Worship of the Catholic and Roman Church
- A Summary of Christian Doctrine
- Kyrialewith Tones for the Most Common sets of Masses (I Lux et Origo, II Kyrie Fons Bonitatis, IV Cunctipotens Genitor Deus, VIII De Angelis, IX Cum Jubilo, XI Orbis Factor, XVII Sundays of Advent & Lent, and XVIII Deus Genitor Alme)
- Tones for Asperges and Vidi Aquam
- Tones for three of the most common Credos: I, III, and IV
- Te Deum and much, much more!
1,980 pp. Sewn binding, gold-embossed skivertex cover.
Size: 6.75" x 4.25"
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2024 Blessed is She Catholic Academic Liturgical Planner - Mini Layout
- Common prayers included in the front of the Planner, including an Examination of Conscience and How to Pray the Rosary
- Space for gratitude, prayer intentions, and daily prayer routines
- Bubbles for habit tracking
- Pockets for holding prayer cards, notes, etc.
- Saints of the day (feast days)
- Novena start dates throughout the year
- Weekly bible verses inspired by our theme
- Elastic closing band
- Monthly calendar layouts & thematic reflections (with journaling space!)
- Monthly tabs for each month
- Full color throughout entire book
- Liturgical colors used throughout the planner to be reminded of the Church's calendar (aka - all the seasons!)
- 80 lb white paper stock
- Soft-touch lamination on a hardcover
Unique to the Mini Layout:
- Planner size: 6.25x8.25
- Planner weight: 1.6 lbs
- Pre-month planning page with space for goals setting
- To-do list style, with checkboxes and lines
- Small lines for daily meal planning, gratitude, and prayer routine
- Two options: Spiral Bound or Perfect Bound
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2024 Guide for Christian Prayer LOH Lg Print
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2024 Guide for the LOH 4 Vol LG Type
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2024 St. Joseph Sunday Missal Prayerbook and Hymnal
Perfect Worship Aid for Personal or Parish Use...A Missal with a Rich History Meets Today's Need
For over 50 years, the New...St. Joseph Sunday Missal Prayerbook and Hymnal has accompanied countless Catholics in countless parishes as they approach the table of the Lord each Sunday.
This Missal serves as a welcome companion to help the faithful participate more fully in the Mass--our greatest prayer.
With this compact, personal Missal, the faithful will have at their fingertips the complete readings and prayers for all the Masses celebrated on the Sundays and Holydays of the Church Year. In addition, this Missal includes all the celebrations of the Sacred Paschal Triduum.
Valuable Features
We invite and encourage you to enrich your Sunday worship--in church or at home--with your personal copy of our New...St. Joseph Sunday Missal Prayerbook and Hymnal for 2024.
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